1,614,293 research outputs found

    Complexity of the Putting-Out-System in Toledo and its Jurisdiction (XVII-XVIII Centuries)

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    Certain differences between the historians exist on if the system of Putting-Out- System or Verlagssystem had major or minor incident in the labor - commercial relations of the industry of the Former Regime in Spain A few authors have exposed that rarely was giving himself the system e nglishman of a capitalist merchant who was advancing the raw material to the workers later to gather the finished product and to commercialize it Others incline to that his incident had a major weight in the industrial castilian development We with this article we want to expose the complexity that is given in the relations of the world of the textile industry in Toledo according to the existing writings of obligation in the notarial protocols in the Historical Provincial File of Toledo We affirm that this system was very usual in the silk and wool industry of Toledo with the exception of which regarding the silk industry almost production did not exist in the rural area but it was concentrating practically in the own city while the wool one had major incident in the nearby people

    Biogenesis of cytochrome c1

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    The biogenesis of cytochrome c1 involves a number of steps including: synthesis as a precursor with a bipartite signal sequence, transfer across the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes, removal of the first part of the presequence in the matrix, reexport to the outer surface of the inner membrane, covalent addition of heme, and removal of the remainder of the presequence. In this report we have focused on the steps of heme addition, catalyzed by cytochrome c1 heme lyase, and of proteolytic processing during cytochrome c1 import into mitochondria. Following translocation from the matrix side to the intermembrane-space side of the inner membrane, apocytochrome c1 forms a complex with cytochrome c1 heme lyase, and then holocytochrome c1 formation occurs. Holocytochrome c1 formation can also be observed in detergent-solubilized preparations of mitochondria, but only after apocytochrome c1 has first interacted with cytochrome c1 heme lyase to produce this complex. Heme linkage takes place on the intermembrane- space side of the inner mitochondrial membrane and is dependent on NADH plus a cytosolic cofactor that can be replaced by flavin nucleotides. NADH and FMN appear to be necessary for reduction of heme prior to its linkage to apocytochrome c1. The second proteolytic processing of cytochrome c1 does not take place unless the covalent linkage of heme to apocytochrome c1 precedes it. On the other hand, the cytochrome c1 heme lyase reaction itself does not require that processing of the cytochrome c1 precursor to intermediate size cytochrome c1 takes place first. In conclusion, cytochrome c1 heme lyase catalyzes an essential step in the import pathway of cytochrome c1, but it is not involved in the transmembrane movement of the precursor polypeptide. This is in contrast to the case for cytochrome c in which heme addition is coupled to its transport directly across the outer membrane into the intermembrane space

    Long-distant contribution and χc1\chi_{c1} radiative decays to light vector meson

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    The discrepancy between the PQCD calculation and the CLEO data for χc1γV\chi_{c1}\to \gamma V (V=ρ0,ω,ϕV=\rho^0,\,\omega,\,\phi) stimulates our interest in exploring extra mechanism of χc1\chi_{c1} decay. In this work, we apply an important non-perturbative QCD effect, i.e., hadronic loop mechanism, to study χc1γV\chi_{c1}\to \gamma V radiative decay. Our numerical result shows that the theoretical results including the hadronic loop contribution and the PQCD calculation of χc1γV\chi_{c1}\to \gamma V are consistent with the corresponding CLEO data of χc1γV\chi_{c1}\to \gamma V. We expect further experimental measurement of χc1γV\chi_{c1}\to \gamma V at BES-III, which will be helpful to test the hadronic loop effect on χc1\chi_{c1} decay.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Towards an efficient prover for the C1 paraconsistent logic

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    The KE inference system is a tableau method developed by Marco Mondadori which was presented as an improvement, in the computational efficiency sense, over Analytic Tableaux. In the literature, there is no description of a theorem prover based on the KE method for the C1 paraconsistent logic. Paraconsistent logics have several applications, such as in robot control and medicine. These applications could benefit from the existence of such a prover. We present a sound and complete KE system for C1, an informal specification of a strategy for the C1 prover as well as problem families that can be used to evaluate provers for C1. The C1 KE system and the strategy described in this paper will be used to implement a KE based prover for C1, which will be useful for those who study and apply paraconsistent logics.Comment: 16 page

    Magnetic Moment of the Λc\Lambda_c, Ξc1+\Xi_{c1}^+ and Ξc10\Xi_{c1}^0

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    The magnetic moment of the Λc\Lambda_c, Ξc1+\Xi_{c1}^+ and Ξc10\Xi_{c1}^0 vanish when the charm quark mass is taken to infinity because the light degrees of freedom are in a spin zero configuration. The heavy quark spin-symmetry violating contribution from the light degrees of freedom starts at order 1/mc1/m_c, the same order as the contribution from the heavy charm quark. We compute the leading long-distance contribution to the magnetic moments from the spin-symmetry breaking ΣcΣc\Sigma_c^*-\Sigma_c mass splitting in chiral perturbation theory. These are nonanalytic in the pion mass and arise from calculable one-loop graphs. Further, the difference between the magnetic moments of the charged charmed baryons is independent of the charm quark mass and of the subleading local counterterm.Comment: 10 pages, 1 uuencoded figure included, uses harvmac and epsf, CMU-HEP 94-0

    Study of χcJ\chi_{cJ} radiative decays into a vector meson

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    The decays χcJγV\chi_{cJ}\to\gamma V (V=ϕ,ρ0,ωV=\phi, \rho^0, \omega) are studied with a sample of radiative \psip\to\gamma\chi_{cJ} events in a sample of (1.06\pm0.04)\times 10^{8} \psip events collected with the BESIII detector. The branching fractions are determined to be: B(χc1γϕ)=(25.8±5.2±2.3)×106{\cal B}(\chi_{c1}\to \gamma\phi)=(25.8\pm 5.2\pm 2.3)\times 10^{-6}, B(χc1γρ0)=(228±13±22)×106{\cal B}(\chi_{c1}\to \gamma\rho^0)=(228\pm 13\pm 22)\times 10^{-6}, and B(χc1γω)=(69.7±7.2±6.6)×106{\cal B}(\chi_{c1}\to \gamma\omega)=(69.7\pm 7.2\pm 6.6)\times 10^{-6}. The decay χc1γϕ\chi_{c1}\to \gamma\phi is observed for the first time. Upper limits at the 90% confidence level on the branching fractions for χc0\chi_{c0} and \chict decays into these final states are determined. In addition, the fractions of the transverse polarization component of the vector meson in χc1γV\chi_{c1}\to \gamma V decays are measured to be{-0.12-0.09}^{+0.13+0.10} for χc1γϕ\chi_{c1}\to \gamma\phi, 0.158±0.0340.014+0.0150.158\pm 0.034^{+0.015}_{-0.014} for χc1γρ0\chi_{c1}\to \gamma\rho^0, and 0.2470.0870.026+0.090+0.0440.247_{-0.087-0.026}^{+0.090+0.044} for χc1γω\chi_{c1}\to \gamma\omega, respectively. The first errors are statistical and the second ones are systematic.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Pentaquarks from intrinsic charms in Λb\Lambda_b decays

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    We study the three-body Λb\Lambda_b decays of ΛbJ/ψpM\Lambda_b\to J/\psi pM with M=KM=K^- and π\pi^-. The two new states Pc1Pc(4380)+{\cal P}_{c1}\equiv {\cal P}_c(4380)^+ and Pc2Pc(4450)+{\cal P}_{c2}\equiv {\cal P}_c(4450)^+ observed recently as the resonances in the J/ψpJ/\psi p invariant mass spectrum of ΛbJ/ψpK\Lambda_b\to J/\psi p K^- can be identified to consist of five quarks, uudccˉuudc\bar c, being consistent with the existence of the pentaquark states. We argue that, in the doubly charmful Λb\Lambda_b decays of ΛbJ/ψpK\Lambda_b\to J/\psi pK^- through bccˉsb\to c\bar c s, apart from those through the non-resonant ΛbpK\Lambda_b\to pK^- and resonant ΛbΛpK\Lambda_b\to \Lambda^*\to pK^- transitions, the third contribution with the non-factorizable effects is not the dominant part for the resonant ΛbKPc1,c2,Pc1,c2J/ψp\Lambda_b\to K^-{\cal P}_{c1,c2}, {\cal P}_{c1,c2}\to J/\psi p processes, such that we propose that the Pc1,c2{\cal P}_{c1,c2} productions are mainly from the charmless Λb\Lambda_b decays through buˉusb\to \bar u u s, in which the ccˉc\bar c content in Pc1,c2{\cal P}_{c1,c2} arises from the intrinsic charms within the Λb\Lambda_b baryon. We hence predict the observables related to the branching ratios and the direct CP violating asymmetries to be B(Λbπ(Pc1,c2)J/ψp)/B(ΛbK(Pc1,c2)J/ψp)=0.8±0.1{\cal B}(\Lambda_b\to \pi^-({\cal P}_{c1,c2}\to) J/\psi p)/{\cal B}(\Lambda_b\to K^-({\cal P}_{c1,c2}\to) J/\psi p)=0.8\pm 0.1, ACP(Λbπ(Pc1,c2)J/ψp)=(3.9±0.2)%{\cal A}_{CP}(\Lambda_b\to \pi^-({\cal P}_{c1,c2}\to)J/\psi p)=(-3.9\pm 0.2)\%, and ACP(ΛbK(Pc1,c2)J/ψp)=(5.8±0.2)%{\cal A}_{CP}(\Lambda_b\to K^-({\cal P}_{c1,c2}\to)J/\psi p)=(5.8\pm 0.2)\%, which can alleviate the inconsistency between the theoretical expectations from the three contributions in the doubly charmful Λb\Lambda_b decays and the observed data.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, revised version accepted by PL