459 research outputs found

    Causal-Consistent Replay Debugging for Message Passing Programs

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    Debugging of concurrent systems is a tedious and error-prone activity. A main issue is that there is no guarantee that a bug that appears in the original computation is replayed inside the debugger. This problem is usually tackled by so-called replay debugging, which allows the user to record a program execution and replay it inside the debugger. In this paper, we present a novel technique for replay debugging that we call controlled causal-consistent replay. Controlled causal-consistent replay allows the user to record a program execution and, in contrast to traditional replay debuggers, to reproduce a visible misbehavior inside the debugger including all and only its causes. In this way, the user is not distracted by the actions of other, unrelated processes

    Execution replay and debugging

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    As most parallel and distributed programs are internally non-deterministic -- consecutive runs with the same input might result in a different program flow -- vanilla cyclic debugging techniques as such are useless. In order to use cyclic debugging tools, we need a tool that records information about an execution so that it can be replayed for debugging. Because recording information interferes with the execution, we must limit the amount of information and keep the processing of the information fast. This paper contains a survey of existing execution replay techniques and tools.Comment: In M. Ducasse (ed), proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Automated Debugging (AADebug 2000), August 2000, Munich. cs.SE/001003


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    The ability to reproduce a parallel execution is desirable for debugging and program reliability purposes. In debugging (13), the programmer needs to manually step back in time, while for resilience (6) this is automatically performed by the the application upon failure. To be useful, replay has to faithfully reproduce the original execution. For parallel programs the main challenge is inferring and maintaining the order of conflicting operations (data races). Deterministic record and replay (R&R) techniques have been developed for multithreaded shared memory programs (5), as well as distributed memory programs (14). Our main interest is techniques for large scale scientific (3; 4) programming models

    Formal Methods for Constraint-Based Testing and Reversible Debugging in Erlang

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Erlang es un lenguaje de programación funcional con concurrencia mediante paso de mensajes basado en el modelo de actores. Éstas y otras características lo hacen especialmente adecuado para aplicaciones distribuidas en tiempo real acrítico. En los últimos años, la popularidad de Erlang ha aumentado debido a la demanda de servicios concurrentes. No obstante, desarrollar sistemas Erlang libres de errores es un reto considerable. A pesar de que Erlang evita muchos problemas por diseño (por ejemplo, puntos muertos), algunos otros problemas pueden aparecer. En este contexto, las técnicas de testing y depuración basadas en métodos formales pueden ser útiles para detectar, localizar y arreglar errores de programación en Erlang. En esta tesis proponemos varios métodos para testing y depuración en Erlang. En particular, estos métodos están basados en modelos semánticos para concolic testing, pruebas basadas en propiedades, depuración reversible con consistencia causal y repetición reversible con consistencia causal de programas Erlang. Además, probamos formalmente las principales propiedades de nuestras propuestas y diseñamos herramientas de código abierto que implementan estos métodos.[CA] Erlang és un llenguatge de programació funcional amb concurrència mitjançant pas de missatges basat en el model d'actors. Estes i altres característiques el fan especialment adequat per a aplicacions distribuïdes en temps real acrític. En els últims anys, la popularitat d'Erlang ha augmentat degut a la demanda de servicis concurrents. No obstant, desenvolupar sistemes Erlang lliures d'errors és un repte considerable. Encara que Erlang evita molts problemes per disseny (per exemple, punts morts), alguns altres problemes poden aparéixer. En este context, les tècniques de testing y depuració basades en mètodes formals poden ser útils per a detectar, localitzar y arreglar errors de programació en Erlang. En esta tesis proposem diversos mètodes per a testing i depuració en Erlang. En particular, estos mètodes estan basats en models semàntics per a concolic testing, testing basat en propietats, depuració reversible amb consistència causal i repetició reversible amb consistència causal de programes Erlang. A més, provem formalment les principals propietats de les nostres propostes i dissenyem ferramentes de codi obert que implementen estos mètodes.[EN] Erlang is a message-passing concurrent, functional programming language based on the actor model. These and other features make it especially appropriate for distributed, soft real-time applications. In the recent years, Erlang's popularity has increased due to the demand for concurrent services. However, developing error-free systems in Erlang is quite a challenge. Although Erlang avoids many problems by design (e.g., deadlocks), some other problems may appear. Here, testing and debugging techniques based on formal methods may be helpful to detect, locate and fix programming errors in Erlang. In this thesis we propose several methods for testing and debugging in Erlang. In particular, these methods are based on semantics models for concolic testing, property-based testing, causal-consistent reversible debugging and causal-consistent replay debugging of Erlang programs. We formally prove the main properties of our proposals and design open-source tools that implement these methods.Palacios Corella, A. (2020). Formal Methods for Constraint-Based Testing and Reversible Debugging in Erlang [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/139076TESISCompendi

    A case study for reversible computing: Reversible debugging of concurrent programs

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    Reversible computing allows one to run programs not only in the usual forward direction, but also backward. A main application area for reversible computing is debugging, where one can use reversibility to go backward from a visible misbehaviour towards the bug causing it. While reversible debugging of sequential systems is well understood, reversible debugging of concurrent and distributed systems is less settled. We present here two approaches for debugging concurrent programs, one based on backtracking, which undoes actions in reverse order of execution, and one based on causal consistency, which allows one to undo any action provided that its consequences, if any, are undone beforehand. The first approach tackles an imperative language with shared memory, while the second one considers a core of the functional message-passing language Erlang. Both the approaches are based on solid formal foundations
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