82,470 research outputs found

    Inverse problem in cylindrical electrical networks

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    In this paper we study the inverse Dirichlet-to-Neumann problem for certain cylindrical electrical networks. We define and study a birational transformation acting on cylindrical electrical networks called the electrical RR-matrix. We use this transformation to formulate a general conjectural solution to this inverse problem on the cylinder. This conjecture extends work of Curtis, Ingerman, and Morrow, and of de Verdi\`ere, Gitler, and Vertigan for circular planar electrical networks. We show that our conjectural solution holds for certain "purely cylindrical" networks. Here we apply the grove combinatorics introduced by Kenyon and Wilson.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figure

    Deep Learning on Lie Groups for Skeleton-based Action Recognition

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    In recent years, skeleton-based action recognition has become a popular 3D classification problem. State-of-the-art methods typically first represent each motion sequence as a high-dimensional trajectory on a Lie group with an additional dynamic time warping, and then shallowly learn favorable Lie group features. In this paper we incorporate the Lie group structure into a deep network architecture to learn more appropriate Lie group features for 3D action recognition. Within the network structure, we design rotation mapping layers to transform the input Lie group features into desirable ones, which are aligned better in the temporal domain. To reduce the high feature dimensionality, the architecture is equipped with rotation pooling layers for the elements on the Lie group. Furthermore, we propose a logarithm mapping layer to map the resulting manifold data into a tangent space that facilitates the application of regular output layers for the final classification. Evaluations of the proposed network for standard 3D human action recognition datasets clearly demonstrate its superiority over existing shallow Lie group feature learning methods as well as most conventional deep learning methods.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 201

    Generalized Lattice Gauge Theory, Spin Foams and State Sum Invariants

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    We construct a generalization of pure lattice gauge theory (LGT) where the role of the gauge group is played by a tensor category. The type of tensor category admissible (spherical, ribbon, symmetric) depends on the dimension of the underlying manifold (<=3, <=4, any). Ordinary LGT is recovered if the category is the (symmetric) category of representations of a compact Lie group. In the weak coupling limit we recover discretized BF-theory in terms of a coordinate free version of the spin foam formulation. We work on general cellular decompositions of the underlying manifold. In particular, we are able to formulate LGT as well as spin foam models of BF-type with quantum gauge group (in dimension <=4) and with supersymmetric gauge group (in any dimension). Technically, we express the partition function as a sum over diagrams denoting morphisms in the underlying category. On the LGT side this enables us to introduce a generalized notion of gauge fixing corresponding to a topological move between cellular decompositions of the underlying manifold. On the BF-theory side this allows a rather geometric understanding of the state sum invariants of Turaev/Viro, Barrett/Westbury and Crane/Yetter which we recover. The construction is extended to include Wilson loop and spin network type observables as well as manifolds with boundaries. In the topological (weak coupling) case this leads to TQFTs with or without embedded spin networks.Comment: 58 pages, LaTeX with AMS and XY-Pic macros; typos corrected and references update

    Learning Unitary Operators with Help From u(n)

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    A major challenge in the training of recurrent neural networks is the so-called vanishing or exploding gradient problem. The use of a norm-preserving transition operator can address this issue, but parametrization is challenging. In this work we focus on unitary operators and describe a parametrization using the Lie algebra u(n)\mathfrak{u}(n) associated with the Lie group U(n)U(n) of n×nn \times n unitary matrices. The exponential map provides a correspondence between these spaces, and allows us to define a unitary matrix using n2n^2 real coefficients relative to a basis of the Lie algebra. The parametrization is closed under additive updates of these coefficients, and thus provides a simple space in which to do gradient descent. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this parametrization on the problem of learning arbitrary unitary operators, comparing to several baselines and outperforming a recently-proposed lower-dimensional parametrization. We additionally use our parametrization to generalize a recently-proposed unitary recurrent neural network to arbitrary unitary matrices, using it to solve standard long-memory tasks.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 5 figures inc. subfigures, to appear at AAAI-1

    An Integrated Approach to Seismic Event Location: 1. Evaluating How Method of Location Affects the Volume of Groups of Hypocenters

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    When seismic events occur in spatially compact clusters, the volume and geometric characteristics of these clusters often provides information about the relative effectiveness of different location methods, or about physical processes occurring within the hypocentral region. This report defines and explains how to determine the convex polyhedron of minimum volume (CPMV) surrounding a set of points. We evaluate both single-event and joint hypocenter determination (JHD) relocations for three rather different clusters of seismic events: 1) nuclear explosions from Mururoa relocated using P and PKP phases reported by the ISC, 2) intermediate depth earthquakes near Bucaramanga, Colombia, relocated using P and PKP phases reported by the ISC, and 3) shallow earthquakes near Vanuatu (formerly, the New Hebrides), relocated using P and S phases from a local station network. This analysis demonstrates that different location methods markedly affect the volume of the CPMV, however, volumes for JHD relations are �not always smaller than volumes for single-event relocations.Phillips Laboratory, Directorate of Geophysics, Air Force Material Command, Hanscom Air Force Base, MassachusettsInstitute for Geophysic

    Box Graphs and Singular Fibers

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    We determine the higher codimension fibers of elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfolds with section by studying the three-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory with matter which describes the low energy effective theory of M-theory compactified on the associated Weierstrass model, a singular model of the fourfold. Each phase of the Coulomb branch of this theory corresponds to a particular resolution of the Weierstrass model, and we show that these have a concise description in terms of decorated box graphs based on the representation graph of the matter multiplets, or alternatively by a class of convex paths on said graph. Transitions between phases have a simple interpretation as `flopping' of the path, and in the geometry correspond to actual flop transitions. This description of the phases enables us to enumerate and determine the entire network between them, with various matter representations for all reductive Lie groups. Furthermore, we observe that each network of phases carries the structure of a (quasi-)minuscule representation of a specific Lie algebra. Interpreted from a geometric point of view, this analysis determines the generators of the cone of effective curves as well as the network of flop transitions between crepant resolutions of singular elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfolds. From the box graphs we determine all fiber types in codimensions two and three, and we find new, non-Kodaira, fiber types for E_6, E_7 and E_8.Comment: 107 pages, 44 figures, v2: added case of E7 monodromy-reduced fiber
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