4,661 research outputs found

    Renormalization of potentials and generalized centers

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    We generalize the Riesz potential of a compact domain in Rm\mathbb{R}^{m} by introducing a renormalization of the rαmr^{\alpha-m}-potential for α0\alpha\le0. This can be considered as generalization of the dual mixed volumes of convex bodies as introduced by Lutwak. We then study the points where the extreme values of the (renormalized) potentials are attained. These points can be considered as a generalization of the center of mass. We also show that only balls give extreme values among bodied with the same volume.Comment: Adv. Appl. Math. 48 (2012), 365--392 Figure 11 has been corrected after publication. Theorem 3.12 and the exposition of Lemma 2.15 are modified in version

    Optimally dense packings of hyperbolic space

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    In previous work a probabilistic approach to controlling difficulties of density in hyperbolic space led to a workable notion of optimal density for packings of bodies. In this paper we extend an ergodic theorem of Nevo to provide an appropriate definition of optimal dense packings. Examples are given to illustrate various aspects of the density problem, in particular the shift in emphasis from the analysis of individual packings to spaces of packings.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    The robustness of equilibria on convex solids

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    We examine the minimal magnitude of perturbations necessary to change the number NN of static equilibrium points of a convex solid KK. We call the normalized volume of the minimally necessary truncation robustness and we seek shapes with maximal robustness for fixed values of NN. While the upward robustness (referring to the increase of NN) of smooth, homogeneous convex solids is known to be zero, little is known about their downward robustness. The difficulty of the latter problem is related to the coupling (via integrals) between the geometry of the hull \bd K and the location of the center of gravity GG. Here we first investigate two simpler, decoupled problems by examining truncations of \bd K with GG fixed, and displacements of GG with \bd K fixed, leading to the concept of external \rm and internal \rm robustness, respectively. In dimension 2, we find that for any fixed number N=2SN=2S, the convex solids with both maximal external and maximal internal robustness are regular SS-gons. Based on this result we conjecture that regular polygons have maximal downward robustness also in the original, coupled problem. We also show that in the decoupled problems, 3-dimensional regular polyhedra have maximal internal robustness, however, only under additional constraints. Finally, we prove results for the full problem in case of 3 dimensional solids. These results appear to explain why monostatic pebbles (with either one stable, or one unstable point of equilibrium) are found so rarely in Nature.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Coloring translates and homothets of a convex body

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    We obtain improved upper bounds and new lower bounds on the chromatic number as a linear function of the clique number, for the intersection graphs (and their complements) of finite families of translates and homothets of a convex body in \RR^n.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Periodicity and Circle Packing in the Hyperbolic Plane

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    We prove that given a fixed radius rr, the set of isometry-invariant probability measures supported on ``periodic'' radius rr-circle packings of the hyperbolic plane is dense in the space of all isometry-invariant probability measures on the space of radius rr-circle packings. By a periodic packing, we mean one with cofinite symmetry group. As a corollary, we prove the maximum density achieved by isometry-invariant probability measures on a space of radius rr-packings of the hyperbolic plane is the supremum of densities of periodic packings. We also show that the maximum density function varies continuously with radius.Comment: 25 page

    New bounds on the average distance from the Fermat-Weber center of a planar convex body

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    The Fermat-Weber center of a planar body QQ is a point in the plane from which the average distance to the points in QQ is minimal. We first show that for any convex body QQ in the plane, the average distance from the Fermat-Weber center of QQ to the points of QQ is larger than 1/6Δ(Q){1/6} \cdot \Delta(Q), where Δ(Q)\Delta(Q) is the diameter of QQ. This proves a conjecture of Carmi, Har-Peled and Katz. From the other direction, we prove that the same average distance is at most 2(43)13Δ(Q)<0.3490Δ(Q)\frac{2(4-\sqrt3)}{13} \cdot \Delta(Q) < 0.3490 \cdot \Delta(Q). The new bound substantially improves the previous bound of 233Δ(Q)0.3849Δ(Q)\frac{2}{3 \sqrt3} \cdot \Delta(Q) \approx 0.3849 \cdot \Delta(Q) due to Abu-Affash and Katz, and brings us closer to the conjectured value of 1/3Δ(Q){1/3} \cdot \Delta(Q). We also confirm the upper bound conjecture for centrally symmetric planar convex bodies.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. An earlier version (now obsolete): A. Dumitrescu and Cs. D. T\'oth: New bounds on the average distance from the Fermat-Weber center of a planar convex body, in Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2009), 2009, LNCS 5878, Springer, pp. 132-14