24 research outputs found

    CSP dichotomy for ω-categorical monadically stable structures

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    The constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) over a structure A with a finite relational signature, denoted by CSP(A), is the problem of deciding whether a given finite structure B with the same signature as A has a homomorphism to A. Using concepts and techniques from universal algebra, Bulatov and Zhuk proved independently that if A is finite, then the CSP over A is always in P or NP-complete. Following this result, it is a natural question to ask when and how this dichotomy can be generalized for infinite structures. The infinite-domain CSP dichotomy conjecture (originally formulated by Bodirsky and Pinsker [BPP14]) states that the same complexity dichotomy holds for first-order reducts of finitely bounded homogeneous structures. This conjecture has been solved for many special classes of structures. In this thesis we are developing new techniques involving canonical polymorphisms to attack this conjecture. Using these techniques we prove a new CSP dichotomy result, namely we show that the CSP over every finitely related ω-categorical monadically stable structure is in P or NP-complete

    Topological and non-equilibrium superconductivity in low-dimensional strongly correlated quantum systems

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    Superconductivity in its various manifestations has been stimulating both experimental and theoretical progress in condensed-matter physics for more than a hundred years. The remarkable property of electrons to pair up and form quasi-particles gives rise to a plethora of phenomena featuring important practical applications not only in science, but, for instance, also in medicine and metrology. Recently, new directions in investigating this fascinating subject emerged, such as superconductivity out-of equilibrium and topological superconductors. Providing experimental evidence for enhanced superconducting correlations in optically pumped copper oxides at temperatures far above the equilibrium transition temperature, the first issue caused considerable excitement. On the other hand, topological superconductors are believed to provide realizations of highly fault-tolerant qubits by means of hosting non-Abelian quasi-particles, which can be the building blocks of scalable quantum computers. Experimentally verifying the emergence of these Majorana edge modes, exotic quasi-particles in heterostructures consisting of a conventional superconductor and semiconductors or topological insulators, is one of the most urgent questions to be answered right now. Both subjects cannot be accounted for with analytically solvable approximations only, and also provide very challenging numerical problems. We implemented a matrix-product state (MPS) based toolkit exploiting U(1)U(1) symmetries, providing a flexible and efficient platform to study these complex systems. In order to efficiently simulate out-of equilibrium setups we studied, compared, and developed time-evolution algorithms for MPS enabling us to choose the most suitable method for a given task. We also developed a new framework to represent operators in an enlarged Hilbert space so that benefits from conserving U(1)U(1) symmetries can also be exploited in systems that originally break such symmetries (projected purification). Using this method we could efficiently model mesoscopic phenomena such as a charging energy controlled by a gate electrode without further approximations. Equipped with this techniques we studied out-of equilibrium spectral functions to explore how to identify superconducting correlations more reliably on ultra-short timescales. We found conclusive evidence that in particular two-particle spectral functions yield excellent probes for the formation of a (quasi-)condensate out-of equilibrium. Furthermore, we also investigated the question whether in a particular model system there is the possibility of true long-range order out-of equilibrium by studying correlation matrices and the scaling of their eigenvalues. Here, we observe a change in the algebraic decay of the correlations, even though the extrapolated order parameter is still zero within the error bounds. Furthermore, we also investigated the effects of coupling a superconductor-semiconductor heterostructure, which is subject to an in-plane magnetic field and a charging energy controlled by a gate voltage, to normal leads. In the context of experimentally verifying the existence of Majorana edge modes, such systems are believed to be the most promising and recent studies seem to underline this expectation. However, in order to consistently analyze the experimental data, the effects of quantum fluctuations caused by hybridization of the heterostructure with the leads have to be understood. Here, only perturbative limits are available so far, i.e., the weak and strong tunneling limit, while the experimentally relevant regime is expected to be somewhere inbetween. We aimed to fill this gap using the projected purification method to calculate the ground state phase diagram over a wide parameter regime. Our results indicate that the experimental situation is much more involved than what is predicted from perturbative analysis

    Natural Communication

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    In Natural Communication, the author criticizes the current paradigm of specific goal orientation in the complexity sciences. His model of "natural communication" encapsulates modern theoretical concepts from mathematics and physics, in particular category theory and quantum theory. The author is convinced that only by looking to the past is it possible to establish continuity and coherence in the complexity science

    36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2019, March 13-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany

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    Tensor networks for the simulation of strongly correlated systems

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    This thesis treats the classical simulation of strongly-interacting many-body quantum-mechanical systems in more than one dimension using matrix product states and the more general tensor product states. Contrary to classical systems, quantum many-body systems possess an exponentially larger number of degrees of freedom, thereby significantly complicating their numerical treatment on a classical computer. For this thesis two different representations of quantum many-body states were employed. The first, the so-called matrix product states (MPS) form the basis for the extremely successful density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm. While originally conceived for one-dimensional systems, MPS are in principle capable of describing arbitrary quantum many-body states. Using concepts from quantum information theory it is possible to show that MPS provide a representation of one-dimensional quantum systems that scales polynomially in the number of particles, therefore allowing an efficient simulation of one-dimensional systems on a classical computer. One of the key results of this thesis is that MPS representations are indeed efficient enough to describe even large systems in two dimensions, thereby enabling the simulation of such systems using DMRG. As a demonstration of the power of the DMRG algorithm, it is applied to the Heisenberg antiferromagnet with spin S=1/2S = 1/2 on the kagome lattice. This model's ground state has long been under debate, with proposals ranging from static spin configurations to so-called quantum spin liquids, states where quantum fluctuations destroy conventional order and give rise to exotic quantum orders. Using a fully SU(2)SU(2)-symmetric implementation allowed us to handle the exponential growth of entanglement and to perform a large-scale study of this system, finding the ground state for cylinders of up to 700 sites. Despite employing a one-dimensional algorithm for a two-dimensional system, we were able to compute the spin gap (i.e. the energy gap to the first spinful excitation) and study the ground state properties, such as the decay of correlation functions, the static spin structure factors, and the structure and distribution of the nearest-neighbor spin-spin correlations. Additionally, by applying a new tool from quantum information theory, the topological entanglement entropy, we could also with high confidence demonstrate the ground state of this model to be the elusive gapped Z2Z_2 quantum spin liquid with topological order. To complement this study, we also considered the extension of MPS to higher dimensions, known as tensor product states (TPS). We implemented an optimization algorithm exploiting symmetries for this class of states and applied it to the bilinear-biquadratic-bicubic Heisenberg model with spin S=3/2S=3/2 on the z=3z=3 Bethe lattice. By carefully analyzing the simulation data we were able to determine the presence of both conventional and symmetry-protected topological order in this model, thereby demonstrating the analytically predicted existence of the Haldane phase in higher dimensions within an extended region of the phase diagram. Key properties of this symmetry-protected topological order include a doubling of the levels in the entanglement spectrum and the presence of edge spins, both of which were confirmed in our simulations. This finding simultaneously validated the applicability of the novel TPS algorithms to the search for exotic order

    Canonization of Smooth Equivalence Relations on Infinite-Dimensional E0-Large Products

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum