20 research outputs found

    Optically powered communication system with distributed amplifiers

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    An optically powered communication system with distributed amplification is demonstrated using either distributed parametric amplification (DPA) or distributed Raman amplification (DRA) within the dispersion-shifted fiber (DSF) and single-mode fiber (SMF). At the fiber output the residual pump after the distributed amplification is recycled to power the receiver component. Our scheme is also a potential candidate for the last mile transmission. Based on our scheme, 4 channels of 10 Gb/s WDM signals are used to obtain practical performance evaluation. In the presence of 10-dB gain for signals, the power penalties of-dB at the BER of are achieved for DPA in DSF, and as the comparing counterpart of DPA, counter-pumping DRA induce approximately the same level of power penalty in DSF and -dB in SMF. Co-pumping DRA are also tested in both kind of fibers. Finally, the energy-efficiency issue for different pumping schemes is analyzed. © 2006 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Stimulated Raman backscattering of laser radiation in deep plasma channels

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    Stimulated Raman backscattering (RBS) of intense laser radiation confined by a single-mode plasma channel with a radial variation of plasma frequency greater than a homogeneous-plasma RBS bandwidth is characterized by a strong transverse localization of resonantly-driven electron plasma waves (EPW). The EPW localization reduces the peak growth rate of RBS and increases the amplification bandwidth. The continuum of non-bound modes of backscattered radiation shrinks the transverse field profile in a channel and increases the RBS growth rate. Solution of the initial-value problem shows that an electromagnetic pulse amplified by the RBS in the single-mode deep plasma channel has a group velocity higher than in the case of homogeneous-plasma Raman amplification. Implications to the design of an RBS pulse compressor in a plasma channel are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; submitted to Physics of Plasma

    Flexible and Autonomous Multi-band Raman Amplifiers

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    We propose an embedded controller able to autonomously manage Raman amplification in software-defined optical networks. The conceived structure allows the system to work both in single and multi-band transmission, achieving a large range of amplification constraints. A set of experiments validates this proposal

    In vivo OCT imaging based on la-codoped bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber

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    We demonstrate a Fourier domain mode-locked laser based on lanthanum-codoped bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber (Bi-EDF) for swept source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) imaging. Raman amplification is incorporated to suppress the gain competition and homogenous linewidth broadening effects of Bi-EDF. A wavelength sweeping bandwidth of 81 nm is generated under stable operation. Therefore, in vivo OCT imaging of human finger print and orange slices is enabled and the results are also presented. This scheme paves the way for doped fiber amplifiers to be employed to generate ultra-wideband SSs for OCT applications.published_or_final_versio

    Machine Learning-based Predictive Maintenance for Optical Networks

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    Optical networks provide the backbone of modern telecommunications by connecting the world faster than ever before. However, such networks are susceptible to several failures (e.g., optical fiber cuts, malfunctioning optical devices), which might result in degradation in the network operation, massive data loss, and network disruption. It is challenging to accurately and quickly detect and localize such failures due to the complexity of such networks, the time required to identify the fault and pinpoint it using conventional approaches, and the lack of proactive efficient fault management mechanisms. Therefore, it is highly beneficial to perform fault management in optical communication systems in order to reduce the mean time to repair, to meet service level agreements more easily, and to enhance the network reliability. In this thesis, the aforementioned challenges and needs are tackled by investigating the use of machine learning (ML) techniques for implementing efficient proactive fault detection, diagnosis, and localization schemes for optical communication systems. In particular, the adoption of ML methods for solving the following problems is explored: - Degradation prediction of semiconductor lasers, - Lifetime (mean time to failure) prediction of semiconductor lasers, - Remaining useful life (the length of time a machine is likely to operate before it requires repair or replacement) prediction of semiconductor lasers, - Optical fiber fault detection, localization, characterization, and identification for different optical network architectures, - Anomaly detection in optical fiber monitoring. Such ML approaches outperform the conventionally employed methods for all the investigated use cases by achieving better prediction accuracy and earlier prediction or detection capability

    Applications of ultralong Raman fibre lasers in photonics

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    This thesis presents a numerical and experimental investigation on applications of ultralong Raman fibre lasers in optical communications, supercontinuum generation and soliton transmission. The research work is divided in four main sections. The first involves the numerical investigation of URFL intra-cavity power and the relative intensity noise transfer evolution along the transmission span. The performance of the URFL is compared with amplification systems of similar complexity. In the case of intracavity power evolution, URFL is compared with a first order Raman amplification system. For the RIN transfer investigation, URFL is compared with a bi-directional dual wavelength pumping system. The RIN transfer function is investigated for several cavity design parameters such as span length, pump distribution and FBG reflectivity. The following section deals with experimental results of URFL cavities. The enhancement of the available spectral bandwidth in the C-band and its spectral flatness are investigated for single and multi-FBGs cavity system. Further work regarding extended URFL cavity in combination with Rayleigh scattering as random distributed feedback produced a laser cavity with dual wavelength outputs independent to each other. The last two sections relate to URFL application in supercontinuum (SC) generation and soliton transmission. URFL becomes an enhancement structure for SC generation. This thesis shows successful experimental results of SC generation using conventional single mode optical fibre and pumped with a continuous wave source. The last section is dedicated to soliton transmission and the study of soliton propagation dynamics. The experimental results of exact soliton transmission over multiple soliton periods using conventional single mode fibre are shown in this thesis. The effect of the input signal, pump distribution, span length and FBGs reflectivity on the soliton propagation dynamics is investigated experimentally and numerically

    Otimização de amplificadores híbridos RAMAN+EDFA utilizando reciclagem de bombeamento

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    In this work different configurations of hybrid amplifiers are studied, made by a Raman amplifier followed by an EDFA. Such amplifiers can be used to increase the transmission capacity in WDM based optical communication systems. The performance of different hybrid EDFA+Raman amplifiers is obtained using commercial software. Their performance is analyzed in terms of the global gain, ripple and noise figure. The design and development of new configurations of fiber amplifiers, such as Raman and erbium-doped fiber amplifiers operating in a combined system that allows recycling pump power, contributes to minimize the energy consumption of the entire transmission system. Raman amplifiers can be used along with the EDFA high output power capacity to add spectral shaping flexibility for broadband applications. This work applies a new technique to optimize Raman+EDFA hybrid amplifiers for WDM applications. It uses an analytical approximated model to determine the spectral shaping of the Raman gain stage avoiding the time-consuming process of spectral profile optimization. The optimization has been carried out on a hybrid Raman+EDFA amplifier configuration, using dispersion compensating fiber with multiple pump lasers in the Raman amplification stage. The optimization has focused on the global gain and its ripple factor for the hybrid amplifier. Results demonstrated that the Raman+EDFA hybrid amplifier under recycling residual Raman pump, allied with the proper selection of pump wavelengths and powers, enables the construction of broadband amplifiers with enhanced power conversion efficiency and high and flat gains. Results also show average high gain, lower ripple, and higher bandwidth than those found in the literature. Such results can contribute to a better knowledge of the advantages and drawbacks of hybrid Raman/EDFA amplifiers in optical links.CAPESNeste trabalho são estudadas configurações de amplificadores híbridos compostos por amplificador Raman em cascata com EDFA, a serem utilizados na expansão da capacidade de sistemas de comunicações óticas utilizando WDM. Foi realizado, mediante simulação em um pacote comercial, um estudo do desempenho de diferentes esquemas desses amplificadores híbridos Raman+EDFA, em termos do ganho global, ondulação (ripple) e figura de ruído. A flexibilidade do perfil espectral do amplificador Raman pode ser combinada com a alta capacidade de potência de saída do EDFA para obter aplicações de amplificadores híbridos banda larga. Este trabalho aplica uma nova técnica de otimização de amplificador híbrido Raman+EDFA para aplicações WDM. É utilizado o modelo de aproximação analítica com menor tempo de cálculo, para determinar o perfil espectral do estágio de amplificação Raman. A otimização foi realizada para uma configuração de amplificador híbrido Raman+EDFA utilizando uma fibra compensadora de dispersão (DCF) com múltiplos lasers de bombeamento no estágio Raman. A otimização foi focada no ganho global e na ondulação do amplificador híbrido resultante. Os resultados demonstraram que o amplificador híbrido Raman+EDFA com reciclagem de bombeamento residual Raman, combinado com uma seleção apropriada de potências e comprimentos de onda dos lasers de bombeamento Raman, possibilita a obtenção de amplificadores híbridos banda larga com maior eficiência de conversão de potência, ganho alto e plano. Os resultados também mostraram ganhos médios maiores, menor ondulação e largura de banda maior que os encontrados na literatura. Tais resultados podem contribuir para um melhor conhecimento das vantagens e desvantagens de amplificadores híbridos utilizados em enlaces óticos