179 research outputs found

    User-centric privacy preservation in Internet of Things Networks

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    Recent trends show how the Internet of Things (IoT) and its services are becoming more omnipresent and popular. The end-to-end IoT services that are extensively used include everything from neighborhood discovery to smart home security systems, wearable health monitors, and connected appliances and vehicles. IoT leverages different kinds of networks like Location-based social networks, Mobile edge systems, Digital Twin Networks, and many more to realize these services. Many of these services rely on a constant feed of user information. Depending on the network being used, how this data is processed can vary significantly. The key thing to note is that so much data is collected, and users have little to no control over how extensively their data is used and what information is being used. This causes many privacy concerns, especially for a na ̈ıve user who does not know the implications and consequences of severe privacy breaches. When designing privacy policies, we need to understand the different user data types used in these networks. This includes user profile information, information from their queries used to get services (communication privacy), and location information which is much needed in many on-the-go services. Based on the context of the application, and the service being provided, the user data at risk and the risks themselves vary. First, we dive deep into the networks and understand the different aspects of privacy for user data and the issues faced in each such aspect. We then propose different privacy policies for these networks and focus on two main aspects of designing privacy mechanisms: The quality of service the user expects and the private information from the user’s perspective. The novel contribution here is to focus on what the user thinks and needs instead of fixating on designing privacy policies that only satisfy the third-party applications’ requirement of quality of service

    Statistical Methods and Privacy Preserving Protocols for Combining Genetic Data with Electronic Health Records

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    In recent years, electronic health records (EHR) have been combined with genetic data to uncover disease biology and accelerate generation of hypotheses for drug development and treatment strategies. The goal of this dissertation is to develop novel statistical models that can address the challenges of analyzing ‘imperfect’ EHR data and to propose privacy-preserving methods that enable sensitive individual-level data sharing across EHR studies and other large genetic studies. In Chapter II, we propose a statistical method to address misclassified clinical outcomes, a common challenge in EHR data. One essential step of EHR-based genome-wide association studies is constructing a cohort of cases and controls for a specific disease from billing codes and other clinical or administrative data. Nearly always, a perfect strategy for deriving disease phenotypes from billing codes is not available, resulting in some incorrect case/control labels. Here, we propose a method to estimate the misclassification of case/control status by examining genotype information of dozens of disease associated loci. Through simulation and application to the Michigan Genomics Initiative data, we demonstrate that the method enables the evaluation of new EHR-based phenotype definition schemes and provides accurate estimates of disease association measures when phenotypes are misclassified. In Chapter III and IV, we focus on identifying overlapping samples between studies, a common challenge when aggregating information across datasets. We particularly focus on identifying duplicate or related samples when sharing the underlying individual level genetic data is restricted. We propose methods that do not require disclosure of individual identities but that can still identify genetic relatives across datasets. In Chapter III, we show that by grouping genotypes into segments and calculating summary statistics within each segment, we are able to obscure and encode individual-level genetic information. Relatives can be inferred with the coded genotypes using a likelihood model. Simulation and application to the Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) program data demonstrate the utility and security of the method. In Chapter IV, we extend the method further, with a strategy that guarantees stronger encryption and is expected to work across heterogeneous populations. This secure protocol can infer genetic relatives among people of diverse ethnic backgrounds. The method works by combining a cryptographic technique, homomorphic encryption, with the robust relationship inference method previously described by Manichaikul et al (2010). Through simulations, we show that our method's performance is identical to that of implementations that use the original unencrypted genotypes. Our protocol scales well in computing time and is protected from several possible attacks. The secure protocol was again applied to TOPMed dataset. Securely identifying related samples will facilitate combination of results across datasets when there are restrictions to sharing the underlying individual level data. In conclusion, the methods developed here well enhance use of EHR data and genome data to improve accuracy of case/control status as well as decrease inclusion of relatives across studies when desired.PHDBiostatisticsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153415/1/xtzhao_1.pd

    Sublinear Computation Paradigm

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    This open access book gives an overview of cutting-edge work on a new paradigm called the “sublinear computation paradigm,” which was proposed in the large multiyear academic research project “Foundations of Innovative Algorithms for Big Data.” That project ran from October 2014 to March 2020, in Japan. To handle the unprecedented explosion of big data sets in research, industry, and other areas of society, there is an urgent need to develop novel methods and approaches for big data analysis. To meet this need, innovative changes in algorithm theory for big data are being pursued. For example, polynomial-time algorithms have thus far been regarded as “fast,” but if a quadratic-time algorithm is applied to a petabyte-scale or larger big data set, problems are encountered in terms of computational resources or running time. To deal with this critical computational and algorithmic bottleneck, linear, sublinear, and constant time algorithms are required. The sublinear computation paradigm is proposed here in order to support innovation in the big data era. A foundation of innovative algorithms has been created by developing computational procedures, data structures, and modelling techniques for big data. The project is organized into three teams that focus on sublinear algorithms, sublinear data structures, and sublinear modelling. The work has provided high-level academic research results of strong computational and algorithmic interest, which are presented in this book. The book consists of five parts: Part I, which consists of a single chapter on the concept of the sublinear computation paradigm; Parts II, III, and IV review results on sublinear algorithms, sublinear data structures, and sublinear modelling, respectively; Part V presents application results. The information presented here will inspire the researchers who work in the field of modern algorithms

    The effect of work related mechanical stress on the peripheral temperature of the hand

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    The evolution and developments in modern industry have resulted a wide range of occupational activities, some of which can lead to industrial injuries. Due to the activities of occupational medicine, much progress has been made in transforming the way that operatives perform their tasks. However there are still many occupations where manual tasks have become more repetitive, contributing to the development of conditions that affect the upper limbs. Repetitive Strain Injury is one classification of those conditions which is related to overuse of repetitive movement. Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome is a subtype of this classification directly related to the operation of instruments and machinery which involves vibration. These conditions affect a large number of individuals, and are costly in terms of work absence, loss of income and compensation. While such conditions can be difficult to avoid, they can be monitored and controlled, with prevention usually the least expensive solution. In medico-legal situations it may be difficult to determine the location or the degree of injury, and therefore determining the relevant compensation due is complicated by the absence of objective and quantifiable methods. This research is an investigation into the development of an objective, quantitative and reproducible diagnostic procedure for work related upper limb disorders. A set of objective mechanical provocation tests for the hands have been developed that are associated with vascular challenge. Infrared thermal imaging was used to monitor the temperature changes using a well defined capture protocol. Normal reference values have been measured and a computational tool used to facilitate the process and standardise image processing. These objective tests have demonstrated good discrimination between groups of healthy controls and subjects with work related injuries but not individuals, p<0.05, and are reproducible. A maximum value for thermal symmetry of 0.5±0.3ºC for the whole upper limbs has been established for use as a reference. The tests can be used to monitor occupations at risk, aiming to reduce the impact of these conditions, reducing work related injury costs, and providing early detection. In a medico-legal setting this can also provide important objective information in proof of injury and ultimately in objectively establishing whether or not there is a case for compensation

    Creation and maintenance of visual incremental maps and hierarchical localization.

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    Over the last few years, the presence of the mobile robotics has considerably increased in a wide variety of environments. It is common to find robots that carry out repetitive and specific applications and also, they can be used for working at dangerous environments and to perform precise tasks. These robots can be found in a variety of social environments, such as industry, household, educational and health scenarios. For that reason, they need a specific and continuous research and improvement work. Specifically, autonomous mobile robots require a very precise technology to perform tasks without human assistance. To perform tasks autonomously, the robots must be able to navigate in an unknown environment. For that reason, the autonomous mobile robots must be able to address the mapping and localization tasks: they must create a model of the environment and estimate their position and orientation. This PhD thesis proposes and analyses different methods to carry out the map creation and the localization tasks in indoor environments. To address these tasks only visual information is used, specifically, omnidirectional images, with a 360º field of view. Throughout the chapters of this document solutions for autonomous navigation tasks are proposed, they are solved using transformations in the images captured by a vision system mounted on the robot. Firstly, the thesis focuses on the study of the global appearance descriptors in the localization task. The global appearance descriptors are algorithms that transform an image globally, into a unique vector. In these works, a deep comparative study is performed. In the experiments different global appearance descriptors are used along with omnidirectional images and the results are compared. The main goal is to obtain an optimized algorithm to estimate the robot position and orientation in real indoor environments. The experiments take place with real conditions, so some visual changes in the scenes can occur, such as camera defects, furniture or people movements and changes in the lighting conditions. The computational cost is also studied; the idea is that the robot has to localize the robot in an accurate mode, but also, it has to be fast enought. Additionally, a second application, whose goal is to carry out an incremental mapping in indoor environments, is presented. This application uses the best global appearance descriptors used in the localization task, but this time they are constructed with the purpose of solving the mapping problem using an incremental clustering technique. The application clusters a batch of images that are visually similar; every group of images or cluster is expected to identify a zone of the environment. The shape and size of the cluster can vary while the robot is visiting the different rooms. Nowadays. different algorithms can be used to obtain the clusters, but all these solutions usually work properly when they work ‘offline’, starting from the whole set of data to cluster. The main idea of this study is to obtain the map incrementally while the robot explores the new environment. Carrying out the mapping incrementally while the robot is still visiting the area is very interesting since having the map separated into nodes with relationships of similitude between them can be used subsequently for the hierarchical localization tasks, and also, to recognize environments already visited in the model. Finally, this PhD thesis includes an analysis of deep learning techniques for localization tasks. Particularly, siamese networks have been studied. Siamese networks are based on classic convolutional networks, but they permit evaluating two images simultaneously. These networks output a similarity value between the input images, and that information can be used for the localization tasks. Throughout this work the technique is presented, the possible architectures are analysed and the results after the experiments are shown and compared. Using the siamese networks, the localization in real operation conditions and environments is solved, focusing on improving the performance against illumination changes on the scene. During the experiments the room retrieval problem, the hierarchical localization and the absolute localization have been solved.Durante los últimos años, la presencia de la robótica móvil ha aumentado substancialmente en una gran variedad de entornos y escenarios. Es habitual encontrar el uso de robots para llevar a cabo aplicaciones repetitivas y específicas, así como tareas en entornos peligrosos o con resultados que deben ser muy precisos. Dichos robots se pueden encontrar tanto en ámbitos industriales como en familiares, educativos y de salud; por ello, requieren un trabajo específico y continuo de investigación y mejora. En concreto, los robots móviles autónomos requieren de una tecnología precisa para desarrollar tareas sin ayuda del ser humano. Para realizar tareas de manera autónoma, los robots deben ser capaces de navegar por un entorno ‘a priori’ desconocido. Por tanto, los robots móviles autónomos deben ser capaces de realizar la tarea de creación de mapas, creando un modelo del entorno y la tarea de localización, esto es estimar su posición y orientación. La presente tesis plantea un diseño y análisis de diferentes métodos para realizar las tareas de creación de mapas y localización en entornos de interior. Para estas tareas se emplea únicamente información visual, en concreto, imágenes omnidireccionales, con un campo de visión de 360º. En los capítulos de este trabajo se plantean soluciones a las tareas de navegación autónoma del robot mediante transformaciones en las imágenes que este es capaz de captar. En cuanto a los trabajos realizados, en primer lugar, se presenta un estudio de descriptores de apariencia global en tareas de localización. Los descriptores de apariencia global son transformaciones capaces de obtener un único vector que describa globalmente una imagen. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio exhaustivo de diferentes métodos de apariencia global adaptando su uso a imágenes omnidireccionales. Se trata de obtener un algoritmo optimizado para estimar la posición y orientación del robot en entornos reales de oficina, donde puede surgir cambios visuales en el entorno como movimientos de cámara, de mobiliario o de iluminación en la escena. También se evalúa el tiempo empleado para realizar esta estimación, ya que el trabajo de un robot debe ser preciso, pero también factible en cuanto a tiempos de computación. Además, se presenta una segunda aplicación donde el estudio se centra en la creación de mapas de entornos de interior de manera incremental. Esta aplicación hace uso de los descriptores de apariencia global estudiados para la tarea de localización, pero en este caso se utilizan para la construcción de mapas utilizando la técnica de ‘clustering’ incremental. En esta aplicación, conjuntos de imágenes visualmente similares se agrupan en un único grupo. La forma y cantidad de grupos es variable conforme el robot avanza en el entorno. Actualmente, existen diferentes algoritmos para obtener la separación de un entorno en nodos, pero las soluciones efectivas se realizan de manera ‘off-line’, es decir, a posteriori una vez se tienen todas las imágenes captadas. El trabajo presentado permite realizar esta tarea de manera incremental mientras el robot explora el nuevo entorno. Realizar esta tarea mientras se visita el resto del entorno puede ser muy interesante ya que tener el mapa separado por nodos con relaciones de proximidad entre ellos se puede ir utilizando para tareas de localización jerárquica. Además, es posible reconocer entornos ya visitados o similares a nodos pasados. Por último, la tesis también incluye el estudio de técnicas de aprendizaje profundo (‘deep learning’) para tareas de localización. En concreto, se estudia el uso de las redes siamesas, una técnica poco explorada en robótica móvil, que está basada en las clásicas redes convolucionales, pero en la que dos imágenes son evaluadas al mismo tiempo. Estas redes dan un valor de similitud entre el par de imágenes de entrada, lo que permite realizar tareas de localización visual. En este trabajo se expone esta técnica, se presentan las estructuras que pueden tener estas redes y los resultados tras la experimentación. Se evalúa la tarea de localización en entornos heterogéneos en los que el principal problema viene dado por cambios en la iluminación de la escena. Con las redes siamesas se trata de resolver el problema de estimación de estancia, el problema de localización jerárquica y el de localización absoluta

    The 1st Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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