42 research outputs found

    Enhanced Version of Multi-algorithm Genetically Adaptive for Multiobjective optimization

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    Abstract: Multi-objective EAs (MOEAs) are well established population-based techniques for solving various search and optimization problems. MOEAs employ different evolutionary operators to evolve populations of solutions for approximating the set of optimal solutions of the problem at hand in a single simulation run. Different evolutionary operators suite different problems. The use of multiple operators with a self-adaptive capability can further improve the performance of existing MOEAs. This paper suggests an enhanced version of a genetically adaptive multi-algorithm for multi-objective (AMAL-GAM) optimisation which includes differential evolution (DE), particle swarm optimization (PSO), simulated binary crossover (SBX), Pareto archive evolution strategy (PAES) and simplex crossover (SPX) for population evolution during the course of optimization. We examine the performance of this enhanced version of AMALGAM experimentally over two different test suites, the ZDT test problems and the test instances designed recently for the special session on MOEA?s competition at the Congress of Evolutionary Computing of 2009 (CEC?09). The suggested algorithm has found better approximate solutions on most test problems in terms of inverted generational distance (IGD) as the metric indicator. - See more at: http://thesai.org/Publications/ViewPaper?Volume=6&Issue=12&Code=ijacsa&SerialNo=37#sthash.lxkuyzEf.dpu

    A Global Optimisation Toolbox for Massively Parallel Engineering Optimisation

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    A software platform for global optimisation, called PaGMO, has been developed within the Advanced Concepts Team (ACT) at the European Space Agency, and was recently released as an open-source project. PaGMO is built to tackle high-dimensional global optimisation problems, and it has been successfully used to find solutions to real-life engineering problems among which the preliminary design of interplanetary spacecraft trajectories - both chemical (including multiple flybys and deep-space maneuvers) and low-thrust (limited, at the moment, to single phase trajectories), the inverse design of nano-structured radiators and the design of non-reactive controllers for planetary rovers. Featuring an arsenal of global and local optimisation algorithms (including genetic algorithms, differential evolution, simulated annealing, particle swarm optimisation, compass search, improved harmony search, and various interfaces to libraries for local optimisation such as SNOPT, IPOPT, GSL and NLopt), PaGMO is at its core a C++ library which employs an object-oriented architecture providing a clean and easily-extensible optimisation framework. Adoption of multi-threaded programming ensures the efficient exploitation of modern multi-core architectures and allows for a straightforward implementation of the island model paradigm, in which multiple populations of candidate solutions asynchronously exchange information in order to speed-up and improve the optimisation process. In addition to the C++ interface, PaGMO's capabilities are exposed to the high-level language Python, so that it is possible to easily use PaGMO in an interactive session and take advantage of the numerous scientific Python libraries available.Comment: To be presented at 'ICATT 2010: International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques

    An ant system algorithm for automated trajectory planning

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    The paper presents an Ant System based algorithm to optimally plan multi-gravity assist trajectories. The algorithm is designed to solve planning problems in which there is a strong dependency of one decision one all the previously made decisions. In the case of multi-gravity assist trajectories planning, the number of possible paths grows exponentially with the number of planetary encounters. The proposed algorithm avoids scanning all the possible paths and provides good results at a low computational cost. The algorithm builds the solution incrementally, according to Ant System paradigms. Unlike standard ACO, at every planetary encounter, each ant makes a decision based on the information stored in a tabu and feasible list. The approach demonstrated to be competitive, on a number of instances of a real trajectory design problem, against known GA and PSO algorithms

    A study of operator and parameter choices in non-revisiting genetic algorithm

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    We study empirically the effects of operator and parameter choices on the performance of the non-revisiting genetic algorithm (NrGA). For a suite of 14 benchmark functions that include both uni-modal and multi-modal functions, it is found that NrGA is insensitive to the axis resolution of the problem, which is a good feature. From the empirical experiments, for operators, it is found that crossover is an essential operator for NrGA, and the best crossover operator is uniform crossover, while the best selection operator is elitist selection. For parameters, a small population, with a population size strictly larger than 1, should be used; the performance is monotonically increasing with crossover rate and the optimal crossover rate is 0.5. The results of this paper provide empirical guidelines for operator designs and parameter settings of NrGA. © 2009 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Aesthetic design using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

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    The use of computational methodologies for the optimization of aesthetic parameters is not frequent mainly due to the fact that these parameters are not quantifiable and are subjective. In this work an interactive methodology based on the use of multi-objective optimization algorithms is proposed. This strategy associates the results of different optimization runs considering the existent quantifiable objectives and different sets of boundary conditions concerning the decision variables, as defined by an expert decision maker. The associated results will serve as initial population of solutions for a final optimization run. The idea is that a more global picture of potential ”good” solutions can be found. At the end this will facilitate the work of the expert decision maker since more solutions are available. The method was applied to a case study and the preliminary results obtained showed the potentially of the strategy adopted.One of the authors acknowledges the financial support received by the Portuguese Science Foundation under grant SFRH/BD/44600/ 2008

    Hybrid Predictive Models for Accurate Forecasting in PV Systems

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    The accurate forecasting of energy production from renewable sources represents an important topic also looking at different national authorities that are starting to stimulate a greater responsibility towards plants using non-programmable renewables. In this paper the authors use advanced hybrid evolutionary techniques of computational intelligence applied to photovoltaic systems forecasting, analyzing the predictions obtained by comparing different definitions of the forecasting error

    Fuzzy adaptive parameter control of a late acceptance hyper-heuristic

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    A traditional iterative selection hyper-heuristic which manages a set of low level heuristics relies on two core components, a method for selecting a heuristic to apply at a given point, and a method to decide whether or not to accept the result of the heuristic application. In this paper, we present an initial study of a fuzzy system to control the list-size parameter of late- acceptance move acceptance method as a selection hyper-heuristic component. The performance of the fuzzy controlled selection hyper-heuristic is compared to its fixed parameter version and the best hyper-heuristic from a competition on the MAX-SAT problem domain. The results illustrate that a fuzzy control system can potentially be effective within a hyper-heuristic improving its performance

    Continuous non-revisiting genetic algorithm

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    The non-revisiting genetic algorithm (NrGA) is extended to handle continuous search space. The extended NrGA model, Continuous NrGA (cNrGA), employs the same tree-structure archive of NrGA to memorize the evaluated solutions, in which the search space is divided into non-overlapped partitions according to the distribution of the solutions. cNrGA is a bi-modulus evolutionary algorithm consisting of the genetic algorithm module (GAM) and the adaptive mutation module (AMM). When GAM generates an offspring, the offspring is sent to AMM and is mutated according to the density of the solutions stored in the memory archive. For a point in the search space with high solution-density, it infers a high probability that the point is close to the optimum and hence a near search is suggested. Alternatively, a far search is recommended for a point with low solution-density. Benefitting from the space partitioning scheme, a fast solution-density approximation is obtained. Also, the adaptive mutation scheme naturally avoid the generation of out-of-bound solutions. The performance of cNrGA is tested on 14 benchmark functions on dimensions ranging from 2 to 40. It is compared with real coded GA, differential evolution, covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy and two improved particle swarm optimization. The simulation results show that cNrGA outperforms the other algorithms for multi-modal function optimization.published_or_final_versio