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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2383号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2007/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新447

    WiMAX HAPS-based downlink performance employing geometrical and statistical propagation channel characteristics

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    The evolution to a well-expected technology in wireless-communications maturity is in progress. Complementary applications are being suggested for such purposes, which might be possibly effective from the already ongoing research on high-altitude-platform systems. Herein, we introduce a HAPS-based system for delivering broadband communications intended to be operational at L band. A physical-statistical channel model for the HAPSto-fixed-terrestrial terminal provision is derived from urban geometrical radio-coverage considerations with a simple diffraction theory. The stratospheric broadband channel model is fulfi lled with the two channel-state situations related to the direct and specular rays, plus multipath. The fi rst state consists of predicting the performance for which the line-of-sight path can exist between HAPS and the still terminal at street level. The second channel state refers to modeling the statistical fading characteristics for the shadowing condition. The system implementation is approximated and analyzed by performing intensive simulation-aided modeling. The proposed hypotheses use empirical data derived from land-mobile-satellite communication-system records. Because the systems require robust, reliable, and future standardization results, IEEE 802.16™-2004 PHYlayer technical specifi cations are used to accomplish the WiMAX HAPS-based downlink performance evaluation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Variable step closed-loop power control with space diversity for low elevation angle High Altitude Platforms communication channel [Langkah variabel kontrol daya tertutup dengan keragaman ruang untuk sudut elevasi rendah pada kanal komunikasi HAPs]

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    This paper proposes variable step closed loop power control algorithm combined with space diversity to improve the performance of High Altitude Platforms (HAPs) communication at low elevation angle using Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). In this contribution, we first develop HAPs channel model which is derived from experimental measurement. From our experiment, we found HAPs channel characteristic can be modeled as a Ricean distribution because the presence of line of sight path. Different elevation angle resulting different K factor value.  This value is then used in Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) based closed loop power control evaluation. The variable step algorithm is simulated under various elevation angles with different speed of mobile user. The performance is presented in terms of user elevation angle, user speed, step size and space diversity order. We found that the performance of variable step closed-loop power control less effective at low elevation angle. However our simulation shows that space diversity is able to improve the performance of closed loop power control for HAPs channel at low elevation angle.*****Kajian ini mengusulkan suatu algoritma kontrol daya langkah variabel loop tertutup dikombinasikan dengan keragaman ruang untuk meningkatkan kinerja komunikasi High Altitude Platforms(HAPs) pada sudut elevasi rendah menggunakan Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). Kami berkontribusi untuk mengembangkan model kanal HAPs yang berasal dari pengukuran eksperimental sebelumnya. Dari percobaan tersebut, kami menemukan karakteristik kanal HAPs yang dapat dimodelkan sebagai distribusi Ricean karena kehadiran jalur tanpa penghalang. Eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan sudut elevasi menghasilkan perbedaan nilai factor K. Nilai ini kemudian digunakan dalam Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) berbasiskan evaluasi kontrol daya loop tertutup. Algoritma langkah variabel disimulasikan dibawah sudut elevasi yang berbeda dengan kecepatan yang berbeda dari pengguna vobile. Kinerja tersebut disajikan dalam hal sudut elevasi pengguna, kecepatan pengguna, ukuran langkah dan ketertiban ruang keanekaragaman. Kami menemukan bahwa kinerja langkah variabel kontrol daya loop tertutup kurang efektif pada sudut elevasi rendah. Namun simulasi kami menunjukkan bahwa ruang keragaman mampu meningkatkan kinerja kontrol daya loop tertutup untuk kanal HAPs di sudut elevasi rendah.

    Variable Step Closed Loop Power Control with Space Diversity for Low Elevation Angle High Altitude Platforms Communication Channel [Langkah Variabel Kontrol Daya Loop Tertutup Dengan Keragaman Ruang Untuk Sudut Elevasi Rendah Pada Kanal Komunikasi HAPs]

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    This paper proposes variable step closed loop power control algorithm combined with space diversity to improve the performance of High Altitude Platforms (HAPs) communication at low elevation angle using Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). In this contribution, we first develop HAPs channel model which is derived from experimental measurement. From our experiment, we found HAPs channel characteristic can be modeled as a Ricean distribution because the presence of line of sight path. Different elevation angle resulting different K factor value. This value is then used in Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) based closed loop power control evaluation. The variable step algorithm is simulated under various elevation angles with different speed of mobile user. The performance is presented in terms of user elevation angle, user speed, step size and space diversity order. We found that the performance of variable step closed-loop power control less effective at low elevation angle. However our simulation shows that space diversity is able to improve the performance of closed loop power control for HAPs channel at low elevation angle.*****Kajian ini mengusulkan suatu algoritma kontrol daya langkah variabel loop tertutup dikombinasikan dengan keragaman ruang untuk meningkatkan kinerja komunikasi High Altitude Platforms(HAPs) pada sudut elevasi rendah menggunakan Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). Kami berkontribusi untuk mengembangkan model kanal HAPs yang berasal dari pengukuran eksperimental sebelumnya. Dari percobaan tersebut, kami menemukan karakteristik kanal HAPs yang dapat dimodelkan sebagai distribusi Ricean karena kehadiran jalur tanpa penghalang. Eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan sudut elevasi menghasilkan perbedaan nilai factor K. Nilai ini kemudian digunakan dalam Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) berbasiskan evaluasi kontrol daya loop tertutup. Algoritma langkah variabel disimulasikan dibawah sudut elevasi yang berbeda dengan kecepatan yang berbeda dari pengguna vobile. Kinerja tersebut disajikan dalam hal sudut elevasi pengguna, kecepatan pengguna, ukuran langkah dan ketertiban ruang keanekaragaman. Kami menemukan bahwa kinerja langkah variabel kontrol daya loop tertutup kurang efektif pada sudut elevasi rendah. Namun simulasi kami menunjukkan bahwa ruang keragaman mampu meningkatkan kinerja kontrol daya loop tertutup untuk kanal HAPs di sudut elevasi rendah

    CINR Performance of Downlink Mobile WiMAX IEEE 802.16e Deployed Using Coexistence Cellular Terrestrial and HAPS

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    Deploying WiMAX through High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) system is a new means of wireless delivery method and thus attracting much the attention in a telecommunication society. However delivering WiMAX through the terrestrial network has already been started a few years ago. Therefore, we need to look at the scenario of coexistence system both of HAPS and terrestrial in delivering WiMAX services. This paper evaluates the performance of coexistence system between cellular HAPS and terrestrial for the downlink scenario when they are transmitting WiMAX mobile 802.16e services. Our evaluation is based on the performance simulation of coexistence model using two methods. First method is a footprint exchange between the two systems.The second method is a combination of footprint exchange and HAPS footprint enhancement. The proposed methodsare then evaluated by computer simulation in terms of carrier to interference plus noise ratio (CINR) performance. In general, both methods resulting performance enhancement in CINR quality compared with coexistence deployment with normal scenario of the cell configuration used by HAPS and terrestrial. The method of combining footprint exchange and HAPS footprint enhancement is able to improve CINR more than 10 dB compared with the normal footprint configuration for all users location inside the coverage