17 research outputs found

    Studies on the Software Testing Profession

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    This paper attempts to understand motivators and de-motivators that influence the decisions of software professionals to take up and sustain software testing careers across four different countries, i.e. Canada, China, Cuba, and India. The research question can be framed as “How many software professionals across different geographies are keen to take up testing careers, and what are the reasons for their choices?” Towards that, we developed a cross-sectional but simple survey-based instrument. In this study we investigated how software testers perceived and valued what they do and their environmental settings. The study pointed out the importance of visualizing software testing activities as a set of human-dependent tasks and emphasized the need for research that examines critically individual assessments of software testers about software testing activities. This investigation can help global industry leaders to understand the impact of work-related factors on the motivation of testing professionals, as well as inform and support management and leadership in this context

    Analysing Popularity of Software Testing Careers in Canada

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    Software testing is critical to prevent software failures. Therefore, research has been carried out in testing but that is largely limited to the processand technology dimensions and has not sufficiently addressed the human dimension. Even though there are reports about inadequacies of testing professionals and their skills, only a few studies have tackled the problem. Therefore, we decided to explore the human dimension. We started with the basic problem that plagues the testing profession, the shortage of talent, by asking why do students and professionals are reluctant to consider testing careers, what can be done about that, and is the problem specific to locales or spread across the globe? This paper focusses on these questions. The study was carried out in one college in Canada and its findings are compared with a college in India. Studies in more colleges is required to develop acceptable national views. It also may help to study this phenomenon in more countries and develop global perspectives on the issue. However, the study certainly offers useful insights and helps educators and industry leaders to come up with an action plan to change the outlook towards testers in industry and in computer science and software engineering programs, and put the software testing profession under a new light. That could increase the number of software engineers deciding on testing as a career of their choice, could increase the quality of software testing, and improve the overall productivity, and turnaround time of software development activity

    Análisis sistemático de información de la Norma ISO 25010 como base para la implementación en un laboratorio de Testing de software en la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Sede Popayán

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    Este artículo se centra en el análisis sistemático de información de la Norma ISO/IEC 25010, con el cual se pretende establecer los parámetros para la calidad del producto software y que ellos sean el punto base o de referencia para implementar un laboratorio de testing de software en la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia sede Popayán, con el fin de ofrecer productos software con altos estándares y aseguramiento de la calidad. Se centra en el proceso investigativo correlacional e indagación con trabajo de campo, el propósito es medir el grado de correlación y viabilidad de adoptar como base para implementar un laboratorio de testing y de aseguramiento de la calidad la norma ISO/IEC 25010. Como resultado se establece una discusión sobre la temática al interior del grupo de investigación, la cual se basa en los soportes teóricos, diario de trabajo de campo y análisis sistemático de la información sobre la norma ISO/IEC 25010. Se tendrán unas conclusiones y recomendaciones para futuros investigadores o estudiantes que quieran tomar esta línea de investigación y contribuir al aseguramiento de la calidad y testeo de productos software

    Would You Like to Motivate Software Testers? Ask Them How

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    Considering the importance of software testing to the development of high quality and reliable software systems, this paper aims to investigate how can work-related factors influence the motivation of software testers. Method. We applied a questionnaire that was developed using a previous theory of motivation and satisfaction of software engineers to conduct a survey-based study to explore and understand how professional software testers perceive and value work-related factors that could influence their motivation at work. Results. With a sample of 80 software testers we observed that software testers are strongly motivated by variety of work, creative tasks, recognition for their work, and activities that allow them to acquire new knowledge, but in general the social impact of this activity has low influence on their motivation. Conclusion. This study discusses the difference of opinions among software testers, regarding work-related factors that could impact their motivation, which can be relevant for managers and leaders in software engineering practice

    The Role of Time Pressure in Software Projects: A Literature Review and Research Agenda

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    The finding that deadlines affect work in organizational settings holds particularly true for software projects, which are usually conducted under time pressure. While the role of time pressure in software projects has been extensively studied, the findings yielded are diverse. Some authors report a positive relationship between time pressure and software project outcomes, while others find it to be negative or to follow an inverted U-shape pattern. Since many aspects concerning time pressure remain unexplained and its relationship with project outcomes is more complex than it might seem at first glance, we synthesize pertinent research to develop a research agenda aimed at improving the understanding in this domain. Our literature review shows a variety of time pressure conceptualizations, research approaches, and research contexts. The results reveal an inconsistent picture of time pressure’s impact on software projects. Our research agenda includes five themes we deem beneficial to consider in future research

    Multi-Objective ANT Lion Optimization Algorithm Based Mutant Test Case Selection for Regression Testing

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    582-592The regression testing is principally carried out on modified parts of the programs. The quality of programs is the only concern of regression testing in the case of produced software. Main challenges to select mutant test cases are related to the affected classes. In software regression testing, the identification of optimal mutant test case is another challenge. In this research work, an evolutionary approach multi objective ant-lion optimization (MOALO) is proposed to identify optimal mutant test cases. The selection of mutant test cases is processed as multi objective enhancement problem and these will solve through MOALO algorithm. Optimal identification of mutant test cases is carried out by using the above algorithm which also enhances the regression testing efficiency. The proposed MOALO methods are implemented and tested using the Mat Lab software platform. On considering the populace size of 100, at that point the fitness estimation of the proposed framework, NSGA, MPSO, and GA are 3, 2.4, 1, and 0.3 respectively. The benefits and efficiencies of proposed methods are compared with random testing and existing works utilizing NSGA-II, MPSO, genetic algorithms in considerations of test effort, mutation score, fitness value, and time of execution. It is found that the execution times of MOALO, NSGA, MPSO, and GA are 2.8, 5, 6.5, and 7.8 respectively. Finally, it is observed that MOALO has higher fitness estimation with least execution time which indicates that MOALO methods provide better results in regression testing

    Multi-Objective ANT Lion Optimization Algorithm Based Mutant Test CaseSelection for Regression Testing

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    The regression testing is principally carried out on modified parts of the programs. The quality of programs is the only concern of regression testing in the case of produced software. Main challenges to select mutant test cases are related to the affected classes. In software regression testing, the identification of optimal mutant test case is another challenge. In this research work, an evolutionary approach multi objective ant-lion optimization (MOALO) is proposed to identify optimal mutant test cases. The selection of mutant test cases is processed as multi objective enhancement problem and these willsolve through MOALO algorithm. Optimal identification of mutant test cases is carried out by using the above algorithm which also enhances the regression testing efficiency. The proposed MOALO methods are implemented and tested using the Mat Lab software platform. On considering the populace size of 100, at that point the fitness estimation of the proposed framework, NSGA, MPSO, and GA are 3, 2.4, 1, and 0.3 respectively. The benefits and efficiencies of proposed methods are compared with random testing and existing works utilizing NSGA-II, MPSO, genetic algorithms in considerations of test effort, mutation score, fitness value, and time of execution. It is found that the execution times of MOALO, NSGA, MPSO, and GA are 2.8, 5, 6.5, and 7.8 respectively. Finally, it is observed that MOALO has higher fitness estimation with least execution time which indicates that MOALO methods provide better results in regression testing

    Análise do processo de testes de qualidade de software

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    Introduction: This article is the result of reading, review, analysis of books, magazines and articles well known for their scientific and research quality, which have addressed the software quality testing process. The author, based on his work experience in software development companies, teaching and other areas, has compiled and selected information to argue and substantiate the importance of the software quality testing process. Methodology: the existing literature on the software quality testing process was analyzed at a local, national and global context. The ScienceDirect, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley Online Library, Proquest, Engineering Village, Scopus, Dialnet databases were thoroughly reviewed.  Results: important concepts are described in the testing process, characteristics, methodologies and frameworks focused on the proper implementation of a testing process. Conclusions: The Article gives rise to results and conclusions in order for software product development companies to improve performance, effectiveness and optimization of software quality testing processes, and it is also a fundamental base to undertake software quality research processes.Introducción: este artículo es producto de la lectura, revisión y análisis de libros, revistas y artículos reconocidos por su calidad científica e investigativa que han abordado el proceso de pruebas de calidad de software. El autor, con base en su experiencia laboral en empresas de desarrollo de software, docencia y otras, ha recopilado y seleccionado información para argumentar y sustentar el porqué de la importancia del proceso de pruebas de calidad de software. Metodología: se analizó la literatura existente sobre el proceso de pruebas de calidad de software en un contexto local, nacional y mundial. Se revisaron de forma exhaustiva las bases de datos ScienceDirect, Elseiver, Springer, Wiley Online Library, proquest,Enginneering Village, Scopus, Dialnet. Resultados: se describen conceptos de gran importancia en el proceso de pruebas, características, metodologías y marcos de referencia enfocados a la adecuada implementación de un proceso de ruebas.  Conclusiones: se generan unos resultados y conclusiones con el fin de que las empresas de desarrollo de productos software mejoren el rendimiento y la efectividad, así como la optimización de los procesos de pruebas de calidad de software, que además es base fundamental para iniciar procesos de investigación en calidad de software.Introdução: este artigo é produto da leitura, revisão, analise de livros, revistas e artigos reconhecidos pela sua qualidade científica e investigativa que trataram do processo de testes de qualidade de software. O autor, baseado em sua experiência trabalhista em companhias de desenvolvimento de software, docência e outras, reuniu e selecionou informações para argumentar e sustentar o porquê da importância do processo de testes de qualidade de software. Metodologia: analisou-se a literatura existente sobre o processo de testes de qualidade de software em um contexto local, nacional e mundial. Revisaramse exaustivamente as bases de dados ScienceDirect, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley Online Library, Proquest, Enginneering Village, Scopus, Dialnet. Resultados: descrevem-se conceitos de grande importância no processo de testes, características, metodologias e marcos de referência focalizados na adequada implementação de um processo de testes. Conclusões: com o artigo geram-se resultados e conclusões visando que as companhias de desenvolvimento de produtos de software melhorem o desempenho, a efetividade e o aprimoramento dos processos de testes de qualidade de software, além disso é a base fundamental para iniciar processos de investigação em qualidade de software