7 research outputs found

    A taxonomy of translation problems in translating from English to Arabic

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    This thesis investigates translation problems in translating from English to Arabic. Despite the fact that there are some taxonomies available, none is based on empirical research; moreover, none can be considered comprehensive. The present study provides a ranked taxonomy of problems in translating from English to Arabic that was developed through two empirical studies. The first is a case-study of the researcher translating a published corpus of short translation-class texts. Since the aim of this project is pedagogical, students of translation were the target population of the second multi-subject study. Here, 56 undergraduate and 18 postgraduate students in Arabic —+ English translation classes at Al-Fateh University and the Academy of Graduate Studies in Libya translated a sub-set of the same texts. By comparing the two groups' performance, the researcher could also find out the effects of translation experience/proficiency on the type and severity of problems. The taxonomy consists of four levels: supra, main, sub and sub-sub categories. The supra category includes problems of ST Comprehension and TT Production and problems of Transfer Process. The main category includes Micro-Language problems, Macro-Text level problems and Strategies and Techniques problems. The sub-category includes problems of Grammar, Vocabulary, Spelling, Rhetorical and stylistic devices, Cohesion, Register and style, Background Knowledge and Culture. The sub-sub categories include forty seven categories such as problems of Word order, Fixed Expressions, Spelling Slips, Irony, Omission and Additions. A tentative ranking of the difficulty of problems is based on three factors: perceived difficulty, error count and error severity. What distinguishes the taxonomy formulated in the present study from existing ones is comprehensiveness, e.g. in combining problems of ST comprehension, TT production and problems of transfer process, or in combining problems of the language system and extra-textual problems; and the ranking adds another dimension. The thesis consists of six chapters: Chapter One outlines the theme of the project and presents the research questions. Chapter Two reviews the relevant literature with an emphasis on translation problems and errors. Chapter Three presents the researcher case-study which sets the ground for the multi-subject main-study in Chapter Four. Chapter Five provides a model of English —* Arabic translation problems as exemplified by the taxonomy of translation problems and discusses the ranking system used and its outcome. Chapter Six, Conclusion, evaluates the outcome of the study, assesses the methodology that has been used to investigate the issues set in the research questions and discusses implications for further research.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Quality in subtitling: theory and professional reality

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    The issue of quality is of great importance in translation studies and, although some studies have been conducted in the field of subtitling, most discussions have been limited to aspects such as how to become a good subtitler and how to produce quality subtitles. Little research has been carried out to investigate other potential factors that may influence the quality of subtitling output in practice. In recent years, some subtitling courses at postgraduate level have attempted to bridge the gap between academia and industry, not only by incorporating the teaching of linguistic and technical skills into the curriculum but also by informing students about ethics, working conditions, market competition, and other relevant professional issues. This instruction is intended to prepare them for promising careers in the subtitling industry, where a progressively deteriorating trend has been observed by some professional subtitlers. The main aim and objective of this study is to explore both theoretical and practical aspects of subtitling quality. The study aspires to call attention to the factors influencing the quality of subtitles and also to provide suggestions to improve the state of affairs within the subtitling industry in terms of quality. In order to examine the potential factors that influence the perception of subtitling quality, particularly in the professional context, two rounds of online surveys were conducted to establish the working conditions of subtitlers. Despite the fact that the participants in the first survey were based in thirty-nine different countries, the data collected is more representative of the situation in Europe, where subtitling is a relatively mature industry compared to other parts of the world. The second survey targeted subtitlers working with the Chinese language in an attempt to study the burgeoning Chinese audiovisual market. This thesis provides a systematic analysis of the numerous parameters that have an impact on the quality of subtitling, both in theory and in professional reality, and offers a detailed insight into the working environment of subtitlers. At the same time, it endeavours to draw attention to the need to ensure decent working conditions in the industry. The general findings are discussed in terms of their implications for the development of the profession as well as for subtitler training and education.Open Acces

    Structure of Meaning (SOM): towards a three-dimensional perspective on translating between Chinese and English

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    The introductory first chapter begins with a brief survey, of translation in the pre-linguistics period. It holds that comparativeness and comparison should be the foundation of translation studies. The model of Structure of Meaning (SOM) is thus created by incorporating and extending the two three-dimensional models provided by systemic-functional grammar and speech act theory. It consists of three dimensions of linguistic composition, interactional dynamic and aesthetic impact, for the analysis of the SL text, for the creation of the TL text in translation, and for the comparison of the two in translation studies. In linguistic composition, the word-order is observed in terms of Agent)-V(erb)O(bject) sequence and its variations, elaborated by modification in text formation. The functions of linguistic elements are classified as syntactic bearer, information carrier and stylistic marker for analysis. The issue of Unit of Translation is also addressed. Information distribution is analyzed for the interactional dynamic of the SOM in terms of implicit versus explicit presentation of information and how this is dealt with in translating on the basis of thematic structure. Aesthetic impact combines form, function and effect to give a SOM its individuality. This is discussed via the translation of figurative language, and syntactic iconicity and enactment. Attention is also devoted to the relations between Shape, Sound and Sense in translation. The model of SOM, in conclusion, identifies Stance and Style within the conventional meaning of 'style', and proposes the practice of stylistic translating in the creation a TL SOM which matches the SL SOM in the three dimensions

    Structure of Meaning (SOM): towards a three-dimensional perspective on translating between Chinese and English

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    The introductory first chapter begins with a brief survey, of translation in the pre-linguistics period. It holds that comparativeness and comparison should be the foundation of translation studies. The model of Structure of Meaning (SOM) is thus created by incorporating and extending the two three-dimensional models provided by systemic-functional grammar and speech act theory. It consists of three dimensions of linguistic composition, interactional dynamic and aesthetic impact, for the analysis of the SL text, for the creation of the TL text in translation, and for the comparison of the two in translation studies. In linguistic composition, the word-order is observed in terms of Agent)-V(erb)O(bject) sequence and its variations, elaborated by modification in text formation. The functions of linguistic elements are classified as syntactic bearer, information carrier and stylistic marker for analysis. The issue of Unit of Translation is also addressed. Information distribution is analyzed for the interactional dynamic of the SOM in terms of implicit versus explicit presentation of information and how this is dealt with in translating on the basis of thematic structure. Aesthetic impact combines form, function and effect to give a SOM its individuality. This is discussed via the translation of figurative language, and syntactic iconicity and enactment. Attention is also devoted to the relations between Shape, Sound and Sense in translation. The model of SOM, in conclusion, identifies Stance and Style within the conventional meaning of 'style', and proposes the practice of stylistic translating in the creation a TL SOM which matches the SL SOM in the three dimensions

    Analecta linguistica, 17.

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    Experiencias pedagógicas e innovación educativa. Aportaciones desde la praxis docente e investigadora

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    Este libro recoge las principales aportaciones al IV Congreso Internacional Virtual sobre Innovación Pedagógica y Praxis Educativa-Innovagogía 2018, organizado por el Colectivo Docente Internacional Innovagogía y AFOE Formación, que tuvo como preámbulo el II Seminario de Innovación Docente: nuevas perspectivas y temas emergentes, celebrado en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, de Sevilla (España). En el Congreso están implicados tanto profesionales individuales como organizaciones e instituciones de ámbito internacional, preocupadas por la innovación, la práctica educativa y formativa de calidad. Está dirigido a profesorado, personal técnico y profesionales de la Educación de cualquier etapa y en todos sus ámbitos: maestros, docentes de secundaria, bachillerato y formación profesional, profesorado universitario, profesionales del trabajo y la educación social, formación ocupacional y permanente, animación sociocultural, tiempo libre, y animación juvenil, entre otros profesionales. Los trabajos incluidos recogen reflexiones y experiencias de un total de 540 participantes de 17 nacionalidades diferentes, pertenecientes a más de 100 entidades, 78 de ellas universidades. Las líneas temáticas en las que se insertan inciden en las buenas prácticas y aportaciones docentes e investigadoras sobre la praxis educativa en los niveles universitarios y no universitarios, hablan del impacto de las Nuevas Tecnologías en la educación y la formación, así como de la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas, sostenibilidad medioambiental, cooperación para el desarrollo, estudios de género e igualdad, educación y formación de personas adultas. Estamos seguros que la amplitud, diversidad y profundización de las distintas aportaciones ofrecerá nuevas pistas y numerosas ideas para orientar la labor socio-educativa de los distintos colectivos profesionales involucrados.Facultad Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Educación y Psicología SocialVersión del edito