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    Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection ALBAYZIN 2012 evaluation: overview, systems, results and discussion

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1687-4722-2013-23Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection (QbE STD) aims at retrieving data from a speech data repository given an acoustic query containing the term of interest as input. Nowadays, it has been receiving much interest due to the high volume of information stored in audio or audiovisual format. QbE STD differs from automatic speech recognition (ASR) and keyword spotting (KWS)/spoken term detection (STD) since ASR is interested in all the terms/words that appear in the speech signal and KWS/STD relies on a textual transcription of the search term to retrieve the speech data. This paper presents the systems submitted to the ALBAYZIN 2012 QbE STD evaluation held as a part of ALBAYZIN 2012 evaluation campaign within the context of the IberSPEECH 2012 Conferencea. The evaluation consists of retrieving the speech files that contain the input queries, indicating their start and end timestamps within the appropriate speech file. Evaluation is conducted on a Spanish spontaneous speech database containing a set of talks from MAVIR workshopsb, which amount at about 7 h of speech in total. We present the database metric systems submitted along with all results and some discussion. Four different research groups took part in the evaluation. Evaluation results show the difficulty of this task and the limited performance indicates there is still a lot of room for improvement. The best result is achieved by a dynamic time warping-based search over Gaussian posteriorgrams/posterior phoneme probabilities. This paper also compares the systems aiming at establishing the best technique dealing with that difficult task and looking for defining promising directions for this relatively novel task.Tejedor, J.; Toledano, DT.; Anguera, X.; Varona, A.; Hurtado Oliver, LF.; Miguel, A.; Colás, J. (2013). Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection ALBAYZIN 2012 evaluation: overview, systems, results and discussion. EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing. (23):1-17. doi:10.1186/1687-4722-2013-23S11723Zhang T, Kuo CCJ: Hierarchical classification of audio data for archiving and retrieving. In Proceedings of ICASSP. Phoenix; 15–19 March 1999:3001-3004.Helén M, Virtanen T: Query by example of audio signals using Euclidean distance between Gaussian Mixture Models. In Proceedings of ICASSP. Honolulu; 15–20 April 2007:225-228.Helén M, Virtanen T: Audio query by example using similarity measures between probability density functions of features. EURASIP J. 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