11,124 research outputs found

    APPS 2021: Third International Workshop on Adaptive and Personalized Privacy and Security

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    The work has been partially supported by the EU Horizon 2020 Grant 826278 “Securing Medical Data in Smart Patient-Centric Healthcare Systems” (Serums), and by a new European project, TRUSTID - Intelligent and Continuous Online Student Identity Management for Improving Security and Trust in European Higher Education Institutions, which is funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ 2020 Programme.The Third International Workshop on Adaptive and Personalized Privacy and Security (APPS 2021) aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working on diverse topics related to understanding and improving the usability of privacy and security software and systems, by applying user modeling, adaptation and personalization principles. Our special focus in 2021 is on challenges and opportunities related to the Covid-19 outbreak, more specifically on ensuring security and privacy of sensitive data and secure user interactions in online systems. The third edition of the workshop includes interdisciplinary contributions from Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Portugal, the Netherlands, and United Kingdom, that introduce new and disruptive ideas, suggest novel solutions, and present research results about various aspects (theory, applications, tools) for bringing user modeling, adaptation and personalization principles into privacy and systems security. This summary gives a brief overview of APPS 2021, held online in conjunction with the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (ACM UMAP 2021).Postprin

    From Personalization to Adaptivity: Creating Immersive Visits through Interactive Digital Storytelling at the Acropolis Museum

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    Storytelling has recently become a popular way to guide museum visitors, replacing traditional exhibit-centric descriptions by story-centric cohesive narrations with references to the exhibits and multimedia content. This work presents the fundamental elements of the CHESS project approach, the goal of which is to provide adaptive, personalized, interactive storytelling for museum visits. We shortly present the CHESS project and its background, we detail the proposed storytelling and user models, we describe the provided functionality and we outline the main tools and mechanisms employed. Finally, we present the preliminary results of a recent evaluation study that are informing several directions for future work

    Device and service descriptions in Personal Distributed Environments

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    The current research on context-aware systems in ubiquitous environments opens a number of interlinked research challenges. On the lowest level of such systems, discovery mechanisms and flexible semantic descriptions of available devices and services form the basis for end-user service personalization. The challenge is to design a description model that leverages implicit semantic information obtained, while being cognizant of resource constraints of a device. To encounter the different device characteristics and personalization challenges, this paper proposes a device and service description approach that provides a high level contextual view of device information. The work has been performed as part of the Personal Distributed Environment concept, also described in the paper. Further, a user-centric view of multiple user interface devices to access services in a heterogeneous and dynamic networked environment has been implemented by extending UPnP device discovery. A comparison with existing state of the art approaches concludes the work

    Mass Customization in Wireless Communication Services: Individual Service Bundles and Tariffs

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    This paper presents results on mass customization of wireless communications services and tariffs. It advocates for a user-centric view of wireless service configuration and pricing as opposed to present-day service catalog options. The focus is on design methodology and tools for such individual services and tariffs, using altogether information compression, negotiation algorithms, and risk portfolio analysis. We first analyze the user and supplier needs and aspirations. We then introduce the systematic design-oriented approach which can be applied. The implications of this approach for users and suppliers are discussed based on an end-user survey and on model-based calculations. It is shown that users can achieve desired service bundle cost reduction, while suppliers can improve significantly their risk-profit equilibrium points, reduce churn and simplify provisioning.negotiation;mass customization;service configuration;mobile communication services;individual tariffs

    Scenarios and research issues for a network of information

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    This paper describes ideas and items of work within the framework of the EU-funded 4WARD project. We present scenarios where the current host-centric approach to infor- mation storage and retrieval is ill-suited for and explain how a new networking paradigm emerges, by adopting the information-centric network architecture approach, which we call Network of Information (NetInf). NetInf capital- izes on a proposed identifier/locator split and allows users to create, distribute, and retrieve information using a com- mon infrastructure without tying data to particular hosts. NetInf introduces the concepts of information and data ob- jects. Data objects correspond to the particular bits and bytes of a digital object, such as text file, a specific encod- ing of a song or a video. Information objects can be used to identify other objects irrespective of their particular dig- ital representation. After discussing the benefits of such an indirection, we consider the impact of NetInf with respect to naming and governance in the Future Internet. Finally, we provide an outlook on the research scope of NetInf along with items for future work
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