436 research outputs found

    Image-based Text Classification using 2D Convolutional Neural Networks

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    We propose a new approach to text classification in which we consider the input text as an image and apply 2D Convolutional Neural Networks to learn the local and global semantics of the sentences from the variations of the visual patterns of words. Our approach demonstrates that it is possible to get semantically meaningful features from images with text without using optical character recognition and sequential processing pipelines, techniques that traditional natural language processing algorithms require. To validate our approach, we present results for two applications: text classification and dialog modeling. Using a 2D Convolutional Neural Network, we were able to outperform the state-ofart accuracy results for a Chinese text classification task and achieved promising results for seven English text classification tasks. Furthermore, our approach outperformed the memory networks without match types when using out of vocabulary entities from Task 4 of the bAbI dialog dataset

    Automatic authorship analysis using Deep neural networks

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    Authorship analysis helps to study the characteristics that distinguish how two different persons write. Writing style can be extracted in several ways, like using bag of words strategies or handcrafted features. However, with the growing of Internet, we have been able to witness an increase in the amount of user generated data in social networks like Facebook or Twitter. There is an increasing need in generating automatic methods capable of analyzing the style of a document for tasks like: determining the age of the author, determining the gender of the author, determining the authorship of the document given a set of possible authors, etc. Previous tasks are better known as author profiling and authorship attribution. Although capturing the style of an author can be a challenging task, in this thesis we explore representation learning strategies, in order to take advantage of the large amount of data generated by social media. In this thesis, we learned proper representations for the text inputs that were able to learn such patterns that are only distinguishable to an author (authorship attribution) or a social group of authors (author profiling). Proposed methods were compared using different publicly available datasets using social media data. Both author profiling and authorship attribution tasks are addressed using representation learning techniques such as convolutional neural networks and gated multimodal units. Our unimodal author profiling approach was submitted to the profiling shared task of the laboratory on digital forensics and stylometry(PAN). For authorship attribution, we proposed a convolutional neural network using character n-grams as input. We found that our approach outperformed standard attribution based methods as well as word based convolutional neural networks. For the author profiling task, we proposed one convolutional neural network for unimodal author profiling and adapted a gated multimodal unit for multimodal author profiling. The multimodal nature of user generated content consists of a scenario where the social group of an author can be determined not only using his/her written texts but using also the images that the user shared across the social networks. Gated multimodal units outperformed standard information fusion strategies: early and late fusion.Maestrí

    Deep Learning-based Method for Enhancing the Detection of Arabic Authorship Attribution using Acoustic and Textual-based Features

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    Authorship attribution (AA) is defined as the identification of the original author of an unseen text. It is found that the style of the author’s writing can change from one topic to another, but the author’s habits are still the same in different texts. The authorship attribution has been extensively studied for texts written in different languages such as English. However, few studies investigated the Arabic authorship attribution (AAA) due to the special challenges faced with the Arabic scripts. Additionally, there is a need to identify the authors of texts extracted from livestream broadcasting and the recorded speeches to protect the intellectual property of these authors. This paper aims to enhance the detection of Arabic authorship attribution by extracting different features and fusing the outputs of two deep learning models. The dataset used in this study was collected from the weekly livestream and recorded Arabic sermons that are available publicly on the official website of Al-Haramain in Saudi Arabia. The acoustic, textual and stylometric features were extracted for five authors. Then, the data were pre-processed and fed into the deep learning-based models (CNN architecture and its pre-trained ResNet34). After that the hard and soft voting ensemble methods were applied for combining the outputs of the applied models and improve the overall performance. The experimental results showed that the use of CNN with textual data obtained an acceptable performance using all evaluation metrics. Then, the performance of ResNet34 model with acoustic features outperformed the other models and obtained the accuracy of 90.34%. Finally, the results showed that the soft voting ensemble method enhanced the performance of AAA and outperformed the other method in terms of accuracy and precision, which obtained 93.19% and 0.9311 respectively

    Learning visual representations of style

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    Learning Visual Representations of Style Door Nanne van Noord De stijl van een kunstenaar is zichtbaar in zijn/haar werk, onafhankelijk van de vorm of het onderwerp van een kunstwerk kunnen kunstexperts deze stijl herkennen. Of het nu om een landschap of een portret gaat, het connaisseurschap van kunstexperts stelt hen in staat om de stijl van de kunstenaar te herkennen. Het vertalen van dit vermogen tot connaisseurschap naar een computer, zodat de computer in staat is om de stijl van een kunstenaar te herkennen, en om kunstwerken te (re)produceren in de stijl van de kunstenaar, staat centraal in dit onderzoek. Voor visuele analyseren van kunstwerken maken computers gebruik van beeldverwerkingstechnieken. Traditioneel gesproken bestaan deze technieken uit door computerwetenschappers ontwikkelde algoritmes die vooraf gedefinieerde visuele kernmerken kunnen herkennen. Omdat deze kenmerken zijn ontwikkelt voor de analyse van de inhoud van foto’s zijn ze beperkt toepasbaar voor de analyse van de stijl van visuele kunst. Daarnaast is er ook geen definitief antwoord welke visuele kenmerken indicatief zijn voor stijl. Om deze beperkingen te overkomen maken we in dit onderzoek gebruik van Deep Learning, een methodologie die het beeldverwerking onderzoeksveld in de laatste jaren enorm heeft gerevolutionaliseerd. De kracht van Deep Learning komt voort uit het zelflerende vermogen, in plaats van dat we afhankelijk zijn van vooraf gedefinieerde kenmerken, kan de computer zelf leren wat de juiste kenmerken zijn. In dit onderzoek hebben we algoritmes ontwikkelt met het doel om het voor de computer mogelijk te maken om 1) zelf te leren om de stijl van een kunstenaar te herkennen, en 2) nieuwe afbeeldingen te genereren in de stijl van een kunstenaar. Op basis van het in het proefschrift gepresenteerde werk kunnen we concluderen dat de computer inderdaad in staat is om te leren om de stijl van een kunstenaar te herkennen, ook in een uitdagende setting met duizenden kunstwerken en enkele honderden kunstenaars. Daarnaast kunnen we concluderen dat het mogelijk is om, op basis van bestaande kunstwerken, nieuwe kunstwerken te generen in de stijl van de kunstenaar. Namelijk, een kleurloze afbeeldingen van een kunstwerk kan ingekleurd worden in de stijl van de kunstenaar, en wanneer er delen missen uit een kunstwerk is het mogelijk om deze missende stukken in te vullen (te retoucheren). Alhoewel we nog niet in staat zijn om volledig nieuwe kunstwerken te generen, is dit onderzoek een grote stap in die richting. Bovendien zijn de in dit onderzoek ontwikkelde technieken en methodes veelbelovend als digitale middelen ter ondersteuning van kunstexperts en restauratoren

    Similarity Learning for Authorship Verification in Social Media

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    Authorship verification tries to answer the question if two documents with unknown authors were written by the same author or not. A range of successful technical approaches has been proposed for this task, many of which are based on traditional linguistic features such as n-grams. These algorithms achieve good results for certain types of written documents like books and novels. Forensic authorship verification for social media, however, is a much more challenging task since messages tend to be relatively short, with a large variety of different genres and topics. At this point, traditional methods based on features like n-grams have had limited success. In this work, we propose a new neural network topology for similarity learning that significantly improves the performance on the author verification task with such challenging data sets.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, presented on ICASSP 2019 in Brighton, U
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