133,035 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKSI: Reverse engineering memiliki kemampuan untuk menghasilkan model-model sistem awal dari kode perangkat lunak atau database. Membaca kode program dari aplikasi atau antarmuka pengguna yang sudah ada, dengan menghasilkan model-model sistem tersebut. Tujuan utama dari Tugas Akhir ini adalah membangun model-model/artifact user interface dari hasil reverse engineering sebuah aplikasi web. Artifact/model yang dihasilkan tersebut digunakan untuk memfasilitasi pemakai/end-user dengan developer dalam ‘membaca’ aplikasi web yang dibangun. Baik untuk mengetahui proses aplikasi web/application flow itu berjalan, atau untuk membantu developer dalam memodifikasi aplikasi web berikutnya. Dalam hal ini, aplikasi yang dibangun berupa reverse engineering toolset (ReGi Toolset), yang terintegrasi dengan framework Click (Component-based Lightweight Internet-application Contruction Kit) sebagai tool pembangun aplikasi web untuk end-user. Artifact/model-model dihasilkan berupa sitemap, dokumentasi program dan model task. Model sitemap dihasilkan untuk membantu developer dalam membaca work flow sebuah aplikasi web. Model dokumentasi adalah representasi dari data dan business logic-nya sebuah aplikasi web. Sedangkan model task direpresentasikan dengan menggunakan notasi ConcurTaskTrees, yang bermaksud untuk dapat merepresentasikan interaksi sistem dengan pemakai/end-user. Alat bantu yang digunakan dalam pembangunan Reverse engineering toolset ini adalah PHPClick Framework, Teresa dan GraphViz. Ketiga model yang dihasilkan ini akan dibanding/compare dengan maksud untuk mengetahui sejauh mana model-model ini memberikan kemudahan dalam memahami work flow dari sebuah aplikasi atau kegunaan/useful dari model-model ini untuk melakukan modifikasi sebuah aplikasi web.Kata Kunci : Reverse Engineering, User interface, Click, Sitemap, Dokumentasi, Model task, ConcurTaskTress.ABSTRACT: Reverse engineering has power for create a pre-system model’s from program code or database. Read a program code from application or user interface existing, whith to grow a equivalent system model’s. The Major of goal this research is to develop artifact’s/models user interface from reverse engineering web application result. Artifact’s/model use for facilitate end user with developer application for ‘read’ application workflow or to help a developer for modify a application web next time. This case, application development is reverse engineering toolset (ReGi Toolset) which integrated with Click Framework (Component-based Lightweight Internet-application Contruction Kit) , an end-user web development tool. The toolset generates artifacts to facilitate collaboration between end-users and expert web development . The four artifact generated include a sitemap, text document and a task model. The sitemap is generated to help web developers read a web application workflow. The text documentation of web application is generated to document representation dan business logic. A task model, expressed using ConcurTaskTrees notation, covers the whole interaction specified by the end-user. Three models/artifacts result to compare, this case for to know as far as this model can help satisfaction for developer or usefull for next modify web application.Keyword: Reverse Engineering, User interface, Click, Sitemap, Documentation, Task model, ConcurTaskTress

    A comparative evaluation of dynamic visualisation tools

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    Despite their potential applications in software comprehension, it appears that dynamic visualisation tools are seldom used outside the research laboratory. This paper presents an empirical evaluation of five dynamic visualisation tools - AVID, Jinsight, jRMTool, Together ControlCenter diagrams and Together ControlCenter debugger. The tools were evaluated on a number of general software comprehension and specific reverse engineering tasks using the HotDraw objectoriented framework. The tasks considered typical comprehension issues, including identification of software structure and behaviour, design pattern extraction, extensibility potential, maintenance issues, functionality location, and runtime load. The results revealed that the level of abstraction employed by a tool affects its success in different tasks, and that tools were more successful in addressing specific reverse engineering tasks than general software comprehension activities. It was found that no one tool performs well in all tasks, and some tasks were beyond the capabilities of all five tools. This paper concludes with suggestions for improving the efficacy of such tools

    Pathophysiology, histopathology and therapeutic of SARS-CoV-2

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    The rapid transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through the world has induced the scientist to understand the histopathology of the virus and then to find an effective drug. However, many of the point associated with the virus pathogenicity still unknown and need more studies. In this chapter the pathophysiology, histopathology and therapeutic of SARS-CoV-2 has been reviewed. It was appeared that pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 is belonging to the viral with genome structure which acting by blocking the host innate immune response. Both chloroquine and hydroxyl-chloroquine have similar structure and mechanism action and they are among the most effective antiviral for treating the patents with the SARS-CoV-2. Chloroquine works by inhibition the intracellular organism by increasing the pH

    The development and technology transfer of software engineering technology at NASA. Johnson Space Center

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    The United State's big space projects of the next decades, such as Space Station and the Human Exploration Initiative, will need the development of many millions of lines of mission critical software. NASA-Johnson (JSC) is identifying and developing some of the Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) technology that NASA will need to build these future software systems. The goal is to improve the quality and the productivity of large software development projects. New trends are outlined in CASE technology and how the Software Technology Branch (STB) at JSC is endeavoring to provide some of these CASE solutions for NASA is described. Key software technology components include knowledge-based systems, software reusability, user interface technology, reengineering environments, management systems for the software development process, software cost models, repository technology, and open, integrated CASE environment frameworks. The paper presents the status and long-term expectations for CASE products. The STB's Reengineering Application Project (REAP), Advanced Software Development Workstation (ASDW) project, and software development cost model (COSTMODL) project are then discussed. Some of the general difficulties of technology transfer are introduced, and a process developed by STB for CASE technology insertion is described

    A tale of two studies

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    Running user evaluation studies is a useful way of getting feedback on partially or fully implemented software systems. Unlike hypothesis-based testing (where specific design decisions can be tested or comparisons made between design choices) the aim is to find as many problems (both usability and functional) as possible prior to implementation or release. It is particularly useful in small-scale development projects that may lack the resources and expertise for other types of usability testing. Developing a user-study that successfully and efficiently performs this task is not always straightforward however. It may not be obvious how to decide what the participants should be asked to do in order to explore as many parts of the system’s interface as possible. In addition, ad hoc approaches to such study development may mean the testing is not easily repeatable on subsequent implementations or updates, and also that particular areas of the software may not be evaluated at all. In this paper we describe two (very different) approaches to designing an evaluation study for the same piece of software and discuss both the approaches taken, the differing results found and our comments on both of these

    Software reengineering

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    Today's software systems generally use obsolete technology, are not integrated properly with other software systems, and are difficult and costly to maintain. The discipline of reverse engineering is becoming prominent as organizations try to move their systems up to more modern and maintainable technology in a cost effective manner. JSC created a significant set of tools to develop and maintain FORTRAN and C code during development of the Space Shuttle. This tool set forms the basis for an integrated environment to re-engineer existing code into modern software engineering structures which are then easier and less costly to maintain and which allow a fairly straightforward translation into other target languages. The environment will support these structures and practices even in areas where the language definition and compilers do not enforce good software engineering. The knowledge and data captured using the reverse engineering tools is passed to standard forward engineering tools to redesign or perform major upgrades to software systems in a much more cost effective manner than using older technologies. A beta vision of the environment was released in Mar. 1991. The commercial potential for such re-engineering tools is very great. CASE TRENDS magazine reported it to be the primary concern of over four hundred of the top MIS executives
