52 research outputs found

    Frequency synchronization for multiuser MIMO-OFDM system using Bayesian approach

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    This paper addresses the problem of frequency synchronization in multiuser multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) systems. Different from existing work, a Bayesian approach is used in the parameter estimation problem. In this paper, the Bayes estimator for carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation is proposed and the Bayesian Cramér-Rao bound (BCRB) is also derived in closed form. Direct implementation of the resultant estimation scheme with conventional methods is challenging since a high degree of mathematical sophistication is always required. To solve this problem, the Gibbs sampler is exploited with an efficient sample generation method. Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed estimation scheme. ©2010 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), Miami, FL., 6-10 December 2010. In Globecom. IEEE Conference and Exhibition, 2010, p. 1-

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe continuous growth of wireless communication use has largely exhausted the limited spectrum available. Methods to improve spectral efficiency are in high demand and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Several technologies have the potential to make large improvements to spectral efficiency and the total capacity of networks including massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), cognitive radio, and spatial-multiplexing MIMO. Of these, spatial-multiplexing MIMO has the largest near-term potential as it has already been adopted in the WiFi, WiMAX, and LTE standards. Although transmitting independent MIMO streams is cheap and easy, with a mere linear increase in cost with streams, receiving MIMO is difficult since the optimal methods have exponentially increasing cost and power consumption. Suboptimal MIMO detectors such as K-Best have a drastically reduced complexity compared to optimal methods but still have an undesirable exponentially increasing cost with data-rate. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) detector has been proposed as a near-optimal method with polynomial cost, but it has a history of unusual performance issues which have hindered its adoption. In this dissertation, we introduce a revised derivation of the bitwise MCMC MIMO detector. The new approach resolves the previously reported high SNR stalling problem of MCMC without the need for hybridization with another detector method or adding heuristic temperature scaling terms. Another common problem with MCMC algorithms is an unknown convergence time making predictable fixed-length implementations problematic. When an insufficient number of iterations is used on a slowly converging example, the output LLRs can be unstable and overconfident, therefore, we develop a method to identify rare, slowly converging runs and mitigate their degrading effects on the soft-output information. This improves forward-error-correcting code performance and removes a symptomatic error floor in bit-error-rates. Next, pseudo-convergence is identified with a novel way to visualize the internal behavior of the Gibbs sampler. An effective and efficient pseudo-convergence detection and escape strategy is suggested. Finally, the new excited MCMC (X-MCMC) detector is shown to have near maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) performance even with challenging, realistic, highly-correlated channels at the maximum MIMO sizes and modulation rates supported by the 802.11ac WiFi specification, 8x8 256 QAM. Further, the new excited MCMC (X-MCMC) detector is demonstrated on an 8-antenna MIMO testbed with the 802.11ac WiFi protocol, confirming its high performance. Finally, a VLSI implementation of the X-MCMC detector is presented which retains the near-optimal performance of the floating-point algorithm while having one of the lowest complexities found in the near-optimal MIMO detector literature

    Advances in approximate Bayesian computation and trans-dimensional sampling methodology

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    Bayesian statistical models continue to grow in complexity, driven in part by a few key factors: the massive computational resources now available to statisticians; the substantial gains made in sampling methodology and algorithms such as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), trans-dimensional MCMC (TDMCMC), sequential Monte Carlo (SMC), adaptive algorithms and stochastic approximation methods and approximate Bayesian computation (ABC); and development of more realistic models for real world phenomena as demonstrated in this thesis for financial models and telecommunications engineering. Sophisticated statistical models are increasingly proposed for practical solutions to real world problems in order to better capture salient features of increasingly more complex data. With sophistication comes a parallel requirement for more advanced and automated statistical computational methodologies. The key focus of this thesis revolves around innovation related to the following three significant Bayesian research questions. 1. How can one develop practically useful Bayesian models and corresponding computationally efficient sampling methodology, when the likelihood model is intractable? 2. How can one develop methodology in order to automate Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling approaches to efficiently explore the support of a posterior distribution, defined across multiple Bayesian statistical models? 3. How can these sophisticated Bayesian modelling frameworks and sampling methodologies be utilized to solve practically relevant and important problems in the research fields of financial risk modeling and telecommunications engineering ? This thesis is split into three bodies of work represented in three parts. Each part contains journal papers with novel statistical model and sampling methodological development. The coherent link between each part involves the novel sampling methodologies developed in Part I and utilized in Part II and Part III. Papers contained in each part make progress at addressing the core research questions posed. Part I of this thesis presents generally applicable key statistical sampling methodologies that will be utilized and extended in the subsequent two parts. In particular it presents novel developments in statistical methodology pertaining to likelihood-free or ABC and TDMCMC methodology. The TDMCMC methodology focuses on several aspects of automation in the between model proposal construction, including approximation of the optimal between model proposal kernel via a conditional path sampling density estimator. Then this methodology is explored for several novel Bayesian model selection applications including cointegrated vector autoregressions (CVAR) models and mixture models in which there is an unknown number of mixture components. The second area relates to development of ABC methodology with particular focus on SMC Samplers methodology in an ABC context via Partial Rejection Control (PRC). In addition to novel algorithmic development, key theoretical properties are also studied for the classes of algorithms developed. Then this methodology is developed for a highly challenging practically significant application relating to multivariate Bayesian α\alpha-stable models. Then Part II focuses on novel statistical model development in the areas of financial risk and non-life insurance claims reserving. In each of the papers in this part the focus is on two aspects: foremost the development of novel statistical models to improve the modeling of risk and insurance; and then the associated problem of how to fit and sample from such statistical models efficiently. In particular novel statistical models are developed for Operational Risk (OpRisk) under a Loss Distributional Approach (LDA) and for claims reserving in Actuarial non-life insurance modelling. In each case the models developed include an additional level of complexity which adds flexibility to the model in order to better capture salient features observed in real data. The consequence of the additional complexity comes at the cost that standard fitting and sampling methodologies are generally not applicable, as a result one is required to develop and apply the methodology from Part I. Part III focuses on novel statistical model development in the area of statistical signal processing for wireless communications engineering. Statistical models will be developed or extended for two general classes of wireless communications problem: the first relates to detection of transmitted symbols and joint channel estimation in Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems coupled with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM); the second relates to co-operative wireless communications relay systems in which the key focus is on detection of transmitted symbols. Both these areas will require advanced sampling methodology developed in Part I to find solutions to these real world engineering problems

    Signal Detection for OFDM-Based Virtual MIMO Systems under Unknown Doubly Selective Channels, Multiple Interferences and Phase Noises

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    In this paper, the challenging problem of signal detection under severe communication environment that plagued by unknown doubly selective channels (DSCs), multiple narrowband interferences (NBIs) and phase noises (PNs) is investigated for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing based virtual multiple-input multiple-output (OFDM-V-MIMO) systems. Based on the Variational Bayesian Inference framework, a novel iterative algorithm for joint signal detection, DSC, NBI and PN estimations is proposed. Simulation results demonstrate quick convergence of the proposed algorithm, and after convergence, the bit-error-rate performance of the proposed signal detection algorithm is very close to that of the ideal case which assumes perfect channel state information, no PN, and known positions and powers of NBIs plus additive white Gaussian noise. Furthermore, simulation results show that the proposed signal detection algorithm outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.published_or_final_versio

    Iterative Receiver Techniques for Data-Driven Channel Estimation and Interference Mitigation in Wireless Communications

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    Wireless mobile communications were initially a way for people to communicate through low data rate voice call connections. As data enabled devices allow users the ability to do much more with their mobile devices, so to will the demand for more reliable and pervasive wireless data. This is being addressed by so-called 4th generation wireless systems based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems. Mobile wireless customers are becoming more demanding and expecting to have a great user experience over high speed broadband access at any time and anywhere, both indoor and outdoor. However, these promising improvements cannot be realized without an e±cient design of the receiver. Recently, receivers utilizing iterative detection and decoding have changed the fundamental receiver design paradigm from traditional separated parameter estimation and data detection blocks to an integrated iterative parameter estimator and data detection unit. Motivated by this iterative data driven approach, we develop low complexity iterative receivers with improved sensitivity compared to the conventional receivers, this brings potential benefits for the wireless communication system, such as improving the overall system throughput, increasing the macro cell coverage, and reducing the cost of the equipments in both the base station and mobile terminal. It is a challenge to design receivers that have good performance in a highly dynamic mobile wireless environment. One of the challenges is to minimize overhead reference signal energy (preamble, pilot symbols) without compromising the performance. We investigate this problem, and develop an iterative receiver with enhanced data-driven channel estimation. We discuss practical realizations of the iterative receiver for SISO-OFDM system. We utilize the channel estimation from soft decoded data (the a priori information) through frequency-domain combining and time-domain combining strategies in parallel with limited pilot signals. We analyze the performance and complexity of the iterative receiver, and show that the receiver's sensitivity can be improved even with this low complexity solution. Hence, seamless communications can be achieved with better macro cell coverage and mobility without compromising the overall system performance. Another challenge is that a massive amount of interference caused by MIMO transmission (spatial multiplexing MIMO) reduces the performance of the channel estimation, and further degrades data detection performance. We extend the iterative channel estimation from SISO systems to MIMO systems, and work with linear detection methods to perform joint interference mitigation and channel estimation. We further show the robustness of the iterative receivers in both indoor and outdoor environment compared to the conventional receiver approach. Finally, we develop low complexity iterative spatial multiplexed MIMO receivers for nonlinear methods based on two known techniques, that is, the Sphere Decoder (SD) method and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. These methods have superior performance, however, they typically demand a substantial increase in computational complexity, which is not favorable in practical realizations. We investigate and show for the first time how to utilize the a priori information in these methods to achieve performance enhancement while simultaneously substantially reducing the computational complexity. In our modified sphere decoder method, we introduce a new accumulated a priori metric in the tree node enumeration process. We show how we can improve the performance by obtaining the reliable tree node candidate from the joint Maximum Likelihood (ML) metric and an approximated a priori metric. We also show how we can improve the convergence speed of the sphere decoder (i.e., reduce the com- plexity) by selecting the node with the highest a priori probability as the starting node in the enumeration process. In our modified MCMC method, the a priori information is utilized for the firrst time to qualify the reliably decoded bits from the entire signal space. Two new robust MCMC methods are developed to deal with the unreliable bits by using the reliably decoded bit information to cancel the interference that they generate. We show through complexity analysis and performance comparison that these new techniques have improved performance compared to the conventional approaches, and further complexity reduction can be obtained with the assistance of the a priori information. Therefore, the complexity and performance tradeoff of these nonlinear methods can be optimized for practical realizations

    Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Radio Channels:An Application of the Theory of Spatial Point Processes

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    Mehrdimensionale Kanalschätzung für MIMO-OFDM

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    DIGITAL wireless communication started in the 1990s with the wide-spread deployment of GSM. Since then, wireless systems evolved dramatically. Current wireless standards approach the goal of an omnipresent communication system, which fulfils the wish to communicate with anyone, anywhere at anytime. Nowadays, the acceptance of smartphones and/or tablets is huge and the mobile internet is the core application. Given the current growth, the estimated data traffic in wireless networks in 2020 might be 1000 times higher than that of 2010, exceeding 127 exabyte. Unfortunately, the available radio spectrum is scarce and hence, needs to be utilized efficiently. Key technologies, such as multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) as well as various MIMO precoding techniques increase the theoretically achievable channel capacity considerably and are used in the majority of wireless standards. On the one hand, MIMO-OFDM promises substantial diversity and/or capacity gains. On the other hand, the complexity of optimum maximum-likelihood detection grows exponentially and is thus, not sustainable. Additionally, the required signaling overhead increases with the number of antennas and thereby reduces the bandwidth efficiency. Iterative receivers which jointly carry out channel estimation and data detection are a potential enabler to reduce the pilot overhead and approach optimum capacity at often reduced complexity. In this thesis, a graph-based receiver is developed, which iteratively performs joint data detection and channel estimation. The proposed multi-dimensional factor graph introduces transfer nodes that exploit correlation of adjacent channel coefficients in an arbitrary number of dimensions (e.g. time, frequency, and space). This establishes a simple and flexible receiver structure that facilitates soft channel estimation and data detection in multi-dimensional dispersive channels, and supports arbitrary modulation and channel coding schemes. However, the factor graph exhibits suboptimal cycles. In order to reach the maximum performance, the message exchange schedule, the process of combining messages, and the initialization are adapted. Unlike conventional approaches, which merge nodes of the factor graph to avoid cycles, the proposed message combining methods mitigate the impairing effects of short cycles and retain a low computational complexity. Furthermore, a novel detection algorithm is presented, which combines tree-based MIMO detection with a Gaussian detector. The resulting detector, termed Gaussian tree search detection, integrates well within the factor graph framework and reduces further the overall complexity of the receiver. Additionally, particle swarm optimization (PSO) is investigated for the purpose of initial channel estimation. The bio-inspired algorithm is particularly interesting because of its fast convergence to a reasonable MSE and its versatile adaptation to a variety of optimization problems. It is especially suited for initialization since no a priori information is required. A cooperative approach to PSO is proposed for large-scale antenna implementations as well as a multi-objective PSO for time-varying frequency-selective channels. The performance of the multi-dimensional graph-based soft iterative receiver is evaluated by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The achieved results are compared to the performance of an iterative state-of-the-art receiver. It is shown that a similar or better performance is achieved at a lower complexity. An appealing feature of iterative semi-blind channel estimation is that the supported pilot spacings may exceed the limits given the by Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem. In this thesis, a relation between pilot spacing and channel code is formulated. Depending on the chosen channel code and code rate, the maximum spacing approaches the proposed “coded sampling bound”.Die digitale drahtlose Kommunikation begann in den 1990er Jahren mit der zunehmenden Verbreitung von GSM. Seitdem haben sich Mobilfunksysteme drastisch weiterentwickelt. Aktuelle Mobilfunkstandards nähern sich dem Ziel eines omnipräsenten Kommunikationssystems an und erfüllen damit den Wunsch mit jedem Menschen zu jeder Zeit an jedem Ort kommunizieren zu können. Heutzutage ist die Akzeptanz von Smartphones und Tablets immens und das mobile Internet ist die zentrale Anwendung. Ausgehend von dem momentanen Wachstum wird das Datenaufkommen in Mobilfunk-Netzwerken im Jahr 2020, im Vergleich zum Jahr 2010, um den Faktor 1000 gestiegen sein und 100 Exabyte überschreiten. Unglücklicherweise ist die verfügbare Bandbreite beschränkt und muss daher effizient genutzt werden. Schlüsseltechnologien, wie z.B. Mehrantennensysteme (multiple-input multiple-output, MIMO), orthogonale Frequenzmultiplexverfahren (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing, OFDM) sowie weitere MIMO Codierverfahren, vergrößern die theoretisch erreichbare Kanalkapazität und kommen bereits in der Mehrheit der Mobil-funkstandards zum Einsatz. Auf der einen Seite verspricht MIMO-OFDM erhebliche Diversitäts- und/oder Kapazitätsgewinne. Auf der anderen Seite steigt die Komplexität der optimalen Maximum-Likelihood Detektion exponientiell und ist infolgedessen nicht haltbar. Zusätzlich wächst der benötigte Mehraufwand für die Kanalschätzung mit der Anzahl der verwendeten Antennen und reduziert dadurch die Bandbreiteneffizienz. Iterative Empfänger, die Datendetektion und Kanalschätzung im Verbund ausführen, sind potentielle Wegbereiter um den Mehraufwand des Trainings zu reduzieren und sich gleichzeitig der maximalen Kapazität mit geringerem Aufwand anzunähern. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird ein graphenbasierter Empfänger für iterative Datendetektion und Kanalschätzung entwickelt. Der vorgeschlagene multidimensionale Faktor Graph führt sogenannte Transferknoten ein, die die Korrelation benachbarter Kanalkoeffizienten in beliebigen Dimensionen, z.B. Zeit, Frequenz und Raum, ausnutzen. Hierdurch wird eine einfache und flexible Empfängerstruktur realisiert mit deren Hilfe weiche Kanalschätzung und Datendetektion in mehrdimensionalen, dispersiven Kanälen mit beliebiger Modulation und Codierung durchgeführt werden kann. Allerdings weist der Faktorgraph suboptimale Schleifen auf. Um die maximale Performance zu erreichen, wurde neben dem Ablauf des Nachrichtenaustausches und des Vorgangs zur Kombination von Nachrichten auch die Initialisierung speziell angepasst. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Methoden, bei denen mehrere Knoten zur Vermeidung von Schleifen zusammengefasst werden, verringern die vorgeschlagenen Methoden die leistungsmindernde Effekte von Schleifen, erhalten aber zugleich die geringe Komplexität des Empfängers. Zusätzlich wird ein neuartiger Detektionsalgorithmus vorgestellt, der baumbasierte Detektionsalgorithmen mit dem sogenannten Gauss-Detektor verknüpft. Der resultierende baumbasierte Gauss-Detektor (Gaussian tree search detector) lässt sich ideal in das graphenbasierte Framework einbinden und verringert weiter die Gesamtkomplexität des Empfängers. Zusätzlich wird Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) zum Zweck der initialen Kanalschätzung untersucht. Der biologisch inspirierte Algorithmus ist insbesonders wegen seiner schnellen Konvergenz zu einem akzeptablen MSE und seiner vielseitigen Abstimmungsmöglichkeiten auf eine Vielzahl von Optimierungsproblemen interessant. Da PSO keine a priori Informationen benötigt, ist er speziell für die Initialisierung geeignet. Sowohl ein kooperativer Ansatz für PSO für Antennensysteme mit extrem vielen Antennen als auch ein multi-objective PSO für Kanäle, die in Zeit und Frequenz dispersiv sind, werden evaluiert. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des multidimensionalen graphenbasierten iterativen Empfängers wird mit Hilfe von Monte Carlo Simulationen untersucht. Die Simulationsergebnisse werden mit denen eines dem Stand der Technik entsprechenden Empfängers verglichen. Es wird gezeigt, dass ähnliche oder bessere Ergebnisse mit geringerem Aufwand erreicht werden. Eine weitere ansprechende Eigenschaft von iterativen semi-blinden Kanalschätzern ist, dass der mögliche Abstand von Trainingssymbolen die Grenzen des Nyquist-Shannon Abtasttheorem überschreiten kann. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird eine Beziehung zwischen dem Trainingsabstand und dem Kanalcode formuliert. In Abhängigkeit des gewählten Kanalcodes und der Coderate folgt der maximale Trainingsabstand der vorgeschlagenen “coded sampling bound”

    Active Learning in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    In this thesis, numerous Machine Learning (ML) applications for Cognitive Radios Networks (CRNs) are developed and presented which facilitate the e cient spectral coexistence of a legacy system, the Primary Users (PUs), and a CRN, the Secondary Users (SUs). One way to better exploit the capacity of the legacy system frequency band is to consider a coexistence scenario using underlay Cognitive Radio (CR) techniques, where SUs may transmit in the frequency band of the PU system as long as the induced to the PU interference is under a certain limit and thus does not harmfully a ect the legacy system operability
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