35 research outputs found

    Process of Fingerprint Authentication using Cancelable Biohashed Template

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    Template protection using cancelable biometrics prevents data loss and hacking stored templates, by providing considerable privacy and security. Hashing and salting techniques are used to build resilient systems. Salted password method is employed to protect passwords against different types of attacks namely brute-force attack, dictionary attack, rainbow table attacks. Salting claims that random data can be added to input of hash function to ensure unique output. Hashing salts are speed bumps in an attacker’s road to breach user’s data. Research proposes a contemporary two factor authenticator called Biohashing. Biohashing procedure is implemented by recapitulated inner product over a pseudo random number generator key, as well as fingerprint features that are a network of minutiae. Cancelable template authentication used in fingerprint-based sales counter accelerates payment process. Fingerhash is code produced after applying biohashing on fingerprint. Fingerhash is a binary string procured by choosing individual bit of sign depending on a preset threshold. Experiment is carried using benchmark FVC 2002 DB1 dataset. Authentication accuracy is found to be nearly 97\%. Results compared with state-of art approaches finds promising

    Biometric Cryptosystems : Authentication, Encryption and Signature for Biometric Identities

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    Biometrics have been used for secure identification and authentication for more than two decades since biometric data is unique, non-transferable, unforgettable, and always with us. Recently, biometrics has pervaded other aspects of security applications that can be listed under the topic of ``Biometric Cryptosystems''. Although the security of some of these systems is questionable when they are utilized alone, integration with other technologies such as digital signatures or Identity Based Encryption (IBE) schemes results in cryptographically secure applications of biometrics. It is exactly this field of biometric cryptosystems that we focused in this thesis. In particular, our goal is to design cryptographic protocols for biometrics in the framework of a realistic security model with a security reduction. Our protocols are designed for biometric based encryption, signature and remote authentication. We first analyze the recently introduced biometric remote authentication schemes designed according to the security model of Bringer et al.. In this model, we show that one can improve the database storage cost significantly by designing a new architecture, which is a two-factor authentication protocol. This construction is also secure against the new attacks we present, which disprove the claimed security of remote authentication schemes, in particular the ones requiring a secure sketch. Thus, we introduce a new notion called ``Weak-identity Privacy'' and propose a new construction by combining cancelable biometrics and distributed remote authentication in order to obtain a highly secure biometric authentication system. We continue our research on biometric remote authentication by analyzing the security issues of multi-factor biometric authentication (MFBA). We formally describe the security model for MFBA that captures simultaneous attacks against these systems and define the notion of user privacy, where the goal of the adversary is to impersonate a client to the server. We design a new protocol by combining bipartite biotokens, homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proofs and provide a security reduction to achieve user privacy. The main difference of this MFBA protocol is that the server-side computations are performed in the encrypted domain but without requiring a decryption key for the authentication decision of the server. Thus, leakage of the secret key of any system component does not affect the security of the scheme as opposed to the current biometric systems involving cryptographic techniques. We also show that there is a tradeoff between the security level the scheme achieves and the requirement for making the authentication decision without using any secret key. In the second part of the thesis, we delve into biometric-based signature and encryption schemes. We start by designing a new biometric IBS system that is based on the currently most efficient pairing based signature scheme in the literature. We prove the security of our new scheme in the framework of a stronger model compared to existing adversarial models for fuzzy IBS, which basically simulates the leakage of partial secret key components of the challenge identity. In accordance with the novel features of this scheme, we describe a new biometric IBE system called as BIO-IBE. BIO-IBE differs from the current fuzzy systems with its key generation method that not only allows for a larger set of encryption systems to function for biometric identities, but also provides a better accuracy/identification of the users in the system. In this context, BIO-IBE is the first scheme that allows for the use of multi-modal biometrics to avoid collision attacks. Finally, BIO-IBE outperforms the current schemes and for small-universe of attributes, it is secure in the standard model with a better efficiency compared to its counterpart. Another contribution of this thesis is the design of biometric IBE systems without using pairings. In fact, current fuzzy IBE schemes are secure under (stronger) bilinear assumptions and the decryption of each message requires pairing computations almost equal to the number of attributes defining the user. Thus, fuzzy IBE makes error-tolerant encryption possible at the expense of efficiency and security. Hence, we design a completely new construction for biometric IBE based on error-correcting codes, generic conversion schemes and weakly secure anonymous IBE schemes that encrypt a message bit by bit. The resulting scheme is anonymous, highly secure and more efficient compared to pairing-based biometric IBE, especially for the decryption phase. The security of our generic construction is reduced to the security of the anonymous IBE scheme, which is based on the Quadratic Residuosity assumption. The binding of biometric features to the user's identity is achieved similar to BIO-IBE, thus, preserving the advantages of its key generation procedure

    Mejora de la seguridad y la privacidad de los sistemas biométricos

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica y de las Comunicaciones. Fecha de lectura: 02-06-2016This Thesis was printed with the financial support from EPS-UAM and the Biometric Recognition Group-ATVS

    Privacy-Preserving Biometric Authentication

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    Biometric-based authentication provides a highly accurate means of authentication without requiring the user to memorize or possess anything. However, there are three disadvantages to the use of biometrics in authentication; any compromise is permanent as it is impossible to revoke biometrics; there are significant privacy concerns with the loss of biometric data; and humans possess only a limited number of biometrics, which limits how many services can use or reuse the same form of authentication. As such, enhancing biometric template security is of significant research interest. One of the methodologies is called cancellable biometric template which applies an irreversible transformation on the features of the biometric sample and performs the matching in the transformed domain. Yet, this is itself susceptible to specific classes of attacks, including hill-climb, pre-image, and attacks via records multiplicity. This work has several outcomes and contributions to the knowledge of privacy-preserving biometric authentication. The first of these is a taxonomy structuring the current state-of-the-art and provisions for future research. The next of these is a multi-filter framework for developing a robust and secure cancellable biometric template, designed specifically for fingerprint biometrics. This framework is comprised of two modules, each of which is a separate cancellable fingerprint template that has its own matching and measures. The matching for this is based on multiple thresholds. Importantly, these methods show strong resistance to the above-mentioned attacks. Another of these outcomes is a method that achieves a stable performance and can be used to be embedded into a Zero-Knowledge-Proof protocol. In this novel method, a new strategy was proposed to improve the recognition error rates which is privacy-preserving in the untrusted environment. The results show promising performance when evaluated on current datasets

    Iris Recognition Approach for Preserving Privacy in Cloud Computing

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    Biometric identification systems involve securing biometric traits by encrypting them using an encryption algorithm and storing them in the cloud. In recent decades, iris recognition schemes have been considered one of the most effective biometric models for identifying humans based on iris texture, due to their relevance and distinctiveness. The proposed system focuses on encrypting biometric traits. The user’s iris feature vector is encrypted and stored in the cloud. During the matching process, the user’s iris feature vector is compared with the one stored in the cloud. If it meets the threshold conditions, the user is authenticated. Iris identification in cloud computing involves several steps. First, the iris image is pre-processed to remove noise using the Hough transform. Then, the pixel values are normalized, Gabor filters are applied to extract iris features. The features are then encrypted using the AES 128-bit algorithm. Finally, the features of the test image are matched with the stored features on the cloud to verify authenticity. The process ensures the privacy and security of the iris data in cloud storage by utilizing encryption and efficient image processing techniques. The matching is performed by setting an appropriate threshold for comparison. Overall, the approach offers a significant level of safety, effectiveness, and accuracy

    Improved security and privacy preservation for biometric hashing

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    We address improving verification performance, as well as security and privacy aspects of biohashing methods in this thesis. We propose various methods to increase the verification performance of the random projection based biohashing systems. First, we introduce a new biohashing method based on optimal linear transform which seeks to find a better projection matrix. Second, we propose another biohashing method based on a discriminative projection selection technique that selects the rows of the random projection matrix by using the Fisher criterion. Third, we introduce a new quantization method that attempts to optimize biohashes using the ideas from diversification of error-correcting output codes classifiers. Simulation results show that introduced methods improve the verification performance of biohashing. We consider various security and privacy attack scenarios for biohashing methods. We propose new attack methods based on minimum l1 and l2 norm reconstructions. The results of these attacks show that biohashing is vulnerable to such attacks and better template protection methods are necessary. Therefore, we propose an identity verification system which has new enrollment and authentication protocols based on threshold homomorphic encryption. The system can be used with any biometric modality and feature extraction method whose output templates can be binarized, therefore it is not limited to biohashing. Our analysis shows that the introduced system is robust against most security and privacy attacks conceived in the literature. In addition, a straightforward implementation of its authentication protocol is su ciently fast enough to be used in real applications

    The State-of-the-Art in Iris Biometric Cryptosystems

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