641 research outputs found

    Towards a deeper understanding of APN functions and related longstanding problems

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    This dissertation is dedicated to the properties, construction and analysis of APN and AB functions. Being cryptographically optimal, these functions lack any general structure or patterns, which makes their study very challenging. Despite intense work since at least the early 90's, many important questions and conjectures in the area remain open. We present several new results, many of which are directly related to important longstanding open problems; we resolve some of these problems, and make significant progress towards the resolution of others. More concretely, our research concerns the following open problems: i) the maximum algebraic degree of an APN function, and the Hamming distance between APN functions (open since 1998); ii) the classification of APN and AB functions up to CCZ-equivalence (an ongoing problem since the introduction of APN functions, and one of the main directions of research in the area); iii) the extension of the APN binomial x3+βx36x^3 + \beta x^{36} over F210F_{2^{10}} into an infinite family (open since 2006); iv) the Walsh spectrum of the Dobbertin function (open since 2001); v) the existence of monomial APN functions CCZ-inequivalent to ones from the known families (open since 2001); vi) the problem of efficiently and reliably testing EA- and CCZ-equivalence (ongoing, and open since the introduction of APN functions). In the course of investigating these problems, we obtain i.a. the following results: 1) a new infinite family of APN quadrinomials (which includes the binomial x3+βx36x^3 + \beta x^{36} over F210F_{2^{10}}); 2) two new invariants, one under EA-equivalence, and one under CCZ-equivalence; 3) an efficient and easily parallelizable algorithm for computationally testing EA-equivalence; 4) an efficiently computable lower bound on the Hamming distance between a given APN function and any other APN function; 5) a classification of all quadratic APN polynomials with binary coefficients over F2nF_{2^n} for n≤9n \le 9; 6) a construction allowing the CCZ-equivalence class of one monomial APN function to be obtained from that of another; 7) a conjecture giving the exact form of the Walsh spectrum of the Dobbertin power functions; 8) a generalization of an infinite family of APN functions to a family of functions with a two-valued differential spectrum, and an example showing that this Gold-like behavior does not occur for infinite families of quadratic APN functions in general; 9) a new class of functions (the so-called partially APN functions) defined by relaxing the definition of the APN property, and several constructions and non-existence results related to them.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Triplicate functions

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    We define the class of triplicate functions as a generalization of 3-to-1 functions over F2n\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}} for even values of n. We investigate the properties and behavior of triplicate functions, and of 3-to-1 among triplicate functions, with particular attention to the conditions under which such functions can be APN. We compute the exact number of distinct differential sets of power APN functions and quadratic 3-to-1 functions; we show that, in this sense, quadratic 3-to-1 functions are a generalization of quadratic power APN functions for even dimensions, in the same way that quadratic APN permutations are generalizations of quadratic power APN functions for odd dimensions. We show that quadratic 3-to-1 APN functions cannot be CCZ-equivalent to permutations in the case of doubly-even dimensions. We compute a lower bound on the Hamming distance between any two quadratic 3-to-1 APN functions, and give an upper bound on the number of such functions over F2n\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}} for any even n. We survey all known infinite families of APN functions with respect to the presence of 3-to-1 functions among them, and conclude that for even n almost all of the known infinite families contain functions that are quadratic 3-to-1 or are EA-equivalent to quadratic 3-to-1 functions. We also give a simpler univariate representation in the case of singly-even dimensions of the family recently introduced by Göloglu than the ones currently available in the literature. We conduct a computational search for quadratic 3-to-1 functions in even dimensions n ≤ 12. We find six new APN instances for n = 10, and the first sporadic APN instance for n = 12 since 2006. We provide a list of all known 3-to-1 APN functions for n ≤ 12.publishedVersio

    Processing Succinct Matrices and Vectors

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    We study the complexity of algorithmic problems for matrices that are represented by multi-terminal decision diagrams (MTDD). These are a variant of ordered decision diagrams, where the terminal nodes are labeled with arbitrary elements of a semiring (instead of 0 and 1). A simple example shows that the product of two MTDD-represented matrices cannot be represented by an MTDD of polynomial size. To overcome this deficiency, we extended MTDDs to MTDD_+ by allowing componentwise symbolic addition of variables (of the same dimension) in rules. It is shown that accessing an entry, equality checking, matrix multiplication, and other basic matrix operations can be solved in polynomial time for MTDD_+-represented matrices. On the other hand, testing whether the determinant of a MTDD-represented matrix vanishes PSPACE$-complete, and the same problem is NP-complete for MTDD_+-represented diagonal matrices. Computing a specific entry in a product of MTDD-represented matrices is #P-complete.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper will appear in the Proceedings of CSR 201

    Analysis of combinatorial search spaces for a class of NP-hard problems, An

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    2011 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Given a finite but very large set of states X and a real-valued objective function Æ’ defined on X, combinatorial optimization refers to the problem of finding elements of X that maximize (or minimize) Æ’. Many combinatorial search algorithms employ some perturbation operator to hill-climb in the search space. Such perturbative local search algorithms are state of the art for many classes of NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems such as maximum k-satisfiability, scheduling, and problems of graph theory. In this thesis we analyze combinatorial search spaces by expanding the objective function into a (sparse) series of basis functions. While most analyses of the distribution of function values in the search space must rely on empirical sampling, the basis function expansion allows us to directly study the distribution of function values across regions of states for combinatorial problems without the need for sampling. We concentrate on objective functions that can be expressed as bounded pseudo-Boolean functions which are NP-hard to solve in general. We use the basis expansion to construct a polynomial-time algorithm for exactly computing constant-degree moments of the objective function Æ’ over arbitrarily large regions of the search space. On functions with restricted codomains, these moments are related to the true distribution by a system of linear equations. Given low moments supplied by our algorithm, we construct bounds of the true distribution of Æ’ over regions of the space using a linear programming approach. A straightforward relaxation allows us to efficiently approximate the distribution and hence quickly estimate the count of states in a given region that have certain values under the objective function. The analysis is also useful for characterizing properties of specific combinatorial problems. For instance, by connecting search space analysis to the theory of inapproximability, we prove that the bound specified by Grover's maximum principle for the Max-Ek-Lin-2 problem is sharp. Moreover, we use the framework to prove certain configurations are forbidden in regions of the Max-3-Sat search space, supplying the first theoretical confirmation of empirical results by others. Finally, we show that theoretical results can be used to drive the design of algorithms in a principled manner by using the search space analysis developed in this thesis in algorithmic applications. First, information obtained from our moment retrieving algorithm can be used to direct a hill-climbing search across plateaus in the Max-k-Sat search space. Second, the analysis can be used to control the mutation rate on a (1+1) evolutionary algorithm on bounded pseudo-Boolean functions so that the offspring of each search point is maximized in expectation. For these applications, knowledge of the search space structure supplied by the analysis translates to significant gains in the performance of search

    Generalized ordinal analysis and reflection principles in set theory

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    It is widely claimed that the natural axiom systems\unicode{x2013}including the large cardinal axioms\unicode{x2013}form a well-ordered hierarchy. Yet, as is well-known, it is possible to exhibit non-linearity and ill-foundedness by means of \emph{ad hoc} constructions. In this paper we formulate notions of proof-theoretic strength based on set-theoretic reflection principles. We prove that they coincide with orderings on theories given by the generalized ordinal analysis of Pohlers. Accordingly, these notions of proof-theoretic strength engender genuinely well-ordered hierarchies. The reflection principles considered in this paper are formulated relative to G\"odel's constructible universe; we conclude with generalizations to other inner models.Comment: 36 page

    Walsh functions : shape analysis and other applications

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    Due to their binary nature, the Walsh functions have considerable advantages over the traditional sinusoidal functions used in Fourier analysis when the computations are carried out by a general purpose binary digital computer. The important properties of the Walsh functions which illustrate these advantages are examined and developed. The Walsh transform and spectrum are presented in relation to the problem of function approximation, and various computational procedures for effecting the transform are explained. The unconventional 'logical' transform is developed from the Walsh transform, and there is a discussion on the subject of interpreting the resulting spectrum. There are other functions, such as the Haar functions, which are closely related to the Walsh functions, and their advantages are indicated. The process of shape analysis is dealt with in terms of its relation to the more widely treated problem of pattern recognition. An application of shape analysis, using Walsh functions, to a study of leaf shapes is illustrated by experimental results. A completely different approach to shape analysis is taken in the chapter on Pattern Generation and Simulation of Growth Processes. Other applications of Walsh functions, particularly of the 'logical' transform, are discussed in the final chapter. Throughout, tested computer programs are used to provide examples, back up conjectures, and generally illustrate numerous points in the text


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    Developing a labelled object-relational constraint database architecture for the projection operator

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    Current relational databases have been developed in order to improve the handling of stored data, however, there are some types of information that have to be analysed for which no suitable tools are available. These new types of data can be represented and treated as constraints, allowing a set of data to be represented through equations, inequations and Boolean combinations of both. To this end, constraint databases were defined and some prototypes were developed. Since there are aspects that can be improved, we propose a new architecture called labelled object-relational constraint database (LORCDB). This provides more expressiveness, since the database is adapted in order to support more types of data, instead of the data having to be adapted to the database. In this paper, the projection operator of SQL is extended so that it works with linear and polynomial constraints and variables of constraints. In order to optimize query evaluation efficiency, some strategies and algorithms have been used to obtain an efficient query plan. Most work on constraint databases uses spatiotemporal data as case studies. However, this paper proposes model-based diagnosis since it is a highly potential research area, and model-based diagnosis permits more complicated queries than spatiotemporal examples. Our architecture permits the queries over constraints to be defined over different sets of variables by using symbolic substitution and elimination of variables.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2006-15476-C02-0

    A new class of hyper-bent functions and Kloosterman sums

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    This paper is devoted to the characterization of hyper-bent functions. Several classes of hyper-bent functions have been studied, such as Charpin and Gong\u27s ∑r∈RTr1n(arxr(2m−1))\sum\limits_{r\in R}\mathrm{Tr}_{1}^{n} (a_{r}x^{r(2^m-1)}) and Mesnager\u27s ∑r∈RTr1n(arxr(2m−1))+Tr12(bx2n−13)\sum\limits_{r\in R}\mathrm{Tr}_{1}^{n}(a_{r}x^{r(2^m-1)}) +\mathrm{Tr}_{1}^{2}(bx^{\frac{2^n-1}{3}}), where RR is a set of representations of the cyclotomic cosets modulo 2m+12^m+1 of full size nn and ar∈F2ma_{r}\in \mathbb{F}_{2^m}. In this paper, we generalize their results and consider a class of Boolean functions of the form ∑r∈R∑i=02Tr1n(ar,ixr(2m−1)+2n−13i)+Tr12(bx2n−13)\sum_{r\in R}\sum_{i=0}^{2}Tr^n_1(a_{r,i}x^{r(2^m-1)+\frac{2^n-1}{3}i}) +Tr^2_1(bx^{\frac{2^n-1}{3}}), where n=2mn=2m, mm is odd, b∈F4b\in\mathbb{F}_4, and ar,i∈F2na_{r,i}\in \mathbb{F}_{2^n}. With the restriction of ar,i∈F2ma_{r,i}\in \mathbb{F}_{2^m}, we present the characterization of hyper-bentness of these functions with character sums. Further, we reformulate this characterization in terms of the number of points on hyper-elliptic curves. For some special cases, with the help of Kloosterman sums and cubic sums, we determine the characterization for some hyper-bent functions including functions with four, six and ten traces terms. Evaluations of Kloosterman sums at three general points are used in the characterization. Actually, our results can generalized to the general case: ar,i∈F2na_{r,i}\in \mathbb{F}_{2^n}. And we explain this for characterizing binomial, trinomial and quadrinomial hyper-bent functions
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