82,693 research outputs found

    Do lycra garments improve function and movement in children with cerebral palsy?

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    The mother of a 5-year-old boy with athetoid cerebral palsy complains of difficulties putting his Lycra suit on each day. She is keen to know if it actually helps improve his function and movement. STRUCTURED CLINICAL QUESTION In children with cerebral palsy (population), do Lycra garments (intervention) improve function and posture (outcome)? SEARCH STRATEGY The search was performed in October 2009

    Kinect as an access device for people with cerebral palsy: A preliminary study

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    Cerebral palsy (CP) describes a group of disorders affecting the development of movement and posture, causingactivity limitation. Access to technology can alleviate some of these limitations. Many studies have used vision- based movement capture systems to overcome problems related to discomfort and fear of wearing devices. Incontrast, there has been no research assessing the behavior of vision-based movement capture systems in peoplewith involuntary movements. In this paper, we look at the potential of the Kinect sensor as an assistive technologyfor people with cerebral palsy. We developed a serious game, called KiSens Números, to study the behavior ofKinect in this context and eighteen subjects with cerebral palsy used it to complete a set of sessions. The resultsof the experiments show that Kinect filters some of peoples involuntary movements, confirming the potential ofKinect as an assistive technology for people with motor disabilities

    Does the risk of cerebral palsy increase or decrease with increasing gestational age?

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    BACKGROUND: It is generally accepted that the risk of cerebral palsy decreases with increasing gestational age of live born infants. However, recent studies have shown that cerebral palsy often has prenatal antecedents including congenital malformations, vascular insults and maternal infection. Cerebral palsy is therefore better viewed as occurring among fetuses, rather than among infants. We explored the epidemiologic implications of this change in perspective. METHODS: We used recently published data from Shiga Prefecture, Japan and from North-East England to examine the pattern of gestational age-specific rates of cerebral palsy under these alternative perspectives. We first calculated gestational age-specific rates of cerebral palsy as per convention, by dividing the number of cases of cerebral palsy identified among live births within any gestational age category by the number of live births in that gestational age category. Under the alternative formulation, we calculated gestational age-specific rates of cerebral palsy by dividing the number of cases of cerebral palsy identified among live births within any gestational age category by the number of fetuses who were at risk of being born at that gestation and being afflicted with cerebral palsy. RESULTS: Under the conventional formulation, cerebral palsy rates decreased with increasing gestational age from 63.9 per 1,000 live births at <28 weeks gestation to 0.9 per 1,000 live births at 37 or more weeks gestation. When fetuses were viewed as potential candidates for cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy rates increased with increasing gestational age from 0.08 per 1,000 fetuses at risk at <28 weeks gestation to 0.9 per 1,000 fetuses at risk at 37 or more weeks gestation. CONCLUSIONS: The fetuses-at-risk approach is the appropriate epidemiologic formulation for calculating the gestational age-specific rate of cerebral palsy from a causal perspective. It shows that the risk of cerebral palsy increases as gestational duration increases. This compelling view of cerebral palsy risk may help refocus research aimed at understanding and preventing cerebral palsy

    Physical Activity for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy

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    Despite the fact that cerebral palsy affects the balance, coordination, muscles, and movements of individuals, adaptive sports can be used to help individuals with cerebral palsy stay physically active. High-quality physical education and movement opportunities can integrate children with cerebral palsy into movement programing, as to enable children with cerebral palsy to achieve goals related to cognitive skills associated with exploring physical health, maintaining physical health, as well as affective values towards physical health, movement, play, and general wellbeing. Cerebral palsy has not prevented some people from being athletes who have managed to compete on the international stage. Sports is one way to encourage people with cerebral palsy to socialize, be fit, stay healthy, and, most importantly, have fun. Enjoyment of physical activity can improve the self-efficacy of individuals with cerebral Palsy. It can motivate them to override pain and sustain their participation. This article details the considerations, recommendations, safety concerns, and facilitation protocols for individuals with cerebral palsy participating in adapted sport

    Current Treatments of Cerebral Palsy in Pediatric Patients

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    Cerebral palsy describes a group of disorders involving movement and posture. In the United States, the rate of children born with cerebral palsy is thought to vary from between 1.5 to 4 per 1000 live births. This amounts to approximately 5,000 -10,000 babies born with cerebral palsy each year in the United States. This project will help health care professionals to diagnosis and identify cerebral palsy. This proposal will also explore literature for current treatment and care of cerebral palsy in the pediatric patient. The high costs linked to cerebral palsy stress the importance of early diagnosis, reducing the prevalence, decreasing the co-morbidities associated with the disorder, and improving the overall well-being of patients with cerebral palsy. Prompt recognition and precise treatment has been proven to improve the overall health of patients with cerebral palsy. The goal of this project is to provide valuable educational infonnation to health care providers

    Analysis of the Needs of Parents who Have Cerebral Palsy Children Reviewed from the Family Counseling

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    Parents who have children with cerebral palsy sometimes experience hopeless caring. Some parents feel shocked and cannot accept the fact that their child has a disability. Therefore we need an analysis of the needs of parents who have children with cerebral palsy. In the current study, to understand the needs of parents who have children with cerebral palsy, it is necessary to conduct family counseling in accordance with the cultural background and socio-economic level of the family. The purpose of this study is to explain the needs of parents who have children with cerebral palsy. This research is a quantitative study, namely research that uses explanatory research because this research was conducted in Padang, Indonesia, with a total sample of 13 parents who had children with cerebral palsy. The data source came from distributing questionnaires after family counseling was conducted to parents who had children with cerebral palsy. This study's results are that parental needs consist of several indicators, namely acceptance of parents who have children with cerebral palsy, factors that influence parents in receiving their children with cerebral palsy, and problems and obstacles faced by parents in dealing with their children with cerebral palsy

    Consideration for care for your patient with cerebral palsy

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    Cerebral palsy (CP) is a common developmental neurological disorder affecting about 2-3 children out of 1,000. CP is the result of infant brain damage or abnormal development resulting in impaired muscle control, coordination, tone, reflex, posture, and balance. These patients are unable to control motor movements of their muscles of mastication and facial expression, causing excessive drooling, clenching, bruxism, and other oral health-related issues. This lack of motor control affects their ability to swallow and often limits these patients to a liquid diet. This can lead to vitamin deficiencies and result in further developmental problems. As an example, a deficiency in vitamin D may lead to osteoporosis, which manifests in the oral cavity as periodontal disease. Even into adulthood, these individuals are often reliant on the care of others. It becomes the caregiver’s responsibility to ensure the individual with cerebral palsy is receiving consistent and effective oral hygiene, and to monitor the oral tissues for signs of disease or injury. The researchers reviewed primary and secondary literature published after 2014 on the subjects of cerebral palsy, general health considerations, and oral care. The aim of this investigation focuses on unique issues faced by patients with cerebral palsy, and how to effectively educate caregivers on risks and proper techniques for providing oral hygiene to these individuals.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/denh_student/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Comparison of muscle strength, sprint power and aerobic capacity in adults with and without cerebral palsy

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    Objective: To compare: (i) muscle strength, sprint power and maximal aerobic capacity; and (ii) the correlations between these variables in adults with and without cerebral palsy. Design: Cross-sectional study. Subjects: Twenty adults with and 24 without cerebral palsy. Methods: Isometric and isokinetic knee extension strength, sprint power (mean power over the 30s (P30)), peak aerobic power output (POpeak) and oxygen uptake (VO2peak) were determined. Regression analysis was used to investigate correlations between parameters. Results: Adults with cerebral palsy had significantly lower strength (53-69%) and P30 (67%) than adults without cerebral palsy, but similar POpeak and VO2peak. In adults without cerebral palsy the only significant correlations, albeit weak, were between P30 and isometric (R-2=0.34) or isokinetic strength (R-2=0.20), as well as the correlation between P30 and VOpeak (R-2=0.26) or POpeak (R-2=0.36). Stronger correlations were found in the group with cerebral palsy between P30 and isometric (R-2=0.52) and isokinetic strength (R-2=0.71) and between P30 and VOpeak (R-2=0.75) or POpeak (R-2=0.94). Conclusion: In contrast to aerobic capacity, strength and P30 are reduced in (active) people with cerebral palsy. Stronger correlations were found between strength, P30 and POpeak in adults with cerebral palsy. Therefore, muscle strength may be the limiting factor in adults with cerebral palsy for activities involving the lower extremities, such as cycling

    Analysis of the Needs of Parents who Have Cerebral Palsy Children Reviewed from the Family Counseling

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    Parents who have children with cerebral palsy sometimes experience hopeless caring. Some parents feel shocked and cannot accept the fact that their child has a disability. Therefore we need an analysis of the needs of parents who have children with cerebral palsy. In the current study, to understand the needs of parents who have children with cerebral palsy, it is necessary to conduct family counseling in accordance with the cultural background and socio-economic level of the family. The purpose of this study is to explain the needs of parents who have children with cerebral palsy. This research is a quantitative study, namely research that uses explanatory research because this research was conducted in Padang, Indonesia, with a total sample of 13 parents who had children with cerebral palsy. The data source came from distributing questionnaires after family counseling was conducted to parents who had children with cerebral palsy. This study's results are that parental needs consist of several indicators, namely acceptance of parents who have children with cerebral palsy, factors that influence parents in receiving their children with cerebral palsy, and problems and obstacles faced by parents in dealing with their children with cerebral palsy

    Manfaat Pendampingan Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Orang Tua Dalam Penanganan Anak Cerebral Palsy

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    Latar Belakang: Cerebral Palsy adalah yang ditandai dengan perkembangan motorik yang abnormal atau terlambat, seperti paraplegia spastik, hemiplegia atau tetraplegia, yang sering disertai dengan retardasi mental, kejang atau ataksia. Dalam penanganan anak Cerebral Palsy peranan dari orang tua/keluarga penting. Keluarga adalah unit terkecil dari masyarakat yang terdiri atas kepala keluarga dan beberapa orang yang terkumpul dan tinggal di suatu tempat di bawah suatu atap dalam keadaan saling ketergantungan. Kurangnya dukungan ekonomi dan akses ke instansi kesehatan mempengaruhi pengetahuann orang tua. Keluarga harus memiliki pengetahuan khusus dalam penanganan anak dengan Cerebral Palsy. Pendampingan orang tua penyandang Cerebral Palsy dilakukan untuk mengajarkan dan melatih dalam menangani anak Cerebral Palsy. Pendampingan dimaksudkan supaya orang tua dapat memperlakukan dan menangani anaknya yang Cerebral Palsy dengan tepat. Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengetahui apakah ada manfaat pendampingan terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan orang tua dalam penanganan anak Cerebral Palsy. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperimental, dengan desain penelitian one group pre test and post test design. Tektik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Purposive Sampling. Jumlah sampel 12 orang tua anak Cerebral Palsy. Tehnik yang digunakan adalah metode pendampingan selama 30 hari, frekuensi 6x pertemuan. Uji Normalitas data menggunakan Shapiro-Willk tes kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji hipotesa dengan Paired Sample T-test. Hasil Penelitian: Dari hasil statistik didapatkan hasil nilai P adalah 0.0000 dimana p < 0.05 yang berarti Ha diterima. Artinya ada manfaat pendampingan terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan orang tua dalam penanganan anak Cerebral Palsy. Kesimpulan: Pemberian pendampingan kepada orang tua terbukti dapat memberikan manfaat terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan orang tua dalam penanganan anak dengan kondisi Cerebral Palsy