7 research outputs found

    Modelling and use of SysML behaviour models for achieving dynamic use cases of technical products in different VR-systems

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    Digital methods and models help the product designers in performing early evaluations on a product that eventually help to gain understanding about a product’s behaviour and its interactions with neighbouring systems in its later life-phases. Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that can facilitate the early evaluation process by showing later life situations of a product as early as at the design stage. However, the application of VR in the industry is currently limited due to high model preparation effort and poor reusability of already prepared models. Therefore, this thesis pursues towards the development of a method that can facilitate the early evaluations of the product in VR and thus, facilitate the use of VR in the product development process. This method aims at achieving generic behavioural descriptions for use in VR that can be reused as well to form dynamic use cases of a product in different VR-systems. The focus lies on reducing the overall preparation effort of VR-models and on achieving high reusability of already created models. The core components of the thesis consist of the use of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) to develop generic behavioural model descriptions, their use in building different use cases of a product in one VR-system and their reuse in different VR-systems as well. The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is used to describe the behavioural models, the modelling process is described systematically and is also summarized in the form of general-purpose guidelines for later use. Furthermore, a dedicated physics engine is used to perform the physical calculations on virtual objects in VR and is integrated with the SysML. These SysML behaviour models together with the physics engine are used to achieve a real-time product use case simulation inside VR. The same SysML behaviour models are used across different VR-systems to achieve real-time simulations and to validate their reuse. Two VR prototypes are developed to demonstrate the effectivity and use of the presented method. Finally, one of the prototypes is put to the empirical evaluation performed with the help of experts from academia as well as the industry.Digitale Methode und Modellen ermöglichen den Produktdesignern eine frühzeitige Evaluierung des Produkts, damit sie das Verhalten des Produkts und seine Interaktionen mit benachbarten Systemen in seinen späteren Lebensphasen besser verstehen können. Virtual Reality (VR) ist eine Technologie, die zum frühen Evaluierungsprozess beitragen kann, indem spätere Lebenssituationen eines Produkts schon in der Entwurfsphase angezeigt werden können. Die Anwendung von VR in der Industrie ist jedoch derzeit aufgrund des hohen Modellaufbereitungsaufwands und der limitierten Wiederverwendbarkeit vorhandener Modelle begrenzt. Daher befasst sich diese Arbeit mit der Entwicklung einer Methode, die die frühzeitige Evaluierung des Produkts innerhalb von VR und die Verwendung von VR im Produktentwicklungsprozess erleichtern kann. Diese Methode befasst sich mit dem Prozess der Entwicklung allgemeiner Verhaltensbeschreibungen zur Verwendung in VR, die auch wiederverwendet werden können, um dynamische Anwendungsfälle eines Produkts in den verschiedenen VR-Systemen abzubilden. Der Fokus liegt auf der Reduzierung des gesamten Aufbereitungsaufwands von VR-Modellen und auf das Verwirklichen einer hohen Wiederverwendbarkeit bereits vorhandener Modelle. Die Kernkomponenten der Arbeit bestehen in der Verwendung von Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) zur Entwicklung allgemeingültiger Verhaltensmodellbeschreibungen, ihrer Verwendung beim Erstellen verschiedener Anwendungsfälle eines Produkts in einem VR-System und ihrer Wiederverwendung in den verschiedenen VR-Systemen. Die Systems Modeling Language (SysML) wird zur Beschreibung der Verhaltensmodelle verwendet, der Modellierungsprozess wird systematisch beschrieben und auch in Form allgemeiner Anwendungsrichtlinien für die spätere Verwendung zusammengefasst. Darüber hinaus wird eine dedizierte Physik-Engine verwendet, um die physikalischen Berechnungen für virtuelle Objekte in VR durchzuführen, welche auch mit SysML integriert ist. Diese SysML-Verhaltensmodelle zusammen mit der Physik-Engine bilden eine echtzeitfähige Produktanwendungssimulation in VR. Dieselben SysML-Verhaltensmodelle werden für verschiedene VR-Systeme verwendet, um Echtzeitsimulationen abzubilden und ihre Wiederverwendung zu validieren. Zwei VR-Prototypen wurden entwickelt, um die Wirksamkeit und Verwendung der vorgestellten Methoden zu demonstrieren. Schließlich wurde einer der Prototypen einer empirischen Untersuchung unterzogen, die mithilfe von Experten aus Wissenschaft und Industrie durchgeführt wurde

    From Storytelling to Intercreativity in the Era of Distributed Authorship

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    Forms of fiction and literature underwent a process of disembodiment and cross-fertilization during the revolution from the Gutenberg Galaxy (printed paper, mass distribution) to the McLuhan Galaxy (new media, hypertext, cooperative writing). The dimension of literacy has moved from a semiotically- measured geometry to a dislocation and a deconstruction of contents and channels that give expression to new products. The impact of social media on narratology has redefined the meaning of readership and authorship. The author not only loses his/her traditional role, but becomes an icon of himself/ herself, a collective-minded producer that is self-perceived through the extro- flexed eye of the amniotic network in which he/she defines his/her narrative experience. Transmedia culture defines a new cross-networked and amniotic literacy, considering that we are not facing a simple adaptation of different narrative forms from one media to another: different media and languages participate and contribute to the construction of a transmedia environment

    MaxControl: ein objektorientiertes Werkzeug zur automatischen Erstellung von 3D-Computeranimationsfilmen und dessen Integration in eine professionelle 3D-Animationssoftware

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    Durch die wachsende Computerleistung können 3D-Computeranimationen sehr komplexe Szenen mit ebenso komplexen zeitlichen Abläufen animiert darstellen. Jedoch ist neben der Erstellung einer komplexen Szene auch deren Animation entsprechend aufwendig, wenn keine Automatisierungen genutzt werden können. Das in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Werkzeug MaxControl ist ein System zur automatischen Animation von nicht-interaktiven 3D-Animationsfilmen. Dies wird durch die Simulation von Verhaltensweisen erreicht, die den 3D-Objekten zugewiesen werden

    American cinema after 9/11

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    The terrorist attacks in the United States of September 11, 2001, were unprecedented in the modern era, and they heralded a new era in politics as the Bush Administration pursued rigorous security policies at home and staged military operations in Afghanistan, and subsequently Iraq. Witness testimonies, and newspaper articles in the immediate aftermath of the attacks, revealed that many of those watching coverage of the attacks on television temporarily mistook the reporting for a Hollywood block-buster, an indication that there was some kind of relationship between 9/11 and Hollywood film-making. This thesis contends that films produced in 9/11’s wake were influenced by the attacks and the response that followed, particularly as they demonstrate either an endorsement or challenge to the Bush Administration, and thus can be interpreted politically. This thesis makes specific reference to a number of key issues that demonstrate how Hollywood dealt with 9/11. Firstly, the industry found itself unsure what films were suitable for release in the new context of victimhood; it co-operated with government officials to help in the post-9/11 effort, while many individuals responded to the emergency with fund-raising and other activities. The issue of how Hollywood narrativised the emotional and psychological consequences of the attacks is also addressed with particular focus on how film can act as a memorial. A key feature of both post-9/11 culture and cinema is a fresh apprehension of the real. In this thesis, the issue of ‘the real’ is studied in two distinct areas: realist aesthetics in fiction film, and how the choice of a particular realism has a particular ideological significance; and the growth of the documentary feature film. If Hollywood’s attention to realist aesthetics meets a certain need for facts and knowledge in a period of crisis, then the desire to ‘understand’ is also addressed by genre’s treatment of American myth. In the case of post-9/11, focus on the Western demonstrates how the issues of ‘strong’ masculinity and ‘Otherness’ of race, are dealt with by Hollywood. One of the prevailing myths surrounding the official 9/11 story is that the latent heroism of the ordinary American citizen was revealed. Here, post-9/11 heroism is analysed with reference to the numerous films based on comic-books, specifically those featuring superheroes that expose particular psychological phenomena peculiar to post-9/11 America. Finally, the concept of the global nature of 9/11 with reference to how Hollywood deals with American catastrophe in a global context, how an American event is represented by non-American film-makers, and how global events are represented by non-American film-makers but viewed through the paradigm of 9/11 is discussed. This thesis, then, studies the political and ideological functions and implications of American film after 9/11 through discourses of ‘the real’ and key issues of self-censorship, co-operation, victimhood, masculinity, race, repression, trauma, and heroism

    Greek air power as a national security instrument

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    Ankara : The Department of International Relations, Bilkent Univ., 1998.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Bilkent University, 1998.Includes bibliographical references leaves 245-254.The basic precepts and characteristics of Greece's national security posture dictates that, as a result of its geographic circumstances and the nature of the disputes with its main rival Turkey, very high expectations are placed on air power. Yet, a detailed analysis of the Hellenic Air Force and the country's other air-power relevant assets reveals that a number of shortcomings and discrepancies exist in a number of key areas and capabilities. The implications of this discrepancy between the high Greek expectations of air power and what it can actually deliver, could not be more significant. Given the high responsibilities with which Greek air power is entrusted in order to back up the current Greek policy line of challenging Turkey at all possible levels and platforms, air power cannot and should not be expected provide all the services demanded of it. Turkey, in this regard, appears to be a major regional military power with more advanced, sizeable and comprehensive air power-relevant capabilities than Greece. If this discrepancy is not properly addressed, it will undoubtedly result in Greece being extremely disillusioned, and in case of an armed combat, with both sides' national security goals in mind, Turkey would be the one to reap greater strategic benefit. Accordingly, from the perspective not only of air power, but its overall military capabilities as well, Greece is presented with two possible courses of action: faced with a much larger and better equipped opponent such as Turkey, Athens either has to increase its military capabilities, or else, it will have to reduce the scope of its national security goals in line with the services its military can provide. Given Greece’s human and financial resources, the former option - further boosting Greek military capabilities - appears to be an insurmountable task. This leaves Greece one viable option: to revise its national security objectives and, even more importantly, to seek a more conciliatory attitude to replace its current confrontational and escalatory attitude towards Turkey.Egeli, SıtkıPh.D

    The Music Sound

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    A guide for music: compositions, events, forms, genres, groups, history, industry, instruments, language, live music, musicians, songs, musicology, techniques, terminology , theory, music video. Music is a human activity which involves structured and audible sounds, which is used for artistic or aesthetic, entertainment, or ceremonial purposes. The traditional or classical European aspects of music often listed are those elements given primacy in European-influenced classical music: melody, harmony, rhythm, tone color/timbre, and form. A more comprehensive list is given by stating the aspects of sound: pitch, timbre, loudness, and duration. Common terms used to discuss particular pieces include melody, which is a succession of notes heard as some sort of unit; chord, which is a simultaneity of notes heard as some sort of unit; chord progression, which is a succession of chords (simultaneity succession); harmony, which is the relationship between two or more pitches; counterpoint, which is the simultaneity and organization of different melodies; and rhythm, which is the organization of the durational aspects of music

    Maritime expressions:a corpus based exploration of maritime metaphors

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    This study uses a purpose-built corpus to explore the linguistic legacy of Britain’s maritime history found in the form of hundreds of specialised ‘Maritime Expressions’ (MEs), such as TAKEN ABACK, ANCHOR and ALOOF, that permeate modern English. Selecting just those expressions commencing with ’A’, it analyses 61 MEs in detail and describes the processes by which these technical expressions, from a highly specialised occupational discourse community, have made their way into modern English. The Maritime Text Corpus (MTC) comprises 8.8 million words, encompassing a range of text types and registers, selected to provide a cross-section of ‘maritime’ writing. It is analysed using WordSmith analytical software (Scott, 2010), with the 100 million-word British National Corpus (BNC) as a reference corpus. Using the MTC, a list of keywords of specific salience within the maritime discourse has been compiled and, using frequency data, concordances and collocations, these MEs are described in detail and their use and form in the MTC and the BNC is compared. The study examines the transformation from ME to figurative use in the general discourse, in terms of form and metaphoricity. MEs are classified according to their metaphorical strength and their transference from maritime usage into new registers and domains such as those of business, politics, sports and reportage etc. A revised model of metaphoricity is developed and a new category of figurative expression, the ‘resonator’, is proposed. Additionally, developing the work of Lakov and Johnson, Kovesces and others on Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT), a number of Maritime Conceptual Metaphors are identified and their cultural significance is discussed