15,992 research outputs found

    How triathletes mount their bikes after first transition (T1). A proposal of classification

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    A proposal is submit for the classification referring to the different ways in which triathletes mount their bikes to start pedalling. This action happens at the end of the transition area (T1) after having gone across on foot, with the bikes at their side, or, led across by hand, in a specific way (Fernández, Romero, Merino and April, 2015). These are unique aspects of this sport, compared to other sports in which a bike is also used. The purpose of this research was concentrates in describing and classifying the motor behaviours that occur at the end of the transition area, in front of the “judge’s line”. This study was bassed on participants of 3 Spanish Elite Championships of different distances (407 triathletes). It was filmed in the moment when they picked up their bikes, passed through the transition area and mounted their bikes. Eleven different ways were discovered on how to mount a bike when passing the judge’s line.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Réalité augmentée pour les évènements sportifs en direct

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    Ce document traite de la réalité augmentée dans le domaine des courses cyclistes. Nous nous intéresserons plus particulièrement du point de vue du spectateur qui aura l’opportunité d’avoir une perspective différente de la visualisation d’une course, autre que la télévision ou encore d’une application mobile représentant la position des athlètes sur une carte en deux dimensions

    Les passions sportives des dirigeants italiens

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    International audienceAlthough in the first half of the twentieth century Italian leaders would frequently flaunt their sporting skills – from Victor-Emmanuel III’s horse riding to Pius XI’s mountaineering or Benito Mussolini’s varied sports – this attitude was much less frequent in the decades that followed. The standard posture then became that of the keen amateur – as illustrated by Pius XII, Silvio Berlusconi or Giulio Andreotti. It remains that over this period, sport increasingly became an affair of state, with the potential to reinforce the power’s legitimacy.Si, dans la première moitié du XXe siècle, les dirigeants italiens mettaient en scène leurs pratiques sportives – on pense au cavalier Victor-Emmanuel III, à l’alpiniste Pie XI ou au touche-à-tout Benito Mussolini, cela a beaucoup moins été le cas par la suite. La posture affichée devint davantage celle du spectateur enthousiaste, de Pie XII à Silvio Berlusconi en passant par Giulio Andreotti. Ces attitudes n’en traduisaient pas moins que le sport devenait de plus en plus une affaire d’État, propre à renforcer la légitimité du pouvoir


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    This research is aimed at describing translation procedures using in noun phrases at Voilà Magazine. Translation procedures of Vinay and Dalbernet are categorized as direct translation (emprunt borrowings, calque, traduction littérale, literal translation, and indirect translation ( transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation. Based on qualitative method, this research found that borrowings are more dominant in translation than calque and litteral translation. These procedures are used by translator to get semantic or formal equivalence. Transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation are procedures used to get communicative or dynamic equivalence

    Apport des systèmes d'informations [sic] et nouvelles technologies dans le monde du sport

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    De nos jours, l’informatique ainsi que les nouvelles technologies sont présents dans tous les domaines de la société. Par conséquent, il est intéressant de se poser la question de ce qu’apportent ces nouvelles technologies ? Ce travail va, ainsi, permettre de répondre à cette question par rapport à l’informatique et aux nouvelles technologies dans le domaine du sport. En effet, après avoir fait un contexte général des applications informatiques existantes ainsi que des sports les utilisant, une analyse va être faite sur l’apport de ces outils par rapport aux performances des sportifs

    A vélo dans les Alpes au tournant du XXe siècle

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    Das Fahrrad, dessen Urversion 1817 erfunden wurde, erfährt in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 19. Jahrhunderts einen zunehmenden Erfolg. Dank den laufenden technischen Verbesserungen öst das Zweirad in den westlichen Ländern Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts einen Boom aus. Als Symbol der Moderne zieht das Fahrrad speziell auch die Frauen an, die es als Instrument für die Emanzi-pation betrachten. Auch der Tourismus interes-siert sich bald einmal für die Möglichkeiten dieser Art der Fortbewegung. Fahrradverbände wie die Touring Clubs werden gegründet und eine dem Fahrradtourismus gewidmete Literatur entsteht. Unter den führenden Autoren findet man den bri-tischen Journalisten Charles Freeston, der im Jahr 1900 «Cycling in the Alps, a Practical Guide» pu-bliziert. Er beschreibt seine Reisen in den Alpen mit zahlreichen praktischen Angaben und tech-nischen Ratschlägen. Begeistert von den alpinen Passstrassen, die er auf dem Fahrrad mit seiner Ehefrau erklimmt, beschreibt er das ausser-gewöhnliche Vergnügen, das man bei einem solchen Fahrradtreck erleben kann / La bicicletta, il cui antenato risale al 1817, riscon-tra un crescente successo negli ultimi decenni del 19o secolo. Grazie ai costanti miglioramenti tecni-ci, alla fine del secolo i Paesi occidentali vedono un vero e proprio boom del velocipede. Simbolo di modernità, la bicicletta attira anche le donne, che la considerano uno strumento di emancipa-zione. Ben presto il settore turistico si interessa alle possibilità offerte da questo mezzo di locomo-zione. Vengono istituite associazioni di ciclisti quali i Touring Club e si sviluppa un genere lette-rario incentrato sul cicloturismo. Fra i suoi espo-nenti figura il giornalista britannico Charles Free-ston che pubblica nel 1900 «Cycling in the Alps, a Practical Guide» raccogliendovi i resoconti dei suoi viaggi nelle Alpi, arricchiti di numerose indi-cazioni pratiche e consigli tecnici. Entusiasta del-le salite che affronta con sua moglie in bicicletta, egli esprime il particolare piacere che si può trarre da un impegnativo itinerario su due ruote attra-verso i passi alpini

    French Cycling

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    French Cycling: a Social and Cultural History aims to provide a balanced and detailed analytical survey of the complex leisure activity, sport, and industry that is cycling in France. Identifying key events, practices, stakeholders and institutions in the history of French cycling, the volume presents an interdisciplinary analysis of how cycling has been significant in French society and culture since the late Nineteenth century. Based on a very wide range of primary and secondary sources, the volume aims to present in clear language an explanation of the varied significance of cycling in France over the last hundred years

    Cycling, Performance and the Common Good: Copenhagenizing Canada’s Capital

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    This article explores how bicycle travel is changing Ottawa. I argue cycling is transforming Ottawa’s unique production of urban mobility, as a capital and a city of people. Challenging behavioural research on cycling and neoliberal approaches to its expansion, which emphasize individual responsibilities and intentions to bike, this article analyzes the changing moral worth of cycling and its embodied performance. I draw on research by Laurent Thévenot and Luc Boltanski to show how the morality and performance of cycling are interconnected. My analysis draws on a larger mixed methods study on urban mobility in Ottawa undertaken between 2007and 2012, and recent follow-up analysis on changes in cycling policy and cycling infrastructure between 2012 and 2015