2,851 research outputs found

    Integrating EEG and MEG signals to improve motor imagery classification in brain-computer interfaces

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    We propose a fusion approach that combines features from simultaneously recorded electroencephalographic (EEG) and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signals to improve classification performances in motor imagery-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). We applied our approach to a group of 15 healthy subjects and found a significant classification performance enhancement as compared to standard single-modality approaches in the alpha and beta bands. Taken together, our findings demonstrate the advantage of considering multimodal approaches as complementary tools for improving the impact of non-invasive BCIs

    Translation of EEG spatial filters from resting to motor imagery using independent component analysis.

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    Electroencephalogram (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) often use spatial filters to improve signal-to-noise ratio of task-related EEG activities. To obtain robust spatial filters, large amounts of labeled data, which are often expensive and labor-intensive to obtain, need to be collected in a training procedure before online BCI control. Several studies have recently developed zero-training methods using a session-to-session scenario in order to alleviate this problem. To our knowledge, a state-to-state translation, which applies spatial filters derived from one state to another, has never been reported. This study proposes a state-to-state, zero-training method to construct spatial filters for extracting EEG changes induced by motor imagery. Independent component analysis (ICA) was separately applied to the multi-channel EEG in the resting and the motor imagery states to obtain motor-related spatial filters. The resultant spatial filters were then applied to single-trial EEG to differentiate left- and right-hand imagery movements. On a motor imagery dataset collected from nine subjects, comparable classification accuracies were obtained by using ICA-based spatial filters derived from the two states (motor imagery: 87.0%, resting: 85.9%), which were both significantly higher than the accuracy achieved by using monopolar scalp EEG data (80.4%). The proposed method considerably increases the practicality of BCI systems in real-world environments because it is less sensitive to electrode misalignment across different sessions or days and does not require annotated pilot data to derive spatial filters

    EEG source imaging assists decoding in a face recognition task

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    EEG based brain state decoding has numerous applications. State of the art decoding is based on processing of the multivariate sensor space signal, however evidence is mounting that EEG source reconstruction can assist decoding. EEG source imaging leads to high-dimensional representations and rather strong a priori information must be invoked. Recent work by Edelman et al. (2016) has demonstrated that introduction of a spatially focal source space representation can improve decoding of motor imagery. In this work we explore the generality of Edelman et al. hypothesis by considering decoding of face recognition. This task concerns the differentiation of brain responses to images of faces and scrambled faces and poses a rather difficult decoding problem at the single trial level. We implement the pipeline using spatially focused features and show that this approach is challenged and source imaging does not lead to an improved decoding. We design a distributed pipeline in which the classifier has access to brain wide features which in turn does lead to a 15% reduction in the error rate using source space features. Hence, our work presents supporting evidence for the hypothesis that source imaging improves decoding

    Combining brain-computer interfaces and assistive technologies: state-of-the-art and challenges

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    In recent years, new research has brought the field of EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfacing (BCI) out of its infancy and into a phase of relative maturity through many demonstrated prototypes such as brain-controlled wheelchairs, keyboards, and computer games. With this proof-of-concept phase in the past, the time is now ripe to focus on the development of practical BCI technologies that can be brought out of the lab and into real-world applications. In particular, we focus on the prospect of improving the lives of countless disabled individuals through a combination of BCI technology with existing assistive technologies (AT). In pursuit of more practical BCIs for use outside of the lab, in this paper, we identify four application areas where disabled individuals could greatly benefit from advancements in BCI technology, namely,“Communication and Control”, “Motor Substitution”, “Entertainment”, and “Motor Recovery”. We review the current state of the art and possible future developments, while discussing the main research issues in these four areas. In particular, we expect the most progress in the development of technologies such as hybrid BCI architectures, user-machine adaptation algorithms, the exploitation of users’ mental states for BCI reliability and confidence measures, the incorporation of principles in human-computer interaction (HCI) to improve BCI usability, and the development of novel BCI technology including better EEG devices

    EEG-Based User Reaction Time Estimation Using Riemannian Geometry Features

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    Riemannian geometry has been successfully used in many brain-computer interface (BCI) classification problems and demonstrated superior performance. In this paper, for the first time, it is applied to BCI regression problems, an important category of BCI applications. More specifically, we propose a new feature extraction approach for Electroencephalogram (EEG) based BCI regression problems: a spatial filter is first used to increase the signal quality of the EEG trials and also to reduce the dimensionality of the covariance matrices, and then Riemannian tangent space features are extracted. We validate the performance of the proposed approach in reaction time estimation from EEG signals measured in a large-scale sustained-attention psychomotor vigilance task, and show that compared with the traditional powerband features, the tangent space features can reduce the root mean square estimation error by 4.30-8.30%, and increase the estimation correlation coefficient by 6.59-11.13%.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1702.0291

    Regularized logistic regression and multi-objective variable selection for classifying MEG data

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    This paper addresses the question of maximizing classifier accuracy for classifying task-related mental activity from Magnetoencelophalography (MEG) data. We propose the use of different sources of information and introduce an automatic channel selection procedure. To determine an informative set of channels, our approach combines a variety of machine learning algorithms: feature subset selection methods, classifiers based on regularized logistic regression, information fusion, and multiobjective optimization based on probabilistic modeling of the search space. The experimental results show that our proposal is able to improve classification accuracy compared to approaches whose classifiers use only one type of MEG information or for which the set of channels is fixed a priori

    Assessing impact of channel selection on decoding of motor and cognitive imagery from MEG data

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    Objective: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) involves a large number of sensors allowing better spatiotemporal resolution for assessing brain activity patterns. There have been many efforts to develop BCI using MEG with high accuracy, though an increase in the number of channels means an increase in computational complexity. However, not all sensors necessarily contribute significantly to an increase in classification accuracy, and specifically in the case of MEG-based BCI no channel selection methodology has been performed. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of channel selection on the performance of MEG-based BCI. Approach: MEG data were recorded for two sessions from 15 healthy participants performing motor imagery, cognitive imagery and a mixed imagery task pair using a unique paradigm. Performance of four state-of-the-art channel selection methods (i.e. Class-Correlation (CC), ReliefF (RF), Random Forest (RandF), and Infinite Latent Feature Selection (ILFS) were applied across six binary tasks in three different frequency bands) was evaluated in this study on two state-of-the-art features i.e. bandpower and CSP. Main results: All four methods provided a statistically significant increase in classification accuracy (CA) compared to a baseline method using all gradiometer sensors, i.e. 204 channels with band-power features from alpha (8-12Hz), beta (13-30Hz), or broadband (alpha+beta ) (8-30Hz). It is also observed that the alpha frequency band performed better than the beta and broadband frequency bands. The performance of the beta band gave the lowest CA compared with the other two bands. Channel selection improved accuracy irrespective of feature types. Moreover, all the methods reduced the number of channels significantly, from 204 to a range of 1-25, using bandpower as a feature and from 15-105 for CSP. The optimal channel number also varied not only in each session but also for each participant. Reducing the number of channels will help to decrease the computation cost and maintain numerical stability in cases of low trial numbers. Significance: The study showed significant improvement in performance of MEG-BCI with channel selection irrespective of feature type and hence can be successfully applied for BCI applications