185 research outputs found

    Subcarrier and Power Allocation in WiMAX

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    Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) is one of the latest technologies for providing Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) in a metropolitan area. The use of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmissions has been proposed in WiMAX to mitigate the complications which are associated with frequency selective channels. In addition, the multiple access is achieved by using orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) scheme which has several advantages such as flexible resource allocation, relatively simple transceivers, and high spectrum efficient. In OFDMA the controllable resources are the subcarriers and the allocated power per subband. Moreover, adaptive subcarrier and power allocation techniques have been selected to exploit the natural multiuser diversity. This leads to an improvement of the performance by assigning the proper subcarriers to the user according to their channel quality and the power is allocated based on water-filling algorithm. One simple method is to allocate subcarriers and powers equally likely between all users. It is well known that this method reduces the spectral efficiency of the system, hence, it is not preferred unless in some applications. In order to handle the spectral efficiency problem, in this thesis we discuss three novel resources allocation algorithms for the downlink of a multiuser OFDM system and analyze the algorithm performances based on capacity and fairness measurement. Our intensive simulations validate the algorithm performances.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format


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    Wireless broadband access technologies are rapidly growing and a corresponding growth in the demand of its applicability transcends faster internet access, high speed file download and different multimedia applications such as voice calls, video streaming, teleconferencing etc, to industrial operations and automation. Industrial and automation systems perform operations that requires the transmission of real time information from one end to another through high-performance wireless broadband communication links. WiMAX, based on IEEE 802.16 standard is one of the wireless broadband access technologies that has overcome location, speed, and access limitations of the traditional Digital Subscriber Line and Wireless Fidelity, and offers high efficient data rates. This thesis presents detailed analysis of operational WiMAX link performance parameters such as throughput, latency, jitter, and packet loss for suitable applicability in wireless automation applications. The theoretical background of components and functionalities of WiMAX physical and MAC layers as well as the network performance features are presented. The equipment deployed for this field experiment are Alvarion BreeZeMAX 3000 fixed WiMAX equipment operating in the 3.5 GHz licensed band with channel bandwidth of 3.5 MHz. The deployed equipment consisting of MBSE and CPE are installed and commissioned prior to field tests. Several measurements are made in three link quality scenarios (sufficient, good and excellent) in the University of Vaasa campus. Observations and results obtained are discussed and analyzed.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    On the Merits of Deploying TDM-based Next-Generation PON Solutions in the Access Arena As Multiservice, All Packet-Based 4G Mobile Backhaul RAN Architecture

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    The phenomenal growth of mobile backhaul capacity required to support the emerging fourth-generation (4G) traffic including mobile WiMAX, cellular Long-Term Evolution (LTE), and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) requires rapid migration from today\u27s legacy circuit switched T1/E1 wireline and microwave backhaul technologies to a new fiber-supported, all-packet-based mobile backhaul infrastructure. Clearly, a cost effective fiber supported all-packet-based mobile backhaul radio access network (RAN) architecture that is compatible with these inherently distributed 4G RAN architectures is needed to efficiently scale current mobile backhaul networks. However, deploying a green fiber-based mobile backhaul infrastructure is a costly proposition mainly due to the significant cost associated with digging the trenches in which the fiber is to be laid. These, along with the inevitable trend towards all-IP/Ethernet transport protocols and packet switched networks, have prompted many carriers around the world to consider the potential of utilizing the existing fiber-based Passive Optical Network (PON) access infrastructure as an all-packet-based converged fixed-mobile optical access networking transport architecture to backhaul both mobile and typical wireline traffic. Passive Optical Network (PON)-based fiber-to-the-curb/home (FTTC/FTTH) access networks are being deployed around the globe based on two Time-Division Multiplexed (TDM) standards: ITU G.984 Gigabit PON (GPON) and IEEE 802.ah Ethernet PON (EPON). A PON connects a group of Optical Network Units (ONUs) located at the subscriber premises to an Optical Line Terminal (OLT) located at the service provider\u27s facility. It is the purpose of this thesis to examine the technological requirements and assess the performance analysis and feasibility for deploying TDM-based next-generation (NG) PON solutions in the access arena as multiservice, all packet-based 4G mobile backhaul RAN and/or converged fixed-mobile optical networking architecture. Specifically, this work proposes and devises a simple and cost-effective 10G-EPON-based 4G mobile backhaul RAN architecture that efficiently transports and supports a wide range of existing and emerging fixed-mobile advanced multimedia applications and services along with the diverse quality of service (QoS), rate, and reliability requirements set by these services. The techno-economics merits of utilizing PON-based 4G RAN architecture versus that of traditional 4G (mobile WiMAX and LTE) RAN will be thoroughly examine and quantified. To achieve our objective, we utilize the existing fiber-based PON access infrastructure with novel ring-based distribution access network and wireless-enabled OLT and ONUs as the multiservice packet-based 4G mobile backhaul RAN infrastructure. Specifically, to simplify the implementation of such a complex undertaking, this work is divided into two sequential phases. In the first phase, we examine and quantify the overall performance of the standalone ring-based 10G-EPON architecture (just the wireline part without overlaying/incorporating the wireless part (4G RAN)) via modeling and simulations. We then assemble the basic building blocks, components, and sub-systems required to build up a proof-of-concept prototype testbed for the standalone ring-based EPON architecture. The testbed will be used to verify and demonstrate the performance of the standalone architecture, specifically, in terms of power budget, scalability, and reach. In the second phase, we develop an integrated framework for the efficient interworking between the two wireline PON and 4G mobile access technologies, particularly, in terms of unified network control and management (NCM) operations. Specifically, we address the key technical challenges associated with tailoring a typically centralized PON-based access architecture to interwork with and support a distributed 4G RAN architecture and associated radio NCM operations. This is achieved via introducing and developing several salient-networking innovations that collectively enable the standalone EPON architecture to support a fully distributed 4G mobile backhaul RAN and/or a truly unified NG-PON-4G access networking architecture. These include a fully distributed control plane that enables intercommunication among the access nodes (ONUs/BSs) as well as signaling, scheduling algorithms, and handoff procedures that operate in a distributed manner. Overall, the proposed NG-PON architecture constitutes a complete networking paradigm shift from the typically centralized PON\u27s architecture and OLT-based NCM operations to a new disruptive fully distributed PON\u27s architecture and NCM operations in which all the typically centralized OLT-based PON\u27s NCM operations are migrated to and independently implemented by the access nodes (ONUs) in a distributed manner. This requires migrating most of the typically centralized wireline and radio control and user-plane functionalities such as dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA), queue management and packet scheduling, handover control, radio resource management, admission control, etc., typically implemented in today\u27s OLT/RNC, to the access nodes (ONUs/4G BSs). It is shown that the overall performance of the proposed EPON-based 4G backhaul including both the RAN and Mobile Packet Core (MPC) {Evolved Packet Core (EPC) per 3GPP LTE\u27s standard} is significantly augmented compared to that of the typical 4G RAN, specifically, in terms of handoff capability, signaling overhead, overall network throughput and latency, and QoS support. Furthermore, the proposed architecture enables redistributing some of the intelligence and NCM operations currently centralized in the MPC platform out into the access nodes of the mobile RAN. Specifically, as this work will show, it enables offloading sizable fraction of the mobile signaling as well as actual local upstream traffic transport and processing (LTE bearers switch/set-up, retain, and tear-down and associated signaling commands from the BSs to the EPC and vice-versa) from the EPC to the access nodes (ONUs/BSs). This has a significant impact on the performance of the EPC. First, it frees up a sizable fraction of the badly needed network resources as well as processing on the overloaded centralized serving nodes (AGW) in the MPC. Second, it frees up capacity and sessions on the typically congested mobile backhaul from the BSs to the EPC and vice-versa

    A cross-layer middleware architecture for time and safety critical applications in MANETs

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    Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) can be deployed instantaneously and adaptively, making them highly suitable to military, medical and disaster-response scenarios. Using real-time applications for provision of instantaneous and dependable communications, media streaming, and device control in these scenarios is a growing research field. Realising timing requirements in packet delivery is essential to safety-critical real-time applications that are both delay- and loss-sensitive. Safety of these applications is compromised by packet loss, both on the network and by the applications themselves that will drop packets exceeding delay bounds. However, the provision of this required Quality of Service (QoS) must overcome issues relating to the lack of reliable existing infrastructure, conservation of safety-certified functionality. It must also overcome issues relating to the layer-2 dynamics with causal factors including hidden transmitters and fading channels. This thesis proposes that bounded maximum delay and safety-critical application support can be achieved by using cross-layer middleware. Such an approach benefits from the use of established protocols without requiring modifications to safety-certified ones. This research proposes ROAM: a novel, adaptive and scalable cross-layer Real-time Optimising Ad hoc Middleware framework for the provision and maintenance of performance guarantees in self-configuring MANETs. The ROAM framework is designed to be scalable to new optimisers and MANET protocols and requires no modifications of protocol functionality. Four original contributions are proposed: (1) ROAM, a middleware entity abstracts information from the protocol stack using application programming interfaces (APIs) and that implements optimisers to monitor and autonomously tune conditions at protocol layers in response to dynamic network conditions. The cross-layer approach is MANET protocol generic, using minimal imposition on the protocol stack, without protocol modification requirements. (2) A horizontal handoff optimiser that responds to time-varying link quality to ensure optimal and most robust channel usage. (3) A distributed contention reduction optimiser that reduces channel contention and related delay, in response to detection of the presence of a hidden transmitter. (4) A feasibility evaluation of the ROAM architecture to bound maximum delay and jitter in a comprehensive range of ns2-MIRACLE simulation scenarios that demonstrate independence from the key causes of network dynamics: application setting and MANET configuration; including mobility or topology. Experimental results show that ROAM can constrain end-to-end delay, jitter and packet loss, to support real-time applications with critical timing requirements

    Scalability study of backhaul capacity sensitive network selection scheme in LTE-wifi HetNet

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    Wireless Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) with small cells presents a new backhauling challenge which differs from those of experienced by conventional macro-cells. In practice, the choice of backhaul technology for these small cells whether fiber, xDSL, point–to-point and point-to-multipoint wireless, or multi-hop/mesh networks, is often governed by availability and cost, and not by required capacity. Therefore, the resulting backhaul capacity of the small cells in HetNet is likely to be non-uniform due to the mixture of backhaul technologies adopted. In such an environment, a question then arises whether a network selection strategy that considers the small cells’ backhaul capacity will improve the end users’ usage experience. In this paper, a novel Dynamic Backhaul Capacity Sensitive (DyBaCS) network selection schemes (NSS) is proposed and compared with two commonly used network NSSs, namely WiFi First (WF) and Physical Data Rate (PDR) in an LTE-WiFi HetNet environment. The proposed scheme is evaluated in terms of average connection or user throughput1and fairness among users. The effects of varying WiFi backhaul capacity (uniform and non-uniform distribution), WiFi-LTE coverage ratio, user density and WiFi access points (APs) density within the HetNet form the focus of this paper. Results show that the DyBaCS scheme generally provides superior fairness and user throughput performance across the range of backhaul capacity considered. Besides, DyBaCS is able to scale much better than WF and PDR across different user and WiFi densities

    Association Control in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Resource Allocation in Relay Enhanced Broadband Wireless Access Networks

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    The use of relay nodes to improve the performance of broadband wireless access (BWA) networks has been the subject of intense research activities in recent years. Relay enhanced BWA networks are anticipated to support multimedia traffic (i.e., voice, video, and data traffic). In order to guarantee service to network users, efficient resource distribution is imperative. Wireless multihop networks are characterized by two inherent dynamic characteristics: 1) the existence of wireless interference and 2) mobility of user nodes. Both mobility and interference greatly influence the ability of users to obtain the necessary resources for service. In this dissertation we conduct a comprehensive research study on the topic of resource allocation in the presence of interference and mobility. Specifically, this dissertation investigates the impact interference and mobility have on various aspects of resource allocation, ranging from fairness to spectrum utilization. We study four important resource allocation algorithms for relay enhanced BWA networks. The problems and our research achievements are briefly outlined as follows. First, we propose an interference aware rate adaptive subcarrier and power allocation algorithm using maximum multicommodity flow optimization. We consider the impact of the wireless interference constraints using Signal to Interference Noise Ratio (SINR). We exploit spatial reuse to allocate subcarriers in the network and show that an intelligent reuse of resources can improve throughput while mitigating the impact of interference. We provide a sub-optimal heuristic to solve the rate adaptive resource allocation problem. We demonstrate that aggressive spatial reuse and fine tuned-interference modeling garner advantages in terms of throughput, end-to-end delay and power distribution. Second, we investigate the benefits of decoupled optimization of interference aware routing and scheduling using SINR and spatial reuse to improve the overall achievable throughput. We model the routing optimization problem as a linear program using maximum concurrent flows. We develop an optimization formulation to schedule the link traffic such that interference is mitigated and time slots are reused appropriately based on spatial TDMA (STDMA). The scheduling problem is shown to be NP-hard and is solved using the column generation technique. We compare our formulations to conventional counterparts in the literature and show that our approach guarantees higher throughput by mitigating the effect of interference effectively. Third, we investigate the problem of multipath flow routing and fair bandwidth allocation under interference constraints for multihop wireless networks. We first develop a novel isotonic routing metric, RI3M, considering the influence of interflow and intraflow interference. Second, in order to ensure QoS, an interference-aware max-min fair bandwidth allocation algorithm, LMX:M3F, is proposed where the lexicographically largest bandwidth allocation vector is found among all optimal allocation vectors while considering constraints of interference on the flows. We compare with various interference based routing metrics and interference aware bandwidth allocation algorithms established in the literature to show that RI3M and LMX:M3F succeed in improving network performance in terms of delay, packet loss ratio and bandwidth usage. Lastly, we develop a user mobility prediction model using the Hidden Markov Model(HMM) in which prediction control is transferred to the various fixed relay nodes in the network. Given the HMM prediction model, we develop a routing protocol which uses the location information of the mobile user to determine the interference level on links in its surrounding neighborhood. We use SINR as the routing metric to calculate the interference on a specific link (link cost). We minimize the total cost of routing as a cost function of SINR while guaranteeing that the load on each link does not exceed its capacity. The routing protocol is formulated and solved as a minimum cost flow optimization problem. We compare our SINR based routing algorithm with conventional counterparts in the literature and show that our algorithm reinforces routing paths with high link quality and low latency, therefore improving overall system throughput. The research solutions obtained in this dissertation improve the service reliability and QoS assurance of emerging BWA networks

    Portfolio peak algorithms achieving superior performance for maximizing throughput in WiMAX networks

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    The Mobile WiMAX IEEE 802.16 standards ensure provision of last mile wireless access, variable and high data rate, point to multi-point communication, large frequency range and QoS (Quality of Service) for various types of applications. The WiMAX standards are published by the Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and specify the standards of services and transmissions. However, the way how to run these services and when the transmission should be started are not specified in the IEEE standards and it is up to computer scientists to design scheduling algorithms that can best meet the standards. Finding the best way to implement the WiMAX standards through designing efficient scheduler algorithms is a very important component in wireless systems and the scheduling period presents the most common challenging issue in terms of throughput and time delay. The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to design and develop an efficient scheduling algorithm to provide the QoS support for real-time and non-real-time services with the WiMAX Network. This was achieved by combining a portfolio of algorithms, which will control and update transmission with the required algorithm by the various portfolios for supporting QoS such as; the guarantee of a maximum throughput for real-time and non-real-time traffic. Two algorithms were designed in this process and will be discussed in this thesis: Fixed Portfolio Algorithms and Portfolio Peak Algorithm. In order to evaluate the proposed algorithms and test their efficiency for IEEE 802.16 networks, the authors simulated the algorithms in the NS2 simulator. Evaluation of the proposed Portfolio algorithms was carried out through comparing its performance with those of the conventional algorithms. On the other hand, the proposed Portfolio scheduling algorithm was evaluated by comparing its performance in terms of throughput, delay, and jitter. The simulation results suggest that the Fixed Portfolio Algorithms and the Portfolio Peak Algorithm achieve higher performance in terms of throughput than all other algorithms. Keywords: WiMAX, IEEE802.16, QoS, Scheduling Algorithms, Fixed Portfolio Algorithms, and Portfolio Peak Algorithms.The Mobile WiMAX IEEE 802.16 standards ensure provision of last mile wireless access, variable and high data rate, point to multi-point communication, large frequency range and QoS (Quality of Service) for various types of applications. The WiMAX standards are published by the Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and specify the standards of services and transmissions. However, the way how to run these services and when the transmission should be started are not specified in the IEEE standards and it is up to computer scientists to design scheduling algorithms that can best meet the standards. Finding the best way to implement the WiMAX standards through designing efficient scheduler algorithms is a very important component in wireless systems and the scheduling period presents the most common challenging issue in terms of throughput and time delay. The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to design and develop an efficient scheduling algorithm to provide the QoS support for real-time and non-real-time services with the WiMAX Network. This was achieved by combining a portfolio of algorithms, which will control and update transmission with the required algorithm by the various portfolios for supporting QoS such as; the guarantee of a maximum throughput for real-time and non-real-time traffic. Two algorithms were designed in this process and will be discussed in this thesis: Fixed Portfolio Algorithms and Portfolio Peak Algorithm. In order to evaluate the proposed algorithms and test their efficiency for IEEE 802.16 networks, the authors simulated the algorithms in the NS2 simulator. Evaluation of the proposed Portfolio algorithms was carried out through comparing its performance with those of the conventional algorithms. On the other hand, the proposed Portfolio scheduling algorithm was evaluated by comparing its performance in terms of throughput, delay, and jitter. The simulation results suggest that the Fixed Portfolio Algorithms and the Portfolio Peak Algorithm achieve higher performance in terms of throughput than all other algorithms. Keywords: WiMAX, IEEE802.16, QoS, Scheduling Algorithms, Fixed Portfolio Algorithms, and Portfolio Peak Algorithms