102,539 research outputs found

    Disruption of an RNA helicase/RNAse III gene in Arabidopsis causes unregulated cell division in floral meristems

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    Arabidopsis thaliana floral meristems are determinate structures that produce a defined number of organs, after which cell division ceases. A new recessive mutant, carpel factory (caf), converts the floral meristems to an indeterminate state. They produce extra whorls of stamens, and an indefinite number of carpels. Thus, CAF appears to suppress cell division in floral meristems. The function of CAF is partially redundant with the function of the CLAVATA (CLV) and SUPERMAN (SUP) genes, as caf clv and caf sup double mutants show dramatically enhanced floral meristem over-proliferation. caf mutant plants also show other defects, including absence of axillary inflorescence meristems, and abnormally shaped leaves and floral organs. The CAF gene was cloned and found to encode a putative protein of 1909 amino acids containing an N-terminal DExH/DEAD-box type RNA helicase domain attached to a C-terminal RNaseIII-like domain. A very similar protein of unknown function is encoded by a fungal and an animal genome. Helicase proteins are involved in a number of processes, including specific mRNA localization and mRNA splicing. RNase III proteins are involved in the processing of rRNA and some mRNA molecules. Thus CAF may act through some type of RNA processing event(s). CAF gives rise to two major transcripts of 2.5 and 6.2 kb. In situ hybridization experiments show that CAF RNA is expressed throughout all shoot tissues

    The G protein-gated potassium current I(K,ACh) is constitutively active in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation

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    Background— The molecular mechanism of increased background inward rectifier current (IK1) in atrial fibrillation (AF) is not fully understood. We tested whether constitutively active acetylcholine (ACh)-activated IK,ACh contributes to enhanced basal conductance in chronic AF (cAF). Methods and Results— Whole-cell and single-channel currents were measured with standard voltage-clamp techniques in atrial myocytes from patients with sinus rhythm (SR) and cAF. The selective IK,ACh blocker tertiapin was used for inhibition of IK,ACh. Whole-cell basal current was larger in cAF than in SR, whereas carbachol (CCh)-activated IK,ACh was lower in cAF than in SR. Tertiapin (0.1 to 100 nmol/L) reduced IK,ACh in a concentration-dependent manner with greater potency in cAF than in SR (−logIC50: 9.1 versus 8.2; P<0.05). Basal current contained a tertiapin-sensitive component that was larger in cAF than in SR (tertiapin [10 nmol/L]-sensitive current at −100 mV: cAF, −6.7±1.2 pA/pF, n=16/5 [myocytes/patients] versus SR, −1.7±0.5 pA/pF, n=24/8), suggesting contribution of constitutively active IK,ACh to basal current. In single-channel recordings, constitutively active IK,ACh was prominent in cAF but not in SR (channel open probability: cAF, 5.4±0.7%, n=19/9 versus SR, 0.1±0.05%, n=16/9; P<0.05). Moreover, IK1 channel open probability was higher in cAF than in SR (13.4±0.4%, n=19/9 versus 11.4±0.7%, n=16/9; P<0.05) without changes in other channel characteristics. Conclusions— Our results demonstrate that larger basal inward rectifier K+ current in cAF consists of increased IK1 activity and constitutively active IK,ACh. Blockade of IK,ACh may represent a new therapeutic target in AF

    Collinear antiferromagnetic state in a two-dimensional Hubbard model at half filling

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    In a half-filled Hubbard model on a square lattice, the next-nearest-neighbor hopping causes spin frustration, and the collinear antiferromagnetic (CAF) state appears as the ground state with suitable parameters. We find that there is a metal-insulator transition in the CAF state at a critical on-site repulsion. When the repulsion is small, the CAF state is metallic, and a van Hove singularity can be close to the Fermi surface, resulting in either a kink or a discontinuity in the magnetic moment. When the on-site repulsion is large, the CAF state is a Mott insulator. A first-order transition from the CAF phase to the antiferromagnetic phase and a second-order phase transition from the CAF phase to the paramagnetic phase are obtained in the phase diagram at zero temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, two column

    Complexation of norfloxacin with DNA in the presence of caffeine

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    1H NMR spectroscopy (500 MHz) has been used to quantify the complexation of the antibacterial antibiotic Norfloxacin (NOR) with DNA in the presence of Caffeine (CAF). Separate studies have been made for the self-association of NOR, its hetero-association with CAF and complexation with a model self-complementary DNA tetramer, 5′-d(TpGpCpA), in order to determine the equilibrium parameters (induced chemical shifts, association constants, enthalpy and entropy) of the two-component mixtures to aid the analysis of the three-component systems. Investigations of the self-association of NOR and its hetero-association with CAF show that the aggregation of NOR molecules and association with CAF in solution are driven by the stacking of aromatic chromophores. The complexation of NOR with d(TGCA) has been analysed in terms of intercalation with the double-stranded form and non-intercalative binding with the single-stranded form of DNA. Investigations of the competitive binding of NOR and CAF with DNA show that at physiological concentrations of NOR (μM) and CAF (mM) the dominant mechanism influencing the affinity of NOR with DNA is the displacement of bound NOR molecules from DNA due to CAF–DNA complexation (i.e. the protector action of Caffeine)

    Laser slowing of CaF molecules to near the capture velocity of a molecular MOT

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    Laser slowing of CaF molecules down to the capture velocity of a magneto-optical trap (MOT) for molecules is achieved. Starting from a two-stage buffer gas beam source, we apply frequency-broadened "white-light" slowing and observe approximately 6x10^4 CaF molecules with velocities near 10\,m/s. CaF is a candidate for collisional studies in the mK regime. This work represents a significant step towards magneto-optical trapping of CaF

    Heterogeneous cancer-associated fibroblast population potentiates neuroendocrine differentiation and castrate resistance in a CD105-dependent manner.

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    Heterogeneous prostatic carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAF) contribute to tumor progression and resistance to androgen signaling deprivation therapy (ADT). CAF subjected to extended passaging, compared to low passage CAF, were found to lose tumor expansion potential and heterogeneity. Cell surface endoglin (CD105), known to be expressed on proliferative endothelia and mesenchymal stem cells, was diminished in high passage CAF. RNA-sequencing revealed SFRP1 to be distinctly expressed by tumor-inductive CAF, which was further demonstrated to occur in a CD105-dependent manner. Moreover, ADT resulted in further expansion of the CD105+ fibroblastic population and downstream SFRP1 in 3-dimensional cultures and patient-derived xenograft tissues. In patients, CD105+ fibroblasts were found to circumscribe epithelia with neuroendocrine differentiation. CAF-derived SFRP1, driven by CD105 signaling, was necessary and sufficient to induce prostate cancer neuroendocrine differentiation in a paracrine manner. A partially humanized CD105 neutralizing antibody, TRC105, inhibited fibroblastic SFRP1 expression and epithelial neuroendocrine differentiation. In a novel synthetic lethality paradigm, we found that simultaneously targeting the epithelia and its microenvironment with ADT and TRC105, respectively, reduced castrate-resistant tumor progression, in a model where either ADT or TRC105 alone had little effect

    Induction of fibroblast senescence generates a non-fibrogenic myofibroblast phenotype that differentially impacts on cancer prognosis

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    Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) remain a poorly characterized, heterogeneous cell population. Here we characterized two previously described tumor-promoting CAF sub-types, smooth muscle actin (SMA)-positive myofibroblasts and senescent fibroblasts, identifying a novel link between the two