49 research outputs found

    1st doctoral symposium of the international conference on software language engineering (SLE) : collected research abstracts, October 11, 2010, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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    The first Doctoral Symposium to be organised by the series of International Conferences on Software Language Engineering (SLE) will be held on October 11, 2010 in Eindhoven, as part of the 3rd instance of SLE. This conference series aims to integrate the different sub-communities of the software-language engineering community to foster cross-fertilisation and strengthen research overall. The Doctoral Symposium at SLE 2010 aims to contribute towards these goals by providing a forum for both early and late-stage Ph.D. students to present their research and get detailed feedback and advice from researchers both in and out of their particular research area. Consequently, the main objectives of this event are: – to give Ph.D. students an opportunity to write about and present their research; – to provide Ph.D. students with constructive feedback from their peers and from established researchers in their own and in different SLE sub-communities; – to build bridges for potential research collaboration; and – to foster integrated thinking about SLE challenges across sub-communities. All Ph.D. students participating in the Doctoral Symposium submitted an extended abstract describing their doctoral research. Based on a good set of submisssions we were able to accept 13 submissions for participation in the Doctoral Symposium. These proceedings present final revised versions of these accepted research abstracts. We are particularly happy to note that submissions to the Doctoral Symposium covered a wide range of SLE topics drawn from all SLE sub-communities. In selecting submissions for the Doctoral Symposium, we were supported by the members of the Doctoral-Symposium Selection Committee (SC), representing senior researchers from all areas of the SLE community.We would like to thank them for their substantial effort, without which this Doctoral Symposium would not have been possible. Throughout, they have provided reviews that go beyond the normal format of a review being extra careful in pointing out potential areas of improvement of the research or its presentation. Hopefully, these reviews themselves will already contribute substantially towards the goals of the symposium and help students improve and advance their work. Furthermore, all submitting students were also asked to provide two reviews for other submissions. The members of the SC went out of their way to comment on the quality of these reviews helping students improve their reviewing skills

    1st doctoral symposium of the international conference on software language engineering (SLE) : collected research abstracts, October 11, 2010, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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    The first Doctoral Symposium to be organised by the series of International Conferences on Software Language Engineering (SLE) will be held on October 11, 2010 in Eindhoven, as part of the 3rd instance of SLE. This conference series aims to integrate the different sub-communities of the software-language engineering community to foster cross-fertilisation and strengthen research overall. The Doctoral Symposium at SLE 2010 aims to contribute towards these goals by providing a forum for both early and late-stage Ph.D. students to present their research and get detailed feedback and advice from researchers both in and out of their particular research area. Consequently, the main objectives of this event are: – to give Ph.D. students an opportunity to write about and present their research; – to provide Ph.D. students with constructive feedback from their peers and from established researchers in their own and in different SLE sub-communities; – to build bridges for potential research collaboration; and – to foster integrated thinking about SLE challenges across sub-communities. All Ph.D. students participating in the Doctoral Symposium submitted an extended abstract describing their doctoral research. Based on a good set of submisssions we were able to accept 13 submissions for participation in the Doctoral Symposium. These proceedings present final revised versions of these accepted research abstracts. We are particularly happy to note that submissions to the Doctoral Symposium covered a wide range of SLE topics drawn from all SLE sub-communities. In selecting submissions for the Doctoral Symposium, we were supported by the members of the Doctoral-Symposium Selection Committee (SC), representing senior researchers from all areas of the SLE community.We would like to thank them for their substantial effort, without which this Doctoral Symposium would not have been possible. Throughout, they have provided reviews that go beyond the normal format of a review being extra careful in pointing out potential areas of improvement of the research or its presentation. Hopefully, these reviews themselves will already contribute substantially towards the goals of the symposium and help students improve and advance their work. Furthermore, all submitting students were also asked to provide two reviews for other submissions. The members of the SC went out of their way to comment on the quality of these reviews helping students improve their reviewing skills

    Index to 1984 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 9, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1984 Tech B Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Model-Based Environmental Visual Perception for Humanoid Robots

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    The visual perception of a robot should answer two fundamental questions: What? and Where? In order to properly and efficiently reply to these questions, it is essential to establish a bidirectional coupling between the external stimuli and the internal representations. This coupling links the physical world with the inner abstraction models by sensor transformation, recognition, matching and optimization algorithms. The objective of this PhD is to establish this sensor-model coupling

    Incrémentalité et simulation d'effets dans le lambda calcul simplement typé

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    Certified programming is a framework in which any program is correct by construction. Proof assistants and dependently typed programming languages are the representatives of this paradigm where the proof and implementation of a program are done at the same time. However, it has some limitations: a program in Type Theory is built only with pure and total functions.Our objective is to write efficient and certified programs. The contributions of this work are the formalization, in the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus, of two mechanisms to achieve efficiency: to validate impure computations and to optimize computations by incrementality.An impure computation, that is a program with effects, and its validation in a functional and total language is done through a posteriori simulation. The simulation is performed afterwards on a monadic procedure and is guided by a prophecy. An efficient oracle is responsible for producing prophecies which is actually, the monadic procedure itself translated into an effectful programming language.The second contribution is an optimization to perform incremental computations. Incrementality as a way to propagate an input change into a corresponding output change is guided by formal change descriptions over terms and dynamic differentiation of functions.Displaceable types represent data-changes while an extension of the simply typed lambda calculus with differentials and partial derivatives offers a language to reason about incrementality.La programmation certifiĂ©e offre un cadre dans lequel tout programme est correct par construction. Les assistants de preuve et les langages de programmation avec types dĂ©pendents sont les reprĂ©sentants de ce paradigme, oĂč la prĂ©vue et l’implementation d’un programme sont faites au mĂȘme temps. Toutefois, il existe certaines limitations : un programme Ă©crit en thĂ©orie des types est construit seulement avec des fonctions pures et totales.Notre objectif est d’écrire des programmes efficaces et certifiĂ©s. Les contributions de cette thĂšse sont la formalisation, dans le lambda calcul simplement typĂ©, de deux mĂ©canismes pour amĂ©liorer l’efficacitĂ© : la validation des calculs impurs et l’optimisation des calculs incrĂ©mentaux.Un calcul impur, c’est-Ă -dire un programme avec effets, et sa validation dans un langage fonctionnel et total est fait ĂĄ l’aide d’une simulation a posteriori. La simulation est effectuĂ©e aprĂšs, par une procĂ©dure monadique et elle est guidĂ©e par une prophĂ©tie. Un oracle efficace est responsable de la production des prophĂ©ties et lui est en fait, la procĂ©dure monadique traduite dans un language de programmation gĂ©nĂ©raliste.La deuxiĂšme contribution est une optimisation pour les calculs incrĂ©mentaux. L’incrĂ©mentalitĂ© consiste Ă  propager des changements des entrĂ©es en changements des sorties, elle est guidĂ©e par les descriptions formelles du changement des termes et une diffĂ©renciation dynamique des fonctions. La reprĂ©sentation des changements de donnĂ©es est pris en charge par les types dĂ©plaçables et une extension du lambda calcul simplement typĂ© avec dĂ©rivĂ©es et dĂ©rivĂ©es partielles offre un language pour raisonner sur l’incrementalitĂ©

    MAPiS 2019 - First MAP-i Seminar: proceedings

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    This book contains a selection of Informatics papers accepted for presentation and discussion at “MAPiS 2019 - First MAP-i Seminar”, held in Aveiro, Portugal, January 31, 2019. MAPiS is the first conference organized by the MAP-i first year students, in the context of the Seminar course. The MAP-i Doctoral Programme in Computer Science is a joint Doctoral Programme in Computer Science of the University of Minho, the University of Aveiro and the University of Porto. This programme aims to form highly-qualified professionals, fostering their capacity and knowledge to the research area. This Conference was organized by the first grade students attending the Seminar Course. The aim of the course was to introduce concepts which are complementary to scientific and technological education, but fundamental to both completing a PhD successfully and entailing a career on scientific research. The students had contact with the typical procedures and difficulties of organizing and participate in such a complex event. These students were in charge of the organization and management of all the aspects of the event, such as the accommodation of participants or revision of the papers. The works presented in the Conference and the papers submitted were also developed by these students, fomenting their enthusiasm regarding the investigation in the Informatics area. (...)publishe

    Professional Search in Pharmaceutical Research

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    In the mid 90s, visiting libraries – as means of retrieving the latest literature – was still a common necessity among professionals. Nowadays, professionals simply access information by ‘googling’. Indeed, the name of the Web search engine market leader “Google” became a synonym for searching and retrieving information. Despite the increased popularity of search as a method for retrieving relevant information, at the workplace search engines still do not deliver satisfying results to professionals. Search engines for instance ignore that the relevance of answers (the satisfaction of a searcher’s needs) depends not only on the query (the information request) and the document corpus, but also on the working context (the user’s personal needs, education, etc.). In effect, an answer which might be appropriate to one user might not be appropriate to the other user, even though the query and the document corpus are the same for both. Personalization services addressing the context become therefore more and more popular and are an active field of research. This is only one of several challenges encountered in ‘professional search’: How can the working context of the searcher be incorporated in the ranking process; how can unstructured free-text documents be enriched with semantic information so that the information need can be expressed precisely at query time; how and to which extent can a company’s knowledge be exploited for search purposes; how should data from distributed sources be accessed from into one-single-entry-point. This thesis is devoted to ‘professional search’, i.e. search at the workplace, especially in industrial research and development. We contribute by compiling and developing several approaches for facing the challenges mentioned above. The approaches are implemented into the prototype YASA (Your Adaptive Search Agent) which provides meta-search, adaptive ranking of search results, guided navigation, and which uses domain knowledge to drive the search processes. YASA is deployed in the pharmaceutical research department of Roche in Penzberg – a major pharmaceutical company – in which the applied methods were empirically evaluated. Being confronted with mostly unstructured free-text documents and having barely explicit metadata at hand, we faced a serious challenge. Incorporating semantics (i.e. formal knowledge representation) into the search process can only be as good as the underlying data. Nonetheless, we are able to demonstrate that this issue can be largely compensated by incorporating automatic metadata extraction techniques. The metadata we were able to extract automatically was not perfectly accurate, nor did the ontology we applied contain considerably “rich semantics”. Nonetheless, our results show that already the little semantics incorporated into the search process, suffices to achieve a significant improvement in search and retrieval. We thus contribute to the research field of context-based search by incorporating the working context into the search process – an area which so far has not yet been well studied

    NASA Tech Briefs, Spring 1984

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    Topics include: NASA TU Services: Technology Utilization services that can assist you in learning about and applying NASA technology. New Product Ideas: A summary of selected innovations of value to manufacturers for the development of new products; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Life Sciences; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences