8 research outputs found

    Business Process Model-Based Evaluation of ICT Investments in Public Administrations

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    This paper presents an approach to asses ICT investments in public administrations. The public sector bears great potential for business process optimization through ICT. However, these possibilities remain largely unexploited since the effects of ICT on the processes are not clear to decisions makers. To asses this impact all processes of a public administration, the process landscape, have to be taken into account. The PICTURE modeling method has been proposed as a way to efficiently model the whole process landscape. Based on the knowledge captured with those process models, the impact of certain ICT functionalities on the processes can be analyzed. ICT investment decisions become more transparent towards the political leadership. This paper has two research objectives: First, an architecture for an automated evaluation of ICT investment decisions is introduced. Second, the practical feasibility of the architecture is shown based on an investment decision for a document management system


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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate the semantic building block-based approach as a means for intra- and interorganizational business process modeling. It is described whether and why the semantic building block-based approach reduces the variations in distributed modeling projects in comparison to traditional modeling approaches. Our argumentation is grounded on the assumption that the specification of a service-oriented architecture (SOA) requires a detailed understanding of the intra- and interorganizational business processes. In order to enable the collaboration of services the underlying process structure must be explicated. In a laboratory experiment the variations of distributed process modeling in the traditional and the building block-based approach have been compared. It could be shown that the semantic building block-based approach leads to considerably fewer variations and, thus, to a more consistent view on the intra- and interorganizational process landscape

    Configuration of actors and roles in establishing ICT

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    Establishing technologies has brought mixed socio-economic impacts across nations and regions. Researchers have studied the relationships between the establishment technologies and its impacts through identifying innovative processes, major actors, and available resources. However, the challenge to this literature is how less resourced countries have achieved greater prosperity than better resourced countries by establishing Information and Communication Technology (ICT). To understand and analyze this phenomenon, we propose a typology of the configuration of roles and actors in establishing ICT based on an innovation framework. The proposed typology can be used not only to explain different socio-economic impacts among countries or regions, but also to suggest a constructive way in establishing ICT through reconfiguring involved actors in the key roles

    Comparison of method chunks and method fragments for situational method engineering

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    Two main candidates for the atomic element to be used in Situational Method Engineering (SME) have been proposed: the “method fragment ” and the “method chunk”. These are examined here in terms of their conceptual integrity and in terms of how they may be used in method construction. Also, parallels are drawn between the two approaches. Secondly, the idea of differentiating an interface from a body has been proposed for method chunks (but not for method fragments). This idea is examined and mappings are constructed between the interface and body concepts of method chunks and the concepts used to describe method fragments. The new ISO/IEC 24744 standard metamodel is used as a conceptual framework to perform these mappings

    Project-specific Process Configuration in Virtual Enterprises

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    Modelo de contexto para apoio à adaptação de processos de software com foco na colaboração

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    A adaptação de processo de software é o ato de particularizar o processo organizacional para um processo aplicável a um projeto específico. Esta não é uma tarefa trivial, normalmente realizada por um gerente de projeto baseado em diretrizes de adaptação organizacionais. A combinação da experiência do gerente, as características do projeto e as diretrizes organizacionais compõem o contexto para a tomada de decisão em relação à adaptação do processo e colaboração esperada para o processo. Este trabalho apresenta um modelo que organiza itens de informação para apoiar gerentes na compreensão das características do contexto quando o foco da adaptação está no nível da colaboração que se deseja conferir ao processo resultante. A estrutura e aplicação do modelo foram avaliadas por gerentes de projetos de software, através de entrevistas e estudos de caso

    Ein Konzept zur projektspezifischen Individualisierung von Prozessmodellen [online]

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    This thesis investigates the reuse of software processes by an approach based on process patterns. The objective of our work is to make process patterns directly applicable in process modeling. The concept of process pattern is used to capture and reuse the proven solutions for recurring process problems. However, this attractive concept has still been poorly exploited due to the inadequate formalization and the lack of supporting methodology and tools. To promote the use of process patterns and reduce the modelling effort, we broaden the concept of process pattern for capturing various types of process knowledge at different abstract levels, and propose ways to reuse (semi-)automatically process patterns in process modelling. We define the process meta-model UML-PP to formalize the process pattern concept and the ways to apply patterns in process models. UML-PP allows describing the internal structure of a process pattern as well as the relations between process patterns, and enables the explicit representation of process patterns' applications in process models. We propose the meta-process PATPRO defining the modelling steps to elaborate a process model in UML-PP by reusing process patterns. To allow automated applications of process patterns, we define an operational semantics for the patterns reuse operators who carry out some tasks of the meta-process. We have developed the prototype PATPRO-MOD allowing to create and manage process patterns catalogues, and to elaborate process models in UML-PP by reusing (semi-)automatically process patterns.Cette thèse est consacrée à la réutilisation de procédés par une approche à base de patrons de procédé. Le concept de patron de procédé a été introduit pour capitaliser et réutiliser des solutions éprouvées des problèmes de procédés récurrents. Cependant cette approche est encore peu exploitée à cause du champ de définition limité, du manque de formalisation, de méthodologie et d'outils support. Pour promouvoir l'utilisation de patrons de procédé et réduire l'effort de modélisation, nous considérons le concept de patron de procédé à différents niveaux d'abstraction pour capturer divers types de connaissances sur les procédés, et proposons des moyens pour réutiliser de façon (semi-)automatique ces patrons dans la modélisation des procédés. Nous avons défini le méta-modèle de procédé UML-PP pour formaliser le concept de patron de procédé et la manière d'appliquer les patrons dans la modélisation de procédés. UML-PP permet de décrire la structure interne d'un patron de procédé ainsi que les relations entre patrons, et permet d'exprimer explicitement l'utilisation de patrons dans les modèles de procédé. Nous proposons le méta-procédé PATPRO définissant une démarche de modélisation pour élaborer un modèle de procédé UML-PP en réutilisant des patrons de procédé. Pour permettre une automatisation de l'application de patrons de procédé, nous définissons une sémantique opérationnelle des opérateurs de réutilisation de patrons qui réalisent l'imitation de patrons. Nous avons réalisé le prototype PATPRO-MOD permettant de créer et gérer des catalogues de patrons de procédé et d'élaborer des modèles de procédé UML-PP en réutilisant semi-automatiquement des patrons prédéfinis