331 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Performance of a Biomimetic Robotic Elbow-and-Forearm System Through Bionics-Inspired Optimization

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    This paper delineates the formulation and verification of an innovative robotic forearm and elbow design, mirroring the intricate biomechanics of human skeletal and ligament systems. Conventional robotic models often undervalue the substantial function of soft tissues, leading to a compromise between compactness, safety, stability, and range of motion. In contrast, this study proposes a holistic replication of biological joints, encompassing bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons, culminating in a biomimetic robot. The research underscores the compact and stable structure of the human forearm, attributable to a tri-bone framework and diverse soft tissues. The methodology involves exhaustive examinations of human anatomy, succeeded by a theoretical exploration of the contribution of soft tissues to the stability of the prototype. The evaluation results unveil remarkable parallels between the range of motion of the robotic joints and their human counterparts. The robotic elbow emulates 98.8% of the biological elbow's range of motion, with high torque capacities of 11.25 Nm (extension) and 24 Nm (flexion). Similarly, the robotic forearm achieves 58.6% of the human forearm's rotational range, generating substantial output torques of 14 Nm (pronation) and 7.8 Nm (supination). Moreover, the prototype exhibits significant load-bearing abilities, resisting a 5kg dumbbell load without substantial displacement. It demonstrates a payload capacity exceeding 4kg and rapid action capabilities, such as lifting a 2kg dumbbell at a speed of 0.74Hz and striking a ping-pong ball at an end-effector speed of 3.2 m/s. This research underscores that a detailed anatomical study can address existing robotic design obstacles, optimize performance and anthropomorphic resemblance, and reaffirm traditional anatomical principles

    The role of morphology of the thumb in anthropomorphic grasping : a review

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    The unique musculoskeletal structure of the human hand brings in wider dexterous capabilities to grasp and manipulate a repertoire of objects than the non-human primates. It has been widely accepted that the orientation and the position of the thumb plays an important role in this characteristic behavior. There have been numerous attempts to develop anthropomorphic robotic hands with varying levels of success. Nevertheless, manipulation ability in those hands is to be ameliorated even though they can grasp objects successfully. An appropriate model of the thumb is important to manipulate the objects against the fingers and to maintain the stability. Modeling these complex interactions about the mechanical axes of the joints and how to incorporate these joints in robotic thumbs is a challenging task. This article presents a review of the biomechanics of the human thumb and the robotic thumb designs to identify opportunities for future anthropomorphic robotic hands

    Otimização muscle-in-the-loop em tempo real para reabilitação física com um exosqueleto ativo: uma mudança de paradigma

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    Assisting human locomotion with a wearable robotic orthosis is still quite challenging, largely due to the complexity of the neuromusculoskeletal system, the time-varying dynamics that accompany motor adaptation, and the uniqueness of every individual’s response to the assistance given by the robot. To this day, these devices have not met their well-known promise yet, mostly due to the fact that they are not perfectly suitable for the rehabilitation of neuropathologic patients. One of the main challenges hampering this goal still relies on the interface and co-dependency between the human and the machine. Nowadays, most commercial exoskeletons replay pre-defined gait patterns, whereas research exoskeletons are switching to controllers based on optimized torque profiles. In most cases, the dynamics of the human musculoskeletal system are still ignored and do not take into account the optimal conditions for inducing a positive modulation of neuromuscular activity. This is because both rehabilitation strategies are still emphasized on the macro level of the whole joint instead of focusing on the muscles’ dynamics and activity, which are the actual anatomical elements that may need to be rehabilitated. Strategies to keep the human in the loop of the exoskeleton’s control laws in real-time may help to overcome these challenges. The main purpose of the present dissertation is to make a paradigm shift in the approach on how the assistance that is given to a subject by an exoskeleton is modelled and controlled during physical rehabilitation. Therefore, in the scope of the present work, it was intended to design, concede, implement, and validate a real-time muscle-in-the-loop optimization model to find the best assistive support ratio that would induce optimal rehabilitation conditions to a specific group of impaired muscles while having a minimum impact on the other healthy muscles. The developed optimization model was implemented in the form of a plugin and was integrated on a neuromechanical model-based interface for driving a bilateral ankle exoskeleton. Experimental pilot tests evaluated the feasibility and effectiveness of the model. Results of the most significant pilots achieved EMG reductions up to 61 ± 3 % in Soleus and 41 ± 10 % in Gastrocnemius Lateralis. Moreover, results also demonstrated the efficiency of the optimization’s specific reduction on rehabilitation by looking into the muscular fatigue after each experiment. Finally, two parallel preliminary studies emerged from the pilots, which looked at muscle adaptation, after a new assistive condition had been applied, over time and at the effect of the lateral positioning of the exoskeleton’s actuators on the leg muscles.Auxiliar a locomoção humana com uma ortose robótica ainda é bastante desafiante, em grande parte devido à complexidade do sistema neuromusculoesquelético, à dinâmica variável no tempo que acompanha a adaptação motora e à singularidade da resposta de cada indivíduo à assistência dada pelo robô. Até hoje, está por cumprir a promessa inicial destes dispositivos, principalmente devido ao facto de não serem perfeitamente adequados para a reabilitação de pacientes neuropatológicos. Um dos principais desafios que dificultam esse objetivo foca-se ainda na interface e na co-dependência entre o ser humano e a máquina. Hoje em dia, a maioria dos exoesqueletos comerciais reproduz padrões de marcha predefinidos, enquanto que os exoesqueletos em investigação estão só agora a mudar para controladores com base em perfis de binário otimizados. Na maioria dos casos, a dinâmica do sistema musculoesquelético humano ainda é ignorada e não tem em consideração as condições ideais para induzir uma modulação positiva da atividade neuromuscular. Isso ocorre porque ambas as estratégias de reabilitação ainda são enfatizadas no nível macro de toda a articulação, em vez de se concentrar na dinâmica e atividade dos músculos, que são os elementos anatómicos que realmente precisam de ser reabilitados. Estratégias para manter o ser humano em loop nos comandos que controlam o exoesqueleto em tempo real podem ajudar a superar estes desafios. O principal objetivo desta dissertação é fazer uma mudança de paradigma na abordagem em como a assistência que é dada a um sujeito por um exosqueleto é modelada e controlada durante a reabilitação física. Portanto, no contexto do presente trabalho, pretendeu-se projetar, conceder, implementar e validar um modelo de otimização muscle-in-the-loop em tempo real para encontrar a melhor relação de suporte capaz de induzir as condições ideais de reabilitação para um grupo específico de músculos fragilizados, tendo um impacto mínimo nos outros músculos saudáveis. O modelo de otimização desenvolvido foi implementado na forma de um plugin e foi integrado numa interface baseada num modelo neuromecânico para o controlo de um exoesqueleto bilateral de tornozelo. Testes experimentais piloto avaliaram a viabilidade e a eficácia do modelo. Os resultados dos testes mais significativos demonstraram reduções de EMG de até 61 ± 3 % no Soleus e 41 ± 10 % no Gastrocnemius Lateral. Adicionalmente, os resultados demonstraram também a eficiência em reabilitação da redução específica no EMG devido à otimização tendo em conta a fadiga muscular após cada teste. Finalmente, dois estudos preliminares paralelos emergiram dos testes piloto, que analisaram a adaptação muscular após uma nova condição assistiva ter sido definida ao longo do tempo e o efeito do posicionamento lateral dos atuadores do exoesqueleto nos músculos da perna.Mestrado em Engenharia Biomédic

    Teleimpedance Control of a Synergy-Driven Anthropomorphic Hand

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    In this paper, a novel synergy driven teleimpedance controller for the Pisa–IIT SoftHand is presented. Towards the development of an efficient, robust, and low-cost hand prothesis, the Pisa–IIT SoftHand is built on the motor control principle of synergies, through which the immense complexity of the hand is simplified into distinct motor patterns. As the SoftHand grasps, it follows a synergistic path with built-in flexibility to allow grasping of objects of various shapes using only a single motor. In this work, the hand grasping motion is regulated with an impedance controller which incorporates the user’s postural and stiffness synergy profiles in realtime. In addition, a disturbance observer is realized which estimates the grasping contact force. The estimated force is then fedback to the user via a vibration motor. Grasp robustness and transparency improvements were evaluated on two healthy subjects while grasping different objects. Implementation of the proposed teleimpedance controller led to the execution of stable grasps by controlling the grasping forces, via modulation of hand compliance. In addition, utilization of the vibrotactile feedback resulted in reduced physical load on the user. While these results need to be validated with amputees, they provide evidence that a low-cost, robust hand employing hardwarebased synergies is a viable alternative to traditional myoelectric prostheses

    Dynamic testing of total hip and knee replacements under physiological conditions

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    Instability of total hip and knee replacements prevails as major complication. As measurements in patients are afflicted with ethical objections, this work presents a hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) approach that is capable of testing total joint stability under dynamic, reproducible and physiological conditions. An essential aspect represents its validation which includes the development of specific multibody models. In this sense, the HiL test system extends the repertoire of common approaches in orthopedic research by combining the advantages of real implant testing and model-based simulation

    Variable Stiffness Legs for Robust, Efficient, and Stable Dynamic Running

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    Humans and animals adapt their leg impedance during running for both internal (e.g., loading) and external (e.g., surface) changes. To date, the mechanical complexity of designing usefully robust tunable passive compliance into legs has precluded their implementation on practical running robots. This work describes the design of novel, structure-controlled stiffness legs for a hexapedal running robot to enable runtime modification of leg stiffness in a small, lightweight, and rugged package. As part of this investigation, we also study the effect of varying leg stiffness on the performance of a dynamical running robot. For more information: Kod*La
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