1,176 research outputs found

    Cogent: uniqueness types and certifying compilation

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    This paper presents a framework aimed at significantly reducing the cost of proving functional correctness for low-level operating systems components. The framework is designed around a new functional programming language, Cogent. A central aspect of the language is its uniqueness type system, which eliminates the need for a trusted runtime or garbage collector while still guaranteeing memory safety, a crucial property for safety and security. Moreover, it allows us to assign two semantics to the language: The first semantics is imperative, suitable for efficient C code generation, and the second is purely functional, providing a user-friendly interface for equational reasoning and verification of higher-level correctness properties. The refinement theorem connecting the two semantics allows the compiler to produce a proof via translation validation certifying the correctness of the generated C code with respect to the semantics of the Cogent source program. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of our framework for implementation and for verification through two file system implementations

    Programming Language Abstractions for Modularly Verified Distributed Systems

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    Distributed systems are rarely developed as monolithic programs. Instead, like any software, these systems may consist of multiple program components, which are then compiled separately and linked together. Modern systems also incorporate various services interacting with each other and with client applications. However, state-of-the-art verification tools focus predominantly on verifying standalone, closed-world protocols or systems, thus failing to account for the compositional nature of distributed systems. For example, standalone verification has the drawback that when protocols and their optimized implementations evolve, one must re-verify the entire system from scratch, instead of leveraging compositionality to contain the reverification effort. In this paper, we focus on the challenge of modular verification of distributed systems with respect to high-level protocol invariants as well as for low-level implementation safety properties. We argue that the missing link between the two is a programming paradigm that would allow one to reason about both high-level distributed protocols and low-level implementation primitives in a single verification-friendly framework. Such a link would make it possible to reap the benefits from both the vast body of research in distributed computing, focused on modular protocol decomposition and consistency properties, as well as from the recent advances in program verification, enabling construction of provably correct systems implementations. To showcase the modular verification challenges, we present some typical scenarios of decomposition between a distributed protocol and its implementations. We then describe our ongoing research agenda, in which we are attempting to address the outlined problems by providing a typing discipline and a set of domain-specific primitives for specifying, implementing and verifying distributed systems. Our approach, mechanized within a proof assistant, provides the means of decomposition necessary for modular proofs about distributed protocols and systems

    Partial replication in distributed software transactional memory

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaDistributed software transactional memory (DSTM) is emerging as an interesting alternative for distributed concurrency control. Usually, DSTM systems resort to data distribution and full replication techniques in order to provide scalability and fault tolerance. Nevertheless, distribution does not provide support for fault tolerance and full replication limits the system’s total storage capacity. In this context, partial data replication rises as an intermediate solution that combines the best of the previous two trying to mitigate their disadvantages. This strategy has been explored by the distributed databases research field, but has been little addressed in the context of transactional memory and, to the best of our knowledge, it has never before been incorporated into a DSTM system for a general-purpose programming language. Thus, we defend the claim that it is possible to combine both full and partial data replication in such systems. Accordingly, we developed a prototype of a DSTM system combining full and partial data replication for Java programs. We built from an existent DSTM framework and extended it with support for partial data replication. With the proposed framework, we implemented a partially replicated DSTM. We evaluated the proposed system using known benchmarks, and the evaluation showcases the existence of scenarios where partial data replication can be advantageous, e.g., in scenarios with small amounts of transactions modifying fully replicated data. The results of this thesis show that we were able to sustain our claim by implementing a prototype that effectively combines full and partial data replication in a DSTM system. The modularity of the presented framework allows the easy implementation of its various components, and it provides a non-intrusive interface to applications.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - (FCT/MCTES) in the scope of the research project PTDC/EIA-EIA/113613/2009 (Synergy-VM

    Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Distributed Systems

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    The growing reliance on online services imposes a high dependability requirement on the computer systems that provide these services. Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) is a promising technology to solidify such systems for the much needed high dependability. BFT employs redundant copies of the servers and ensures that a replicated system continues providing correct services despite the attacks on a small portion of the system. In this dissertation research, I developed novel algorithms and mechanisms to control various types of application nondeterminism and to ensure the long-term reliability of BFT systems via a migration-based proactive recovery scheme. I also investigated a new approach to significantly improve the overall system throughput by enabling concurrent processing using Software Transactional Memory (STM). Controlling application nondeterminism is essential to achieve strong replica consistency because the BFT technology is based on state-machine replication, which requires deterministic operation of each replica. Proactive recovery is necessary to ensure that the fundamental assumption of using the BFT technology is not violated over long term, i.e., less than one-third of replicas remain correct. Without proactive recovery, more and more replicas will be compromised under continuously attacks, which would render BFT ineffective. STM based concurrent processing maximized the system throughput by utilizing the power of multi-core CPUs while preserving strong replication consistenc

    Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Distributed Systems

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    The growing reliance on online services imposes a high dependability requirement on the computer systems that provide these services. Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) is a promising technology to solidify such systems for the much needed high dependability. BFT employs redundant copies of the servers and ensures that a replicated system continues providing correct services despite the attacks on a small portion of the system. In this dissertation research, I developed novel algorithms and mechanisms to control various types of application nondeterminism and to ensure the long-term reliability of BFT systems via a migration-based proactive recovery scheme. I also investigated a new approach to significantly improve the overall system throughput by enabling concurrent processing using Software Transactional Memory (STM). Controlling application nondeterminism is essential to achieve strong replica consistency because the BFT technology is based on state-machine replication, which requires deterministic operation of each replica. Proactive recovery is necessary to ensure that the fundamental assumption of using the BFT technology is not violated over long term, i.e., less than one-third of replicas remain correct. Without proactive recovery, more and more replicas will be compromised under continuously attacks, which would render BFT ineffective. STM based concurrent processing maximized the system throughput by utilizing the power of multi-core CPUs while preserving strong replication consistenc

    Transactional filesystems

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaThe task of implementing correct software is not trivial; mainly when facing the need for supporting concurrency. To overcome this difficulty, several researchers proposed the technique of providing the well known database transactional models as an abstraction for existing programming languages, allowing a software programmer to define groups of computations as transactions and benefit from the expectable semantics of the underlying transactional model. Prototypes for this programming model are nowadays made available by many research teams but are still far from perfection due to a considerable number of operational restrictions. Mostly, these restrictions derive from the limitations on the use of input-output functions inside a transaction. These functions are frequently irreversible which disables their compatibility with a transactional engine due to its impossibility to undo their effects in the event of aborting a transaction. However, there is a group of input-output operations that are potentially reversible and that can produce a valuable tool when provided within the transactional programming model explained above: the file system operations. A programming model that would involve in a transaction not only a set of memory operations but also a set of file operations, would allow the software programmer to define algorithms in a much flexible and simple way, reaching greater stability and consistency in each application. In this document we purpose to specify and allow the use of this type of operations inside a transactional programming model, as well as studying the advantages and disadvantages of this approach

    Flashix: modular verification of a concurrent and crash-safe flash file system

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    The Flashix project has developed the first realistic verified file system for Flash memory. This paper gives an overview over the project and the theory used. Specification is based on modular components and subcomponents, which may have concurrent implementations connected via refinement. Functional correctness and crash-safety of each component is verified separately. We highlight some components that were recently added to improve efficiency, such as file caches and concurrent garbage collection. The project generates 18K of C code that runs under Linux. We evaluate how efficiency has improved and compare to UBIFS, the most recent flash file system implementation available for the Linux kernel
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