1,397 research outputs found

    Monitoring cardiovascular function in the primate under prolonged weightlessness

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    Monitoring cardiovascular function in primates under prolonged weightlessnes

    Reference Speculation-driven Memory Management

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    The “Memory Wall”, the vast gulf between processor execution speed and memory latency, has led to the development of large and deep cache hierarchies over the last twenty years. Although processor frequency is no-longer on the exponential growth curve, the drive towards ever greater main memory capacity and limited off-chip bandwidth have kept this gap from closing significantly. In addition, future memory technologies such as Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) devices do not help to decrease the latency of the first reference to a particular memory address. To reduce the increasing off-chip memory access latency, this dissertation presents three intelligent speculation mechanisms that can predict and manage future memory usage. First, we propose a novel hardware data prefetcher called Signature Path Prefetcher (SPP), which offers effective solutions for major challenges in prefetcher design. SPP uses a compressed history-based scheme that accurately predicts a series of long complex address patterns. For example, to address a series of long complex memory references, SPP uses a compressed history signature that is able to learn and prefetch complex data access patterns. Moreover, unlike other history-based algorithms, which miss out on many prefetching opportunities when address patterns make a transition between physical pages, SPP tracks the stream of data accesses across physical page boundaries and continues prefetching as soon as they move to new pages. Finally, SPP uses the confidence it has in its predictions to adaptively throttle itself on a per-prefetch stream basis. In our analysis, we find that SPP outperforms the state-of-the-art hardware data prefetchers by 6.4% with higher prefetching accuracy and lower off-chip bandwidth usage. Second, we develop a holistic on-chip cache management system that tightly integrates data prefetching and cache replacement algorithms into one unified solution. Also, we eliminate the use of Program Counter (PC) in the cache replacement module by using a simple dead block prediction with global hysteresis. In addition to effectively predicting dead blocks in the Last-Level Cache (LLC) by observing program phase behaviors, the replacement component also gives feedback to the prefetching component to help decide on the optimal fill level for prefetches. Meanwhile, the prefetching component feeds confidence information about each individual prefetch to the LLC replacement component. A low confidence prefetch is less likely to interfere with the contents of the LLC, and as confidence in that prefetch increases, its position within the LLC replacement stack is solidified, and it eventually is brought into the L2 cache, close to where it will be used in the processor core. Third, we observe that the host machine in virtualized system operates under different memory pressure regimes, as the memory demand from guest Virtual Machines (VMs) changes dynamically at runtime. Adapting to this runtime system state is critical to reduce the performance cost of VM memory management. We propose a novel dynamic memory management policy called Memory Pressure Aware (MPA) ballooning. MPA ballooning dynamically speculates and allocates memory resources to each VM based on the current memory pressure regime. Moreover, MPA ballooning proactively reacts and adapts to sudden changes in memory demand from guest VMs. MPA ballooning requires neither additional hardware support, nor incurs extra minor page faults in its memory pressure estimation

    A study of mobile robot motion planning

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    This thesis studies motion planning for mobile robots in various environments. The basic tools for the research are the configuration space and the visibility graph. A new approach is developed which generates a smoothed minimum time path. The difference between this and the Minimum Time Path at Visibility Node (MTPVN) is that there is more clearance between the robot and the obstacles, and so it is safer. The accessibility graph plays an important role in motion planning for a massless mobile robot in dynamic environments. It can generate a minimum time motion in 0(n2»log(n)) computation time, where n is the number of vertices of all the polygonal obstacles. If the robot is not considered to be massless (that is, it requires time to accelerate), the space time approach becomes a 3D problem which requires exponential time and memory. A new approach is presented here based on the improved accessibility polygon and improved accessibility graph, which generates a minimum time motion for a mobile robot with mass in O((n+k)2»log(n+k)) time, where n is the number of vertices of the obstacles and k is the number of obstacles. Since k is much less than n, so the computation time for this approach is almost the same as the accessibility graph approach. The accessibility graph approach is extended to solve motion planning for robots in three dimensional environments. The three dimensional accessibility graph is constructed based on the concept of the accessibility polyhedron. Based on the properties of minimum time motion, an approach is proposed to search the three dimensional accessibility graph to generate the minimum time motion. Motion planning in binary image representation environment is also studied. Fuzzy logic based digital image processing has been studied. The concept of Fuzzy Principal Index Of Area Coverage (PIOAC) is proposed to recognise and match objects in consecutive images. Experiments show that PIOAC is useful in recognising objects. The visibility graph of a binary image representation environment is very inefficient, so the approach usually used to plan the motion for such an environment is the quadtree approach. In this research, polygonizing an obstacle is proposed. The approaches developed for various environments can be used to solve the motion planning problem without any modification. A simulation system is designed to simulate the approaches

    Configuration study for a 30 GHz monolithic receive array, volume 2

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    The formalism of the sidelobe suppression algorithm and the method used to calculate the system noise figure for a 30 GHz monolithic receive array are presented. Results of array element weight determination and performance studies of a Gregorian aperture image system are also given

    Transparent and Precise Malware Analysis Using Virtualization: From Theory to Practice

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    Dynamic analysis is an important technique used in malware analysis and is complementary to static analysis. Thus far, virtualization has been widely adopted for building fine-grained dynamic analysis tools and this trend is expected to continue. Unlike User/Kernel space malware analysis platforms that essentially co-exist with malware, virtualization based platforms benefit from isolation and fine-grained instrumentation support. Isolation makes it more difficult for malware samples to disrupt analysis and fine-grained instrumentation provides analysts with low level details, such as those at the machine instruction level. This in turn supports the development of advanced analysis tools such as dynamic taint analysis and symbolic execution for automatic path exploration. The major disadvantage of virtualization based malware analysis is the loss of semantic information, also known as the semantic gap problem. To put it differently, since analysis takes place at the virtual machine monitor where only the raw system state (e.g., CPU and memory) is visible, higher level constructs such as processes and files must be reconstructed using the low level information. The collection of techniques used to bridge semantic gaps is known as Virtual Machine Introspection. Virtualization based analysis platforms can be further separated into emulation and hardware virtualization. Emulators have the advantages of flexibility of analysis tool development and efficiency for fine-grained analysis; however, emulators suffer from the transparency problem. That is, malware can employ methods to determine whether it is executing in an emulated environment versus real hardware and cease operations to disrupt analysis if the machine is emulated. In brief, emulation based dynamic analysis has advantages over User/Kernel space and hardware virtualization based techniques, but it suffers from semantic gap and transparency problems. These problems have been exacerbated by recent discoveries of anti-emulation malware that detects emulators and Android malware with two semantic gaps, Java and native. Also, it is foreseeable that malware authors will have a similar response to taint analysis. In other words, once taint analysis becomes widely used to understand how malware operates, the authors will create new malware that attacks the imprecisions in taint analysis implementations and induce false-positives and false-negatives in an effort to frustrate analysts. This dissertation addresses these problems by presenting concepts, methods and techniques that can be used to transparently and precisely analyze both desktop and mobile malware using virtualization. This is achieved in three parts. First, precise heterogeneous record and replay is presented as a means to help emulators benefit from the transparency characteristics of hardware virtualization. This technique is implemented in a tool called V2E that uses KVM for recording and TEMU for replaying and analysis. It was successfully used to analyze real-world anti-emulation malware that evaded analysis using TEMU alone. Second, the design of an emulation based Android malware analysis platform that uses virtual machine introspection to bridge both the Java and native level semantic gaps as well as seamlessly bind the two views together into a single view is presented. The core introspection and instrumentation techniques were implemented in a new analysis platform called DroidScope that is based on the Android emulator. It was successfully used to analyze two real-world Android malware samples that have cooperating Java and native level components. Taint analysis was also used to study their information ex-filtration behaviors. Third, formal methods for studying the sources of false-positives and false-negatives in dynamic taint analysis designs and for verifying the correctness of manually defined taint propagation rules are presented. These definitions and methods were successfully used to analyze and compare previously published taint analysis platforms in terms of false-positives and false-negatives

    Emission and reflection from healthy and stressed natural targets with computer analysis of spectroradiometric and multispectral scanner data

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    Special emphasis was on corn plants, and the healthy targets were differentiated from stressed ones by remote sensing. Infrared radiometry of plants is reviewed thoroughly with emphasis on agricultural crops. Theory and error analysis of the determination of emittance of a natural target by radiometer is discussed. Experiments were conducted on corn (Zea mays L.) plants with long wavelength spectroradiometer under field conditions. Analysis of multispectral scanner data of ten selected flightlines of Corn Blight Watch Experiment of 1972 indicated: (1) There was no regular pattern of the mean response of the higher level/levels blighted corn vs. lower level/levels blighted corn in any of the spectral channels. (2) The greater the difference between the blight levels, the more statistically separable they usually were in subsets of one, two, three and four spectral channels

    Self-organization of developing embryo using scale-invariant approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Self-organization is a fundamental feature of living organisms at all hierarchical levels from molecule to organ. It has also been documented in developing embryos.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study, a scale-invariant power law (SIPL) method has been used to study self-organization in developing embryos. The SIPL coefficient was calculated using a centro-axial skew symmetrical matrix (CSSM) generated by entering the components of the Cartesian coordinates; for each component, one CSSM was generated. A basic square matrix (BSM) was constructed and the determinant was calculated in order to estimate the SIPL coefficient. This was applied to developing <it>C. elegans </it>during early stages of embryogenesis. The power law property of the method was evaluated using the straight line and Koch curve and the results were consistent with fractal dimensions (fd). Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) was used to validate the SIPL method.</p> <p>Results and conclusion</p> <p>The fractal dimensions of both the straight line and Koch curve showed consistency with the SIPL coefficients, which indicated the power law behavior of the SIPL method. The results showed that the ABp sublineage had a higher SIPL coefficient than EMS, indicating that ABp is more organized than EMS. The fd determined using DLA was higher in ABp than in EMS and its value was consistent with type 1 cluster formation, while that in EMS was consistent with type 2.</p

    A Feature-Oriented Modelling Language and a Feature-Interaction Taxonomy for Product-Line Requirements

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    Many organizations specialize in the development of families of software systems, called software product lines (SPLs), for one or more domains (e.g., automotive, telephony, health care). SPLs are commonly developed as a shared set of assets representing the common and variable aspects of an SPL, and individual products are constructed by assembling the right combinations of assets. The feature-oriented software development (FOSD) paradigm advocates the use of system features as the primary unit of commonality and variability among the products of an SPL. A feature represents a coherent and identifiable bundle of system functionality, such as call waiting in telephony and cruise control in an automobile. Furthermore, FOSD aims at feature-oriented artifacts (FOAs); that is, software-development artifacts that explicate features, so that a clear mapping is established between a feature and its representation in different artifacts. The thesis first identifies the problem of developing a suitable language for expressing feature-oriented models of the functional requirements of an SPL, and then presents the feature-oriented requirements modelling language (FORML) as a solution to this problem. FORML's notation is based on standard software-engineering notations (e.g., UML class and state-machine models, feature models) to ease adoption by practitioners, and has a precise syntax and semantics to enable analysis. The novelty of FORML is in adding feature-orientation to state-of-the-art requirements modelling approaches (e.g., KAOS), and in the systematic treatment of modelling evolutions of an SPL via enhancements to existing features. An existing feature can be enhanced by extending or modifying its requirements. Enhancements that modify a feature's requirements are called intended feature interactions. For example, the call waiting feature in telephony intentionally overrides the basic call service feature's treatment of incoming calls when the subscriber is already involved in a call. FORML prescribes different constructs for specifying different types of enhancements in state-machine models of requirements. Furthermore, unlike some prominent approaches (e.g., AHEAD, DFC), FORML's constructs for modelling intended feature interactions do not depend on the order in which features are composed; this can lead to savings in analysis costs, since only one rather than (possibly) multiple composition orders need to be analyzed. A well-known challenge in FOSD is managing feature interactions, which, informally defined, are ways in which different features can influence one another in defining the overall properties and behaviours of their combination. Some feature interactions are intended, as described above, while other feature interactions are unintended: for example, the cruise control and anti-lock braking system features of an automobile may have incompatible affects on the automobile's acceleration, which would make their combination inconsistent. Unintended feature interactions should be detected and resolved. To detect unintended interactions in models of feature behaviour, we must first define a taxonomy of feature interactions for the modelling language: that is, we must understand the different ways that feature interactions can manifest among features expressed in the language. The thesis presents a taxonomy of feature interactions for FORML that is an adaptation of existing taxonomies for operational models of feature behaviour. The novelty of the proposed taxonomy is that it presents a definition of behaviour modification that generalizes special cases found in the literature; and it enables feature-interaction analyses that report only unintended interactions, by excluding interactions caused by FORML's constructs for modelling intended feature interactions

    Resting state network topology of the ferret brain

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    Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) has emerged as a versatile tool for non-invasive measurement of functional connectivity patterns in the brain. RsfMRI brain dynamics in rodents, non-human primates, and humans share similar properties; however, little is known about the resting state functional connectivity patterns in the ferret, an animal model with high potential for developmental and cognitive translational study. To address this knowledge-gap, we performed rsfMRI on anesthetized ferrets using a 9.4 tesla MRI scanner, and subsequently performed group-level independent component analysis (gICA) to identify functionally connected brain networks. Group-level ICA analysis revealed distributed sensory, motor, and higher-order networks in the ferret brain. Subsequent connectivity analysis showed interconnected higher-order networks that constituted a putative default mode network (DMN), a network that exhibits altered connectivity in neuropsychiatric disorders. Finally, we assessed ferret brain topological efficiency using graph theory analysis and found that the ferret brain exhibits small-world properties. Overall, these results provide additional evidence for pan-species resting-state networks, further supporting ferret-based studies of sensory and cognitive function

    Trends and Techniques for Space Base Electronics

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    Simulations of various phosphorus and boron diffusions in SOS were completed and a sputtering system, furnaces, and photolithography related equipment were set up. Double layer metal experiments initially utilized wet chemistry techniques. By incorporating ultrasonic etching of the vias, premetal cleaning a modified buffered HF, phosphorus doped vapox, and extended sintering, yields of 98% were obtained using the standard test pattern. A two dimensional modeling program was written for simulating short channel MOSFETs with nonuniform substrate doping. A key simplifying assumption used is that the majority carriers can be represented by a sheet charge at the silicon dioxide silicon interface. Although the program is incomplete, the two dimensional Poisson equation for the potential distribution was achieved. The status of other Z-D MOSFET simulation programs is summarized