14 research outputs found

    Busy burst technology applied to OFDMA–TDD systems

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    The most significant bottleneck in wireless communication systems is an ever-increasing disproportion between the bandwidth demand and the available spectrum. A major challenge in the field of wireless communications is to maximise the spatial reuse of resources whilst avoiding detrimental co-channel interference (CCI). To this end, frequency planning and centralised coordination approaches are widely used in wireless networks. However, the networks for the next generation of wireless communications are often envisioned to be decentralised, randomly distributed in space, hierarchical and support heterogeneous traffic and service types. Fixed frequency allocation would not cater for the heterogeneous demands and centralised resource allocation would be cumbersome and require a lot of signalling. Decentralised radio resource allocation based on locally available information is considered the key. In this context, the busy burst (BB) signalling concept is identified as a potential mechanism for decentralised interference management in future generation networks. Interference aware allocation of time-frequency slots (chunks) is accomplished by letting receivers transmit a BB in a time-multiplexed mini-slot, upon successful reception of data. Exploiting channel reciprocity of the time division duplex (TDD) mode, the transmitters avoid reusing the chunks where the received BB power is above a pre-determined threshold so as to limit the CCI caused towards the reserved chunks to a threshold value. In this thesis, the performance of BB signalling mechanism in orthogonal frequency division multiple access - time division duplexing (OFDMA-TDD) systems is evaluated by means of system level simulations in networks operating in ad hoc and cellular scenarios. Comparisons are made against the state-of-the-art centralised CCI avoidance and mitigation methods, viz. frequency planning, fractional frequency reuse, and antenna array with switched grid of beams, as well as decentralised methods such as the carrier sense multiple access method that attempt to avoid CCI by avoiding transmission on chunks deemed busy. The results demonstrate that with an appropriate choice of threshold parameter, BB-based techniques outperform all of the above state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, it is demonstrated that by adjusting the BB-specific threshold parameter, the system throughput can be traded off for improving throughput for links with worse channel condition, both in the ad hoc and cellular scenario. Moreover, by utilising a variable BB power that allows a receiver to signal the maximum CCI it can tolerate, it is shown that a more favourable trade-off between total system throughput and link throughput can be made. Furthermore, by performing link adaptation, it is demonstrated that the spatial reuse and the energy efficiency can be traded off by adjusting the threshold parameter. Although the BB signalling mechanism is shown to be effective in avoiding detrimental CCI, it cannot mitigate CCI by itself. On the other hand, multiple antenna techniques such as adaptive beamforming or switched beam approaches allow CCI to be mitigated but suffer from hidden node problems. The final contribution of this thesis is that by combining the BB signalling mechanism with multiple antenna techniques, it is demonstrated that the hybrid approach enhances spatial reusability of resources whilst avoiding detrimental CCI. In summary, this thesis has demonstrated that BB provides a flexible radio resource mechanism that is suitable for future generation networks

    Interference Management Techniques for Cellular Wireless Communication Systems

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    The growing demand for higher capacity wireless networks can be met by increasing the frequency bandwidth, spectral efficiency, and base station density. Flexible spectrum access, multiantenna, and multicarrier techniques are key enablers in satisfying the demand. In addition, automation of tasks related to network planning, optimization, interference management, and maintenance are needed in order to ensure cost-efficiency. Effective, dynamic, and automated interference management tailored for bursty and local data traffic plays a central role in the task. Adjacent channel interference (ACI) management is an enabler for flexible spectrum use and uncoordinated network deployments. In this thesis the impact of ACI in local area time division duplex (TDD) cellular systems is demonstrated. A method is proposed where the transmitters optimize their transmitted spectral shape on-line, such that constraints on ACI induced by power amplifier non-linearity are met. The proposed method increases the fairness among spectrum sharing transceivers when ACI is a limiting factor. A novel interference-aware scheduling technique is proposed and analyzed. The technique manages co-channel interference (CCI) in a decentralized fashion, relying on beacon messages sent by data receivers. It is demonstrated that the proposed technique is an enabler for fair spectrum sharing among operators, independent adaptation of uplink/downlink switching points in TDD networks, and it provides overall more fair and spectrally efficient wireless access. Especially, the technique is able to improve the cell-edge throughput tremendously. New services are emerging that generate local traffic among the users in addition to the data traffic between the users and the network. Such device-to-device (D2D) traffic is effectively served by direct transmissions. The thesis demonstrates the possibilities for allowing such direct D2D transmissions on a shared band together with the cellular communication. It is shown that interference management is needed in order to facilitate reliable and efficient shared band operation. For this purpose, three methods are proposed that provide interference aware power control, interference aware multiuser and multiband resource allocation, and interference avoiding spatial precoding. It is shown that enabling direct transmission itself provides most of the gains in system capacity, while the interference management schemes are more important in promoting fairness and reliability.Langattomien tietoliikenneverkkojen kÀyttö kasvaa erittÀin nopeasti mobiilien internet-palvelujen ja ÀlykkÀiden pÀÀtelaitteiden suosion myötÀ. JÀrjestelmien tiedonsiirtokapasiteettiÀ voidaan lisÀtÀ kasvattamalla kaistanleveyttÀ, spektritehokkuutta ja tukiasemaverkon tiheyttÀ. Kehityksen mahdollistaa mm. joustava taajuuksien kÀyttö ja moniantenni- ja monikantoaaltotekniikat. LisÀksi radioverkkojen suunnitteluun, optimointiin, yllÀpitoon ja interferenssinhallintaan liittyvien tehtÀvien automatisoinnilla voidaan pienentÀÀ verkko-operaattoreiden kustannuksia. TÀssÀ hetkellisen ja paikallisen tietoliikenteen tehokas, dynaaminen ja automatisoitu interferenssinhallinta on keskeisessÀ asemassa. Viereisen kanavan interferenssin hallinta mahdollistaa osaltaan joustavan spektrinkÀytön ja koordinoimattoman verkkojen asennuksen. VÀitöskirjassa on analysoitu viereisen kanavan interferenssin vaikutusta aikajakoiseen dupleksilÀhetykseen perustuvien paikallisten radioverkkojen toimintaan. LisÀksi vÀitöskirjassa on kehitetty menetelmÀ, jolla voidaan hallita interferenssiÀ reaaliaikaisesti. MenetelmÀ maksimoi lÀhetetyn signaalin spektritehokkuuden siten, ettÀ tehovahvistimen epÀlineaarisuuden aiheuttama viereisen kanavan interferenssi on rajoitettu. VÀitöskirjassa on kehitetty ja analysoitu uudenlainen interferenssitietoinen lÀhetysten ajoitustekniikka. Tekniikka hallitsee reaaliaikaisesti ja hajautetusti saman kanavan interferenssiÀ vastaanottimien lÀhettÀmien majakkasignaalien avulla. Esitetyt simulaatiot osoittavat, ettÀ tÀmÀ mahdollistaa operaattoreiden vÀlisen taajuuskaistojen jaon, ja alas- ja yloslinkkien aikajaon joustavan sÀÀdön. TÀmÀn lisÀksi on mahdollista saavuttaa korkeampi yleinen spektritehokkuus. Erityisesti tiedonsiirtonopeus solujen reunoille kasvaa esitetyn tekniikan avulla huomattavasti. Uudenlaiset tietoliikennepalvelut lisÀÀvÀt laitteidenvÀlisen paikallisen tietoliikenteen mÀÀrÀÀ. SpektrinkÀytön kannalta tÀmÀ liikenne on tehokkainta lÀhettÀÀ suoraan laitteesta toiseen. VÀitöskirjassa on tutkittu joustavaa spektrinkÀyttöÀ suorien laitteidenvÀlisten lÀhetysten ja soluverkon vÀlillÀ. Interferenssin hallinta takaa luotettavan ja tehokkaan spektrin yhteiskÀytön. TÀtÀ varten vÀitöskirjassa on kehitetty kolme menetelmÀÀ, jotka perustuvat tehonsÀÀtöön, lÀhetysten ajoitukseen ja moniantennilÀhetykseen

    Interference mitigation and interference avoidance for cellular OFDMA-TDD networks

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    In recent years, cellular systems based on orthogonal frequency division multiple access – time division duplex (OFDMA-TDD) have gained considerable popularity. Two of the major reasons for this are, on the one hand, that OFDMA enables the receiver to effectively cope with multipath propagation while keeping the complexity low. On the other hand, TDD offers efficient support for cell-specific uplink (UL)/downlink (DL) asymmetry demands by allowing each cell to independently set its UL/DL switching point (SP). However, cell-independent SP gives rise to crossed slots. In particular, crossed slots arise when neighbouring cells use the same slot in opposing link directions, resulting in base station (BS)-to-BS interference and mobile station (MS)-to-MS interference. BS-to-BS interference, in particular, can be quite detrimental due to the exposed location of BSs, which leads to high probability of line-of-sight (LOS) conditions. The aim of this thesis is to address the BS-to-BS interference problem in OFDMA-TDDcellular networks. A simulation-based approach is used to demonstrate the severity of BS-to-BS interference and a signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) equation for OFDMA is formulated to aid system performance analysis. The detrimental effects of crossed slot interference in OFDMA-TDD cellular networks are highlighted by comparing methods specifically targeting the crossed slots interference problem. In particular, the interference avoidance method fixed slot allocation (FSA) is compared against state of the art interference mitigation approaches, viz: random time slot opposing (RTSO) and zone division (ZD). The comparison is done based on Monte Carlo simulations and the main comparison metric is spectral efficiency calculated using the SINR equation formulated in this thesis. The simulation results demonstrate that when LOS conditions among BSs are present, both RTSO and ZD perform worse than FSA for all considered performance metrics. It is concluded from the results that current interference mitigation techniques do not offer an effective solution to the BS-to-BS interference problem. Hence, new interference avoidance methods, which unlike FSA, do not sacrifice the advantages of TDD are open research issues addressed in this thesis. The major contribution of this thesis is a novel cooperative resource balancing technique that offers a solution to the crossed slot problem. The novel concept, termed asymmetry balancing, is targeted towards next-generation cellular systems, envisaged to have ad hoc and multi-hop capabilities. Asymmetry balancing completely avoids crossed slots by keeping the TDD SPs synchronised among BSs. At the same time, the advantages of TDD are retained, which is enabled by introducing cooperation among the entities in the network. If a cell faces resource shortage in one link direction, while having free resources in the opposite link direction, the free resources can be used to support the overloaded link direction. In particular, traffic can be offloaded to near-by mobile stations at neighbouring cells that have available resources. To model the gains attained with asymmetry balancing, a mathematical framework is developed which is verified by Monte Carlo simulations. In addition, asymmetry balancing is compared against both ZD and FSA based on simulations and the results demonstrate the superior performance of asymmetry balancing. It can be concluded that the novel interference avoidance approach is a very promising candidate t

    Energy Efficient and Cooperative Solutions for Next-Generation Wireless Networks

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    Energy efficiency is increasingly important for next-generation wireless systems due to the limited battery resources of mobile clients. While fourth generation cellular standards emphasize low client battery consumption, existing techniques do not explicitly focus on reducing power that is consumed when a client is actively communicating with the network. Based on high data rate demands of modern multimedia applications, active mode power consumption is expected to become a critical consideration for the development and deployment of future wireless technologies. Another reason for focusing more attention on energy efficient studies is given by the relatively slow progress in battery technology and the growing quality of service requirements of multimedia applications. The disproportion between demanded and available battery capacity is becoming especially significant for small-scale mobile client devices, where wireless power consumption dominates within the total device power budget. To compensate for this growing gap, aggressive improvements in all aspects of wireless system design are necessary. Recent work in this area indicates that joint link adaptation and resource allocation techniques optimizing energy efficient metrics can provide a considerable gain in client power consumption. Consequently, it is crucial to adapt state-of-the-art energy efficient approaches for practical use, as well as to illustrate the pros and cons associated with applying power-bandwidth optimization to improve client energy efficiency and develop insights for future research in this area. This constitutes the first objective of the present research. Together with energy efficiency, next-generation cellular technologies are emphasizing stronger support for heterogeneous multimedia applications. Since the integration of diverse services within a single radio platform is expected to result in higher operator profits and, at the same time, reduce network management expenses, intensive research efforts have been invested into design principles of such networks. However, as wireless resources are limited and shared by clients, service integration may become challenging. A key element in such systems is the packet scheduler, which typically helps ensure that the individual quality of service requirements of wireless clients are satisfied. In contrastingly different distributed wireless environments, random multiple access protocols are beginning to provide mechanisms for statistical quality of service assurance. However, there is currently a lack of comprehensive analytical frameworks which allow reliable control of the quality of service parameters for both cellular and local area networks. Providing such frameworks is therefore the second objective of this thesis. Additionally, the study addresses the simultaneous operation of a cellular and a local area network in spectrally intense metropolitan deployments and solves some related problems. Further improving the performance of battery-driven mobile clients, cooperative communications are sought as a promising and practical concept. In particular, they are capable of mitigating the negative effects of fading in a wireless channel and are thus expected to enhance next-generation cellular networks in terms of client spectral and energy efficiencies. At the cell edges or in areas missing any supportive relaying infrastructure, client-based cooperative techniques are becoming even more important. As such, a mobile client with poor channel quality may take advantage of neighboring clients which would relay data on its behalf. The key idea behind the concept of client relay is to provide flexible and distributed control over cooperative communications by the wireless clients themselves. By contrast to fully centralized control, this is expected to minimize overhead protocol signaling and hence ensure simpler implementation. Compared to infrastructure relay, client relay will also be cheaper to deploy. Developing the novel concept of client relay, proposing simple and feasible cooperation protocols, and analyzing the basic trade-offs behind client relay functionality become the third objective of this research. Envisioning the evolution of cellular technologies beyond their fourth generation, it appears important to study a wireless network capable of supporting machine-to-machine applications. Recent standardization documents cover a plethora of machine-to-machine use cases, as they also outline the respective technical requirements and features according to the application or network environment. As follows from this activity, a smart grid is one of the primary machine-to-machine use cases that involves meters autonomously reporting usage and alarm information to the grid infrastructure to help reduce operational cost, as well as regulate a customer's utility usage. The preliminary analysis of the reference smart grid scenario indicates weak system architecture components. For instance, the large population of machine-to-machine devices may connect nearly simultaneously to the wireless infrastructure and, consequently, suffer from excessive network entry delays. Another concern is the performance of cell-edge machine-to-machine devices with weak wireless links. Therefore, mitigating the above architecture vulnerabilities and improving the performance of future smart grid deployments is the fourth objective of this thesis. Summarizing, this thesis is generally aimed at the improvement of energy efficient properties of mobile devices in next-generation wireless networks. The related research also embraces a novel cooperation technique where clients may assist each other to increase per-client and network-wide performance. Applying the proposed solutions, the operation time of mobile clients without recharging may be increased dramatically. Our approach incorporates both analytical and simulation components to evaluate complex interactions between the studied objectives. It brings important conclusions about energy efficient and cooperative client behaviors, which is crucial for further development of wireless communications technologies

    Techniques for green radio cellular communications

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    This thesis proposes four novel techniques to solve the problem of growing energy consumption requirements in cellular communication networks. The first and second part of this work propose a novel energy efficient scheduling mechanism and two new bandwidth management techniques, while the third part provides an algorithm to actively manage the power state of base stations (BSs) so that energy consumption is minimized throughout the day while users suffer a minimal loss in achieved data rate performance within the system. The proposed energy efficient score based scheduler (EESBS) is based on the already existing principle of score based resource allocation. Resource blocks (RBs) are given scores based on their energy efficiency for every user and then their allocation is decided based on a comparison between the scores of the different users on each RB. Two additional techniques are introduced that allow the scheduler to manage the user’s bandwidth footprint or in other words the number of RBs allocated. The first one, bandwidth expansion mode (BEM), allows users to expand their bandwidth footprint while retaining their overall transmission data rate. This allows the system to save energy due to the fact that data rate scales linearly with bandwidth and only logarithmically with transmission power. The second technique, time compression mode (TCoM), is targeted at users whose energy consumption is dominated by signalling overhead transmissions. If the assumption is made that the overhead is proportional to the number of RBs allocated, then users who find themselves having low data rate demands can release some of their allocated RBs by using a higher order modulation on the remaining ones and thus reduce their overall energy expenditure. Moreover, a system that combines all of the aforementioned scheduling techniques is also discussed. Both theoretical and simulation results on the performance of the described systems are provided. The energy efficient hardware state control (EESC) algorithm works by first collecting statistical information about the loading of each BS during the day that is due to the particular mobility patterns of users. It then uses that information to allow the BSs to turn off for parts of the day when the expected load is low and they can offload their current users to nearby cell sites. Simplified theoretical, along with complete system computer simulation, results are included. All the algorithms presented are very straightforward to implement and are not computationally intensive. They provide significant energy consumption reductions at none to minimal cost in terms of experienced user data rate

    D13.1 Fundamental issues on energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking

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    Deliverable D13.1 del projecte europeu NEWCOM#The report presents the current status in the research area of energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking and highlights the fundamental issues still open for further investigation. Furthermore, the report presents the Joint Research Activities (JRAs) which will be performed within WP1.3. For each activity there is the description, the identification of the adherence with the identified fundamental open issues, a presentation of the initial results, and a roadmap for the planned joint research work in each topic.Preprin

    Contention techniques for opportunistic communication in wireless mesh networks

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    Auf dem Gebiet der drahtlosen Kommunikation und insbesondere auf den tieferen Netzwerkschichten sind gewaltige Fortschritte zu verzeichnen. Innovative Konzepte und Technologien auf der physikalischen Schicht (PHY) gehen dabei zeitnah in zellulĂ€re Netze ein. Drahtlose Maschennetzwerke (WMNs) können mit diesem Innovationstempo nicht mithalten. Die Mehrnutzer-Kommunikation ist ein Grundpfeiler vieler angewandter PHY Technologien, die sich in WMNs nur ungenĂŒgend auf die etablierte Schichtenarchitektur abbilden lĂ€sst. Insbesondere ist das Problem des Scheduling in WMNs inhĂ€rent komplex. Erstaunlicherweise ist der Mehrfachzugriff mit TrĂ€gerprĂŒfung (CSMA) in WMNs asymptotisch optimal obwohl das Verfahren eine geringe DurchfĂŒhrungskomplexitĂ€t aufweist. Daher stellt sich die Frage, in welcher Weise das dem CSMA zugrunde liegende Konzept des konkurrierenden Wettbewerbs (engl. Contention) fĂŒr die Integration innovativer PHY Technologien verwendet werden kann. Opportunistische Kommunikation ist eine Technik, die die inhĂ€renten Besonderheiten des drahtlosen Kanals ausnutzt. In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden CSMA-basierte Protokolle fĂŒr die opportunistische Kommunikation in WMNs entwickelt und evaluiert. Es werden dabei opportunistisches Routing (OR) im zustandslosen Kanal und opportunistisches Scheduling (OS) im zustandsbehafteten Kanal betrachtet. Ziel ist es, den Durchsatz von elastischen PaketflĂŒssen gerecht zu maximieren. Es werden Modelle fĂŒr Überlastkontrolle, Routing und konkurrenzbasierte opportunistische Kommunikation vorgestellt. Am Beispiel von IEEE 802.11 wird illustriert, wie der schichtĂŒbergreifende Entwurf in einem Netzwerksimulator prototypisch implementiert werden kann. Auf Grundlage der Evaluationsresultate kann der Schluss gezogen werden, dass die opportunistische Kommunikation konkurrenzbasiert realisierbar ist. DarĂŒber hinaus steigern die vorgestellten Protokolle den Durchsatz im Vergleich zu etablierten Lösungen wie etwa DCF, DSR, ExOR, RBAR und ETT.In the field of wireless communication, a tremendous progress can be observed especially at the lower layers. Innovative physical layer (PHY) concepts and technologies can be rapidly assimilated in cellular networks. Wireless mesh networks (WMNs), on the other hand, cannot keep up with the speed of innovation at the PHY due to their flat and decentralized architecture. Many innovative PHY technologies rely on multi-user communication, so that the established abstraction of the network stack does not work well for WMNs. The scheduling problem in WMNs is inherent complex. Surprisingly, carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) in WMNs is asymptotically utility-optimal even though it has a low computational complexity and does not involve message exchange. Hence, the question arises whether CSMA and the underlying concept of contention allows for the assimilation of advanced PHY technologies into WMNs. In this thesis, we design and evaluate contention protocols based on CSMA for opportunistic communication in WMNs. Opportunistic communication is a technique that relies on multi-user diversity in order to exploit the inherent characteristics of the wireless channel. In particular, we consider opportunistic routing (OR) and opportunistic scheduling (OS) in memoryless and slow fading channels, respectively. We present models for congestion control, routing and contention-based opportunistic communication in WMNs in order to maximize both throughput and fairness of elastic unicast traffic flows. At the instance of IEEE 802.11, we illustrate how the cross-layer algorithms can be implemented within a network simulator prototype. Our evaluation results lead to the conclusion that contention-based opportunistic communication is feasible. Furthermore, the proposed protocols increase both throughput and fairness in comparison to state-of-the-art approaches like DCF, DSR, ExOR, RBAR and ETT

    Energy-efficient diversity combining for different access schemes in a multi-path dispersive channel

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e ComputadoresThe forthcoming generation of mobile communications, 5G, will settle a new standard for a larger bandwidth and better Quality of Service (QoS). With the exploding growth rate of user generated data, wireless standards must cope with this growth and at the same time be energy efficient to avoid depleting the batteries of wireless devices. Besides these issues, in a broadband wireless setting QoS can be severely affected from a multipath dispersive channel and therefore be energy demanding. Cross-layered architectures are a good choice to enhance the overall performance of a wireless system. Examples of cross-layered Physical (PHY) - Medium Access Control (MAC) architectures are type-II Diversity Combining (DC) Hybrid-ARQ (H-ARQ) and Multi-user Detection (MUD) schemes. Cross-layered type-II DC H-ARQ schemes reuse failed packet transmissions to enhance data reception on posterior retransmissions; MUD schemes reuse data information from previously collided packets on posterior retransmissions to enhance data reception. For a multipath dispersive channel, a PHY layer analytical model is proposed for Single-Carrier with Frequency Domain Equalization (SC-FDE) that supports DC H-ARQ and MUD. Based on this analytical model, three PHY-MAC protocols are proposed. A crosslayered Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) scheme that uses DC H-ARQ is modeled and its performance is studied in this document; the performance analysis shows that the scheme performs better with DC and achieves a better energy efficiency at the cost of a higher delay. A novel cross-layered prefix-assisted Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) scheme is proposed and modeled in this document, it uses principles of DC and MUD. This protocol performs better by means of additional retransmissions, achieving better energy efficiency, at the cost of higher redundancy from a code spreading gain. Finally, a novel cross-layered protocol H-ARQ Network Division Multiple Access (H-NDMA) is proposed and modeled, where the combination of DC H-ARQ and MUD is used with the intent of maximizing the system capacity with a lower delay; system results show that the proposed scheme achieves better energy efficiency and a better performance at the cost of a higher number of retransmissions. A comparison of the three cross-layered protocols is made, using the PHY analytical model, under normalized conditions using the same amount of maximum redundancy. Results show that the H-NDMA protocol, in general, obtains the best results, achieving a good performance and a good energy efficiency for a high channel load and low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). TDMA with DC H-ARQ achieves the best energy efficiency, although presenting the worst delay. Prefix-assisted DS-CDMA in the other hand shows good delay results but presents the worst throughput and energy efficiency