10 research outputs found

    Information Sharing on Social Networking Sites: the role of perceived control of information and gender

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    IS researchers have reported users’ concerns about their privacy and security on social networking sites. SNS users are in great need of better protection of their information shared. This paper investigates the influences of perceived control of information on SNS users’ information sharing behavior. Using an empirical study, this paper confirms the important role of perceived control in SNS users’ information sharing behavior. Specially, perceived control of information has been found to significantly influence SNS users’ perceived privacy risk and attitude towards information sharing, which in terms impact their information sharing behavior. In addition, gender has been found a significant factor that moderates the influences of perceived control of information and perceived privacy risk on SNS users’ attitude towards information sharing. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    Facebook Privacy Attitudes: A Comparison of Two Minority Groups

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    Because of Facebook’s ubiquitous nature, users who fail to properly configure their Facebook account privacy settings could be unintentionally revealing personal information to millions of people. This study analyzes data collected from African American and Hispanic college students regarding Facebook privacy setting attitudes and use. The findings indicate African American students have been members of Facebook longer and have more “Friends” than Hispanic students. Both ethnic groups spend about the same amount of time on Facebook during each session, although Hispanics log on more frequently. Virtually all the students claim awareness and use Facebook privacy settings. Hispanics have more restrictive Facebook privacy settings than African Americans. Neither ethnic group trusts Facebook to protect privacy, but African Africans show less concern while Hispanics indicate greater worry about Facebook privacy and data security. Both ethnic groups are more concerned about Internet privacy than Facebook privacy, Hispanics significantly more so

    An Investigation on the Perspectives of Teachers Using Facebook: A Case of Malaysian Academics

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    Education fields have rapidly transformed since the year 2020 from the traditional method to adapting more Web-based tools. Facebook has been regarded as one of the most popular social platforms teachers and learners use in education. It is perceived by teachers and learners as a tool that improves the teaching and learning processes significantly through its several features. This study aims to explore the Malaysian teachers’ views on Facebook in their teaching. Eighty teachers from different levels of Malaysia’s institutions participated in this study. This study adopted the quantitative method to gather teachers’ views on the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook and their reflections on Facebook usage in teaching and learning. Findings showed that teachers had a positive perception of the use of Facebook. This study also found no significant difference between male and female teachers in their perception of Facebook use. This study suggests that teachers optimise this tool in their teaching based on the advantages of using Facebook

    Eksistensi Perempuan dalam Seni Laga Ketangkasan Domba Garut

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    Artikel ini secara khusus menyoroti keterlibatan perempuan dalam Seni Laga Ketangkasan Domba Garut dan bagaimana dirinya direpresentasikan dalam sosial media. Fenomena ini ditelisik dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh pemahaman komprehensif tentang kehadiran perempuan di tengah-tengah dominasi budaya maskulin terutama dalam kesenian. Secara metodologis, penelitian etnografi dilakukan dengan pendekatan interdisipliner. Prosedur pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara tidak terstruktur dan observasi partisipatoris. Informan ditetapkan sejumlah lima orang perempuan pecinta Domba Garut dan dua orang laki-laki peternak Domba Garut. Informan ini dipilih melalui teknik snowball sampling. Adapun proses analisis data dilakukan melalui tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun Seni Laga Ketangkasan Domba Garut ini didominasi oleh laki-laki, dewasa ini perempuan telah lebih berperan. Hal tersebut tertuang dalam sikap dan dedikasi para perempuan terhadap kesenian ini yang diwujudkan melalui partisipasi aktif perempuan, baik dalam hal perawatan maupun saat pamidangan. Selain itu, media sosial juga dimanfaatkan dengan baik untuk merepresentasikan identitas perempuan yang mendedikasikan diri untuk Seni Laga Ketangkasan Domba Garut. Semangat ini terus diperkuat untuk menunjukkan bahwa perempuan berhak dan layak terlibat secara setara dalam ruang berkesenian

    Privacy concerns in social commerce:The impact of gender

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    Today, social commerce is one of the most rapidly growing subsectors of e-commerce, creating new opportunities for brands of all types and sizes. However, despite its popularity and potential, social commerce faces significant challenges, including issues of privacy, trust and ethics. This paper sets out to identify key aspects of privacy which influence ongoing user engagement with social commerce, so that social media, and other social commerce, platforms can more effectively address the issue. In particular, the paper seeks to determine the extent to which these aspects of privacy are a function of gender and, therefore, to increase our understanding of the role of gender in determining a user’s likelihood of sustainable engagement with s-commerce. To explore these issues, the study deploys a mixed methodology (semi-structured interviews and questionnaires) to examine the views of a broad demographic of s-commerce users in Saudi Arabia. The results allowed us to identify three distinct aspects of online privacy that significantly influence the likelihood of engaging in s-commerce and also demonstrated that the relative importance of these aspects is a function of gender. The study enhances current understanding of the role of gender in intention to use s-commerce and provides a framework for further research. The findings of the study will be of interest to all parties involved in the design and provision of s-commerce services, including social media platforms.</p

    The structure and priorities of researchers’ scholarly profile maintenance activities: A case of institutional research information management system

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    Research information management systems (RIMS) have become critical components of information technology infrastructure on university campuses. They are used not just for sharing and promoting faculty research, but also for conducting faculty evaluation and development, facilitating research collaborations, identifying mentors for student projects, and expert consultants for local businesses. This study is one of the first empirical investigations of the structure of researchers' scholarly profile maintenance activities in a nonmandatory institutional RIMS. By analyzing the RIMS's log data, we identified 11 tasks researchers performed when updating their profiles. These tasks were further grouped into three activities: (a) adding publication, (b) enhancing researcher identity, and (c) improving research discoverability. In addition, we found that junior researchers and female researchers were more engaged in maintaining their RIMS profiles than senior researchers and male researchers. The results provide insights for designing profile maintenance action templates for institutional RIMS that are tailored to researchers' characteristics and help enhance researchers' engagement in the curation of their research information. This also suggests that female and junior researchers can serve as early adopters of institutional RIMS

    Can Social Role Theory Explain Gender Differences in Facebook Usage?

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    A Conceptual Model for Gender-Inclusive Requirements

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    Gender equality is a fundamental human right. Empowering all women and girls means empowering half of the world’s population, and therefore it is essential to create a peaceful and sustainable future. However, there is still a great deal to be done to achieve full equality of rights and opportunities for everyone. Gender inequality persists and prevents the development and thriving of individuals and societies. Such is the case of girls’ and women’s under-representation in information, communication, and technology, where only 3% of the graduates worldwide are women. Consequently, technology development holds serious problems of inclusion and diversity. As technologies rapidly evolve and revolutionize the way we live, missing diverse perspectives during development produces a gender-biased technology that, instead of advancing gender equality, creates new barriers in achieving it. Technology can play a fundamental role in progressing gender equality and ensuring gender inclusion. Although considered neutral, the software does not equally serve everyone who depends on it. Software systems favor characteristics that are statistically more observed in majorities, ignoring or even attacking certain minorities. Concerning gender, existing systems favor characteristics that are statistically more observed in men over characteristics observed in other genders (e.g., trans, cis women, non-binary). The goal of this dissertation is to create awareness that the problem of non-inclusive software is real and investigate how to develop software that benefits everyone, regardless of their gender. As a first step, we performed a systematic mapping study to gather a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art on gender issues in software engineering. This study served as the groundwork for the development of a conceptual model for gender-inclusive requirements. The model aims to support requirements engineers by providing a representation of gender domain knowledge that can be used as a resource for eliciting gender-inclusive requirements. To integrate the conceptual model into the existing practices of requirements engineers, we propose a framework that offers a set of guidelines with concrete goals to ensure a focus on gender inclusion from the earliest phases and throughout the development process. We applied the framework to develop a gender-inclusive prototype tool that supports the process of using the framework. The developed model was empirically evaluated by a group of 31 participants and the results were positive. The conceptual model was published in a CORE A conferenceA igualdade de gĂ©nero Ă© um direito humano fundamental. Empoderar todas asmulheres e raparigas significa empoderar metade da população do mundo, e como tal, Ă© crucial para a criação de um futuro pacĂ­fico e sustentĂĄvel. No entanto, hĂĄ ainda um longo percurso a percorrer na conquista da total igualdade de direitos e oportunidades. A desigualdade de gĂ©nero ainda persiste, impedindo o desenvolvimento e prosperação de indivĂ­duos e sociedades. Este Ă© o caso da ĂĄrea da informação, comunicação e tecnologia que tem apenas 3% graduadas em todo omundo. Consequentemente, a tecnologia apresenta sĂ©rios problemas de inclusĂŁo e diversidade, desde o seu desenvolvimento Ă  sua adoção e utilização. A tecnologia, e o software em particular, desempenham um papel cada vez mais central na vida de todos nĂłs. Apesar de considerado neutro, o software nĂŁo serve da mesma forma todos os que dependem dele. De facto, os sistemas de software privilegiam caracterĂ­sticas estatisticamente mais observadas nas maiorias, ignorando ou mesmo atacando certas minorias. No que diz respeito ao gĂ©nero, os sistemas existentes privilegiam caracterĂ­sticas estatisticamente mais observadas nos homens em detrimento das caracterĂ­sticas observadas noutros gĂ©neros (por exemplo, trans, mulheres cis, pessoas nĂŁo-binĂĄrias). O objetivo desta dissertação e tomar consciĂȘncia que o problema de software nĂŁoinclusivo Ă© real e investigar como desenvolver software que beneficie todos os utilizadores, independentemente do seu gĂ©nero. Como primeiro passo, realizĂĄmos um mapeamento sistematico de literatura de modo a construir uma visĂŁo integrada sobre o estado da arte em questĂ”es de gĂ©nero em engenharia de software. Os resultados deste estudo serviram de base para o desenvolvimento de um modelo conceptual para requisitos inclusivos de genero. Este modelo visa apoiar a elicitacao de informacao inclusiva providenciando uma representacao do conhecimento dominio de genero como recurso para a formulacao de requisitos inclusivos. Para integrar o modelo conceptual nas praticas da engenharia de requisitos, desenvolvemos uma framework que oferece um conjunto de diretrizes com objetivos concretos para garantir um foco na inclusao de genero desde as fases iniciais e ao longo do processo de desenvolvimento. Aplicamos a framework na construcao de um prototipo de uma ferramenta inclusiva de genero que apoia o seu processo de uso. O modelo desenvolvido foi avaliado empiricamente por um grupo de 31 participantes e os resultados foram positivos. O modelo conceptual foi publicado numa conferĂȘncia CORE A

    An investigation of commitment to information security and information sharing on social media

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    Information sharing has been growing hugely and globally. Research has shown that collecting and utilizing information results in a more effective way to develop business. However, the ubiquitous data collection on the Internet has raised concerns about invasion of privacy and abuse of personal data widely. A data breach could cause serious consequences such as monetary loss, social embarrassment, psychological violation of private space, and so on (Bansal et al. 2016). Therefore, more and more people have become unwilling to share their personal information on the Internet. However, the younger cohort of Internet users and the internet/technology natives, iGeneration (iGen) share information across several online platforms without a second thought, largely because they prioritize personalization over privacy. Online communication is not something they need to learn, but social media and screens encompass them as a norm, making them the most technologically centered generation (McCrindle and Wolfinger, 2010). Based on the Generational Cohort Theory, different generations have specific habits, beliefs, and values. It is generally agreed that iGen has a unique perspective of the digital world from its predecessors (WP Engine, 2017; WP Engine and The CGK, 2017). Therefore, using the Theory of Commitment, this dissertation seeks to provide a deeper understanding of information security in the context of the iGen by focusing on their commitment to information security and the motivators of their intention to share information online. Based on the survey of 431 iGen participants, the findings indicate that iGen's trust in social media and compensation offered by social media directly and positively affect iGen's intention to share information on social media. Additionally, iGen with strong continuance commitment has less trust in social media, but their perceived privacy controls on social media boost social media confidence. Moreover, strong normative commitment and affective commitment of iGen promote their continuance commitment. The findings contribute to the literature of information security in the following ways. Firstly, it extends the application of the commitment theory into the field of information sharing. Secondly, it expands the literature of information sharing and the commitment theory to the youngest generation of internet users, iGen. They are the internet and technology natives. Thirdly, it demonstrates how iGen commits to their privacy and information security. Fourthly, this study explores relationships between the three forms of commitments, which contribute to a deeper understanding of individuals' commitment to information security

    Gender Performance and Social Media Platforms: Identity Presentation among Facebook Users in Iraq

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    This thesis investigates individual Iraqis’ performance and use of social network sites, and particularly the Facebook platform to determine the potential challenges and opportunities that this offers when they construct their online identities and use social media in their daily interactions. The study mainly investigates the issues of negotiating and presenting identity in online environments and the variations that occur in the participants’ enactment of the self-online compared to the offline self. The study aims to contribute to the current knowledge of identity presentation by focusing on Iraqi users of both genders and explores how they negotiate the multiple pressures placed on them when they use Facebook as a platform to engage in various activities, and for communicating and interacting with other users on the site. This study utilised an explanatory sequential mixed qualitative methods of research model, which was divided into two phases of data collection. The first phase consisted of interviews; two types of interviews were conducted, offline and online. The second phase was based on ethnography that was in the form of virtual ethnographies of the self-performance and the activities presented by the research participants on Facebook. The thesis is conceptually informed and the analysis is positioned within a critical engagement framework based on studies of Goffman’s dramaturgical approach, Goffman’s Modal of Face, the social role theory of gender differences, and social capital and social media milieus. The results constitute a significant contribution to the body of knowledge in relation to our understanding of the ‘space’ that internet social networks provide for Iraqi users to negotiate the boundaries imposed on them by cultural and societal rules. Firstly, the findings reveal how Facebook is used by participants as an ‘affinity space’ to construct an alternative persona that enables them to perform different roles and to serve certain purposes. The study proposes an extension to the scope of relationship construction through initiating a new type of relationship based on the weak ties formed by bounding relationships. Secondly, this thesis also contributes to our understanding of the connection between ‘impression management’ and the concept of ‘face’ via the participants’ attempts to construct and present the virtual self in a way that protects their face (persona) in both the online and offline worlds from any negative consequences. Thirdly, the findings reveal the extensive effort invested by the research participants in constructing and managing their online identities, with attention paid to the contents presented, the management of their private and public regions, and the prevention of context ‘collapse’. Finally, the study reports on the relationship between identity formation and presentation and Facebook audiences, by revealing the strategies utilized by the research participants in managing their online viewers. Evaluation of the participants’ online and offline identities and their self-presentations, performances and activities enabled a correlation to be made between the users’ online and offline lives and how their offline interactions impacted on their use of Facebook