13,659 research outputs found

    A Rule Set for the Future

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    This volume, Digital Young, Innovation, and the Unexpected, identifies core issues concerning how young people's use of digital media may lead to various innovations and unexpected outcomes. The essays collected here examine how youth can function as drivers for technological change while simultaneously recognizing that technologies are embedded in larger social systems, including the family, schools, commercial culture, and peer groups. A broad range of topics are taken up, including issues of access and equity; of media panics and cultural anxieties; of citizenship, consumerism, and labor; of policy, privacy, and IP; of new modes of media literacy and learning; and of shifting notions of the public/private divide. The introduction also details six maxims to guide future research and inquiry in the field of digital media and learning. These maxims are "Remember History," "Consider Context," "Make the Future (Hands-on)," "Broaden Participation," "Foster Literacies," and "Learn to Toggle." They form a kind of flexible rule set for investigations into the innovative uses and unexpected outcomes now emerging or soon anticipated from young people's engagements with digital media

    Netcitizenship: addressing cyberevenge and sexbullying

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    This article discusses the phenomena of Cyberevenge, sexbullying, and sextortion, especially among young people. The discussion, based on extensive review of books, research reports, newspapers, journal articles and pertinent websites, analyzes these challenges. The article suggests some remedies to counter these online social ills which pertain to promoting responsibility of netcitizens, schools, governments, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and social networking sites

    Towards Early Mobility Independence: An Intelligent Paediatric Wheelchair with Case Studies

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    Standard powered wheelchairs are still heavily dependent on the cognitive capabilities of users. Unfortunately, this excludes disabled users who lack the required problem-solving and spatial skills, particularly young children. For these children to be denied powered mobility is a crucial set-back; exploration is important for their cognitive, emotional and psychosocial development. In this paper, we present a safer paediatric wheelchair: the Assistive Robot Transport for Youngsters (ARTY). The fundamental goal of this research is to provide a key-enabling technology to young children who would otherwise be unable to navigate independently in their environment. In addition to the technical details of our smart wheelchair, we present user-trials with able-bodied individuals as well as one 5-year-old child with special needs. ARTY promises to provide young children with early access to the path towards mobility independence

    Human Trafficking and Terrorism: Utilizing National Security Resources to Prevent Human Trafficking in the Islamic State

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    This is a report of a Master’s thesis done in behalf of the local network in Stockholm, under Fortum Distribution AB. The thesis was to conduct a review of a distribution station named Fs MyrĂ€ngen located in TĂ€by. A model was created for the 11 kV network linked to the secondary side of Fs MyrĂ€ngen. Based on this model and using symmetrical components, theoretical fault currents (short circuit and ground fault) could be calculated. The results of these fault currents are used to investigate and develop new settings for relay protection and ground equipment in the station. The results of the calculated fault currents were also used to investigate unwanted voltages that occurs for grounded parts due to earth faults. The value of these unwanted voltages was then compared to heavy current regulations developed by the Electrical Safety Authority in Sweden. Another element of the work was to create a rehabilitation plan for the structure on the 11 kV side of Fs MyrĂ€ngen, the main goal regarding the rehabilitation plan was to investigate the advantages and disadvantages that exist at a possible transition to numerical protection relays. This was done by making a market overview of the different types of numerical protection relays and compare these with the existing analog protective device in Fs MyrĂ€ngen. The study showed that protective relay settings should be revised according to the recommendations in the report, ground equipment should be replaced with a self-regulating type, transformers should be replaced due to age and capacity limitations. Regarding a switch to numerical protection relays the type REF615 from ABB was recommended, in that case the control board in the station should be replaced to a station computer. Furthermore should current transformers be replaced to recive a desired sensitivity regarding detection of ground faults. The report also showed that Fs MyrĂ€ngen meets the regulations of unwanted voltages over grounded parts in distribution stations due to earth faults.Detta Ă€r en rapport av ett examensarbete utfört i uppdrag av lokalnĂ€t Stockholm under Fortum Distribution AB. Examensarbetet gick ut pĂ„ att göra en översyn av en fördelningsstation vid namn Fs MyrĂ€ngen som Ă€r belĂ€gen i TĂ€by. En modell skapades av 11 kV nĂ€tet kopplat till Fs MyrĂ€ngen, utifrĂ„n denna modell samt med hjĂ€lp av symmetriska komponenter berĂ€knades teoretiska felströmmar bĂ„de för kortslutning och jordslutning. Resultaten av dessa felströmmar anvĂ€ndes för att utreda och ta fram instĂ€llningar pĂ„ relĂ€skydd och nollpunktsutrustning i stationen. Resultaten pĂ„ framrĂ€knade jordfelsströmmar anvĂ€ndes Ă€ven för att utreda vilken spĂ€nningssĂ€ttning som uppstĂ„r vid jordfel, i de nĂ€tstationer som matas av Fs MyrĂ€ngen. SpĂ€nningssĂ€ttningen pĂ„ nĂ€tstationerna jĂ€mfördes sedan med de starkströmsföreskrifter som Ă€r framtagna av elsĂ€kerhetsverket. Ett annat moment i arbetet var att skapa en upprustningsplan för skyddsanordningen pĂ„ 11 kV sidan i Fs MyrĂ€ngen, huvudmĂ„let för den biten var att utreda vilka fördelar och nackdelar som finns vid en eventuell övergĂ„ng till numeriska skydd. Detta gjordes genom att göra en marknadsöversikt över olika typer av numeriska relĂ€skydd, samt jĂ€mföra dessa med den befintliga skyddsanordningen i MyrĂ€ngen som Ă€r av analog typ. Studien visade att relĂ€skyddsinstĂ€llningar bör ses över enligt rekommendationer i rapporten, nollpunktsutrustningen bör bytas ut till sjĂ€lvreglerande typ, transformatorerna bör bytas ut p.g.a. Ă„lder och kapacitetsbegrĂ€nsning. GĂ€llande skyddsanordningen rekommenderas en övergĂ„ng till numeriska skydd av typen REF615, och i samband med detta byta ut den befintliga kontrolltavlan i stationen till en stationsdator. Vidare bör Ă€ven strömtransformatorer för jordfelsskydden bytas ut för att uppnĂ„ önskad kĂ€nslighet gĂ€llande detektering av jordfel. För spĂ€nningssĂ€ttning av nĂ€tstationer vid jordfel, visar resultaten att stationen uppfyller kraven enligt starkströmsföreskrifterna frĂ„n elsĂ€kerhetsverket


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    With the advent of the Internet and the convergence of communications technologies, cyber-bullying has become a perennial issue among media scholars and educators. Across the globe, the Internet is no longer just a medium that facilitates the movement of data in the information superhighway; it has become the medium for peers to inflict harm on others. This paper, therefore, explores how cyber-bullying is manifested on its victims and its negative effects on self-disclosure. The survey method was used to gather data with the questionnaire as the major instrument of data collection. The paper found out that 46% of the respondents have been cyber-bullied, while 87% had witnessed other persons cyber-bullied on Twitter. In addition, 55% agreed that they bully others on Twitter, while 44% indicated that they retaliate in verbal and visuals forms whenever they are cyber-bullied. The paper recommends that the developing countries like Nigeria should establish laws and policies to discourage the act of cyber-bullying while non-governmental organizations should join the crusade against cyber-bullying.Keywords: Internet, Cyber-bullying, Self-disclosure, Young people, Twitte


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    With the advent of the Internet and the convergence of communications technologies, cyber-bullying has become a perennial issue among media scholars and educators. Across the globe, the Internet is no longer just a medium that facilitates the movement of data in the information superhighway; it has become the medium for peers to inflict harm on others. This paper, therefore, explores how cyber-bullying is manifested on its victims and its negative effects on self-disclosure. The survey method was used to gather data with the questionnaire as the major instrument of data collection. The paper found out that 46% of the respondents have been cyber-bullied, while 87% had witnessed other persons cyber-bullied on Twitter. In addition, 55% agreed that they bully others on Twitter, while 44% indicated that they retaliate in verbal and visuals forms whenever they are cyber-bullied. The paper recommends that the developing countries like Nigeria should establish laws and policies to discourage the act of cyber-bullying while non-governmental organizations should join the crusade against cyber-bullying.Keywords: Internet, Cyber-bullying, Self-disclosure, Young people, Twitte

    Big data for monitoring educational systems

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    This report considers “how advances in big data are likely to transform the context and methodology of monitoring educational systems within a long-term perspective (10-30 years) and impact the evidence based policy development in the sector”, big data are “large amounts of different types of data produced with high velocity from a high number of various types of sources.” Five independent experts were commissioned by Ecorys, responding to themes of: students' privacy, educational equity and efficiency, student tracking, assessment and skills. The experts were asked to consider the “macro perspective on governance on educational systems at all levels from primary, secondary education and tertiary – the latter covering all aspects of tertiary from further, to higher, and to VET”, prioritising primary and secondary levels of education

    A framework to integrate information and communication technology security awareness into the South African education system

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    Text in EnglishThere is general consensus about the importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) security in South Africa. This consensus is evident from initiatives related to the formulation of legislation and policies like the Electronic Communications and Transactions (ECT) Act and the National Cyber Security Policy. A number of South African academic institutions have also come on board with initiatives aimed at enhancing ICT security awareness all over the country. In fact, ICT security awareness has been classified as an important component of South Africa’s national security. Many countries use ICT to improve and enhance the standard of their education systems. A number of scholars in South Africa have conducted studies with the aim of proving that ICT can play a major role in improving the quality of education in the country. The research in hand investigates the lack of integration of ICT security awareness into the South African education system. The literature review that was conducted reveals that there is a huge problem especially when it comes to the integration of ICT security awareness into the South African schooling system. The advancement of technology has come with a number of advantages and disadvantages. The easy access to information via the internet, coupled by unsupervised access to instant messaging applications (Skype, MXiT) and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and many more), hugely increases the vulnerability of school learners to ICT security attacks and ICT-related crime. The current research therefore investigates the vulnerability caused by the lack of ICT security awareness among school learners as one of the main disadvantages of the advancement of information technology. An analysis of existing models and frameworks in the two spheres of ICT, namely education and ICT security was conducted. The aim was to determine any similarities or overlap between these spheres and to determine whether the existing ICT models and frameworks are relevant to South Africa. The analysis showed a significant disparity and inconsistency between the two spheres and proved that there is a definite need for a framework (relevant to South Africa) that can be used for the integration of ICT security awareness into South African education. Hence, the researcher proposed a more integrated approach in the form of a framework that is directed at South African school learners, based on an in-depth literature review of past scholarly work, models and frameworks. Having reviewed a number of existing models and frameworks, and identifying the potential gaps, the researcher proposed a framework to address the lack of integration of ICT security awareness into the South African education system. The proposed framework, called the South African ICT Security Awareness Framework for Education (SAISAFE), was reviewed for its potential applicability in the South African context, and the results of the literature review analysis are reported to support the analysis of models and frameworks.School of ComputingM. A. (Computing

    Mentoring: A Faith Based Relational Leadership Approach in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism in Kenya.

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    The article examines the role that mentoring, a critical relational leadership process would have in preventing and countering violent extremism by first examining the contexts of radicalization into violent extremism and past violent extremist attacks. Youths and adolescents in Kenya have been radicalized into violent extremism with resultant acts of terror that have resulted in; mass fatalities, casualties, destruction of facilities, disruption of livelihoods and business, and creation of immense fear within the public. The first major attack that seemed to have opened this cycle of al Qaeda and al Shabaab-led Jihadist attacks was the August, 1998 twin-bombing of the USA embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Since then, we have had the advent of; al Qaeda, its affiliate al Shabaab, and ISIS attacks rising within the African continent with heavy impacts of death trails, casualties, and destruction. This year, Kenya has suffered a number of attacks targeting both soft and hard targets. Among the soft targets was the attack targeting Dusit Hotel in the upmarket 14 Riverside Complex, which left 21 Kenyans and foreigners dead. By extension there have been a number of IED attacks targeting the security services of Kenya many fatalities and casualties. All these attacks have been executed by violent extremists among who are Kenyan youth who have been recruited and radicalized into violent extremism as an ideology that is leveraged on the Islam religion. This ideology of Jihadism is skewed but uses narratives that easily appeal to those targeted for radicalization. Consequently there is an urgent need to have in place relevant mentoring leadership practice to enhance worldviews and perspectives among youth and adolescents which are in tandem with what a sane world subscribes to. It then becomes imperative to have a faith-based mentoring approach that is devoid of extremism and which gives the pool of those targeted a leadership component. This deliver a countering and preventive relational leadership model enhancing resilience of individuals and communities, while countering narratives and propaganda inherent in the recruitment and radicalization to violent extremism. Following literature review and conceptualization of the variables, this article concludes that preventive and countering violent extremism measures are best deployed first amongst the youth, who form the largest and most vulnerable pool of those targeted for radicalization due to; their crave for an identity, promises of a utopian caliphate on earth and life upon death, poverty, joblessness, presence of ungoverned spaces such as the complex cyber space, and dysfunctional social systems including families
