3,878 research outputs found

    Immigration Detainers, Local Discretion, and State Law\u27s Historical Constraints

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    This thesis is an effort to investigate the operation and the performanceof modular multilevel converters (M2Cs). Proven to be the most promisingtopology in high-voltage high-power applications, it is necessary to put aneffort in understanding the physical laws that govern the internal dynamicsof such converters, in order to design appropriate control methods. AlthoughM2Cs belong to the well-studied family of voltage-source converters (VSCs),and claim a modular structure, their control is significantly more complicatedcompared to two- or three-level VSCs, due to the fact that a much highernumber of switches and capacitors are needed in such a topology. This thesishighlights the important parameters that should be considered when designingthe control for an M2C, through analyzing its internal dynamics, and alsosuggests ways to control such converters ensuring stable operation withoutcompromising the performance of the converter.Special focus is given on ac motor-drive applications as they are very demandingand challenging for the converter performance. Interactions betweenthe internal dynamics and the dynamics of the driven motor are experimentallyinvestigated. The problem of operating the converter when connectedto a motor standing still is visited, even under the condition that a greatamount of torque and current are requested, in order to provide an idea forthe converter requirements under such conditions. Finally, an optimization ofthe converter operation is suggested in order to avoid overrating the convertercomponents in certain operation areas that this is possible.All analytical investigations presented in this thesis are confirmed by experimentalresults on a laboratory prototype converter, which was developedfor the purposes of this project. Experimental verification proves the validityof the theoretical investigations, as well as the correct performance of thecontrol methods developed during this project on a real, physical converter,hoping that the results of this thesis will be useful for large-scale implementations,in the mega- or even giga-watt power range.Denna avhandling Ă€r ett försök att undersöka drift och egenskaper avmodulĂ€ra multinivĂ„omvandlare (M2C:er). Eftersom denna topologi anses varaden mest lovande inom högspĂ€nings-högeffekt-tillĂ€mpningar Ă€r, och somett underlag för att kunna formulera lĂ€mpliga styrmetoder, Ă€r det nödvĂ€ndigtatt lĂ€gga kraft i att försöka förstĂ„de fysikaliska lagar som styr den inredynamiken i sĂ„dana omvandlare. Även om M2C:erna tillhör den vĂ€lstuderadefamiljen av spĂ€nningsstyva omvandlare (VSC:er), och har en modulĂ€rstruktur, Ă€r deras reglering avsevĂ€rt mer komplicerad jĂ€mfört med tvĂ„- ellertre-nivĂ„omvandlare, eftersom ett mycket större antal switchar och kondensatorerĂ€r nödvĂ€ndiga i en sĂ„dan topologi. Denna avhandling sĂ€tter fingretpĂ„ de parametrar som mĂ„ste beaktas nĂ€r man konstruerar regleringen för enM2C, genom att analysera den interna dynamiken, samt att föreslĂ„ sĂ€tt attstyra sĂ„dana omvandlare sĂ„att stabil drift kan sĂ€kerstĂ€llas utan att negativtpĂ„verka prestanda.Ett speciellt fokus lĂ€ggs pĂ„ vĂ€xelströmsmotordrifter eftersom de Ă€r sĂ€rskiltutmanande vad gĂ€ller prestanda. VĂ€xelverkan mellan den interna dynamikenoch motorns dynamik undersöks experimentellt. Problemet att driva motornvid stillestĂ„nd behandlas Ă€ven i fallet med hög ström och högt moment för atterhĂ„lla kunskap om kraven pĂ„omvandlaren i sĂ„dana fall. Slutligen föreslĂ„s enoptimering av omvandlarens drifttillstĂ„nd för att undvika överdimensioneringav omvandlarens komponenter i de fall detta Ă€r möjligt.Alla analytiska undersökningar som lĂ€ggs fram i denna avhandling Ă€r bekrĂ€ftadegenom experimentella resultat frĂ„n en laboratorieomvandlare, somutvecklats inom ramen för detta arbete. Den experimentella verifieringen bevisargiltigheten av alla teoretiska undersökningar. Den visar ocksĂ„ pĂ„ demycket goda prestanda som de utvecklade styrmetoderna har vid drift aven verklig fysisk omvandlare. Förhoppningen Ă€r att resultaten frĂ„n detta arbetekan komma till anvĂ€nding i storskaliga implementerinar i mega- ellergiga-wattklassen.QC 20141201</p

    “Affordable Housing” as Metaphor

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    Airports, Droneports, and the New Urban Airspace

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    Public Fora Purpose: Analyzing Viewpoint Discrimination on the President’s Twitter Account

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    Today, protectable speech takes many forms in many spaces. This Note is about the spaces. This Note discusses whether President Donald J. Trump’s personal Twitter account functions as a public forum, and if so, whether blocking constituents from said account amounts to viewpoint discrimination—a First Amendment freedom of speech violation. Part I introduces the core legal devices and doctrines that have developed in freedom of speech jurisprudence relating to issues of public fora. Part II analyzes whether social media generally serves as public fora, whether the President’s personal Twitter account is a public forum, and whether his recent habit of blocking constituents from that account amounts to viewpoint discrimination. In doing so, Part II also addresses the applicability of the recent decision from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Davison v. Loudoun County Board of Supervisors—wherein a local county government official was held to have engaged in viewpoint discrimination for banning a constituent from her personal social media account—to the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University’s pending case against the President for the same. Part III then suggests multiple approaches for courts to analyze these claims, while taking account of an analytical mismatch that occurs when trying to apply the Davison case to the case brought against the President

    No, You “Stand Up”: Why Prosecutors Should Stop Hiding Behind Grand Juries

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    This Article argues that prosecutors should not allow grand juries to consider indicting defendants whom the prosecutors themselves believe should not be indicted. To illustrate the problems with this practice, this Article uses the example of St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert P. McCulloch – who encouraged deliberations by the grand jury that heard evidence concerning the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, despite personally believing that Brown’s killer, police officer Darren Wilson, should not be indicted. The arguments against allowing grand juries to conduct such needless deliberations include: (1) the exercise wastes the time of citizens forced to serve on grand juries; (2) the deliberations might, despite the prosecutor’s wishes, result in indictments contrary to the interests of justice; and (3) by “passing the buck” to the grand jury, the prosecutor evades accountability for his own decisions

    University Trademarks and “Mixed Speech” on College Campuses: A Case Study of Gerlich v. Leath and Student Free Speech Rights

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    Higher education has long been a fundamental building block upon which American democracy is based. The guarantee of free speech is itself a revered liberty in the American polity; it has, in turn, served as the catalyst for higher education. Recent events on college campuses continue to reexamine universities’ role in their students’ education and push the legal boundaries on student speech rights. In many instances, however, students’ speech and expressive viewpoint conflicts with that of other students. Other times, students’ speech conflicts with the expressive interests of their university. This Article examines the latter instance in the context of university trademarks. Gerlich v. Leath, a recent decision by the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, serves as a case study to elaborate on the complexities that arise when analyzing free speech rights in instances where students’ expressive interests often compete with, and sometimes conflict with, those of public colleges and universities.

    The Heckler's Veto Today

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    The idea of a heckler's veto over disfavored speech has been familiar for more than half a century. Roughly put, the heckler's veto doctrine holds that opponents of a speaker should not be permitted to suppress the speech in question through their own threatened or actual violence. As it turns out, though, the meaning, status, and scope of the idea of a heckler's veto are today surprisingly far from clear. Part II considers the relevant case law. Part III discusses related events and commentary. This Article concludes that American legal culture is unlikely to arrive at any consensual resolution of many of the conflicts and uncertainties in question. Understanding why no such consensual resolution of basic heckler's veto questions is likely to shed light on the nature of contemporary legal and political controversies more generally
