4 research outputs found

    Kalman filters for leak diagnosis in pipelines: brief history and future research

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a structural review of the progress made on the detection and localization of leaks in pipelines by using approaches based on the Kalman filter. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first review on the topic. In particular, it is the first to try to draw the attention of the leak detection community to the important contributions that use the Kalman filter as the core of a computational pipeline monitoring system. Without being exhaustive, the paper gathers the results from different research groups such that these are presented in a unified fashion. For this reason, a classification of the current approaches based on the Kalman filter is proposed. For each of the existing approaches within this classification, the basic concepts, theoretical results, and relations with the other procedures are discussed in detail. The review starts with a short summary of essential ideas about state observers. Then, a brief history of the use of the Kalman filter for diagnosing leaks is described by mentioning the most outstanding approaches. At last, brief discussions of some emerging research problems, such as the leak detection in pipelines transporting heavy oils; the main challenges; and some open issues are addressed

    A vision-based controller for path tracking of autonomous underwater vehicles

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    This paper aims a design of a vision-based controller for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The control system performs the path following of a line on the seafloor and tunes automatically the cruise kinematics for the advance.The navigation process rests upon a sensor which estimates the relative vehicle position from the perspective of the camera directly without the need of employing camera models for estimating physical variables. For the state estimation, image processing in real time is employed. The control strategy is developed in the state space of pure vision coordinates. The strategy points to reach rapidly favorable configurations of the AUV and afterwards to pursue a perfect alignment with the line. Experiments of the real subaquatic world are presented.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Dynamic modeling and fuzzy logic control of a large building HVAC system

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    Energy and cost-efficient management of a building’s thermal properties requires heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems controllers to be working at optimal settings. However, many HVAC systems employ nonlinear time variances to deal with issues that affect the system’s optimal operation. The present work considers an HVAC system at Memorial University’s S. J. Carew Building which has been mathematically modeled using a state space multi-input and multi-output system (MIMO) approach for analyses and control system design. An IDA-ICE (Indoor Climate and Energy) simulation program has been applied for modeling the building, note that the four-story Carew Building includes an air-handling unit (AHU) on every floor. Compared with real data for one year’s (2016) power consumption, the simulated annual power consumption for the building shows good agreement. Based on that data, two scenarios are applied for building the system models. Scenario 1 considers the HVAC system as a single unit with energy consumption (kWh) as inputs and zonal temperature and CO2 concentrations as outputs. By employing the MATLAB system identification toolbox, a MIMO-based system forms the basis for a state space model. In the model for Scenario 1, there are eight main AHU inputs (hot water power usage and power usage) and eight main outputs (return airflow temperature and CO2 levels). The state feedback controller obtains good results for both responses rise time and stability. In Scenario 2, there are four AHUs in total. Each of this scenario’s AHUs features three main inputs (hot water, internal-to-internal air flow, and external-to-internal air flow) and three main outputs (static air pressure, CO2 levels, and temperature). In the first AHU (AHU1), we apply state-of-the-art fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs) to control fan speeds, CO2 concentrations, and temperature in the building in accordance with the flow rates for air and hot water. This strategy represents a novel approach for adapting FLCs by modifying fuzzy rule using the Simulink. The modified system shows improved levels of thermal comfort. The final part of the work presents the design for a supervisor fuzzy logic controller (SFLC) that can be applied to the entire S. J. Carew Building HVAC control. This SFLC features 24 inputs and 12 outputs and employs a state-space model that considers each AHU as an individual system. The SFLC detailed design and system simulation results are presented in this thesis

    Forschungsbericht Universität Mannheim 2006 / 2007

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