28,432 research outputs found

    Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Base Stations in Cellular Networks

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    The topology of base stations (BSs) in cellular networks, serving as a basis of networking performance analysis, is considered to be obviously distinctive with the traditional hexagonal grid or square lattice model, thus stimulating a fundamental rethinking. Recently, stochastic geometry based models, especially the Poisson point process (PPP), attracts an ever-increasing popularity in modeling BS deployment of cellular networks due to its merits of tractability and capability for capturing nonuniformity. In this study, a detailed comparison between common stochastic models and real BS locations is performed. Results indicate that the PPP fails to precisely characterize either urban or rural BS deployment. Furthermore, the topology of real data in both regions are examined and distinguished by statistical methods according to the point interaction trends they exhibit. By comparing the corresponding real data with aggregative point process models as well as repulsive point process models, we verify that the capacity-centric deployment in urban areas can be modeled by typical aggregative processes such as the Matern cluster process, while the coverage-centric deployment in rural areas can be modeled by representativ

    A Novel Multiobjective Cell Switch-Off Framework for Cellular Networks

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    Cell Switch-Off (CSO) is recognized as a promising approach to reduce the energy consumption in next-generation cellular networks. However, CSO poses serious challenges not only from the resource allocation perspective but also from the implementation point of view. Indeed, CSO represents a difficult optimization problem due to its NP-complete nature. Moreover, there are a number of important practical limitations in the implementation of CSO schemes, such as the need for minimizing the real-time complexity and the number of on-off/off-on transitions and CSO-induced handovers. This article introduces a novel approach to CSO based on multiobjective optimization that makes use of the statistical description of the service demand (known by operators). In addition, downlink and uplink coverage criteria are included and a comparative analysis between different models to characterize intercell interference is also presented to shed light on their impact on CSO. The framework distinguishes itself from other proposals in two ways: 1) The number of on-off/off-on transitions as well as handovers are minimized, and 2) the computationally-heavy part of the algorithm is executed offline, which makes its implementation feasible. The results show that the proposed scheme achieves substantial energy savings in small cell deployments where service demand is not uniformly distributed, without compromising the Quality-of-Service (QoS) or requiring heavy real-time processing

    Low-Latency Millimeter-Wave Communications: Traffic Dispersion or Network Densification?

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    This paper investigates two strategies to reduce the communication delay in future wireless networks: traffic dispersion and network densification. A hybrid scheme that combines these two strategies is also considered. The probabilistic delay and effective capacity are used to evaluate performance. For probabilistic delay, the violation probability of delay, i.e., the probability that the delay exceeds a given tolerance level, is characterized in terms of upper bounds, which are derived by applying stochastic network calculus theory. In addition, to characterize the maximum affordable arrival traffic for mmWave systems, the effective capacity, i.e., the service capability with a given quality-of-service (QoS) requirement, is studied. The derived bounds on the probabilistic delay and effective capacity are validated through simulations. These numerical results show that, for a given average system gain, traffic dispersion, network densification, and the hybrid scheme exhibit different potentials to reduce the end-to-end communication delay. For instance, traffic dispersion outperforms network densification, given high average system gain and arrival rate, while it could be the worst option, otherwise. Furthermore, it is revealed that, increasing the number of independent paths and/or relay density is always beneficial, while the performance gain is related to the arrival rate and average system gain, jointly. Therefore, a proper transmission scheme should be selected to optimize the delay performance, according to the given conditions on arrival traffic and system service capability

    Statistical peer-to-peer channel models for outdoor urban environments at 2GHz and 5GHz

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