147,699 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, yaitu dengan menjadikan sebuah fenomenologi sebagai landasan dasar data dan observasi yang dilakukan oleh peneliti berupa kegiatan mengamati perilaku gay tokoh Chang Jia Han yang diperankan oleh Chen Hao-Sen (陈昊森) dan Birdy (Wang Bo-De) yang diperankan oleh Tseng Ching-Hua (曾敬骅) pada film Your Name Engraved Herein (还在你心底的名 字) Karya Liu Kuang Hui (柳广辉). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik studi pustaka yaitu dengan mencari sumber teori melalui buku, artikel, maupun karya tulis yang memiliki keterkatian dengan penelitian, pengumpulan data dilakukan secara observasi, mencatat dan juga kepustakaan secara daring. menjelaskan (1) Bentuk-bentuk perilaku abnormal tokoh Chang Jia Han dan Birdy; (2) Faktor penyebab terjadinya abnormalitas tokoh Chang Jia Han dan Birdy; (3) Cara tokoh Chang Jia Han dan Birdy berdamai dengan kondisi seksualitas abnormal mereka. Kata Kunci: psikologi sastra, psikologi abnormal, LGBT Abstract This study uses a qualitative method, That is to make a phenomenology a basis for data and observation by researchers of the activities of observing the gay behavior of the Chang Jia Han played by Chen Hao-Sen (陈昊森) and Birdy (Wang Bo-De) played by Tseng Ching-Hua (曾敬骅) in the film Your Name Engraved Herein (还在你心底的名字) by Liu Kuang Hui (柳广辉). The data collection technique used in this study uses library study techniques, namely by searching for theoretical sources through books, articles, or written works related to research, data collection carried out by observation, recording and also library on an online basis. explains (1) the abnormal behaviors of the characters Chang Jia Han and Birdy; (2) Chang Jia Han and Birdy abnormalities; (3) The way Chang Jia Han and Birdy settle with their abnormal sexual conditions. Keywords: literature psychology, abnormal psychology , LGB

    A preliminary study of the effects of enrichment on the activity and spatial distribution of captive monitor lizards in Nakhon Ratchasima Zoo, Thailand

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    The monitor lizard (Varanus salvator) has the widest distribution among all extant varanids found across South and Southeast Asia. However, behavioral studies on captive monitor lizard have not been well-documented. The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of enrichment items on the activity and spatial distribution of captive monitor lizards. The study involved three adult captive Black water monitors (Hiea dam), three adult Roughnecked monitors (Ngu-hao Chang), and two adult Dumeril’s monitors (Tut-too) in outdoor enclosures. Three treatments were administered: control (no enrichment item), cone (enrichment item), and takraw (enrichment item: a rattan ball). The frequency of activity and spatial distribution of three species of monitor lizards were recorded. The results showed that the percentages of activity and spatial distribution of three species of monitor lizards were not significantly affected by the enrichment items (P > 0.05). However, there were significant differences only in lying behavior between the Hiea dam, Ngu-hao Chang, and Tut-too monitors (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the general behaviors of captive Hiea dam, Ngu-hao chang, and Tut-too monitor lizards were similar, and their spatial distribution was also similar. The behavior and spatial distribution of captive monitor lizards were not affected by the enrichment items

    Pelajar UPM menang hadiah pertama pertandingan teknologi makanan di Chicago

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    SERDANG, 14 Ogos (UPM) – Sesi sumbang saran yang berterusan dan penyelidikan menjadi kunci kejayaan sekumpulan pelajar Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) muncul juara dua tahun berturut-turut dalam pertandingan Teknologi Makanan Antarabangsa di Chicago bulan lalu. Pelajar-pelajar pasca-siswazah Sew Chang Chew, Tan Tai Boon, Mohd Asraf Mohd Zainudin, Kuan Chee Hao dan Najla Gooda Sahib begitu gembira kerana kemenangan mereka benar-benar menguji apa yang mereka telah pelajari di Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Makanan UPM. Ia juga mengiktiraf mereka sebagai pelajar sains dan teknologi makanan terbaik di dunia untuk dua tahun berturut-turut. Tahun lalu pelajar UPM memenangi tempat pertama dalam pertandingan sama dianjurkan oleh Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) bersempena dengan mesyuarat dan pameran tahunan mereka

    Dynamical correlation functions and the related physical effects in three-dimensional Weyl/Dirac semimetals

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    We present a unified derivation of the dynamical correlation functions including density-density, density-current and current-current, of three-dimensional Weyl/Dirac semimetals by use of the Passarino-Veltman reduction scheme at zero temperature. The generalized Kramers-Kronig relations with arbitrary order of subtraction are established to verify these correlation functions. Our results lead to the exact chiral magnetic conductivity and directly recover the previous ones in several limits. We also investigate the magnetic susceptibilities, the orbital magnetization and briefly discuss the impact of electron interactions on these physical quantities within the random phase approximation. Our work could provide a starting point for the investigation of the nonlocal transport and optical properties due to the higher-order spatial dispersion in three-dimensional Weyl/Dirac semimetals.Comment: 21 pages, 3+1 figures, 1 table. Accepted in PR

    Anomalous spin Hall effects in Dresselhaus (110) quantum wells

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    Anomalous spin Hall effects that belong to the intrinsic type in Dresselhaus (110) quantum wells are discussed. For the out-of-plane spin component, antisymmetric current-induced spin polarization induces opposite spin Hall accumulation, even though there is no spin-orbit force due to Dresselhaus (110) coupling. A surprising feature of this spin Hall induction is that the spin accumulation sign does not change upon bias reversal. Contribution to the spin Hall accumulation from the spin Hall induction and the spin deviation due to intrinsic spin-orbit force as well as extrinsic spin scattering, can be straightforwardly distinguished simply by reversing the bias. For the inplane component, inclusion of a weak Rashba coupling leads to a new type of SyS_y intrinsic spin Hall effect solely due to spin-orbit-force-driven spin separation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Switching off the magnetic exchange coupling by quantum resonances

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    We clarify the role of quantum-well states in magnetic trilayer systems from majority carrier in the ferromagnetic and all carriers in the antiferromagnetic configurations. In addition to numerical and analytic calculations, heuristic pictures are provided to explain effects of a capping layer and side-layer modulation in recent experiments. This immediately offers answers to two unexplained subtle findings in experiments and band-structure calculations, individually. Furthermore, it allows a more flexible tuning of or even turning off the interlayer exchange coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure