12,956 research outputs found

    Satellite on-board processing for earth resources data

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    Results of a survey of earth resources user applications and their data requirements, earth resources multispectral scanner sensor technology, and preprocessing algorithms for correcting the sensor outputs and for data bulk reduction are presented along with a candidate data format. Computational requirements required to implement the data analysis algorithms are included along with a review of computer architectures and organizations. Computer architectures capable of handling the algorithm computational requirements are suggested and the environmental effects of an on-board processor discussed. By relating performance parameters to the system requirements of each of the user requirements the feasibility of on-board processing is determined for each user. A tradeoff analysis is performed to determine the sensitivity of results to each of the system parameters. Significant results and conclusions are discussed, and recommendations are presented

    An improved instruction-level power model for ARM11 microprocessor

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    The power and energy consumed by a chip has become the primary design constraint for embedded systems, which has led to a lot of work in hardware design techniques such as clock gating and power gating. The software can also affect the power usage of a chip, hence good software design can be used to reduce the power further. In this paper we present an instruction-level power model based on an ARM1176JZF-S processor to predict the power of software applications. Our model takes substantially less input data than existing high accuracy models and does not need to consider each instruction individually. We show that the power is related to both the distribution of instruction types and the operations per clock cycle (OPC) of the program. Our model does not need to consider the effect of two adjacent instructions, which saves a lot of calculation and measurements. Pipeline stall effects are also considered by OPC instead of cache miss, because there are a lot of other reasons that can cause the pipeline to stall. The model shows good performance with a maximum estimation error of -8.28\% and an average absolute estimation error is 4.88\% over six benchmarks. Finally, we prove that energy per operation (EPO) decreases with increasing operations per clock cycle, and we confirm the relationship empirically

    A functional video-based anthropometric measuring system

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    A high-speed anthropometric three dimensional measurement system using the Selcom Selspot motion tracking instrument for visual data acquisition is discussed. A three-dimensional scanning system was created which collects video, audio, and performance data on a single standard video cassette recorder. Recording rates of 1 megabit per second for periods of up to two hours are possible with the system design. A high-speed off-the-shelf motion analysis system for collecting optical information as used. The video recording adapter (VRA) is interfaced to the Selspot data acquisition system

    A photon-counting photodiode array detector for far ultraviolet (FUV) astronomy

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    A compact, stable, single-stage intensified photodiode array detector designed for photon-counting, far ultraviolet astronomy applications employs a saturable, 'C'-type MCP (Galileo S. MCP 25-25) to produce high gain pulses with a narrowly peaked pulse height distribution. The P-20 output phosphor exhibits a very short decay time, due to the high current density of the electron pulses. This intensifier is being coupled to a self-scanning linear photodiode array which has a fiber optic input window which allows direct, rigid mechanical coupling with minimal light loss. The array was scanned at a 250 KHz pixel rate. The detector exhibits more than adequate signal-to-noise ratio for pulse counting and event location

    Modifications and Improvements to the Sea Beam System on Board R/V Thomas Washington

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    A number of modifications to the narrowbeam echo-sounder and echo processor of the Sea Beammultibeam bathymetric survey system have been implemented. These include the design and construction of a digital pitch compensator, the ability to use a variety of sensors for vertical reference, the design and construction of hardware test equipment, and an interface to the shipboard DEC VAX-11/730 computer for data logging, automation of start-up procedures, and performance monitorin

    An automated stall-speed warning system

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    The development and testing of a stall-speed warning system for the OV-1C was examined. NASA designed and built an automated stall-speed warning system which presents both airspeed and stall speed to the pilot. The airspeed and stall speed are computed in real time by monitoring the basic aerodynamic parameters (dynamic pressure, horizontal and vertical accelerations, and pressure altitude) and other parameters (elevator and flap positions, engine torques, and fuel flow). In addition, an aural warning at predetermined stall margins is presented to the pilot through a voice synthesizer. Once the system was designed and installed in the aircraft, a flight-test program of less than 20 hrs was anticipated to determine the stall-speed software coefficients. These coefficients would then be inserted in the system's software and then test flown over a period of about 10 hr for the purpose of evaluation

    Frequency domain laser velocimeter signal processor: A new signal processing scheme

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    A new scheme for processing signals from laser velocimeter systems is described. The technique utilizes the capabilities of advanced digital electronics to yield a smart instrument that is able to configure itself, based on the characteristics of the input signals, for optimum measurement accuracy. The signal processor is composed of a high-speed 2-bit transient recorder for signal capture and a combination of adaptive digital filters with energy and/or zero crossing detection signal processing. The system is designed to accept signals with frequencies up to 100 MHz with standard deviations up to 20 percent of the average signal frequency. Results from comparative simulation studies indicate measurement accuracies 2.5 times better than with a high-speed burst counter, from signals with as few as 150 photons per burst

    One way Doppler extractor. Volume 1: Vernier technique

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    A feasibility analysis, trade-offs, and implementation for a One Way Doppler Extraction system are discussed. A Doppler error analysis shows that quantization error is a primary source of Doppler measurement error. Several competing extraction techniques are compared and a Vernier technique is developed which obtains high Doppler resolution with low speed logic. Parameter trade-offs and sensitivities for the Vernier technique are analyzed, leading to a hardware design configuration. A detailed design, operation, and performance evaluation of the resulting breadboard model is presented which verifies the theoretical performance predictions. Performance tests have verified that the breadboard is capable of extracting Doppler, on an S-band signal, to an accuracy of less than 0.02 Hertz for a one second averaging period. This corresponds to a range rate error of no more than 3 millimeters per second

    Transient fault behavior in a microprocessor: A case study

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    An experimental analysis is described which studies the susceptibility of a microprocessor based jet engine controller to upsets caused by current and voltage transients. A design automation environment which allows the run time injection of transients and the tracing from their impact device to the pin level is described. The resulting error data are categorized by the charge levels of the injected transients by location and by their potential to cause logic upsets, latched errors, and pin errors. The results show a 3 picoCouloumb threshold, below which the transients have little impact. An Arithmetic and Logic Unit transient is most likely to result in logic upsets and pin errors (i.e., impact the external environment). The transients in the countdown unit are potentially serious since they can result in latched errors, thus causing latent faults. Suggestions to protect the processor against these errors, by incorporating internal error detection and transient suppression techniques, are also made
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