22,784 research outputs found

    Human natural killer cell committed thymocytes and their relation to the T cell lineage.

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    Recent studies have demonstrated that mature natural killer (NK) cells can be grown from human triple negative (TN; CD3-, CD4-, CD8-) thymocytes, suggesting that a common NK/T cell precursor exists within the thymus that can give rise to both NK cells and T cells under appropriate conditions. In the present study, we have investigated human fetal and postnatal thymus to determine whether NK cells and their precursors exist within this tissue and whether NK cells can be distinguished from T cell progenitors. Based on the surface expression of CD56 (an NK cell-associated antigen) and CD5 (a T cell-associated antigen), three phenotypically distinctive populations of TN thymocytes were identified. CD56+, CD5-; CD56-, CD5-, and CD56-, CD5+. The CD56+, CD5- population of TN thymocytes, although displaying a low cytolytic function against NK sensitive tumor cell targets, were similar in antigenic phenotype to fetal liver NK cells, gave rise to NK cell clones, and were unable to generate T cells in mouse fetal thymic organ cultures (mFTOC). This population of thymocytes represents a relatively mature population of lineage-committed NK cells. The CD56-, CD5- population of TN thymocytes were similar to thymic NK cells in antigenic phenotype and NK cell clonogenic potential. Clones derived from this population of TN thymocytes acquired CD56 surface expression and NK cell cytolytic function. CD56-, CD5- TN thymocytes thus contain a novel population of NK cell-committed precursors. The CD56-, CD5- population of TN thymocytes also contains a small percentage of CD34+ cells, which demonstrate no in vitro clonogenic potential, but possess T cell reconstituting capabilities in mFTOC. The majority of TN thymocytes do not express CD56, but coexpress CD34 and CD5. These CD56-, CD5+, CD34+ cells demonstrate no NK or T cell clonogenic potential, but are extremely efficient in repopulating mFTOC and differentiating into CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ T cells. The results of this investigation have identified NK cells and NK cell precursors in the human thymus and have shown that these cell types are unable to differentiate along the T cell lineage pathway. Thus, while a common NK/T cell progenitor likely exists, once committed to the NK cell lineage these cells no longer have the capacity to develop along the T cell developmental pathway

    Monoreactive high affinity and polyreactive low affinity rheumatoid factors are produced by CD5+ B cells from patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

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    In patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), circulating CD5+ B lymphocytes, but not CD5- B lymphocytes, are increased in number and size, exist in an activated state, spontaneously proliferate, and secrete Ig that binds to the Fc fragment of IgG. By constructing continuous mAb-secreting cell lines from CD5+ B lymphocytes, the properties and dissociation constants (Kd) of these antibodies were determined. Two types of rheumatoid factors (RFs) with discrete reactivities were produced. The first type is polyreactive and binds with relatively low affinity (Kd, 10(-5) mol/liter) to the Fc fragment of IgG. These antibodies are similar to those produced by CD5+ B cells from healthy subjects. The second type of RF is monoreactive and binds with higher affinity (Kd, 10(-7) mol/liter) to the Fc fragment of IgG. These latter autoantibodies are produced by CD5+ B cells of RA patients, but not healthy subjects. Long-term longitudinal studies are needed to determine the role of these two types of RFs in the pathogenesis of RA

    The re-emergence of the B1 cell compartment : is this a pre-lymphoma stage?

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    Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) are in some cases stereotyped for immunoglobulin variants in different populations, suggesting emergence of B cell subsets following presentation of the same antigen. CLL cells may originate from CD5+ naïve cells and from CD5 memory cells. Gene expression studies characterized a common cell of origin of the two clinical categories of CLL; the unmutated aggressive type and the mutated indolent type. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of CD5 positive B cells in the elderly and their potential stimulation with exosomes derived from tumor cells. The findings from this study is aimed to create a model to identify instigating carcinomatous factors that may stimulate B1 cells to transform into a CLL-like model. In this study we show that CD19\textsuperscript+ cells (B cells) in cord blood have a high expression of CD5. CD19/CD5 staining of blood samples from senior citizens showed the presence of B cells which also express the CD5 marker, though at a lower expression when compared to CLL cells (CD19+/CD5 dim B cells). Measurement of clonality using λ/Κ flow cytometry staining show a monoclonal origin of the human CD19+/CD5 dim B cells. Monoclonal B cell Lymphocytosis in the elderly is a potential cell compartment that represents the origin of B cell proliferative disorders. The origin of the B cell proliferative disease requires antigen stimulation. A preliminary experiment showed that sorted lymphocytes can be stimulated by exosomes isolated from 2 cancer cells lines, A549 (lung epithelial) and PC3 (prostate cell line). In comparison with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and phorbolmyristate acetate (PMA), known lymphocyte stimulators, the exosomes stimulated the proliferation of monocytic-like cells. Further characterization is required to know the origin of these cells. The result shows that one can speculate that exosomes present cancer-derived antigens and stimulate cell proliferation. Further studies are required to evaluate the potential transformation capacity of cancer-derived exosomes. In addition, various cytokines were measured in the sera of senior citizens to investigate a differential release of cytokines in the presence or absence of the CD19+/CD5 dim B cells. Cytokines examined were not significantly different between the 2 groups and further evaluation of cytokine levels is required.peer-reviewe

    Autoantibody-associated kappa light chain variable region gene expressed in chronic lymphocytic leukemia with little or no somatic mutation. Implications for etiology and immunotherapy.

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    Recently the minor B cell subpopulation that expresses the CD5 (Leu-1) antigen has been implicated as a source of IgM autoantibodies. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the most common leukemia in humans, represents a malignancy of small B lymphocytes that also express the CD5 antigen. However, little is known concerning the antibody variable region genes (V genes) that are used by these malignant CD5 B cells. We have found that a relatively high frequency of CLL patients have leukemic B cells with surface immunoglobulin (sIg) recognized by 17.109, a murine mAb specific for a kappa light chain associated crossreactive idiotype (CRI) associated with rheumatoid factor and other IgM autoantibodies. Flow cytometric analyses revealed that the relative expression of the 17.109-CRI by circulating leukemic B cells was directly proportional to the levels of sIg kappa light chain, indicating that there exists stable idiotype expression in the leukemic population. To examine this at the molecular level, the nucleic acid sequences encoding the Ig kappa light chains of two unrelated patients with CLL bearing sIg with the 17.109-CRI were determined. Analyses of multiple independent kappa light chain cDNA clones did not reveal any evidence for sequence heterogeneity in the CLL cell population. Furthermore, the nucleic acid sequences expressed by the leukemic cells of these two patients were identical or very homologous to a germline V kappa gene isolated from placental DNA, designated Humkv 325, or "V kappa RF" because of its association with IgM autoantibodies. This study suggests; (a) that the malignant CD5+ B lymphocytes in CLL use the same V kappa gene that has been highly associated with IgM autoantibodies and (b) that the expression of V genes is stable in CLL, in contrast to other B cell malignancies examined to date. We propose that many CLL cases represent malignancies of autoreactive CD5 B cells that use a restricted set of conserved V genes. This property may render CLL particularly amenable to immunotherapy with antiidiotypic antibodies

    High CXCR3 on leukemic cells distinguishes IgHV(mut) from IgHV(unmut) in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Evidence from CD5(high) and CD5(low) clones

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    Despite the shared pattern of surface antigens, neoplastic cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are highly heterogeneous in CD5 expression, a marker linked to a proliferative pool of neoplastic cells. To further characterize CD5(high) and CD5(low) neoplastic cells, we assessed the chemokine receptors (CCR5, CCR7, CCR10, CXCR3, CXCR4, CXCR5) and adhesion molecules (CD54, CD62L, CD49d) on the CD5(high)and CD5(low) subpopulations, defined by CD5/CD19 coexpression, in peripheral blood of CLL patients (n=60) subgrouped according to the IgHV mutational status (IgHV(mut),n=24;IgHV(unmut),n=36). CD5(high) subpopulation showed a high percentage of CXCR3 (P<0.001), CCR10 (P=0.001), and CD62L (P=0.031) and high levels of CXCR5 (P=0.005), CCR7 (P=0.013) compared to CD5(low) cells expressing high CXCR4 (P<0.001). Comparing IgHV(mut) and IgHV(unmut)patients, high levels of CXCR3 on CD5(high) and CD5(low) subpopulations were detected in theIgHV(mut) patients, with better discrimination in CD5(low) subpopulation. Levels of CXCR3 on CD5(low) subpopulation were associated with time to the next treatment, thus further confirming its prognostic value. Taken together, our analysis revealed higher CXCR3 expression on both CD5(high) and CD5(low) neoplastic cells inIgHV(mut) with a better prognosis compared to IgHV(unmut) patients. Contribution of CXCR3 to CLL pathophysiology and its suitability for prognostication and therapeutic exploitation deserves future investigations.Web of Science2020art. no. 708426

    The regulation of CD5 expression in murine T cells

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    BACKGROUND: CD5 is a pan-T cell surface marker that is also present on a subset of B cells, B-1a cells.Functional and developmental subsets of T cells express characteristic CD5 levels that vary over roughly a 30-fold range. Previous investigators have cloned a 1.7 Kb fragment containing the CD5 promoter and showed that it can confer similar lymphocyte-specific expression pattern as observed for endogenous CD5 expression. RESULTS: We further characterize the CD5 promoter and identify minimal and regulatory regions on the CD5 promoter. Using a luciferase reporter system, we show that a 43 bp region on the CD5 promoter regulates CD5 expression in resting mouse thymoma EL4 T cells and that an Ets binding site within the 43 bp region mediates the CD5 expression. In addition, we show that Ets-1, a member of the Ets family of transcription factors, recognizes the Ets binding site in the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). This Ets binding site is directly responsible for the increase in reporter activity when co-transfected with increasing amounts of Ets-1 expression plasmid. We also identify two additional evolutionarily-conserved regions in the CD5 promoter (CD5X and CD5Y) and demonstrate the respective roles of the each region in the regulation of CD5 transcription. CONCLUSION: Our studies define a minimal and regulatory promoter for CD5 and show that the CD5 expression level in T cells is at least partially dependent on the level of Ets-1 protein. Based on the findings in this report, we propose a model of CD5 transcriptional regulation in T cells

    Identification of a Candidate CD5 Homologue in the Amphibian Xenopus laevis

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    We identified a novel T cell Ag in the South African clawed toad (Xenopus laevis) by a mAb designated 2B1. This Ag is present in relatively high levels on most thymocytes, approximately 65% of splenocytes, 55% of PBL, and 65% of intestinal lymphocytes, but is rarely seen on IgM+ B cells in any of these tissues. Lymphocytes bearing the 2B1 Ag proliferate in response to stimulation with Con A or PHA, whereas the 2B1- lymphocytes are reactive to LPS. Biochemical analysis indicates that this Ag is a differentially phosphorylated glycoprotein of 71 to 82 kDa. The protein core of 64 kDa bears both N- and O-linked carbohydrate side chains. The amino-terminal protein sequence of the 2B1 Ag shares significant homology with both the macrophage scavenger receptor type 1 motif and the mammalian CD5/CD6 family. The biochemical characteristics and cellular distribution of the 2B1 Ag suggest that it represents the CD5 homologue in X. laevis. While T cells constitutively express this highly conserved molecule, Xenopus B cells acquire the CD5 homologue only when they are stimulated in the presence of T cell

    An optimized method for isolating and expanding invariant natural killer T cells from mouse spleen

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    The ability to rapidly secrete cytokines upon stimulation is a functional characteristic of the invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cell lineage. iNKT cells are therefore characterized as an innate T cell population capable of activating and steering adaptive immune responses. The development of improved techniques for the culture and expansion of murine iNKT cells facilitates the study of iNKT cell biology in in vitro and in vivo model systems. Here we describe an optimized procedure for the isolation and expansion of murine splenic iNKT cells. Spleens from C57Bl/6 mice are removed, dissected and strained and the resulting cellular suspension is layered over density gradient media. Following centrifugation, splenic mononuclear cells (MNCs) are collected and CD5-positive (CD5(+)) lymphocytes are enriched for using magnetic beads. iNKT cells within the CD5(+) fraction are subsequently stained with alpha GalCer-loaded CD1d tetramer and purified by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS). FACS sorted iNKT cells are then initially cultured in vitro using a combination of recombinant murine cytokines and plate-bound T cell receptor (TCR) stimuli before being expanded in the presence of murine recombinant IL-7. Using this technique, approximately 10(8) iNKT cells can be generated within 18-20 days of culture, after which they can be used for functional assays in vitro, or for in vivo transfer experiments in mice

    Signaling through CD5 Activates a Pathway Involving Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase, Vav, and Rac1 in Human Mature T Lymphocytes

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    CD5 acts as a coreceptor on T lymphocytes and plays an important role in T-cell signaling and T-cell-B-cell interactions. Costimulation of T lymphocytes with anti-CD5 antibodies results in an increase of the intracellular Ca21 levels, and subsequently in the activation of Ca21/calmodulin-dependent (CaM) kinase type IV. In the present study, we have characterized the initial signaling pathway induced by anti-CD5 costimulation. The activation of phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase through tyrosine phosphorylation of its p85 subunit is a proximal event in the CD5-signaling pathway and leads to the activation of the lipid kinase activity of the p110 subunit. The PI 3-kinase inhibitors wortmannin and LY294002 inhibit the CD5-induced response as assessed in interleukin-2 (IL-2) secretion experiments. The expression of an inactivated Rac1 mutant (Rac1 z N17) in T lymphocytes transfected with an IL-2 promoter-driven reporter construct also abrogates the response to CD5 costimulation, while the expression of a constitutively active Rac1 mutant (Rac1-V12) completely replaces the CD5 costimulatory signal. The Rac1-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav is heavily phosphorylated on tyrosine residues upon CD5 costimulation, which is a prerequisite for its activation. A role for Vav in the CD5-induced signaling pathway is further supported by the findings that the expression of a dominant negative Vav mutant (Vav-C) completely abolishes the response to CD5 costimulation while the expression of a constitutively active Vav mutant [Vav(D1-65)] makes the CD5 costimulation signal superfluous. Wortmannin is unable to block the Vav(D1-65)- or Rac1 z V12-induced signals, indicating that both Vav and Rac1 function downstream from PI 3-kinase. Vav and Rac1 both act upstream from the CD5-induced activation of CaM kinase IV, since KN-62, an inhibitor of CaM kinases, and a dominant negative CaM kinase IV mutant block the Vav(D1-65)-and Rac1 z V12-mediated signals. We propose a model for the CD5-induced signaling pathway in which the PI 3-kinase lipid products, together with tyrosine phosphorylation, activate Vav, resulting in the activation of Rac1 by the Vav-mediated exchange of GDP for GTP
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