308 research outputs found

    Brain-Computer Interface and Silent Speech Recognition on Decentralized Messaging Applications

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    Online communications have been increasingly gaining prevalence in people’s daily lives, with its widespread adoption being catalyzed by technological advances, especially in instant messaging platforms. Although there have been strides for the inclusion of disabled individuals to ease communication between peers, people who suffer hand/arm impairments have little to no support in regular mainstream applications to efficiently communicate with other individuals. Moreover, a problem with the current solutions that fall back on speech-to-text techniques is the lack of privacy when the usage of these alternatives is conducted in public. Additionally, as centralized systems have come into scrutiny regarding privacy and security, the development of alternative decentralized solutions has increased by the use of blockchain technology and its variants. Within the inclusivity paradigm, this project showcases an alternative on human-computer interaction with support for the aforementioned disabled people, through the use of a braincomputer interface allied to a silent speech recognition system, for application navigation and text input purposes, respectively. A brain-computer interface allows a user to interact with the platform just by though, while the silent speech recognition system enables the input of text by reading activity from articulatory muscles without the need of actually speaking audibly. Therefore, the combination of both techniques creates a full hands-free interaction with the platform, empowering hand/arm disabled users in daily life communications. Furthermore, the users of the application will be inserted in a decentralized system that is designed for secure communication and exchange of data between peers, enforcing the privacy concern that is a cornerstone of the platform.Comunicações online têm cada vez mais ganhado prevalência na vida contemporânea de pessoas, tendo a sua adoção sido catalisada pelos avanços tecnológicos, especialmente em plataformas de mensagens instantâneas. Embora tenham havido desenvolvimentos relativamente à inclusão de indivíduos com deficiência para facilitar a comunicação entre pessoas, as que sofrem de incapacidades motoras nas mãos/braços têm um suporte escasso em aplicações convencionais para comunicar de forma eficiente com outros sujeitos. Além disso, um problema com as soluções atuais que recorrem a técnicas de voz-para-texto é a falta de privacidade nas comunicações quando usadas em público. Adicionalmente, há medida que sistemas centralizados têm atraído ceticismo relativamente à privacidade e segurança, o desenvolvimento de soluções descentralizadas e alternativas têm aumentado pelo uso de tecnologias de blockchain e as suas variantes. Dentro do paradigma de inclusão, este projeto demonstras uma alternativa na interação humano-computador com suporte para os indivíduos referidos anteriormente, através do uso de uma interface cérebro-computador aliada a um sistema de reconhecimento de fala silenciosa, para navegação na aplicação e introdução de texto, respetivamente. Uma interface cérebro-computador permite o utilizador interagir com a plataforma apenas através do pensamento, enquanto que um sistema de reconhecimento de fala silenciosa possibilita a introdução de texto pela leitura da atividade dos músculos articulatórios, sem a necessidade de falar em voz alta. Assim, a combinação de ambas as técnicas criam uma interação totalmente de mãos-livres com a plataforma, melhorando as comunicações do dia-a-dia de pessoas com incapacidades nas mãos/braços. Além disso, os utilizadores serão inseridos num sistema descentralizado, desenhado para comunicações e trocas de dados seguras entre pares, reforçando, assim, a preocupação com a privacidade, que é um conceito base da plataforma

    Federated Learning and Meta Learning:Approaches, Applications, and Directions

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    Over the past few years, significant advancements have been made in the field of machine learning (ML) to address resource management, interference management, autonomy, and decision-making in wireless networks. Traditional ML approaches rely on centralized methods, where data is collected at a central server for training. However, this approach poses a challenge in terms of preserving the data privacy of devices. To address this issue, federated learning (FL) has emerged as an effective solution that allows edge devices to collaboratively train ML models without compromising data privacy. In FL, local datasets are not shared, and the focus is on learning a global model for a specific task involving all devices. However, FL has limitations when it comes to adapting the model to devices with different data distributions. In such cases, meta learning is considered, as it enables the adaptation of learning models to different data distributions using only a few data samples. In this tutorial, we present a comprehensive review of FL, meta learning, and federated meta learning (FedMeta). Unlike other tutorial papers, our objective is to explore how FL, meta learning, and FedMeta methodologies can be designed, optimized, and evolved, and their applications over wireless networks. We also analyze the relationships among these learning algorithms and examine their advantages and disadvantages in real-world applications.</p

    From specialists to generalists : inductive biases of deep learning for higher level cognition

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    Les réseaux de neurones actuels obtiennent des résultats de pointe dans une gamme de domaines problématiques difficiles. Avec suffisamment de données et de calculs, les réseaux de neurones actuels peuvent obtenir des résultats de niveau humain sur presque toutes les tâches. En ce sens, nous avons pu former des spécialistes capables d'effectuer très bien une tâche particulière, que ce soit le jeu de Go, jouer à des jeux Atari, manipuler le cube Rubik, mettre des légendes sur des images ou dessiner des images avec des légendes. Le prochain défi pour l'IA est de concevoir des méthodes pour former des généralistes qui, lorsqu'ils sont exposés à plusieurs tâches pendant l'entraînement, peuvent s'adapter rapidement à de nouvelles tâches inconnues. Sans aucune hypothèse sur la distribution génératrice de données, il peut ne pas être possible d'obtenir une meilleure généralisation et une meilleure adaptation à de nouvelles tâches (inconnues). Les réseaux de neurones actuels obtiennent des résultats de pointe dans une gamme de domaines problématiques difficiles. Une possibilité fascinante est que l'intelligence humaine et animale puisse être expliquée par quelques principes, plutôt qu'une encyclopédie de faits. Si tel était le cas, nous pourrions plus facilement à la fois comprendre notre propre intelligence et construire des machines intelligentes. Tout comme en physique, les principes eux-mêmes ne suffiraient pas à prédire le comportement de systèmes complexes comme le cerveau, et des calculs importants pourraient être nécessaires pour simuler l'intelligence humaine. De plus, nous savons que les vrais cerveaux intègrent des connaissances a priori détaillées spécifiques à une tâche qui ne pourraient pas tenir dans une courte liste de principes simples. Nous pensons donc que cette courte liste explique plutôt la capacité des cerveaux à apprendre et à s'adapter efficacement à de nouveaux environnements, ce qui est une grande partie de ce dont nous avons besoin pour l'IA. Si cette hypothèse de simplicité des principes était correcte, cela suggérerait que l'étude du type de biais inductifs (une autre façon de penser aux principes de conception et aux a priori, dans le cas des systèmes d'apprentissage) que les humains et les animaux exploitent pourrait aider à la fois à clarifier ces principes et à fournir source d'inspiration pour la recherche en IA. L'apprentissage en profondeur exploite déjà plusieurs biais inductifs clés, et mon travail envisage une liste plus large, en se concentrant sur ceux qui concernent principalement le traitement cognitif de niveau supérieur. Mon travail se concentre sur la conception de tels modèles en y incorporant des hypothèses fortes mais générales (biais inductifs) qui permettent un raisonnement de haut niveau sur la structure du monde. Ce programme de recherche est à la fois ambitieux et pratique, produisant des algorithmes concrets ainsi qu'une vision cohérente pour une recherche à long terme vers la généralisation dans un monde complexe et changeant.Current neural networks achieve state-of-the-art results across a range of challenging problem domains. Given enough data, and computation, current neural networks can achieve human-level results on mostly any task. In the sense, that we have been able to train \textit{specialists} that can perform a particular task really well whether it's the game of GO, playing Atari games, Rubik's cube manipulation, image caption or drawing images given captions. The next challenge for AI is to devise methods to train \textit{generalists} that when exposed to multiple tasks during training can quickly adapt to new unknown tasks. Without any assumptions about the data generating distribution it may not be possible to achieve better generalization and adaption to new (unknown) tasks. A fascinating possibility is that human and animal intelligence could be explained by a few principles (rather than an encyclopedia). If that was the case, we could more easily both understand our own intelligence and build intelligent machines. Just like in physics, the principles themselves would not be sufficient to predict the behavior of complex systems like brains, and substantial computation might be needed to simulate human intelligence. In addition, we know that real brains incorporate some detailed task-specific a priori knowledge which could not fit in a short list of simple principles. So we think of that short list rather as explaining the ability of brains to learn and adapt efficiently to new environments, which is a great part of what we need for AI. If that simplicity of principles hypothesis was correct it would suggest that studying the kind of inductive biases (another way to think about principles of design and priors, in the case of learning systems) that humans and animals exploit could help both clarify these principles and provide inspiration for AI research. Deep learning already exploits several key inductive biases, and my work considers a larger list, focusing on those which concern mostly higher-level cognitive processing. My work focuses on designing such models by incorporating in them strong but general assumptions (inductive biases) that enable high-level reasoning about the structure of the world. This research program is both ambitious and practical, yielding concrete algorithms as well as a cohesive vision for long-term research towards generalization in a complex and changing world

    Secure authentication and key agreement via abstract multi-agent interaction

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    Authentication and key agreement are the foundation for secure communication over the Internet. Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) protocols provide methods for communicating parties to authenticate each other, and establish a shared session key by which they can encrypt messages in the session. Within the category of AKE protocols, symmetric AKE protocols rely on pre-shared master keys for both services. These master keys can be transformed after each session in a key-evolving scheme to provide the property of forward secrecy, whereby the compromise of master keys does not allow for the compromise of past session keys. This thesis contributes a symmetric AKE protocol named AMI (Authentication via Multi-Agent Interaction). The AMI protocol is a novel formulation of authentication and key agreement as a multi-agent system, where communicating parties are treated as autonomous agents whose behavior within the protocol is governed by private agent models used as the master keys. Parties interact repeatedly using their behavioral models for authentication and for agreeing upon a unique session key per communication session. These models are evolved after each session to provide forward secrecy. The security of the multi-agent interaction process rests upon the difficulty of modeling an agent's decisions from limited observations about its behavior, a long-standing problem in AI research known as opponent modeling. We conjecture that it is difficult to efficiently solve even by a quantum computer, since the problem is fundamentally one of missing information rather than computational hardness. We show empirically that the AMI protocol achieves high accuracy in correctly identifying legitimate agents while rejecting different adversarial strategies from the security literature. We demonstrate the protocol's resistance to adversarial agents which utilize random, replay, and maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) strategies to bypass the authentication test. The random strategy chooses actions randomly without attempting to mimic a legitimate agent. The replay strategy replays actions previously observed by a legitimate client. The MLE strategy estimates a legitimate agent model using previously observed interactions, as an attempt to solve the opponent modeling problem. This thesis also introduces a reinforcement learning approach for efficient multi-agent interaction and authentication. This method trains an authenticating server agent's decision model to take effective probing actions which decrease the number of interactions in a single session required to successfully reject adversarial agents. We empirically evaluate the number of interactions required for a trained server agent to reject an adversarial agent, and show that using the optimized server leads to a much more sample-efficient interaction process than a server agent selecting actions by a uniform-random behavioral policy. Towards further research on and adoption of the AMI protocol for authenticated key-exchange, this thesis also contributes an open-source application written in Python, PyAMI. PyAMI consists of a multi-agent system where agents run on separate virtual machines, and communicate over low-level network sockets using TCP. The application supports extending the basic client-server setting to a larger multi-agent system for group authentication and key agreement, providing two such architectures for different deployment scenarios

    Radar Technology

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    In this book “Radar Technology”, the chapters are divided into four main topic areas: Topic area 1: “Radar Systems” consists of chapters which treat whole radar systems, environment and target functional chain. Topic area 2: “Radar Applications” shows various applications of radar systems, including meteorological radars, ground penetrating radars and glaciology. Topic area 3: “Radar Functional Chain and Signal Processing” describes several aspects of the radar signal processing. From parameter extraction, target detection over tracking and classification technologies. Topic area 4: “Radar Subsystems and Components” consists of design technology of radar subsystem components like antenna design or waveform design