10 research outputs found

    Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of iCampuses

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    Meeting the educational needs of students currently requires moving towardcollaborative electronic and mobile learning systems that parallel the vision ofWeb 2.0. However, factors such as data freedom, brokerage, interconnectivityand the Internet of Things add to a vision for Web 3.0 that will require con-sideration in the development of future campus-based, distance and vocationalstudy. So, education can, in future, be expected to require deeper technologicalconnections between students and learning environments, based on significantuse of sensors, mobile devices, cloud computing and rich-media visualization.Therefore, we discuss challenges associated with such a futuristic campus con-text, including how learning materials and environments may be enriched byit. As an additional novel element the potential for much of that enrichmentto be realized through development by students, within the curriculum, is alsoconsidered. We will conclude that much of the technology required to embracethe vision of Web 3.0 in education already exists, but that further research inkey areas is required for the concept to achieve its full potential

    Modeling of substitution augmentation modification redefinition in academic information system education 3.0: a case study of sistem informasi akademik, Universitas Langlangbuana

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    The emergence of Education 3.0 as a new paradigm in education has been spread widely in many educational institutions, especially in higher education institutions (HEIs). Many of them have been implementing Education 3.0, such as socially constructed, technology-oriented, and mobile learning. However, the implementation caused some problems. The new procedures are causing administrative problems, especially in the academic affair (e.g., redundant administrative works, late to submit final marks). The problems also mentioned the mobile access issue. Some information and functionalities missed when accessing the academic information system (AIS) from the mobile device. Moreover, the implementation also needs to provide external involvement (parents and industry). The academic information system (AIS) can be used to support the characteristics of Education 3.0. The information system (IS) components possibly related to the characteristics of Education 3.0. The first phase of this research used a case study of Sistem Informasi Akademik, Universitas Langlangbuana to conduct qualitative research with a semistructured interview. A case study is beneficial in researching issues related to the institutional systems. The second phase is model development as an outcome. This research found that all the characteristics of Education 3.0 can support by the AIS. This research also found that administrative problems can be solved by integrating existing AIS with e-learning. The integrated AIS must support mobile platforms and also support parents and industry involvement. The platform issue must be concerned for future development. To accommodate all issues above, the existing AIS must transform by following a specific guide. A model needs to guide the transformation, and Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR) framework used for modeling. A model called SAMR-AIS-Edu3.0 has been developed based on the research findings. The model has been validated with the data triangulation method

    Internet of things as a support to students in teaching with special attention to disadvantaged students

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    Internet stvari su koncept koji se zasniva na tome da su sve stvari povezane s Internetom. Tehnologija Internet stvari obuhvaća sva područja ljudskog življenja pa tako i obrazovanje. Primjena tehnologije Internet stvari u obrazovanju donosi značajne prednosti kod studenata u nepovoljnom položaju u odnosu na tradicionalni sustav obrazovanja. U ovom radu fokus je na primjeni Internet stvari kao pomoći studentima u nepovoljnijem položaju te potrebi integriranja Internet stvari u nastavu kako bi se poboljšalo i olakšalo učenje putem informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija. Analizom znanstveno-stručne literature te provedenim vlastitim istraživanjem predstavljen je pregled korištenja tehnologije Internet stvari u obrazovanju, s posebnim osvrtom na studente u nepovoljnijem položaju. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da su studenti koji su sudjelovali u istraživanju upoznati s prednostima korištenja tehnologije Internet stvari u obrazovanju i svi oni su mišljenja kako im tehnologija Internet stvari može pomoći u savladavanju raznih prepreka s kojima se susreću tijekom obrazovnog procesa. Rad također donosi i pregled glavni prepreka koje stoje na putu k adekvatnom uvođenju tehnologije Internet stvari u obrazovanje, kao što su: orijentiranost tradicionalnom sustavu obrazovanja, nedostatak educiranog osoblja, zastarjela komunikacijska i tehnološka opremljenost učilišta, interoperabilnost informacijskih sustava, tehnologije i uređaja, i sl.Internet of Things is a concept that is based on the fact that all things are connected to the Internet. The technology Internet of Things encompasses all areas of human life and also education. The use of the Internet of Things technology in education brings significant benefits to disadvantaged students compared to the traditional education system. In this paper, the focus is on the use of the Internet of Things to help disadvantaged students and the need to integrate the Internet of Things into teaching to improve and facilitate learning through information and communication technologies. By analyzing scientific-professional literature and carrying out our research, we present an overview of the use of Internet of Things technology in education, with special emphasis on disadvantaged students. Research results suggest that the students who participated in the research are familiar with the benefits of using the Internet of Things technology in education and they all think that the Internet of Things technology can help them overcome the various obstacles encountered during the educational process. The paper also provides an overview of the main obstacles to the adequate introduction of Internet of Things technology in education, such as: orientation to the traditional education system, lack of educated staff, obsolete communication and technological equipment of the institution, interoperability of information systems, technology and devices, and similar

    Internet of things as a support to students in teaching with special attention to disadvantaged students

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    Internet stvari su koncept koji se zasniva na tome da su sve stvari povezane s Internetom. Tehnologija Internet stvari obuhvaća sva područja ljudskog življenja pa tako i obrazovanje. Primjena tehnologije Internet stvari u obrazovanju donosi značajne prednosti kod studenata u nepovoljnom položaju u odnosu na tradicionalni sustav obrazovanja. U ovom radu fokus je na primjeni Internet stvari kao pomoći studentima u nepovoljnijem položaju te potrebi integriranja Internet stvari u nastavu kako bi se poboljšalo i olakšalo učenje putem informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija. Analizom znanstveno-stručne literature te provedenim vlastitim istraživanjem predstavljen je pregled korištenja tehnologije Internet stvari u obrazovanju, s posebnim osvrtom na studente u nepovoljnijem položaju. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da su studenti koji su sudjelovali u istraživanju upoznati s prednostima korištenja tehnologije Internet stvari u obrazovanju i svi oni su mišljenja kako im tehnologija Internet stvari može pomoći u savladavanju raznih prepreka s kojima se susreću tijekom obrazovnog procesa. Rad također donosi i pregled glavni prepreka koje stoje na putu k adekvatnom uvođenju tehnologije Internet stvari u obrazovanje, kao što su: orijentiranost tradicionalnom sustavu obrazovanja, nedostatak educiranog osoblja, zastarjela komunikacijska i tehnološka opremljenost učilišta, interoperabilnost informacijskih sustava, tehnologije i uređaja, i sl.Internet of Things is a concept that is based on the fact that all things are connected to the Internet. The technology Internet of Things encompasses all areas of human life and also education. The use of the Internet of Things technology in education brings significant benefits to disadvantaged students compared to the traditional education system. In this paper, the focus is on the use of the Internet of Things to help disadvantaged students and the need to integrate the Internet of Things into teaching to improve and facilitate learning through information and communication technologies. By analyzing scientific-professional literature and carrying out our research, we present an overview of the use of Internet of Things technology in education, with special emphasis on disadvantaged students. Research results suggest that the students who participated in the research are familiar with the benefits of using the Internet of Things technology in education and they all think that the Internet of Things technology can help them overcome the various obstacles encountered during the educational process. The paper also provides an overview of the main obstacles to the adequate introduction of Internet of Things technology in education, such as: orientation to the traditional education system, lack of educated staff, obsolete communication and technological equipment of the institution, interoperability of information systems, technology and devices, and similar

    Challenges and opportunities for the future of icampuses

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    Meeting the educational needs of students currently requires moving toward collaborative electronic and mobile learning systems that parallel the vision of Web 2.0. However, factors such as data freedom, brokerage, interconnectivity and the Internet of Things add to a vision for Web 3.0 that will require consideration in the development of future campus-based, distance and vocational study. So, education can, in future, be expected to require deeper technological connections between students and learning environments, based on significant use of sensors, mobile devices, cloud computing and rich-media visualization. Therefore, we discuss challenges associated with such a futuristic campus context, including how learning materials and environments may be enriched by it. As an additional novel element the potential for much of that enrichment to be realized through development by students, within the curriculum, is also considered. We will conclude that much of the technology required to embrace the vision of Web 3.0 in education already exists, but that further research in key areas is required for the concept to achieve its full potential

    Challenges and opportunities for the future of icampuses

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Pozostali autorzy artykułu: Hanifa Shah, Philip Moore, Cain Evans, Mak Sharma, Sarah Mount, Hai V. Pham, Keith Osman, Anthony J. Wilcox, Peter Rayson, Craig Chapman, Parmjit Chima, Cham Athwal, Dawid While.Bibliogr. s. 21-24.Utilisation of pressure filtration using filter presses for the dewatering of the finest particles of mineral concentratesMeeting the educational needs of students currently requires moving toward collaborative electronic and mobile learning systems that parallel the vision of Web 2.0. However, factors such as data freedom, brokerage, interconnectivity and the Internet of Things add to a vision for Web 3.0 that will require consideration in the development of future campus-based, distance and vocational study. So, education can, in future, be expected to require deeper technological connections between students and learning environments, based on significant use of sensors, mobile devices, cloud computing and rich-media visualization. Therefore, we discuss challenges associated with such a futuristic campus context, including how learning materials and environments may be enriched by it. As an additional novel element the potential for much of that enrichment to be realized through development by students, within the curriculum, is also considered. We will conclude that much of the technology required to embrace the vision of Web 3.0 in education already exists, but that further research in key areas is required for the concept to achieve its full potential.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.KEYWORDS: education, icampus, sensors, context, Web 2.0

    E-education 3.0: Challenges and opportunities for the future of iCampuses

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    In our exciting world of pervasive computing and always-available mobile internet, meeting the educational needs of students has seen a growing trend toward collaborative electronic and mobile learning systems that build on the vision of Web 2.0. However, other trends relevant to modern students must not be ignored, including data freedom, brokerage and interconnectivity. Such factors are associated with the Internet of Things and the vision for Web 3.0, and so include the needs for greater consideration of data context and educational personalization so important to the future of campus-based, distance and vocational study. Therefore, future education can be expected to require a deeper technological connection between students and learning environments, in a manner requiring significant use of sensors, mobile devices, cloud computing and rich-media visualization. This paper considers the challenges associated with adopting such a futuristic concept as a means of enriching learning materials and environments within a university context. It will be concluded that much of the technology required to embrace the vision of Web 3.0 in education already exists, but that further research in key areas is required for the concept to achieve its full potential. © 2012 Crown Copyright