262 research outputs found

    Causal-Consistent Reversibility in a Tuple-Based Language

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    Causal-consistent reversibility is a natural way of undoing concurrent computations. We study causal-consistent reversibility in the context of µKlaim, a formal coordination language based on distributed tuple spaces. We consider both uncontrolled reversibility, suitable to study the basic properties of the reversibility mechanism, and controlled reversibility based on a rollback operator, more suitable for programming applications. The causality structure of the language, and thus the definition of its reversible semantics, differs from all the reversible languages in the literature because of its generative communication paradigm. In particular, the reversible behavior of µKlaim read primitive, reading a tuple without consuming it, cannot be matched using channel-based communication. We illustrate the reversible extensions of µKlaim on a simple, but realistic, application scenario

    Causal-consistent rollback in a tuple-based language

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    Rollback is a fundamental technique for ensuring reliability of systems, allowing one, in case of troubles, to recover a past system state. However, the definition of rollback in a concurrent/distributed scenario is quite tricky. We propose an approach based on the notion of causal-consistent reversibility: any given past action can be undone, provided that all the actions caused by it are undone as well. Given that, we define a rollback as the minimal causal-consistent sequence of backward steps able to undo a given action. We define the semantics of such a rollback operator, and show that it satisfies the above specification. The approach that we present is quite general, but we instantiate it in the case of muKlaim, a formal coordination language based on distributed tuple spaces. We remark that this is the first definition of causal-consistent rollback in a shared–memory setting. We illustrate the use of rollback in muKlaim on a simple, but realistic, application scenario

    Towards Reversible Sessions

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    In this work, we incorporate reversibility into structured communication-based programming, to allow parties of a session to automatically undo, in a rollback fashion, the effect of previously executed interactions. This permits taking different computation paths along the same session, as well as reverting the whole session and starting a new one. Our aim is to define a theoretical basis for examining the interplay in concurrent systems between reversible computation and session-based interaction. We thus enrich a session-based variant of pi-calculus with memory devices, dedicated to keep track of the computation history of sessions in order to reverse it. We discuss our initial investigation concerning the definition of a session type discipline for the proposed reversible calculus, and its practical advantages for static verification of safe composition in communication-centric distributed software performing reversible computations.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2014, arXiv:1406.331

    A Modular Formalization of Reversibility for Concurrent Models and Languages

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    Causal-consistent reversibility is the reference notion of reversibility for concurrency. We introduce a modular framework for defining causal-consistent reversible extensions of concurrent models and languages. We show how our framework can be used to define reversible extensions of formalisms as different as CCS and concurrent X-machines. The generality of the approach allows for the reuse of theories and techniques in different settings.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2016, arXiv:1608.0313

    Controlling Reversibility in Reversing Petri Nets with Application to Wireless Communications

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    Petri nets are a formalism for modelling and reasoning about the behaviour of distributed systems. Recently, a reversible approach to Petri nets, Reversing Petri Nets (RPN), has been proposed, allowing transitions to be reversed spontaneously in or out of causal order. In this work we propose an approach for controlling the reversal of actions of an RPN, by associating transitions with conditions whose satisfaction/violation allows the execution of transitions in the forward/reversed direction, respectively. We illustrate the framework with a model of a novel, distributed algorithm for antenna selection in distributed antenna arrays.Comment: RC 201

    Structure and Complexity in Planning with Unary Operators

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    Unary operator domains -- i.e., domains in which operators have a single effect -- arise naturally in many control problems. In its most general form, the problem of STRIPS planning in unary operator domains is known to be as hard as the general STRIPS planning problem -- both are PSPACE-complete. However, unary operator domains induce a natural structure, called the domain's causal graph. This graph relates between the preconditions and effect of each domain operator. Causal graphs were exploited by Williams and Nayak in order to analyze plan generation for one of the controllers in NASA's Deep-Space One spacecraft. There, they utilized the fact that when this graph is acyclic, a serialization ordering over any subgoal can be obtained quickly. In this paper we conduct a comprehensive study of the relationship between the structure of a domain's causal graph and the complexity of planning in this domain. On the positive side, we show that a non-trivial polynomial time plan generation algorithm exists for domains whose causal graph induces a polytree with a constant bound on its node indegree. On the negative side, we show that even plan existence is hard when the graph is a directed-path singly connected DAG. More generally, we show that the number of paths in the causal graph is closely related to the complexity of planning in the associated domain. Finally we relate our results to the question of complexity of planning with serializable subgoals

    Formal Methods for Constraint-Based Testing and Reversible Debugging in Erlang

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Erlang es un lenguaje de programación funcional con concurrencia mediante paso de mensajes basado en el modelo de actores. Éstas y otras características lo hacen especialmente adecuado para aplicaciones distribuidas en tiempo real acrítico. En los últimos años, la popularidad de Erlang ha aumentado debido a la demanda de servicios concurrentes. No obstante, desarrollar sistemas Erlang libres de errores es un reto considerable. A pesar de que Erlang evita muchos problemas por diseño (por ejemplo, puntos muertos), algunos otros problemas pueden aparecer. En este contexto, las técnicas de testing y depuración basadas en métodos formales pueden ser útiles para detectar, localizar y arreglar errores de programación en Erlang. En esta tesis proponemos varios métodos para testing y depuración en Erlang. En particular, estos métodos están basados en modelos semánticos para concolic testing, pruebas basadas en propiedades, depuración reversible con consistencia causal y repetición reversible con consistencia causal de programas Erlang. Además, probamos formalmente las principales propiedades de nuestras propuestas y diseñamos herramientas de código abierto que implementan estos métodos.[CA] Erlang és un llenguatge de programació funcional amb concurrència mitjançant pas de missatges basat en el model d'actors. Estes i altres característiques el fan especialment adequat per a aplicacions distribuïdes en temps real acrític. En els últims anys, la popularitat d'Erlang ha augmentat degut a la demanda de servicis concurrents. No obstant, desenvolupar sistemes Erlang lliures d'errors és un repte considerable. Encara que Erlang evita molts problemes per disseny (per exemple, punts morts), alguns altres problemes poden aparéixer. En este context, les tècniques de testing y depuració basades en mètodes formals poden ser útils per a detectar, localitzar y arreglar errors de programació en Erlang. En esta tesis proposem diversos mètodes per a testing i depuració en Erlang. En particular, estos mètodes estan basats en models semàntics per a concolic testing, testing basat en propietats, depuració reversible amb consistència causal i repetició reversible amb consistència causal de programes Erlang. A més, provem formalment les principals propietats de les nostres propostes i dissenyem ferramentes de codi obert que implementen estos mètodes.[EN] Erlang is a message-passing concurrent, functional programming language based on the actor model. These and other features make it especially appropriate for distributed, soft real-time applications. In the recent years, Erlang's popularity has increased due to the demand for concurrent services. However, developing error-free systems in Erlang is quite a challenge. Although Erlang avoids many problems by design (e.g., deadlocks), some other problems may appear. Here, testing and debugging techniques based on formal methods may be helpful to detect, locate and fix programming errors in Erlang. In this thesis we propose several methods for testing and debugging in Erlang. In particular, these methods are based on semantics models for concolic testing, property-based testing, causal-consistent reversible debugging and causal-consistent replay debugging of Erlang programs. We formally prove the main properties of our proposals and design open-source tools that implement these methods.Palacios Corella, A. (2020). Formal Methods for Constraint-Based Testing and Reversible Debugging in Erlang [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/139076TESISCompendi
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