34 research outputs found

    Calculational Verification of Reactive Programs with Reactive Relations and Kleene Algebra

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    Reactive programs are ubiquitous in modern applications, and so verification is highly desirable. We present a verification strategy for reactive programs with a large or infinite state space utilising algebraic laws for reactive relations. We define novel operators to characterise interactions and state updates, and an associated equational theory. With this we can calculate a reactive program’s denotational semantics, and thereby facilitate automated proof. Of note is our reasoning support for iterative programs with reactive invariants, which is supported by Kleene algebra. We illustrate our strategy by verifying a reactive buffer. Our laws and strategy are mechanised in Isabelle/UTP, which provides soundness guarantees, and practical verification support

    Automated verification of reactive and concurrent programs by calculation

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    Reactive programs combine traditional sequential programming constructs with primitives to allow communication with other concurrent agents. They are ubiquitous in modern applications, ranging from components systems and web services, to cyber-physical systems and autonomous robots. In this paper, we present an algebraic verification strategy for concurrent reactive programs, with a large or infinite state space. We define novel operators to characterise interactions and state updates, and an associated equational theory. With this we can calculate a reactive program's denotational semantics, and thereby facilitate automated proof. Of note is our reasoning support for iterative programs with reactive invariants, based on Kleene algebra, and for parallel composition. We illustrate our strategy by verifying a reactive buffer. Our laws and strategy are mechanised in Isabelle/UTP, our implementation of Hoare and He's Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP) framework, to provide soundness guarantees and practical verification support

    Unifying Theories of Reactive Design Contracts

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    Design-by-contract is an important technique for model-based design in which a composite system is specified by a collection of contracts that specify the behavioural assumptions and guarantees of each component. In this paper, we describe a unifying theory for reactive design contracts that provides the basis for modelling and verification of reactive systems. We provide a language for expression and composition of contracts that is supported by a rich calculational theory. In contrast with other semantic models in the literature, our theory of contracts allow us to specify both the evolution of state variables and the permissible interactions with the environment. Moreover, our model of interaction is abstract, and supports, for instance, discrete time, continuous time, and hybrid computational models. Being based in Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP), our theory can be composed with further computational theories to support semantics for multi-paradigm languages. Practical reasoning support is provided via our proof framework, Isabelle/UTP, including a proof tactic that reduces a conjecture about a reactive program to three predicates, symbolically characterising its assumptions and guarantees about intermediate and final observations. This allows us to verify programs with a large or infinite state space. Our work advances the state-of-the-art in semantics for reactive languages, description of their contractual specifications, and compositional verification

    Hybrid Relations in Isabelle/UTP

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    We describe our UTP theory of hybrid relations, which extends the relational calculus with continuous variables and differential equations. This enables the use of UTP in modelling and verification of hybrid systems, supported by our mechanisation in Isabelle/UTP. The hybrid relational calculus is built upon the same foundation as the UTP’s theory of reactive processes, which is accomplished through a generalised trace algebra and a model of piecewise-continuous functions. From this foundation, we give semantics to hybrid programs, including ordinary differential equations and preemption, and show how the theory can be used to reason about sequential hybrid systems

    Automating Verification of State Machines with Reactive Designs and Isabelle/UTP

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    State-machine based notations are ubiquitous in the description of component systems, particularly in the robotic domain. To ensure these systems are safe and predictable, formal verification techniques are important, and can be cost-effective if they are both automated and scalable. In this paper, we present a verification approach for a diagrammatic state machine language that utilises theorem proving and a denotational semantics based on Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP). We provide the necessary theory to underpin state machines (including induction theorems for iterative processes), mechanise an action language for states and transitions, and use these to formalise the semantics. We then describe the verification approach, which supports infinite state systems, and exemplify it with a fully automated deadlock-freedom check. The work has been mechanised in our proof tool, Isabelle/UTP, and so also illustrates the use of UTP to build practical verification tools.Comment: 18 pages, 16th Intl. Conf. on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2018), October 2018, Pohang, South Kore

    A Calculus of Space, Time, and Causality: its Algebra, Geometry, Logic

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    The calculus formalises human intuition and common sense about space, time, and causality in the natural world. Its intention is to assist in the design and implementation of programs, of programming languages, and of interworking by tool chains that support rational program development. The theses of this paper are that Concurrent Kleene Algebra (CKA) is the algebra of programming, that the diagrams of the Unified Modeling Language provide its geometry, and that Unifying Theories of Program- ming (UTP) provides its logic. These theses are illustrated by a fomalisation of features of the first concurrent object-oriented language, Simula 67. Each level of the calculus is a conservative extension of its predecessor. We conclude the paper with an extended section on future research directions for developing and applying UTP, CKA, and our calculus, and on how we propose to implement our algebra, geometry, and logic

    An algebraic semantics for hierarchical P/T nets

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    Unifying Semantic Foundations for Automated Verification Tools in Isabelle/UTP

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    The growing complexity and diversity of models used for engineering dependable systems implies that a variety of formal methods, across differing abstractions, paradigms, and presentations, must be integrated. Such an integration requires unified semantic foundations for the various notations, and co-ordination of a variety of automated verification tools. The contribution of this paper is Isabelle/UTP, an implementation of Hoare and He’s Unifying Theories of Programming, a framework for unification of formal semantics. Isabelle/UTP permits the mechanisation of computational theories for diverse paradigms, and their use in constructing formalised semantics. These can be further applied in the development of verification tools, harnessing Isabelle’s proof automation facilities. Several layers of mathematical foundations are developed, including lenses to model variables and state spaces as algebraic objects, alphabetised predicates and relations to model programs, algebraic and axiomatic semantics, proof tools for Hoare logic and refinement calculus, and UTP theories to encode computational paradigms