86 research outputs found

    Constrained Assortment Optimization under the Cross-Nested Logit Model

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    We study the assortment optimization problem under general linear constraints, where the customer choice behavior is captured by the Cross-Nested Logit model. In this problem, there is a set of products organized into multiple subsets (or nests), where each product can belong to more than one nest. The aim is to find an assortment to offer to customers so that the expected revenue is maximized. We show that, under the Cross-Nested Logit model, the assortment problem is NP-hard, even without any constraints. To tackle the assortment optimization problem, we develop a new discretization mechanism to approximate the problem by a linear fractional program with a performance guarantee of 1−ϵ1+ϵ\frac{1 - \epsilon}{1+\epsilon}, for any accuracy level ϵ>0\epsilon>0. We then show that optimal solutions to the approximate problem can be obtained by solving mixed-integer linear programs. We further show that our discretization approach can also be applied to solve a joint assortment optimization and pricing problem, as well as an assortment problem under a mixture of Cross-Nested Logit models to account for multiple classes of customers. Our empirical results on a large number of randomly generated test instances demonstrate that, under a performance guarantee of 90%, the percentage gaps between the objective values obtained from our approximation methods and the optimal expected revenues are no larger than 1.2%

    An Exact Method for Assortment Optimization under the Nested Logit Model

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    We study the problem of finding an optimal assortment of products maximizing the expected revenue, in which customer preferences are modeled using a Nested Logit choice model. This problem is known to be polynomially solvable in a specific case and NP-hard otherwise, with only approximation algorithms existing in the literature. For the NP-hard cases, we provide a general exact method that embeds a tailored Branch-and-Bound algorithm into a fractional programming framework. Contrary to the existing literature, in which assumptions are imposed on either the structure of nests or the combination and characteristics of products, no assumptions on the input data are imposed, and hence our approach can solve the most general problem setting. We show that the parameterized subproblem of the fractional programming scheme, which is a binary highly non-linear optimization problem, is decomposable by nests, which is a main advantage of the approach. To solve the subproblem for each nest, we propose a two-stage approach. In the first stage, we identify those products that are undoubtedly beneficial to offer, or not, which can significantly reduce the problem size. In the second stage, we design a tailored Branch-and-Bound algorithm with problem-specific upper bounds. Numerical results show that the approach is able to solve assortment instances with up to 5,000 products per nest. The most challenging instances for our approach are those in which the dissimilarity parameters of nests can be either less or greater than one

    A review of choice-based revenue management : theory and methods

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    Over the last fifteen years, the theory and practice of revenue management has experienced significant developments due to the need to incorporate customer choice behavior. In this paper, we portray these developments by reviewing the key literature on choice-based revenue management, specifically focusing on methodological publications of availability control over the years 2004–2017. For this purpose, we first state the choice-based network revenue management problem by formulating the underlying dynamic program, and structure the review according to its components and the resulting inherent challenges. In particular, we first focus on the demand modeling by giving an overview of popular choice models, discussing their properties, and describing estimation procedures relevant to choice-based revenue management. Second, we elaborate on assortment optimization, which is a fundamental component of the problem. Third, we describe recent developments on tackling the entire control problem. We also discuss the relation to dynamic pricing. Finally, we give directions for future research

    A randomized concave programming method for choice network revenue management

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    Models incorporating more realistic models of customer behavior, as customers choosing from an offer set, have recently become popular in assortment optimization and revenue management. The dynamic program for these models is intractable and approximated by a deterministic linear program called the CDLP which has an exponential number of columns. However, when the segment consideration sets overlap, the CDLP is difficult to solve. Column generation has been proposed but finding an entering column has been shown to be NP-hard. In this paper we propose a new approach called SDCP to solving CDLP based on segments and their consideration sets. SDCP is a relaxation of CDLP and hence forms a looser upper bound on the dynamic program but coincides with CDLP for the case of non-overlapping segments. If the number of elements in a consideration set for a segment is not very large (SDCP) can be applied to any discrete-choice model of consumer behavior. We tighten the SDCP bound by (i) simulations, called the randomized concave programming (RCP) method, and (ii) by adding cuts to a recent compact formulation of the problem for a latent multinomial-choice model of demand (SBLP+). This latter approach turns out to be very effective, essentially obtaining CDLP value, and excellent revenue performance in simulations, even for overlapping segments. By formulating the problem as a separation problem, we give insight into why CDLP is easy for the MNL with non-overlapping considerations sets and why generalizations of MNL pose difficulties. We perform numerical simulations to determine the revenue performance of all the methods on reference data sets in the literature.assortment optimization, randomized algorithms, network revenue management.

    Static Pricing Problems under Mixed Multinomial Logit Demand

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    Price differentiation is a common strategy for many transport operators. In this paper, we study a static multiproduct price optimization problem with demand given by a continuous mixed multinomial logit model. To solve this new problem, we design an efficient iterative optimization algorithm that asymptotically converges to the optimal solution. To this end, a linear optimization (LO) problem is formulated, based on the trust-region approach, to find a "good" feasible solution and approximate the problem from below. Another LO problem is designed using piecewise linear relaxations to approximate the optimization problem from above. Then, we develop a new branching method to tighten the optimality gap. Numerical experiments show the effectiveness of our method on a published, non-trivial, parking choice model

    Assortment optimization under the multi-choice rank list model : practical application at CurveCatch

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    In today’s highly competitive market, retailers are under significant pressure to determine which products will most effectively satisfy the needs and preferences of their customers to maximize profits given strategical and operational limitations. Most of the assortment planning approaches proposed to help businesses understand customer behaviour are based on discrete choice models. However, many choice models assume that a customer can only purchase at most one product, which in some cases is not an accurate reflection of the real-world purchasing behaviour. In this paper I quantify the benefit of accounting for multi-choice behaviour in rank based choice models and measure the impact that business requirements have on the optimal assortment. Based on the numerical experiment using secondary data provided by CurveCatch, an e-commerce lingerie retailer, I demonstrate that multi-choice modelling significantly improves the revenue generated by the assortment. Furthermore, I provide insight into the implementation of strategic and operational constraints and their impact on the optimal assortment.Num mundo atual extremamente competitivo, os retalhistas estão sob uma pressão significativa para selecionar os produtos que vão satisfazer as necessidades e as preferências dos seus consumidores da forma mais eficaz de forma a maximizar os lucros dadas as limitações estratégicas e operacionais do seu negócio. Grande parte das abordagens propostas para ajudar as empresas a compreender o comportamento dos seus clientes baseia-se em modelos de escolha discreta. No entanto, a maior parte dos modelos de escolha parte do pressuposto que cada cliente pode apenas comprar no máximo um produto, o que em alguns casos não reflete de forma realística os comportamentos dos consumidores no mundo real. Nesta tese, eu quantifico o benefício associado em permitir que um cliente compre mais que um produto em modelos de escolha baseados em rankings e para além disso, meço o impacto que as limitações de negócio têm sobre a receita associada à gama de produtos ótima. Através da simulação numérica com base em dados fornecidos pela CurveCatch, uma empresa retalhista de roupa interior focada no comércio eletrónico, eu demonstro que permitir que um cliente compre mais que um produto melhora significativamente a receita gerada pela gama de produtos. Paralelamente, demonstro o impacto que a imposição dos requisitos estratégicos e operacionais pode ter na gama de produtos ótima
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