9 research outputs found

    Monitoring in a Virtualized Environment

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    Monitoring solutions for virtualizedinfrastructure (VI) should evolve to collect, analyze andprovide configuration recommendation based on a broaderrange of operational metrics. A virtualized infrastructureis a complex interaction of hardware (servers, network andstorage), hosting variety of multi-tier application with specificservice level requirements and governed by their security andcompliance policies. Most existing solutions of today monitorand analyze only a subset of these interactions. The analysis andrecommendation obtained tend to optimize only particular aspectsof the infrastructure and can potentially introduce violations forthe others. A virtualized infrastructure is dynamic in nature,providing immense opportunities to automate configurationchanges to virtual machines, networks and storage. It deliversthe capability to administer the whole of infrastructure as a largeresource pool shared by multiple workloads. Monitoring solutionsthat look at only few aspects end up forcing administrators tocreate silos within the infrastructure that are specially designedto ensure that business service requirements are met for thespecific applications running there. A monitoring solution thatcan collect and analyze multiple aspects for assisting in decisionmaking and process automation can deliver greater efficiency tothe virtualized infrastructure.In this paper we argue the importance of having amonitoring solution that provides a holistic view of thevirtualized infrastructure. We discuss the need for solutions tobe capable of monitoring and analyzing a broader set of metricssuch as health of infrastructure components; performance ofoperating environment such as hypervisors, operating systemsand application running on them; capacity utilization indicatorsfor server, networks and storages; information available withconfiguration and change management database containingpolicies including security and compliance policies. We also takea look at what these broader set of metrics are and who wouldbe interested in them. The paper further proposes a monitoringframework for collecting and analyzing the above mentionedaspects of a virtual infrastructure to develop a more completesolution

    Supporting soft real-time tasks in the xen hypervisor

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    Virtualization technology enables server consolidation and has given an impetus to low-cost green data centers. However, current hypervisors do not provide adequate support for real-time applications, and this has limited the adoption of virtualization in some domains. Soft real-time applications, such as media-based ones, are impeded by components of virtualization including low-performance virtualization I/O, increased scheduling latency, and shared-cache contention. The virtual machine scheduler is central to all these issues. The goal in this paper is to adapt the virtual machine scheduler to be more soft-real-time friendly. We improve two aspects of the VMM scheduler – managing scheduling latency as a first-class resource and managing shared caches. We use enterprise IP telephony as an illustrative soft real-time workload and design a scheduler S that incorporates th

    Autonomic Performance-Aware Resource Management in Dynamic IT Service Infrastructures

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    Model-based techniques are a powerful approach to engineering autonomic and self-adaptive systems. This thesis presents a model-based approach for proactive and autonomic performance-aware resource management in dynamic IT infrastructures. Core of the approach is an architecture-level modeling language to describe performance and resource management related aspects in such environments. With this approach, it is possible to autonomically find suitable system configurations at the model level

    On Improving The Performance And Resource Utilization of Consolidated Virtual Machines: Measurement, Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction

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    This dissertation addresses the performance related issues of consolidated \emph{Virtual Machines} (VMs). \emph{Virtualization} is an important technology for the \emph{Cloud} and data centers. Essential features of a data center like the fault tolerance, high-availability, and \emph{pay-as-you-go} model of services are implemented with the help of VMs. Cloud had become one of the significant innovations over the past decade. Research has been going on the deployment of newer and diverse set of applications like the \emph{High-Performance Computing} (HPC), and parallel applications on the Cloud. The primary method to increase the server resource utilization is VM consolidation, running as many VMs as possible on a server is the key to improving the resource utilization. On the other hand, consolidating too many VMs on a server can degrade the performance of all VMs. Therefore, it is necessary to measure, analyze and find ways to predict the performance variation of consolidated VMs. This dissertation investigates the causes of performance variation of consolidated VMs; the relationship between the resource contention and consolidation performance, and ways to predict the performance variation. Experiments have been conducted with real virtualized servers without using any simulation. All the results presented here are real system data. In this dissertation, a methodology is introduced to do the experiments with a large number of tasks and VMs; it is called the \emph{Incremental Consolidation Benchmarking Method} (ICBM). The experiments have been done with different types of resource-intensive tasks, parallel workflow, and VMs. Furthermore, to experiment with a large number of VMs and collect the data; a scheduling framework is also designed and implemented. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the ICBM and framework

    Plataformes avançades en el Núvol per a la reproductibilitat d'experiments computacionals

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La tesis presentada se enmarca dentro del ámbito de la ciencia computacional. Dentro de esta, se centra en el desarrollo de herramientas para la ejecución de experimentación científica computacional, el impacto de la cual es cada vez mayor en todos los ámbitos de la ciencia y la ingeniería. Debido a la creciente complejidad de los cálculos realizados, cada vez es necesario un mayor conocimiento de las técnicas y herramientas disponibles para llevar a cabo este tipo de experimentos, ya que pueden requerir, en general, una gran infraestructura computacional para afrontar los altos costes de cómputo. Más aún, la reciente popularización del cómputo en la Nube ofrece una gran variedad de posibilidades para configurar nuestras propias infraestructuras con requisitos específicos. No obstante, el precio a pagar es la complejidad de configurar dichas infraestructuras en este tipo de entornos. Además, el aumento en la complejidad de configuración de los entornos en la nube no hace más que agravar un problema ya existente en el ámbito científico, y es el de la reproducibilidad de los resultados publicados. La falta de documentación, como las versiones de software que se han usado para llevar a cabo el cómputo, o los datos requeridos, provocan que una parte significativa de los resultados de experimentos computacionales publicados no sean reproducibles por otros investigadores. Como consecuencia, se produce un derroche de recursos destinados a la investigación. Como respuesta a esta situación, existen, y continúan desarrollándose, diferentes herramientas para facilitar procesos como el despliegue y configuración de infraestructura, el acceso a los datos, el diseño de flujos de cómputo, etc. con el objetivo de que los investigadores puedan centrarse en el problema a abordar. Precisamente, esta es la base de los trabajos desarrollados en la presente tesis, el desarrollo de herramientas para facilitar que el cómputo científico se beneficie de entornos de computación en la Nube de forma eficiente. El primer trabajo presentado empieza con un estudio exhaustivo de las prestaciones d'un servicio relativamente nuevo, la ejecución serverless de funciones. En este, se determinará la conveniencia de usar este tipo de entornos en el cálculo científico midiendo tanto sus prestaciones de forma aislada, como velocidad de CPU y comunicaciones, como en conjunto mediante el desarrollo de una aplicación de procesamiento MapReduce para entornos serverless. En el siguiente trabajo, se abordará una problemática diferente, y es la reproducibilidad de experimentos computacionales. Para conseguirlo, se presentará un entorno, basado en Jupyter, donde se encapsule tanto el proceso de despliegue y configuración de infraestructura computacional como el acceso a datos y la documentación de la experimentación. Toda esta información quedará registrada en el notebook de Jupyter donde se ejecuta el experimento, permitiendo así a otros investigadores reproducir los resultados simplemente compartiendo el notebook correspondiente. Volviendo al estudio de las prestaciones del primer trabajo, teniendo en cuenta las medidas y bien estudiadas fluctuaciones de éstas en entornos compartidos, como el cómputo en la Nube, en el tercer trabajo se desarrollará un sistema de balanceo de carga diseñado expresamente para este tipo de entornos. Como se mostrará, este componente es capaz de gestionar y corregir de forma precisa fluctuaciones impredecibles en las prestaciones del cómputo en entornos compartidos. Finalmente, y aprovechando el desarrollo anterior, se diseñará una plataforma completamente serverless encargada de repartir y balancear tareas ejecutadas en múltiples infraestructuras independientes. La motivación de este último trabajo viene dada por los altos costes computacionales de ciertos experimentos, los cuales fuerzan a los investigadores a usar múltiples infraestructuras que, en general, pertenecen a diferentes organizaciones.[CA] La tesi presentada a aquest document s'emmarca dins de l'àmbit de la ciència computacional. Dintre d'aquesta, es centra en el desenvolupament d'eines per a l'execució d'experimentació científica computacional, la qual té un impacte cada vegada major en tots els àmbits de la ciència i l'enginyeria. Donada la creixent complexitat dels càlculs realitzats, cada vegada és necessari un major coneixement sobre les tècniques i eines disponibles per a dur a terme aquestes experimentacions, ja que poden requerir, en general, una gran infraestructura computacional per afrontar els alts costos de còmput. Més encara, la recent popularització del còmput en el Núvol ofereix una gran varietat de possibilitats per a configurar les nostres pròpies infraestructures amb requisits específiques. No obstant, el preu a pagar és la complexitat de configurar les esmenades infraestructures a aquest tipus d'entorns. A més, l'augment de la complexitat de configuració dels entorns de còmput no ha fet més que agreujar un problema ja existent a l'àmbit científic, i és la reproductibilitat de resultats publicats. La manca de documentació, com les versions del programari emprat per a dur a terme el còmput, o les dades requerides ocasionen que una part no negligible dels resultats d'experiments computacionals publicats no siguen reproduïbles per altres investigadors. Com a conseqüència, es produeix un malbaratament dels recursos destinats a la investigació. Com a resposta a aquesta situació, existeixen, i continuen desenvolupant-se, diverses eines per facilitar processos com el desplegament i configuració d'infraestructura, l'accés a les dades, el disseny de fluxos de còmput, etc. amb l'objectiu de que els investigadors puguen centrar-se en el problema a abordar. Precisament, aquesta és la base dels treballs desenvolupats durant la tesi que segueix, el desenvolupar eines per a facilitar que el còmput científic es beneficiar-se d'entorns de computació en el Núvol d'una forma eficient. El primer treball presentat comença amb un estudi exhaustiu de les prestacions d'un servei relativament nou, l'execució serverless de funcions. En aquest, es determinarà la conveniència d'emprar este tipus d'entorns en el càlcul científic mesurant tant les seues prestacions de forma aïllada, com velocitat de CPU i la velocitat de les comunicacions, com en conjunt a través del desenvolupament d'una aplicació de processament MapReduce per a entorns serverless. Al següent treball, s'abordarà una problemàtica diferent, i és la reproductibilitat dels experiments computacionals. Per a aconseguir-ho, es presentarà una entorn, basat en Jupyter, on s'englobe tant el desplegament i configuració d'infraestructura computacional, com l'accés a les dades requerides i la documentació de l'experimentació. Tota aquesta informació quedarà registrada al notebook de Jupyter on s'executa l'experiment, permetent així a altres investigadors reproduir els resultats simplement compartint el notebook corresponent. Tornant a l'estudi de les prestacions del primer treball, donades les mesurades i ben estudiades fluctuacions d'aquestes en entorns compartits, com en el còmput en el Núvol, al tercer treball es desenvoluparà un sistema de balanceig de càrrega dissenyat expressament per aquest tipus d'entorns. Com es veurà, aquest component és capaç de gestionar i corregir de forma precisa fluctuacions impredictibles en les prestacions de còmput d'entorns compartits. Finalment, i aprofitant el desenvolupament anterior, es dissenyarà una plataforma completament serverless per a repartir i balancejar tasques executades en múltiples infraestructures de còmput independents. La motivació d'aquest últim treball ve donada pels alts costos computacionals de certes experimentacions, els quals forcen als investigadors a emprar múltiples infraestructures que, en general, pertanyen a diferents organitzacions. Es demostrarà la capacitat de la plataforma per balancejar treballs i minimitzar el malbaratament de recursos[EN] This document is focused on computational science, specifically in the development of tools for executions of scientific computational experiments, whose impact has increased, and still increasing, in all scientific and engineering scopes. Considering the growing complexity of scientific calculus, it is required large and complex computational infrastructures to carry on the experimentation. However, to use this infrastructures, it is required a deep knowledge of the available tools and techniques to be handled efficiently. Moreover, the popularity of Cloud computing environments offers a wide variety of possible configurations for our computational infrastructures, thus complicating the configuration process. Furthermore, this increase in complexity has exacerbated the well known problem of reproducibility in science. The lack of documentation, as the used software versions, or the data required by the experiment, produces non reproducible results in computational experiments. This situation produce a non negligible waste of the resources invested in research. As consequence, several tools have been developed to facilitate the deployment, usage and configuration of complex infrastructures, provide access to data, etc. with the objective to simplify the common steps of computational experiments to researchers. Moreover, the works presented in this document share the same objective, i.e. develop tools to provide an easy, efficient and reproducible usage of cloud computing environments for scientific experimentation. The first presented work begins with an exhaustive study of the suitability of the AWS serverless environment for scientific calculus. In this one, the suitability of this kind of environments for scientific research will be studied. With this aim, the study will measure the CPU and network performance, both isolated and combined, via a MapReduce framework developed completely using serverless services. The second one is focused on the reproducibility problem in computational experiments. To improve reproducibility, the work presents an environment, based on Jupyter, which handles and simplify the deployment, configuration and usage of complex computational infrastructures. Also, includes a straight forward procedure to provide access to data and documentation of the experimentation via the Jupyter notebooks. Therefore, the whole experiment could be reproduced sharing the corresponding notebook. In the third work, a load balance library has been developed to address fluctuations of shared infrastructure capabilities. This effect has been wide studied in the literature and affects specially to cloud computing environments. The developed load balance system, as we will see, can handle and correct accurately unpredictable fluctuations in such environments. Finally, based on the previous work, a completely serverless platform is presented to split and balance job executions among several shared, heterogeneous and independent computing infrastructures. The motivation of this last work is the huge computational cost of many experiments, which forces the researchers to use multiple infrastructures belonging, in general, to different organisations. It will be shown how the developed platform is capable to balance the workload accurately. Moreover, it can fit execution time constrains specified by the user. In addition, the platform assists the computational infrastructures to scale as a function of the incoming workload, avoiding an over-provisioning or under-provisioning. Therefore, the platform provides an efficient usage of the available resources.This study was supported by the program “Ayudas para la contratación de personal investigador en formación de carácter predoctoral, programa VALi+d” under grant number ACIF/2018/148 from the Conselleria d’Educació of the Generalitat Valenciana. The authors would also like to thank the Spanish "Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad"for the project “BigCLOE” with reference number TIN2016-79951-R.Giménez Alventosa, V. (2022). Plataformes avançades en el Núvol per a la reproductibilitat d'experiments computacionals [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/184010TESISCompendi

    Workload Modeling for Computer Systems Performance Evaluation

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