4 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of a caching algorithm for a catch-up television service

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    The catch-up TV (CUTV) service allows users to watch video content that was previously broadcast live on TV channels and later placed on an on-line video store. Upon a request from a user to watch a recently missed episode of his/her favourite TV series, the content is streamed from the video server to the customer's receiver device. This requires that an individual flow is set up for the duration of the video, and since it is hard to impossible to employ multicast streaming for this purpose (as users seldomly issue a request for the same episode at the same time), these flows are unicast. In this paper, we demonstrate that with the growing popularity of the CUTV service, the number of simultaneously running unicast flows on the aggregation parts of the network threaten to lead to an unwieldy increase in required bandwidth. Anticipating this problem and trying to alleviate it, the network operators deploy caches in strategic places in the network. We investigate the performance of such a caching strategy and the impact of its size and the cache update logic. We first analyse and model the evolution of video popularity over time based on traces we collected during 10 months. Through simulations we compare the performance of the traditional least-recently used and least-frequently used caching algorithms to our own algorithm. We also compare their performance with a "perfect" caching algorithm, which knows and hence does not have to estimate the video request rates. In the experimental data, we see that the video parameters from the popularity evolution law can be clustered. Therefore, we investigate theoretical models that can capture these clusters and we study the impact of clustering on the caching performance. Finally, some considerations on the optimal cache placement are presented

    Evaluation of background push content download services to mobile devices over DVB networks

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    © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper proposes a multicast content download service based on the use of residual network capacity to push multimedia content to available local storage in personal multimedia devices. The service under study is based on the FLUTE protocol. Specifically, FLUTE packets fill the spare capacity in the IP tunnels reserved for the primary streaming service (opportunistic insertion). The paper also evaluates the use of AL-FEC parity to overcome transmission errors,object multiplexing to send the most popular multimedia contents more frequently and cache management policies that consider user preferences in order to keep in storage the most useful items. The service has been evaluated through simulations and measurements performed with an application prototype based on the DVB-H standards. The results show that AL-FEC enables the use of residual capacity for background content download services. In turn, AL-FEC, as well as object multiplexing, improves the relation between the number of content items and the overall access time. Moreover, results show that high percentages of requests can be served from the local cache of the service, provided that it is possible to estimate the popularity of content items and the user preferences.This work was supported by the PAID-05-12 program of the UniversitatPolitecnica de Valencia.Fraile Gil, F.; De Fez Lava, I.; Guerri Cebollada, JC. (2014). Evaluation of background push content download services to mobile devices over DVB networks. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 60(1):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1109/TBC.2013.2289639S11560

    Capacity gain of mixed multicast/unicast transport schemes in a TV distribution network

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    This paper presents three approaches to estimate the required resources in an infrastructure where digital TV channels can be delivered in unicast or multicast (broadcast) mode. Such situations arise for example in Cable TV, IPTV distribution networks or in (future) hybrid mobile TV networks. The three approaches presented are an exact calculation, a Gaussian approximation and a simulation tool. We investigate two scenarios that allow saving bandwidth resources. In a static scenario, the most popular channels are multicast and the less popular channels rely on unicast. In a dynamic scenario, the list of multicast channels is dynamic and governed by the users' behavior. We prove that the dynamic scenario always outperforms the static scenario. We demonstrate the robustness, versatility and the limits of our three approaches. The exact calculation application is limited because it is computationally expensive for cases with large numbers of users and channels, while the Gaussian approximation is good exactly for such systems. The simulation tool takes long to yield results for small blocking probabilities. We explore the capacity gain regions under varying model parameters. Finally, we illustrate our methods by discussing some realistic network scenarios using channel popularities based on measurement data as much as possible

    Ethernet para a rede de transporte

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaActualmente, as redes de transporte utilizam principalmente tecnologia SDH sobre uma camada WDM. Esta dissertação aborda a mudança da tecnologia das redes de transporte, de SDH para Carrier Ethernet. Depois de descrever as limitações que a tecnologia Ethernet tem ao operar em redes de tranporte, passamos a descrever a definição de tecnologia Carrier Ethernet segundo o Metro Ethernet Forum. De seguida são apresentadas dois protocolos propostos para suportar a tecnologia Carrier Ethernet. Na segunda parte da dissertação e apresentado um modelo IPTV que combina o envio de canais em multicast e unicast para melhor utilizar os recursos da rede, de seguida o modelo e testado e e analisado o desempenho considerando o envio em unicast, em multicast e usando um modelo misto.Nowadays, most of the transport networks are based on SDH technology over a WDM layer. This dissertation approaches the undergoing change in transport networks from SDH to Carrier Ethernet. We describe the limitations that the Ethernet technology faces on a transport level. We proceed by describing the concept of Carrier Ethernet according to the Metro Ethernet Forum. Afterwards two protocols intended to support the Carrier Ethernet technology are presented. On the second part of this dissertation we present a model that combines the use of multicast and unicast to use the resources of the network more effectively. After the model is presented then we test it, and analyze the performance of sending the channels using unicast, multicast and a mixed model