367 research outputs found


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    Benthic fauna is a group of benthic organisms that live on the bottom of the water or the bottom of the sediment or between sediments. This study aims to obtain an overview of the distribution and types of benthic faunal organisms measuring > 1mm in the waters of Molas Village at a depth of 1-3 m, especially around coral fragments. Benthos sampling was carried out using a grab sampler with three repetitions. The benthic sediment sample was sieved using a 1000 m (1.0 mm) sieve. The sediment retained in the sieve was then identified based on its morphological characters using a stereo microscope. Furthermore, the number of organisms found was counted and analyzed according to the calculation of the ecological index. The results of the identification of benthic faunal organisms >1mm obtained a total of 36 types of mollusks consisting of 34 species belonging to the class Gastropods and 2 species belonging to the class Bivalvia which were divided into 24 families and obtained an average density of 81.4 ind/m2, Diversity Index 1, 47 (medium category), Uniformity Index 0.97 (high category) and Dominance Index 0.27 (nothing dominates)

    Increase in knowledge of the marine gastropod fauna of Lebanon since the 19th century

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    We hereby review and update the current state of knowledge on the Lebanese gastropod biota based on published literature and the study of new samples. Review of 1543 published records yielded 237 gastropod taxa. New samples from the Lebanese coast yielded 2414 living specimens and 4003 empty shells, belonging to 188 taxa. Forty-six of the taxa are new records for the Lebanese fauna, bringing the gastropods known from Lebanon to 283 species. Literature records also included 71 nominal gastropod taxa based on type material from Lebanon, including 3 genera, 8 species, and 60 subspecific units. Of these, only 13 are retained as available. Of the 283 gastropod taxa known from Lebanon, 41 are aliens and 7 are cryptogenic. The majority of nonnative taxa were recorded only during the last decades, particularly from 1980 to 2019. Results from the present study question the common assumption that this region has extremely low native diversity. The flora and fauna of the Lebanese coast remain relatively unexplored and our data support the perception that several formerly abundant species have recently collapsed. Despite these advances, the lack of scientific data on biodiversity and community structure of Lebanese habitats and geographic zones is likely to hamper conservation actions and legal protection of critical species. We therefore recommend additional field and laboratory research to increase knowledge of both taxonomic composition and species’ distributions in Lebanon and elsewhere in the easternmost Mediterranean Sea

    Gasterópodos marinos de las islas Columbretes (Mediterráneo occidental).

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    Se estudian varias muestras de sedimentos bioclásticos recogidas con escafandra autónoma en distintos puntos de las islas Columbretes. Como resultado se obtuvieron un total de 257 especies de gasterópodos, de las cuales 119 constituyen nuevas citas para este enclave insular y una del género Crisilla se describe como nueva para la ciencia. Se comentan los problemas taxonómicos que presentan diversas especies de los géneros Dikoleps, Crisilla, Chauvetia y Cima, o de las familias Cerithiopsidae y Omalogyridae. Por último, se ofrecen unas consideraciones generales sobre la malacofauna marina de estas islas.Agradecemos a Emilio Rolán, Anselmo Peñas, Serge Gofas, Marian Ramos (Investigadora Principal del Proyecto Fauna Ibérica) y a Javier de Andrés y Rafael Araujo (colección de malacología del MNCN) el habernos facilitado material de comparación. Las fotografías al SEM se han realizado en el Servicio de Microscopía Electrónica, a cargo de Laura Tormo, Marta Furió y Alberto Jorge, y gracias a la financiación del proyecto CGL2007-60954 del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. A la Secretaría General del Mar, organismo gestor de la Reserva Marina de las islas Columbretes, agradecemos su constante apoyo a la investigación en las islas. Por último, los comentarios de Serge Gofas han contribuido a mejorar considerablemente la versión final de este artículo.Peer Reviewe

    Ecology and evolution of Pliocene bivalves from the Antwerp Basin

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    The dock construction works in the port of Antwerp at Doel and Kallo (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium) have allowed the collection of a rich and diverse Pliocene bivalve fauna. It contains 182 taxa, 178 species and four subspecies. 90 species out of 178 (51%) are extinct. The rate of extinction does not significantly vary between the recognised strata, ranging from Lower to Upper Pliocene. The average longevity of the species is calculated at 10.7 Ma. This long range makes most of these bivalve species unfit for use in Neogene stratigraphy. The bathymetry of the different levels of the Pliocene is assessed, using the species still occurring in the Recent fauna (49% of the total number): it decreases towards the end of the Pliocene

    Dizoniopsis apexclarus Rolán, 2007

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    The Biodiversity of Gastropods Identified in the Mangrove Forest of Baban Village, Gapura Districts Sumenep Regency as the Resource of Learning Biology

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    Gastropoda merupakan hewan yang bergerak dengan menggunkan Perutnya (gaster= Perut dan podos=kaki) yang saat ini mulai terancam keberadaannya karena rusaknya ekosistem hutan mangrove karena konversi lahan, dampak ekologis yang ditimbulkan adalah mengganggu keseimbangan ekosistem hutan mangrove. Masalah lain adalah kurangnya informasi tentang keanekaragaman Gastropoda khususnya di daerah terpencil, salah satu daerah terpencil yang belum diteliti adalah Desa Baban Kecamatan Gapura Kabupaten Sumenep.Penelitian ini berujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman Gastropoda hutan mangrove. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 17-24 April 2016 pada saat air surut dengan metode random sampling dengan menggunakan transek kuadrat. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan observasi atau pengamatan langsung terhadap populasi yang diamati.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Gastropoda yang ditemukam terdiri dari 11 jenis yaitu Nerita fulgurans, Cassidula aurisfelis, Telescopium telescopium, Cerithidea quadrata, Ceritiopsis sp, Littroraria scabra, Raphitoma purpurea, Alvania sp, Littoraria melanostoma, Terebralia sulcata, dan Littorina sp. Struktur komunitas Gastropoda berdasarkan beberapa hal: 1) indeks kepadatan tertinggi terdapat pada spesies Terebralia sulcata (2.17 individu per meter persegi) sementara indeks kepadatan terendah adalah Nerit fulgurans (0,25 individu per meter persegi); 2) indeks nilai penting tertinggi adalah spesies Terebralia sulcata (33%) dan yang terendah adalah pada spesies spesies Nerita fulgurans (0.05%); 3) indeks keragaman termasuk dalam kategori standar yaitu antara 1,84 sampai 2,16; 4) indeks nilai kemerataan menunjukkan kemerataan pada setiap stasiun, mulai 0.77 sampai 0.90; 5) indeks dominansi menunjukkan tidak adanya dominansi. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai sumber belajar Biologi dalam bentuk booklet

    Seila kuiperi Rolán & Pelorce, 2006

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    Cubalaskeya cubana Rolán et Fernández-Garcés, 2008

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    The Marine Zoologist, Volume 1, Number 8, 1961

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