15 research outputs found

    Novel Interaction Techniques for Mobile Augmented Reality applications. A Systematic Literature Review

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    This study reviews the research on interaction techniques and methods that could be applied in mobile augmented reality scenarios. The review is focused on themost recent advances and considers especially the use of head-mounted displays. Inthe review process, we have followed a systematic approach, which makes the reviewtransparent, repeatable, and less prone to human errors than if it was conducted in amore traditional manner. The main research subjects covered in the review are headorientation and gaze-tracking, gestures and body part-tracking, and multimodality– as far as the subjects are related to human-computer interaction. Besides these,also a number of other areas of interest will be discussed.Siirretty Doriast

    Novel Interaction Techniques for Mobile Augmented Reality Applications – A Systematic Literature Review

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    This study reviews the research on interaction techniques and methods that could be applied in mobile augmented reality scenarios. The review is focused on the most recent advances and considers especially the use of head-mounted displays. In the review process, we have followed a systematic approach, which makes the review transparent, repeatable, and less prone to human errors than if it was conducted in a more traditional manner. The main research subjects covered in the review are head orientation and gaze tracking, gestures and body part tracking, and multimodality&ndash; as far as the subjects are related to human-computer interaction. Besides these, also a number of other areas of interest will be discussed.</p

    Motivation and User Engagement in Fitness Tracking: Heuristics for Mobile Healthcare Wearables

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    Wearable fitness trackers have gained a new level of popularity due to their ambient data gathering and analysis. This has signalled a trend toward self-efficacy and increased motivation among users of these devices. For consumers looking to improve their health, fitness trackers offer a way to more readily gain motivation via the personal data-based insights the devices offer. However, the user experience (UX) that accompanies wearables is critical to helping users interpret, understand, gain motivation and act on their data. Despite this, there is little evidence as to specific aspects of fitness tracker user engagement and long-term motivation. We report on a 4-week situated diary study and Healthcare Technology Self-efficacy (HTSE) questionnaire assessment of 34 users of two popular American fitness trackers: JawBone and FitBit. The study results illustrate design implications and requirements for fitness trackers and other self-efficacy mobile healthcare applications.We would like to thank all users who participated in this research as well as Experience Dynamics, Inc. for providing the necessary resources and coordinating the user diary study. This study has been supported by financial aid from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project ECO2012-36160; Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the Fondo Europeo de Desarollo Regional (FEDER) under the project ECO2015-67296-R and, Communidad de Madrid and Fondo Social Europeo under the project INNCOMCON-CM S2015/HUM-3417

    Networked volunteering during the 2013 Sardinian floods

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    The article describes how ordinary citizens used Twitter as an emergency-management tool during the heavy floods that occurred in Sardinia, Italy, in November 2013. The case study constitutes an example of digital volunteering in the aftermath of a disaster event. The article applies the connective action framework (Bennet &amp; Segerberg, 2012) for a deeper understanding of the dynamics of self-organized disaster communication activities on social media. Utilizing a dataset of 93,091 tweets that used the hashtag #allertameteoSAR (weather alert in Sardinia), the analysis focuses on: 1) the roles and patterns of influence among the main actors; and 2) the strategies for a peer ‘curation’ and sharing of a disaster-recovery oriented communication. The article highlights the role of Twitter celebrities and engaged ordinary users as digital volunteers and explains how they succeeded in activating bottom-up disaster-relief oriented communication

    Google Glass Creative Tourism Experience: A Case Study of Manchester Art Gallery

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    Due to the novelty factor of Google Glass, specifically in Europe, only few research attempts were made of the potential of Google Glass. The present study aims to explore visitor’s first time usage behavior of Google Glass within the cultural context. In total, 29 Art Gallery visitors tested the Google Glass prototype application “Museum Zoom” and took part in an interview. The data were analyzed using content analysis and revealed that among all age groups, the majority of visitors had a favourable opinion regarding the usage of Google Glass within Art Gallery settings. This exploratory study revealed that users were able to quickly adjust to the novel interaction and generally perceived the device to enhance the Art Gallery visitors experience though the provision of additional content and easy to use as well as social networking functions. Although technological issues remained, participants were curious to interact with the device

    Examining Belonging and The Fear of Missing Out in Relation to Social Media Use: A Two-Part Study

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    We conducted two survey studies to better understand how using social media relates to differing outcomes in perceptions of social support and the Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) in college students (N = 251, N = 529, respectively). Correlation analyses revealed higher levels of FoMO were most strongly related to scrolling behaviors on social media, whereas posting behaviors were correlated with increased feelings of belonging and lower levels of FoMO. No significant correlation was found between perceived online social support and FoMO. Finally, no significant gender differences in FoMO were found. These behavior-based relationships are likely linked to people\u27s innate need for belonging. The results of our studies suggest that posting (rather than scrolling) relates to more feelings of belonging and fewer feelings of missing out. Limitations and future directions are further addressed

    Agrandissement d'un écran mobile par réalité augmentée

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    Les rĂ©centes et importantes avancĂ©es dans la recherche et en industrie promettent Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© augmentĂ©e (RA) de s’intĂ©grer profondĂ©ment dans nos vies personnelles et professionnelles, malgrĂ© des limites technologiques encore existantes, pour augmenter nos perceptions du rĂ©el et les interactions avec nos environnements. Nous proposons d’utiliser la RA pour Ă©tendre l’écran d’un tĂ©lĂ©phone, au-delĂ  de ses limites physiques, avec un Ă©cran virtuel coplanaire, synchronisĂ© et suivant ses mouvements, crĂ©ant la perception d’un unique grand Ă©cran Ă©tendu tenu en main. Nous appelons cette extension Virtuality Extended Screen-Aligned Display (VESAD). Nous dĂ©crivons les modes de vues possibles avec cette affichage : vue multi-fenĂȘtres, supportant du multi-tĂąche, et vue Ă©tendue, oĂč une application utilise tout l’écran Ă©tendu. Nous prĂ©sentons aussi deux nouvelles techniques d’interaction : wrist, oĂč l’utilisateur fait une rotation rapide du poignet pour substituer l’affichage avec un autre, et slide-to-hang pour dĂ©tacher l’écran Ă©tendu en une fenĂȘtre virtuelle sĂ©parĂ©e du tĂ©lĂ©phone. Nous dĂ©crivons ensuite la conception de notre propre visiocasque de RA Ă  large champ de vision (100°×98° pour chaque oeil), permettant de voir complĂštement l’écran Ă©tendu, ainsi que le dĂ©veloppement de notre bibliothĂšque libre de RA ArucoUnity, qui porte sur le moteur 3D Unity les fonctions de suivi de marqueurs et de calibration de camĂ©ra de la bibliothĂšque libre de vision par ordinateur OpenCV. Nous menons ensuite une Ă©tude expĂ©rimentale pour Ă©valuer, d’une part, les avantages d’un tĂ©lĂ©phone Ă  Ă©cran Ă©tendu par rapport Ă  un tĂ©lĂ©phone non Ă©tendu et, d’autre part, pour comparer l’utilisation de l’écran tactile Ă  des interactions avec la main sur l’écran virtuel. Nous rĂ©pliquons une tĂąche de classement issue de la littĂ©rature sur les affichages muraux, impliquant de la navigation et des sĂ©lections. Nos rĂ©sultats indiquent que la combinaison du tĂ©lĂ©phone Ă  Ă©cran Ă©tendu avec les interactions tactiles s’est montrĂ©e la plus rapide, en particulier quand la tĂąche Ă©tait maĂźtrisĂ©e des participants, et la plus performante en termes de navigation. Elle a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e des participants. NĂ©anmoins, plusieurs participants ont vu plus de potentiel dans les interactions avec la main virtuelle avec l’écran Ă©tendu. Nous donnons enfin des recommandations d’implĂ©mentation, de conception d’interface et de techniques d’interaction pour un VESAD

    Avaliação de pontos de referĂȘncia com uso de QR-code para posicionamento em ambiente indoor

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    Orientadora : ProfÂȘ. DrÂȘ. Luciene Stamato DelazariDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de CiĂȘncias da Terra, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em CiĂȘncias GeodĂ©sicas. Defesa: Curitiba, 29/07/2016Inclui referĂȘncias : f. 81-87Resumo: O crescimento da utilização de dados geoespaciais associado com a facilidade de acesso a eles atravĂ©s de dispositivos mĂłveis, contribuem para o surgimento e crescimento das aplicaçÔes voltadas para o mapeamento indoor (POTIGIE-TER, 2015). As aplicaçÔes, em geral, tĂȘm por objetivo auxiliar os usuĂĄrios em ambientes indoor desconhecidos, pois as pessoas facilmente sentem-se deso-rientadas nestes ambientes (SI; ARIKAWA, 2015). Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar o uso de marcadores implantados em possĂ­veis pontos de re-ferĂȘncia para a determinação do posicionamento do usuĂĄrio em um ambiente indoor. TambĂ©m Ă© avaliado se estes pontos sĂŁo de fato usados como referĂȘn-cia e se o posicionamento determinado apenas em pontos de referĂȘncia Ă© o suficiente para o usuĂĄrio se orientar. Com o auxĂ­lio da cĂąmera de um dispositi-vo mĂłvel (tablet) Ă© realizado o reconhecimento de um marcador visual que re-cupera a posição do usuĂĄrio e a apresenta na interface em um mapa esquemĂĄ-tico do ambiente, portanto esta abordagem requer a colocação de novas infra-estruturas no meio ambiente e o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de visua-lização. O refinamento e validação do projeto foram efetuados por meio do en-volvimento do usuĂĄrio em um estudo-piloto e os resultados sĂŁo consequĂȘncias de anĂĄlises baseadas nos testes com os usuĂĄrios. AtravĂ©s da anĂĄlise dos tes-tes foi possĂ­vel notar que as pessoas se orientavam de maneira distinta dentro do mesmo ambiente e utilizavam como principais pontos de referĂȘncia estabe-lecimentos comerciais, escadas e banheiros, em geralos pontos de referĂȘncias do tipo estrutural foram os pontos mais utilizados como suporte a navegação e orientação. Palavras-Chave: Mapeamento indoor, Orientação espacial, QR-Code, Pontos de referĂȘncia, Posicionamento indoor.Abstract: The growing use of geospatial data associated with ease access to them through mobile devices contributes to emergence and applications growth for indoor mapping (POTIGIETER, 2015). The applications, in general, aim to as-sist users in unknown indoor environments, since people easily feel disoriented in these environments (SI; ARIKAWA, 2015). This research aims to verify the use of markers implanted in possible reference points to determine user posi-tion in an indoor environment. It is also evaluated whether these points are in fact used as a reference and if positioning determined only in reference points is enough for the user to orientation. The recognition of a visual marker is per-formed with a mobile device camera with a mobile device camera which recov-ers the user as position and also presents it in the interface. This approach re-quires the placement of new Infrastructure in environment and development a visualization tool. The refinement and validation this project were done through user involvement in a pilot study and results are consequences of analysis based on user testing. Through the analysis tests it was possible to notice that people oriented themselves differently within same environment and used as main reference points commercial establishments, stairs and bathrooms, in general, reference points structural type were most used points as support na-vigation and guidance. Keywords: Indoor mapping, Spatial orientation, QR-Code, Landmarks, Indoor positioning

    Landscapes of Affective Interaction: Young Children's Enactive Engagement with Body Metaphors

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    Empirical research into embodied meaning making suggests specific sensorimotor experiences can support children’s understanding of abstract science ideas. This view is aligned with enactive and grounded cognition perspectives, both centred in the view that our ability to conceptualise emerges from our experiences of interaction with our environment. While much of this research has focused on understanding action and action processes in individual children or children in pairs, less attention has been paid to affective dimensions of young children’s group interaction, and how this relates to meaning making with body metaphors. Indeed, Gallagher describes how no action exists in a vacuum, but rather revolves around a complex web of affective-pragmatic features comprising a ‘Landscape of Interaction’ (2020, p.42). This research project addresses gaps in research in understanding young children’s affective engagement from an enactivist cognition perspective. It takes a Design-Based Research approach with an iterative design orientation to examine young children’s interaction with multisensory body-based metaphors through an embodied participation framework. A series of empirical studies with young children, aged 2-7 years, comprising of experiential workshops, build iteratively upon each other. A novel theoretically informed method, Affective Imagination in Motion, is developed involving several purpose-built multisensory body metaphors prompts to enable access to dimensions of young children’s affective engagement. This research makes theoretical and methodological contributions. It extends the theoretical notion of ‘affect’ from enactive and grounded cognition perspectives through identifying key interactive processes in young children’s engagement with multisensory action metaphors. In addition, the novel method offers a contribution as a way of ‘looking’ at affect within a group situation from affective-pragmatic and social embodiment perspectives. Finally, the research contributes to embodied learning design frameworks offering a guideline for designers wishing to inform their work from enactive cognition perspective