23 research outputs found

    Recherche interventionniste : modélisation et implantation d'un modÚle de formation en alternance Science et technologie pour des élÚves à risque dans leur parcours scolaire du deuxiÚme cycle du secondaire

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    Ce mĂ©moire traite d'une recherche interventionniste qui prend ancrage dans l’épistĂ©mologie historico-socioculturelle qu’est la 3e gĂ©nĂ©ration de la thĂ©orie de l’activitĂ©. Nous proposons une lecture qui illustre comment le dĂ©veloppement d'une formation en alternance Science et technologie auprĂšs d’élĂšves a pris forme grĂące Ă  la collaboration de groupes d’agents variĂ©s. Ce dĂ©veloppement est prĂ©sentĂ© sous l'angle d'un processus d'apprentissage expansif qui a nĂ©cessitĂ© un engagement de la part d’agents pour transformer l’environnement d’apprentissage et pour augmenter la persĂ©vĂ©rance scolaire des Ă©lĂšves. Utilisant deux principes Ă©pistĂ©mologiques Ă  la base de l'intervention en thĂ©orie de l'activitĂ©, la stimulation duale et la logique du mouvement ascendant de l’abstrait au concret, nous documentons les tensions et les contradictions au sein et entre les systĂšmes d'activitĂ© identifiĂ©s dans cette recherche. Nous prĂ©sentons Ă©galement les actions d'apprentissage expansives qui ont donnĂ© une impulsion Ă  un cycle d’expansion dans le contexte d’une formation en alternance chez des Ă©lĂšves du 2e cycle du secondaire. L'intervention, d'inspiration laboratoire du changement, a permis Ă  un groupe d'agents qui ont partagĂ© le dĂ©veloppement de ce modĂšle en alternance, de modĂ©liser et d'implĂ©menter un nouveau modĂšle de formation et d'en articuler des conditions de mise en place en apparence contradictoires. Mots clĂ©: Apprentissage expansif, contradiction, formation en alternance, laboratoire du changement, thĂ©orie de l'activitĂ©, tension.This master thesis documents an interventionist research, the stance of which is rooted in a sociocultural-historical epistemology. We propose a reading that shows the development of an organizational model for “alternance” (school-entrepreneurship) training with a view to improving persistence in school, particularly in the Science and technology track for students with learning difficulties from underprivileged background. This development is presented from the perspective of an expansive learning process that required a commitment on the part of agents to transform the learning environment and increase student retention. Working from two epistemological principles underlying the intervention in activity theory, the principles of double stimulation and ascending from the abstract to the concrete, we document the internal contradictions in activity systems and illustrate the actions that took place in an expansive learning cycle. The Change Laboratory inspired intervention approach allowed a multidisciplinary group of agents to model and implement a new model and go beyond contradictions. Keywords: Alternance training, change Laboratory, contradiction, Activity Theory, expansive learning, tension

    Actes du 31e colloque de l'ADMEE-Europe

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    Évaluations et apprentissages

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    Colóquio realizado no Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, em Janeiro de 2016info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Actes de la 9Ăšme confĂ©rence des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Enseignement (TICE 2014)

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    National audienceLe cycle de confĂ©rence TICE a pour objectif de faire tous les deux ans le point sur les rĂ©sultats de recherches, les nouvelles applications, les derniers usages, et les retours d’expĂ©riences dans le domaine de l’éducation supĂ©rieure numĂ©rique. Le colloque TICE 2014 est organisĂ© par l’IUT de Beziers, une composante de l’UniversitĂ© Montpellier 2. Cette neuviĂšme Ă©dition du colloque TICE sera l’occasion de rassembler Ă  BĂ©ziers, du 18 au 20 Novembre 2014, la communautĂ© scientifique et industrielle des TICE autour du thĂšme « Nouvelles pĂ©dagogies et sciences et technologies du numĂ©rique »

    Analyse historico-culturelle et développement d'un programme de type "un portable, un élÚve" : (PROTIC, programme dans une école secondaire)

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    Cette Ă©tude porte sur PROTIC, un programme de type « un portable, un Ă©lĂšve » qui est mis en Ɠuvre dans une Ă©cole secondaire Ă  QuĂ©bec depuis 1997. Une analyse historico-culturelle du programme a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e pour contribuer Ă  en expliciter le modĂšle de pratique et pour en favoriser le dĂ©veloppement. La premiĂšre Ă©tape de l’analyse a portĂ© sur le discours Ă©crit en collaboration par d’anciennes cohortes de stagiaires PROTIC. Ces donnĂ©es, utilisĂ©es comme miroir de la pratique des enseignants, ont servi Ă  alimenter les rĂ©flexions de ceux-ci lors de groupes de discussion. Les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es lors de ces rencontres ainsi que la littĂ©rature sur PROTIC ont permis de documenter l’évolution du programme et de mettre en Ă©vidence les tensions qui persistent dans sa mise en Ɠuvre. Un Ă©clairage a ainsi Ă©tĂ© apportĂ© sur les dĂ©fis qui se posent pour le futur. Cette Ă©tude offre des pistes de rĂ©flexion aux acteurs de l’éducation qui s’intĂ©ressent Ă  l’école Ă  l’ùre du numĂ©rique.This study focuses on PROTIC, a one-to-one laptop program implemented in a Quebec secondary school since 1997. A cultural-historical analysis of the program addressed the question of its model of practice, and its development. The first stage was to analyze the discourse written collaboratively by former cohorts of preservice teachers who did their practicum in this setting. Used as mirror of teachers’ practice, the data served to fuel teachers’ reflections during focus groups. Data collected at these meetings, as well as literature related to PROTIC, were used to document the evolution of the program. Data also served to highlight remaining tensions regarding the implementation of the program. A new understanding emerged regarding PROTIC’s challenges as regards its future. Education stakeholders wanting to transform schools as learning environments in the digital age are likely to be interested in the PROTIC case


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    The 69th CIEAEM conference was held from 15th to 19th July 2017 at Freie UniversitĂ€t Berlin, Germany. It successfully involved 100 participants from 20 countries all over the world. CIEAEM 69 was dedicated to Professor Christine Keitel, president of CIEAEM from 1997 to 2003, who tragically passed away one year before the conference. The programme of the conference started with a panel that revisited “Mathematics (Education) and Common Sense”, the theme of the 47th CIEAEM conference, which was held in Berlin in July 1995 and which was hosted by Christine. At the conference, researchers, teachers, educators, and students met to discuss, in a collaborative and inspiring environment, the most prominent problems, obstacles and resources in mathematics education; they also presented their latest research findings in the several conference activities: plenary and semi-plenary talks, two round tables, working groups, workshops, and poster presentations (forum of ideas). As in previous CIEAEM meetings, Working Groups constituted the beating heart of the conference, allowing the participants to fruitfully discuss in critical and constructive ways, in the true CIEAEM spirit, research studies and approaches from different perspectives on the conference theme: Mathematisation: social process & didactic principle. There were four Working Groups: (A) Mathematisation as a didactic principle: mathematizing and modelling of everyday contexts; (B) Mathematisation as a didactic principle: representation and generalization within mathematics; (C) Interconnecting mathematisation as a social process and as a didactic principle; and (D) Mathematisation as a didactic principle: looking at teachers of mathematics. Each Working Group discussed nine papers, and addressed the conference theme from complementary viewpoints (see the Discussion Paper), under the guidance of the group animators. The conference schedule allowed time also to deepen the plenary talks in the dedicated “Meet the plenary speaker” sessions, and to engage participants in workshops, where actual dialogue between research and practice could be fostered. This volume contains the final versions of the 53 papers presented during the conference. We thank all the contributors and the participants to the conference, because they made it such a unique experience, in which we had the good fortune to take part. We are grateful to the International Programme Committee and the Local Organizing Committee that made possible the realization of the conference in every detail with great care. Particularly, we want to thank the Working Group animators, who organized each day the sessions in inclusive as well high-quality ways. A special thanks to all the people who contributed to the realization of the conference, and to Daria Fischer, who helped in editing this volume. As a result, the CIEAEM 69 Proceedings offer a wide overview on national and international studies on the conference theme Mathematisation: social process & didactic principle. We hope that it can constitute an inspiring resource for the research community, for teachers, and for stakeholders in mathematics education. From this perspective, the possibility of free downloading offers to CIEAEM 69 participants, and also to interested people who could not take part in the Conference in Berlin, the possibility of developing a fruitful network of contacts that year after year is becoming richer and wider

    L'enjeux des evaluations internationales

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    A co-authored article about international programmes of student assessment (PIS, TIMSS) that sets the context for other articles that follow in a volume edited by the co-authors

    Vers la qualité et l'employabilité par un marketing de veille pédagogique et stratégique universitaire

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    Information literacy is one of competences conferred to individual employability in information and knowledge society (IKS). By Requiring employable skills (EC), this society acquires a new dimension (SICS & CE) and passes labor market from classic concept of "job market" to "employability market (MEMP)" seeking flexibility and adaptive skills to changes. Foresight Scanning in general and specifically digital one, works by its "Information and Knowledge Production Process" to develop information literacy/Internet (CIVI) to improve various individual skills. In this sense, this thesis evolves in a qualitative and interpretative exploratory approach, to treat the issue of quality skills development, defining the employability of university students. It seeks to know how a universities’ foresight scanning will improve quality of their employable CIVI culture skill, by adopting in its informational production process, a market-oriented relational marketing involving university students as "internal customers ", as well as employability market actors as" external customers " ?Evolving in a socio-constructivist perspective, series of evaluations on skills and satisfactions of learners as well as their skills CIVI assessment models were developed as part of a competency based approach (SBA) adopting a relational internal and external marketing. This approach is characterized firstly by an "Orientation-Involvement of Learners-Clients: OI-APCL" and secondly by an "Orientation-Involvement of employability market: OI-MEMP," based on an educational blog as informational Web.2.0 System and monitoring tool designed to develop competency in information literacy learners. This led us to conclude in the orientation forward an employability university, skills levels improvement by declining secular groups CIVI culture, from 88.74% to 41.94% and a need for training CIVI rate of Culture from 89.50% to 46.50% resulting to learner employability and the recruitment of three groups of the 20 pairs graduate students involved in our work, This recommends adoption of an " Foresight Scanning employability" for quality development skills in SICS&CE society seeking now more than information and knowledge, but also flexibility skills to adapt changes and innovations defining really individual employability.La culture informationnelle constitue une des compĂ©tences attribuĂ©es Ă  l’employabilitĂ© des individus dans l’actuelle sociĂ©tĂ© de l’information, des connaissances et du savoir (SICS). En exigeant des compĂ©tences employables (CE), celle-ci prend Ă  notre sens une nouvelle dimension (SICS&CE) faisant ainsi transiter le marchĂ© du travail du concept du « marchĂ© d’emploi » d’attributions fixes et de routines classiques Ă  celui du « marchĂ© d’employabilitĂ© (MEMP) » sollicitant la flexibilitĂ© et les compĂ©tences adoptives et adaptatives aux changements socio-Ă©conomiques. DĂ©sormais, la veille stratĂ©gique en gĂ©nĂ©ral et prĂ©cisĂ©ment numĂ©rique, Ɠuvre par son « Processus de production d’information et des connaissances » Ă  dĂ©velopper la culture informationnelle de veille sur Internet (CIVI) pour amĂ©liorer les diverses compĂ©tences individuelles. Dans ce sens, cette thĂšse vient dans le cadre d’une analyse qualitative et une approche exploratoire interprĂ©tative, traiter la problĂ©matique du dĂ©veloppement de la qualitĂ© des compĂ©tences dĂ©finissant l’employabilitĂ© des apprenants, futurs diplĂŽmĂ©s universitaires. Elle cherche Ă  savoir dans quelle mesure une veille pĂ©dagogique et stratĂ©gique universitaire peut amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© de leurs compĂ©tences employables en culture CIVI, en adoptant dans son processus de production informationnelle, un marketing relationnel orientĂ©-marchĂ© impliquant les apprenants universitaires en tant que « clients internes », aussi bien que les acteurs du marchĂ© d’employabilitĂ© en tant que « clients externes » ? En Ă©voluant dans une perspective socio-constructiviste, des sĂ©ries d’évaluations sur les compĂ©tences et les satisfactions des apprenants aussi bien que des modĂšles d’évaluation de leurs compĂ©tences en CIVI ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©s dans le cadre d’une approche par compĂ©tence (APC) adoptant un marketing relationnel interne et externe. Cette approche se caractĂ©rise en premier lieu par une : « Orientation-Implication des Apprenants-Clients : OI-APCL » et en second lieu par une « Orientation-Implication du MarchĂ© d’employabilitĂ© : OI-MEMP », se basant sur un blog pĂ©dagogique en tant que SystĂšme informationnel et outil de veille Web.2.0, destinĂ© Ă  dĂ©velopper la compĂ©tence en culture informationnelle des apprenants. Ceci nous a conduit Ă  constater dans le cadre de l’orientation vers une universitĂ© d’employabilitĂ©, l’amĂ©lioration des taux des compĂ©tences par la baisse des groupes profanes en culture CIVI, passant de 88,74% Ă  41,94% et un taux de besoin de formation en culture CIVI passant de 89,50% Ă  46,50% conduisant Ă  la satisfaction des apprenants et des acteurs d’employabilitĂ© impliquĂ©s dans notre travail et le recrutement de trois groupes des 20 binĂŽmes apprenants/diplĂŽmĂ©s concernĂ©s par notre travail, Ces rĂ©sultats amĂšnent Ă  recommander l’adoption d’une « veille d’employabilitĂ© » pour le dĂ©veloppement de la qualitĂ© des compĂ©tences individuelles dans une sociĂ©tĂ© SICS&CE sollicitant dĂ©sormais en plus des connaissances et du savoir, l’actualisation par l’apprentissage Ă  vie et la flexibilitĂ© d’adaptation aux changements et innovations, dĂ©finissant ainsi l’employabilitĂ© des individus