2,288 research outputs found

    Protecting PROFINET cyclic real-time traffic : a performance evaluation and verification platform

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    PROFINET is a widely adopted, real-time capable Industrial Ethernet standard, that as other automation system technologies, is subject to an increasing level of vertical integration into company’s existing IT infrastructure. This integration exposes automation systems to well-known cyber attacks, which leads to a growing need for suitable security solutions. The challenge in protecting PROFINET automation systems is ensuring the suitability of solutions for use with minimal PROFINET cycle times of 250 μs needed to fulfill high-speed motion control market expectations. We develop a prototype of a transparent security switch, designed to apply protection mechanisms on-the-fly. We use this platform to test an initial implementation of a protection system, present preliminary results and further work

    Internet of Things-aided Smart Grid: Technologies, Architectures, Applications, Prototypes, and Future Research Directions

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    Traditional power grids are being transformed into Smart Grids (SGs) to address the issues in existing power system due to uni-directional information flow, energy wastage, growing energy demand, reliability and security. SGs offer bi-directional energy flow between service providers and consumers, involving power generation, transmission, distribution and utilization systems. SGs employ various devices for the monitoring, analysis and control of the grid, deployed at power plants, distribution centers and in consumers' premises in a very large number. Hence, an SG requires connectivity, automation and the tracking of such devices. This is achieved with the help of Internet of Things (IoT). IoT helps SG systems to support various network functions throughout the generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy by incorporating IoT devices (such as sensors, actuators and smart meters), as well as by providing the connectivity, automation and tracking for such devices. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey on IoT-aided SG systems, which includes the existing architectures, applications and prototypes of IoT-aided SG systems. This survey also highlights the open issues, challenges and future research directions for IoT-aided SG systems

    PROFINET Real-time protection layer : performance analysis of cryptographic and protocol processing overhead

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    Recent times have seen an increasing demand for access to process-data from the field level through to the Internet. This vertical integration of industrial control systems into the IT infrastructure exhibits major drawbacks in the context of security. Such systems now suffer exposure to cyber security attacks well-known from the IT environment. Successful attacks on industrial control systems can lead to downtimes, malfunction of production machinery, cause financial damage and may present a hazard for human life and health. Current automation communication systems generally lack a comprehensive security concept. PROFINET is a widespread Industrial Ethernet standard, fulfilling general communication requirements on automation systems as well as explicit real-time requirements. We elaborate the challenges of protecting the realtime component of PROFINET. We specify the requirements and a concept for ensuring integrity and authenticity using a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) in combination with the cryptographic hash algorithm SHA-3. With a proof of concept implementation of a PROFINET RT protection layer, the performance overhead for generation and transmission of this HMAC and other required data fields, e.g. to prevent replay attacks, could be analyzed. Based on these data the limitations of security technology on real-time systems were explored as was the optimization potential of hardware acceleration

    Communication Technologies for Smart Grid: A Comprehensive Survey

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    With the ongoing trends in the energy sector such as vehicular electrification and renewable energy, smart grid is clearly playing a more and more important role in the electric power system industry. One essential feature of the smart grid is the information flow over the high-speed, reliable and secure data communication network in order to manage the complex power systems effectively and intelligently. Smart grids utilize bidirectional communication to function where traditional power grids mainly only use one-way communication. The communication requirements and suitable technique differ depending on the specific environment and scenario. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive and up-to-date survey on the communication technologies used in the smart grid, including the communication requirements, physical layer technologies, network architectures, and research challenges. This survey aims to help the readers identify the potential research problems in the continued research on the topic of smart grid communications

    Automotive Ethernet architecture and security: challenges and technologies

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    Vehicle infrastructure must address the challenges posed by today's advances toward connected and autonomous vehicles. To allow for more flexible architectures, high-bandwidth connections and scalability are needed to connect many sensors and electronic control units (ECUs). At the same time, deterministic and low latency is a critical and significant design requirement to support urgent real-time applications in autonomous vehicles. As a recent solution, the time-sensitive network (TSN) was introduced as Ethernet-based amendments in IEEE 802.1 TSN standards to meet those needs. However, it had hurdle to be overcome before it can be used effectively. This paper discusses the latest studies concerning the automotive Ethernet requirements, including transmission delay studies to improve worst-case end-to-end delay and end-to-end jitter. Also, the paper focuses on the securing Ethernet-based in-vehicle networks (IVNs) by reviewing new encryption and authentication methods and approaches

    Teollisen Internetin käyttöönotto automaatiolaitteissa

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    Industrial Internet is a term that is used to describe digitalization of industry. It is a research direction in Finland, where there are already various groups studying it. Despite this, the term Industrial Internet is still relatively vague and there is a lack of concreteness around the topic. The objective of this thesis is to explore the current status of Industrial Internet and study the capabilities of automation devices from an Industrial Internet point of view. I explore Industrial Internet through a literary review where I study various use cases. The use cases of Industrial Internet are divided into two main types: platform centric and machine to machine (M2M) communication centric. The use cases provide a list of characteristics and requirements for Industrial Internet from these two perspectives. General requirements are, for example scalability and flexibility, which are achieved through various IT technologies, such as Service-Oriented-Architecture. This thesis also consists of a practical part where I configured the control logic and data collection for a test bed that simulates drop tests of active magnetic bearings. The control logic consists of a programmable logic controller and corresponding software. The data collection consists of software for collecting and analyzing measurement data and the measuring equipment. After the literary review and practical part, I propose the creation of a cloud based Industrial Internet platform around the active magnetic test bed. The purpose of the platform is to provide a direction for further research. The creation of the platform consists of two phases: first phase includes the creation of the platform so that the test bed achieves current functionality but cloud based. The second phase consists of changing the platform to meet the requirements of the literature review. The end results will be an application independent system solution for Industrial Internet.Teollinen Internet on termi, jolla kuvataan teollisuuden digitalisaatiota. Aihe on kasvavan kiinnostuksen kohde ja esim. Suomessa on useita tahoja, jotka panostavat aiheen tutkimukseen. Siltikin Teollinen Internet on käsitteenä epäselvä ja sitä vaivaa konkretian puute. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on tutustua Teollisen Internetin nykytilaan ja automaatiolaitteiden ominaisuuksiin Teollisen Internetin näkökulmasta. Teollisen Internetin esimerkit jakautuvat pääasiassa kahteen luokkaan: alustalähtöisiin ja koneiden väliseen kommunikaatioon (M2M-kommunikaatio). Esimerkit tarjoavat listan ominaisuuksia ja vaatimuksia Teolliselle Internetille kummastakin näkökulmasta. Yleisiä ominaisuuksia ovat esimerkiksi skaalattavuus ja joustavuus, jotka saavutetaan erilaisilla tietoteknisillä vaatimuksilla, esim. palvelukeskeisellä arkkitehtuurilla. Lisäksi työhön kuuluu käytännön osuus, jossa kirjoitin ohjainlogiikan ja datankeräyksen testilaitteeseen, joka simuloi aktiivimagneettilaakerien pudotuskokeita. Ohjainlogiikka koostui PLC-laitteesta ja siihen liittyvistä ohjelmistoista. Datan keräys koostui mittausdatan keräykseen ja purkamiseen vaadittavista ohjelmistoista sekä laitteistosta. Kirjallisuudesta kerättyjen vaatimusten ja käytännön kokemuksien perusteella esitän pilvipohjaisen, Teolliseen Internetiin suunnatun ohjelmistoalustan kehittämistä testilaitteen ympärille. Ohjelmistoalusta voi toimia yliopistollisen jatkotutkimuksen pohjana. Ohjelmistoalustan toteuttaminen tapahtuu kahdessa vaiheessa: ensimmäisessä vaiheessa kehitetään pilvipohjainen alusta, joka saavuttaa testilaitteiston nykyisen toiminnallisuuden. Toisessa vaiheessa ohjelmistoalusta muutetaan vastaamaan Teollisen Internetin vaatimuksia, jolla saavutetaan sovellusriippumaton järjestelmäratkaisu

    6G Underlayer Network Concepts for Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communication in Manufacturing

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    Underlayer networks in the context of 6G for manufacturing are crucial. They address the evolving needs of highly interconnected and autonomous systems in industry. The digitalization of manufacturing processes, driven by the Internet of Things and increased data availability, enables more efficient and demand-driven production. However, wireless connectivity, which offers flexibility and easy integration of components, comes with challenges such as signal interference or high latency. A new management system is needed to coordinate and route traffic of multiple networks in a specific coverage area. This paper proposes underlayer networks designed for manufacturing, providing low latency, reliability, and security. These networks enable wireless connectivity and integration of wireless technologies into the manufacturing environment, enhancing flexibility and efficiency. The paper also discusses network slicing, spectrum sharing, and the limitations of current wireless networks in manufacturing. It introduces a network concept for underlayer networks and evaluates its application in closed-loop communication for machine tools. The study concludes with future research prospects in this area

    Modular architecture providing convergent and ubiquitous intelligent connectivity for networks beyond 2030

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    The transition of the networks to support forthcoming beyond 5G (B5G) and 6G services introduces a number of important architectural challenges that force an evolution of existing operational frameworks. Current networks have introduced technical paradigms such as network virtualization, programmability and slicing, being a trend known as network softwarization. Forthcoming B5G and 6G services imposing stringent requirements will motivate a new radical change, augmenting those paradigms with the idea of smartness, pursuing an overall optimization on the usage of network and compute resources in a zero-trust environment. This paper presents a modular architecture under the concept of Convergent and UBiquitous Intelligent Connectivity (CUBIC), conceived to facilitate the aforementioned transition. CUBIC intends to investigate and innovate on the usage, combination and development of novel technologies to accompany the migration of existing networks towards Convergent and Ubiquitous Intelligent Connectivity (CUBIC) solutions, leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) mechanisms and Machine Learning (ML) tools in a totally secure environment

    Review Paper on IoT Based Smart Applications, Home Automation

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    This paper discusses internet of things and their applications in various domains such as healthcare, manufacturing, retail, transportation, etc. It highlights the importance of IoT technology in enabling devices and sensors to communicate and exchange data, leading to more efficient and connected systems. The paper explores different applications of IoT, including smart agriculture, smart cities, smart energy, and smart traffic monitoring systems, smart environment, and smart home automation. It also addresses the challenges and problems associated with IoT, such as privacy and security issues, handling big data, connectivity, data transmission, and compatibility. The literature review section examines the development of IoT in smart homes, identifies challenges and hindrances to widespread adoption, and discusses intelligent home automation systems. The survey analysis focuses on the gaps in IoT implementation, including security, interoperability, scalability, data management, ethical concerns, edge computing, and legal/regulatory frameworks. Overall, the paper provides an overview of IoT-based smart applications, their benefits, challenges, and future prospects
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