26,600 research outputs found

    Performance Characterization of Multi-threaded Graph Processing Applications on Intel Many-Integrated-Core Architecture

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    Intel Xeon Phi many-integrated-core (MIC) architectures usher in a new era of terascale integration. Among emerging killer applications, parallel graph processing has been a critical technique to analyze connected data. In this paper, we empirically evaluate various computing platforms including an Intel Xeon E5 CPU, a Nvidia Geforce GTX1070 GPU and an Xeon Phi 7210 processor codenamed Knights Landing (KNL) in the domain of parallel graph processing. We show that the KNL gains encouraging performance when processing graphs, so that it can become a promising solution to accelerating multi-threaded graph applications. We further characterize the impact of KNL architectural enhancements on the performance of a state-of-the art graph framework.We have four key observations: 1 Different graph applications require distinctive numbers of threads to reach the peak performance. For the same application, various datasets need even different numbers of threads to achieve the best performance. 2 Only a few graph applications benefit from the high bandwidth MCDRAM, while others favor the low latency DDR4 DRAM. 3 Vector processing units executing AVX512 SIMD instructions on KNLs are underutilized when running the state-of-the-art graph framework. 4 The sub-NUMA cache clustering mode offering the lowest local memory access latency hurts the performance of graph benchmarks that are lack of NUMA awareness. At last, We suggest future works including system auto-tuning tools and graph framework optimizations to fully exploit the potential of KNL for parallel graph processing.Comment: published as L. Jiang, L. Chen and J. Qiu, "Performance Characterization of Multi-threaded Graph Processing Applications on Many-Integrated-Core Architecture," 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), Belfast, United Kingdom, 2018, pp. 199-20

    K-core decomposition of Internet graphs: hierarchies, self-similarity and measurement biases

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    We consider the kk-core decomposition of network models and Internet graphs at the autonomous system (AS) level. The kk-core analysis allows to characterize networks beyond the degree distribution and uncover structural properties and hierarchies due to the specific architecture of the system. We compare the kk-core structure obtained for AS graphs with those of several network models and discuss the differences and similarities with the real Internet architecture. The presence of biases and the incompleteness of the real maps are discussed and their effect on the kk-core analysis is assessed with numerical experiments simulating biased exploration on a wide range of network models. We find that the kk-core analysis provides an interesting characterization of the fluctuations and incompleteness of maps as well as information helping to discriminate the original underlying structure

    Distance-generalized Core Decomposition

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    The kk-core of a graph is defined as the maximal subgraph in which every vertex is connected to at least kk other vertices within that subgraph. In this work we introduce a distance-based generalization of the notion of kk-core, which we refer to as the (k,h)(k,h)-core, i.e., the maximal subgraph in which every vertex has at least kk other vertices at distance ≤h\leq h within that subgraph. We study the properties of the (k,h)(k,h)-core showing that it preserves many of the nice features of the classic core decomposition (e.g., its connection with the notion of distance-generalized chromatic number) and it preserves its usefulness to speed-up or approximate distance-generalized notions of dense structures, such as hh-club. Computing the distance-generalized core decomposition over large networks is intrinsically complex. However, by exploiting clever upper and lower bounds we can partition the computation in a set of totally independent subcomputations, opening the door to top-down exploration and to multithreading, and thus achieving an efficient algorithm

    On infinite-finite duality pairs of directed graphs

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    The (A,D) duality pairs play crucial role in the theory of general relational structures and in the Constraint Satisfaction Problem. The case where both classes are finite is fully characterized. The case when both side are infinite seems to be very complex. It is also known that no finite-infinite duality pair is possible if we make the additional restriction that both classes are antichains. In this paper (which is the first one of a series) we start the detailed study of the infinite-finite case. Here we concentrate on directed graphs. We prove some elementary properties of the infinite-finite duality pairs, including lower and upper bounds on the size of D, and show that the elements of A must be equivalent to forests if A is an antichain. Then we construct instructive examples, where the elements of A are paths or trees. Note that the existence of infinite-finite antichain dualities was not previously known

    Performance metrics for consolidated servers

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    In spite of the widespread adoption of virtualization and consol- idation, there exists no consensus with respect to how to bench- mark consolidated servers that run multiple guest VMs on the same physical hardware. For example, VMware proposes VMmark which basically computes the geometric mean of normalized throughput values across the VMs; Intel uses vConsolidate which reports a weighted arithmetic average of normalized throughput values. These benchmarking methodologies focus on total system through- put (i.e., across all VMs in the system), and do not take into account per-VM performance. We argue that a benchmarking methodology for consolidated servers should quantify both total system through- put and per-VM performance in order to provide a meaningful and precise performance characterization. We therefore present two performance metrics, Total Normalized Throughput (TNT) to characterize total system performance, and Average Normalized Reduced Throughput (ANRT) to characterize per-VM performance. We compare TNT and ANRT against VMmark using published performance numbers, and report several cases for which the VM- mark score is misleading. This is, VMmark says one platform yields better performance than another, however, TNT and ANRT show that both platforms represent different trade-offs in total system throughput versus per-VM performance. Or, even worse, in a cou- ple cases we observe that VMmark yields opposite conclusions than TNT and ANRT, i.e., VMmark says one system performs better than another one which is contradicted by TNT/ANRT performance characterization

    Core Decomposition in Multilayer Networks: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications

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    Multilayer networks are a powerful paradigm to model complex systems, where multiple relations occur between the same entities. Despite the keen interest in a variety of tasks, algorithms, and analyses in this type of network, the problem of extracting dense subgraphs has remained largely unexplored so far. In this work we study the problem of core decomposition of a multilayer network. The multilayer context is much challenging as no total order exists among multilayer cores; rather, they form a lattice whose size is exponential in the number of layers. In this setting we devise three algorithms which differ in the way they visit the core lattice and in their pruning techniques. We then move a step forward and study the problem of extracting the inner-most (also known as maximal) cores, i.e., the cores that are not dominated by any other core in terms of their core index in all the layers. Inner-most cores are typically orders of magnitude less than all the cores. Motivated by this, we devise an algorithm that effectively exploits the maximality property and extracts inner-most cores directly, without first computing a complete decomposition. Finally, we showcase the multilayer core-decomposition tool in a variety of scenarios and problems. We start by considering the problem of densest-subgraph extraction in multilayer networks. We introduce a definition of multilayer densest subgraph that trades-off between high density and number of layers in which the high density holds, and exploit multilayer core decomposition to approximate this problem with quality guarantees. As further applications, we show how to utilize multilayer core decomposition to speed-up the extraction of frequent cross-graph quasi-cliques and to generalize the community-search problem to the multilayer setting

    k-core decomposition: a tool for the visualization of large scale networks

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    We use the k-core decomposition to visualize large scale complex networks in two dimensions. This decomposition, based on a recursive pruning of the least connected vertices, allows to disentangle the hierarchical structure of networks by progressively focusing on their central cores. By using this strategy we develop a general visualization algorithm that can be used to compare the structural properties of various networks and highlight their hierarchical structure. The low computational complexity of the algorithm, O(n+e), where 'n' is the size of the network, and 'e' is the number of edges, makes it suitable for the visualization of very large sparse networks. We apply the proposed visualization tool to several real and synthetic graphs, showing its utility in finding specific structural fingerprints of computer generated and real world networks

    Characterization and enumeration of toroidal K_{3,3}-subdivision-free graphs

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    We describe the structure of 2-connected non-planar toroidal graphs with no K_{3,3}-subdivisions, using an appropriate substitution of planar networks into the edges of certain graphs called toroidal cores. The structural result is based on a refinement of the algorithmic results for graphs containing a fixed K_5-subdivision in [A. Gagarin and W. Kocay, "Embedding graphs containing K_5-subdivisions'', Ars Combin. 64 (2002), 33-49]. It allows to recognize these graphs in linear-time and makes possible to enumerate labelled 2-connected toroidal graphs containing no K_{3,3}-subdivisions and having minimum vertex degree two or three by using an approach similar to [A. Gagarin, G. Labelle, and P. Leroux, "Counting labelled projective-planar graphs without a K_{3,3}-subdivision", submitted, arXiv:math.CO/0406140, (2004)].Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures and 4 table
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